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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 05-03-2012, 04:03 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Must have different mindset and know their operation procedure before entering the pinoy pubs .

The few post above sums it up nicely .
Old 05-03-2012, 05:07 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

like somebody said, your objective is to maximise ROI, their objective too is to maximise their ROI too (effort vs $ made)

If you are not picking that up, no comments.
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Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 05-03-2012, 05:10 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by bignround View Post
....pinay gal please also remember they are here to work, whether they really fall for you or no just remember they are here to work.
They are here to make their bosses rich, so that they can start earning $ .. the slower they go, the lesser they get to earn $ within the 30 day SVP .. it is a terrible deal for them - feel sympathy ? stay away from the pinay bars ! is all I can say ..

You have to have a bit of cold heart to step in too ..
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Ups maybe delayed as my smart phone don't allow ups.
Old 05-03-2012, 10:42 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by CPVictim View Post
Wierd Experience of Cheating
Location : Peyton Place , Orchard Towers

Recently went to Peyton Place. Chose a sweet looking girl in hot pants, nice eyes, cute face and slim, sexy figure. She ordered a beer for $50. Was grinding, teasing etc. Asked me if I want to take her friend too but I rejected. So this friend didn't go far away but just sat alone in the vacant table next to us. After a while, both our drinks were roughly quarter finished. I noticed, the girl said a few words and signaled something to her friend with her hands. I couldn't make anything out. But instantaneously my girl became aggressively flirty. Pushed herself close to my body, pulled my hands to grab her butt, pulled my head to one side and gave me a sudden strong deep wet kiss with tongue lashing & deep suction that almost took me to heaven. I was just running out of breath a little and tilted my head back to normal position. Saw the friend reach very close to my table and could see though not very clearly she holding my girl's drink glass. Next thing I felt is another deep kiss from the girl and deep suction again. Went to heaven again. When I recovered and panting slightly, I said "Wow !! That was great". The girl said ..."Many more to come baby....Baby, can I order another drink ? I am so thirsty ba". I was a little surprised when I heard that as I had ordered her drink not long back and it was just only a quarter finished. But when I saw her glass and the bottle, there was not a drop left !! Shocked...How could it all disappear in a few seconds?
It took me not long to figure out that I was being scammed. The friend sitting close to us was intentionally positioned for helping her friend get rid of the beer in a split second while I was being distracted with "send to heaven kisses".

Naturally I rejected her offer. Never mentioned to her what I suspected. She asked a few times but I said "later". She immediately cleared the empty bottle and glass and went to put it back to the bar counter. Never saw her again and I was left all alone even without a polite goodbye. This girl is so mercenary.

For bros who want to avoid her, her name is Charm.
This place is full of cheaters.
Old 06-03-2012, 02:43 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by gradeaprick View Post

Bar One 12 am to 0100 am : Recommended by our friend "Chubby". Think it starts with a J. It was on the 2nd level , just next to the bridge connecting to the carpark I believe. He was a regular here.Told us that lds would only set us back 20 bucks, but there was a catch, we would have to compromise on the looks department.
Starts with a P, not a J. Same place as I recently reported on. Fair assessment.
Old 06-03-2012, 10:27 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl


"nowadays pinoys/pinays are everywhere...hard not to pick up their culture/food...i grown a fondness for their food...especially sisig, liempo, kare kare...funny thing is so far, most of the filipino girls i asked to go out acutally PREFER japanese regular girl used to say she prefers other food as they cook pinoy food usually when they wake up at lunchtime so she is sick of eating same thing..."

Unless they were Jepun Yuki before, they will take raw food. So, your taste is 1 cut above. If not, they will just go for Bento at best.

Sick of pinas food ??? is like telling you they dont take Fish Sauces and rice, I think its more like taking photo of the meal and post it on their face book.

Bro etsys, why lose your cool over green horns like that, have we not seen enough of these green horns ??
Old 06-03-2012, 10:19 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Its so demoralizing being moderated I swear, so all brothers if you do find my FRs useful, throw a bone this way and help out a brother with his rep points so I can get out of moderation quicker.

Anyways to continue my FR on my little trip to OT , last weekend.

Bar Two 0100 am to 0430 am : Decided to head back to the same place, All black bar, 3rd level.One of my buddies had already barfined a girl two nights prior to our outing, and he had been telling me over the week, how the girl had pretty much fallen for him and shit, and it all seemed genuine, I doubt that shit, for while it was pretty much his first time, I've been having my share of bargirl fun since my Ns days, and girls like these are just viewed as ez-links to me, tap and go, tap and go.

Normal procedure, went in bought ourselves a bottle of heineken each,ladies drink for San Miguel light is the usual 50 bucks, but this time other than my friend, the two of us had different girls to entertain us for the night,was pretty packed that saturday night but managed to get us a table near the back.

My buddys new "girlfriend" pretty much had a client in the VIP area, so he was just left alone to watch the other two of us have our fun, besides her dropping occasionally and making him out for a while and then telling him to better not be talking to any other girl there.

Fun was pretty quick to start the moment we bought them their first drink of the night,each time we go there, i'm pretty much the wing man to get things started.Told the chick my friend was with that I heard pinays were good kissers but i was skeptical, which she then proceeded to give me a full on show making out with my friend, so much tongue meat, so much tongue meat. lol. I noticed one of the girls had a tattoo, so i asked if that was the only one she had, soon she stood up on the chair lifted up her dress, and just above her leopard panties was this little fairy looking thing, and her friend not wanting to lose out, too lifted her dress in full view for all of us to see.So there I was seated with this sexy lbfm having her pussy shoved in my face, in full view of everyone in the bar, and I knew it was going to be another good night.

I then told my friends girl. that she seemed wild now, but I didnt really believe she was that wild in bed, feeling insulted by the challenge she then took her beer bottle and showed me her deepthroating skills which actually had me impressed, she had taken pretty much half the bottle down her throat,my chick then proceeded to tell me that she was a really good sucker,and that she and her had once taken on a threesome together blowing some angmoh dude , and that she had licked her good till she had an orgasm, so if you're gonna do a pinay threesome, my best bet would be this two chicks. His chick was named Red and mine was Azimie or something. but of course I had to play it cool upon hearing all this, unlike my chubby friend who basically has his jaw to the floor at this point.

Since I had invited him, I had to make sure he had a great night out, and so an lovebite challenge was issued, and the prick left with lovebites on his neck and chest area.During this time he had a smile on, the type of smile you could only find on kids in a candy store, having boobs shoved in his face, having a hot pinay telling him to suck her nipples harder and obviously hunting for wet treasures under her dress with his fingers.

Unlike the other chick my friend and i had experienced, this one wasn't cool with me taking videos of any sort, however she did take many photos of herself and my chick with my phone.Dunno about uploading them pictures here though for reference for future bros, advice would be good, me being new and all.That way, when you guys head down you know who to look for and not have to be asking around and shit.

Unfortunately there was some drama, as my friends "girlfriend" caught him talking to this other wild chick we both knew, and cut the story short, she was crying outside the bloody bar and screaming at me demanding to know why my friend was being such a jerk to her. FML.

Deciding to not create a bigger scene we all left for Ipanema. Awesome place, with all sorts of girls from all over i believe. In the one hour I was there, i had 2 hot cambodian girls chat us up, a couple of really hot thai chicks, and one PRC chick, asking where i was from, and when i told her singapore, asked if i could speak CHINA, and when i said erm, not really. She said "You singapore how come you cannot speak CHINA." Of course she meant chinese, but my mandarin skills are enough to make an ahbeng wanna slap me.

Stayed there for about an hour, we paid 11 bucks a for glass of tiger each to get in, but the live band was really awesome, and i would have not minded paying double just for the music alone, the girls were indeed the prettiest i had seen in OT, so will definitely head back again sometime next week to see the kind of fun we can score there.

Parting note : Personally i feel its worked best for me when you have thought of some gameplan ahead of heading for such bars, and know what you're looking for. If you're looking for an investment there, or a long term FB, personally I feel its worked when you just behave like a gentleman, its not rocket science to figure out that in such a bar, so many men come to get value for their money spent, and by doing the little things, like treating her like a lady, offering her a seat, opening the door/exit of the club or smoking room, and not being too touchy, and by pretending to be shy and shit, basically playing the "I don't really come to such places but im here because of my friends" kinda game, and soon she'll just think ure the rose among the thorns, that one man who's different, but of course you must be able to read the girl , if she is a money swindling devil woman, or a girl generally really in hardship, play it well of course if you have some pua skills ,and it has worked very well to my advantage in the past but of course it takes experience to know about the type of chick you are dealing with

But now I just make it clear, its pure business transactions, and I dont falsify any promises to the girl to make her my bar girlfriend and what not, and that way Im able to return each time and take on a new chick without getting drama or deathstares from the previous chick i was with.

Thanks for reading . Cheers.
Old 06-03-2012, 11:47 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

im new to pinoy pub and im still working vv hard reading the threads..!

dont mind me asking...smoky joint means...?
Old 07-03-2012, 04:27 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by gradeaprick View Post
Its so demoralizing being moderated I swear, so all brothers if you do find my FRs useful, throw a bone this way and help out a brother with his rep points so I can get out of moderation quicker.

Anyways to continue my FR on my little trip to OT , last weekend....

two chicks. His chick was named Red and mine was Azimie or something.
Your report's great! Keep up the good work buddy!

Promise you my 2 pts by tomorrow when i can do it again.

Btw, this Red u mentioned seems familiar, let me PM u the pic and tell me if its the same one you're refering too aite..
Life is short, live it long..
Old 07-03-2012, 04:51 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by someonesbf View Post
im new to pinoy pub and im still working vv hard reading the threads..!

dont mind me asking...smoky joint means...?
budder try harder will you?
Old 07-03-2012, 05:13 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by someonesbf View Post
im new to pinoy pub and im still working vv hard reading the threads..!

dont mind me asking...smoky joint means...?
It basically refers to a pinoy joint in SG..
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Old 07-03-2012, 01:50 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Gradeaprick - Nice FR brudder. Up you 6 pts!
Old 07-03-2012, 03:20 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
Your report's great! Keep up the good work buddy!

Promise you my 2 pts by tomorrow when i can do it again.

Btw, this Red u mentioned seems familiar, let me PM u the pic and tell me if its the same one you're refering too aite..
Thanks bro, yeah i had a look at the photo you sent me, its the same chick, ill find time to upload the photos from my phone soon and send the pic of the other chick to you, so next time you have a little more what i like to call Secured Variety.
Old 07-03-2012, 03:21 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by inluv07 View Post
Gradeaprick - Nice FR brudder. Up you 6 pts!
Thanks bro, that's the kind of welcome a guy needs around here, if we ever hang in ot, you got a beer on me man. cheers.
Old 07-03-2012, 03:54 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl


Nice FR will up you when recovered
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