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Old 06-06-2013, 11:04 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Continuation of my original post, as I'm under moderation.

PZL girls

I’ve always had great luck with women… (Why am I in CP then you ask? Good question… haha)

Did the normal thing and went to PZL everyday… 2nd time I was there, one of the tea girls straight up asked me for my Wechat. One thing led to another and I was on a date with her. First date, I paid 900 to buy her out whole day. We did local things, parks, shows, etc. But, didn’t end up in bed with her. She kept saying she’s not that kind of girl. No problem, I respect that. Kinda. 2nd date, bought her out for half day and more normal dating. Now, I know I’m most likely not getting any but still, a bit infatuated with her I admit. 3rd day she had day off so no need to buy her out. We went out to some big lake about 40 minds driving from CP. Fun day. Ended up making out with her and touching but again, no going to bed. Fuck. I get the feeling she may actually be a good girl and doesn’t want to get hurt by a playboy like myself. Anyhow, most PZL girls seem open to going out but probably not sleeping with you. YMMV. One note: she did help me a ton in getting some gifts I wanted to bring back to the states, getting me free acupuncture at a friend’s, and basically showing me the best places to eat. Overall a great experience. I kept her contact of course. Will try again next time.
Perhaps bad luck but I didn’t get hooked up with any footie girls that were my type… some expressed interest in being friends with me but… I wasn’t interested. End of story.

Shopping Malls

In the course of my shopping, I’ve had the good fortune of running into quite a few hotties! Most I didn’t try to ask out but I got quite a few numbers, of which one was a huge success. And, I didn’t even have to pay her. My memo was basically to talk about life in the US, the strains of starting a new company, etc. etc. Soon, we’re planning a trip to the movies and trying out restaurants. Now, I’m well aware that she’s using me as much as I’m using her. My cost was pretty much 140 rmb dinner, 60 rmb movies, 72 rmb chocolates as a gift to her, and 30rmb taxi rides. She used to be a model too… 2 inches taller than me without heels and damn good time that night. YMMV bros.
Old 06-06-2013, 11:05 AM
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Re: Events In CP


I flew into HK Airport at 2am from the USA… took the N11 bus 31 HKD (exact change only) (A11 during day time) to Macau ferry terminal. 184 HKD ferry fee to Macau. Gambled a few hours and then took casino bus (free) to Border Gate crossing into Gongbei. From Gongbei, 90rmb train to Guangzhou for a meeting before taking another train 60rmb to Dongguan Train Station. Found out later that if I were to skip Guangzhou, I could take the HUIMEI hotel bus to CP (I took this bus from CP to GongBei Port for 88rmb). This bus leaves CP around 6-7 times daily.

Taxis range from 10rmb to 25rmb. Most times, they quote me a flat fee of 15rmb. My girl would, of course, then bargain that down to 10. Whenever I was with a girl, most I paid was 15rmb. Alone, I pay 20rmb lol.
From Walter or Xiong Shi, I can walk to PZL, Virgin Sauna, Huimei, bunch of food places. Decent location to stay. Cost of hotel was 370 Thurs/Fri/Sat and 340 Sun/Mon/Tues/Wed for Walter. At Xiong Shi, I sweet talked a receptionist girl who hooked it up for 220 nightly. Walter was better accommodations but I gladly sacrifice that for an additional KTV night for free haha=P.

Money Changing

I noticed an interesting discrepancy… ATM machines in CP only go up to 2000-3000 rmb per transaction. My US bank charges me $5 USD per transaction at the ATM. It is in my best interest to take out as much per ATM transaction as possible. Thus, it is a bad deal to use ATMs in CP. Instead, I used ATMs in Hong Kong (take up to 20,000 HKD in one shot at around currency spot rates). For my US bros, HK conversion at 7.7616 at ATMs and China RMB in CP at 6.135 but only up to 3000 rmb (some machines only 2000). Furthermore, I found that converting from US dollars cash to Yuan at Zhuhai was at ~6.1 effective rate whereas converting HKD to RMB gave me a USD equivalent of almost 6.14. Conclusion: Don’t convert USD to RMB. Go USD to HKD then HKD to RMB. My 2 cents… may not apply in the future.
Old 06-06-2013, 11:05 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Last continuation... please up my points if you found these posts useful. If not, please let me know how I can better contribute as a new member.


CP is not cheap. I can get 2 hours with a hot SYT in Jakarta for ~$35 USD whereas in CP it’s $140 USD. HOWEVER, if you like fair skinned Chinese girls… nothing beats CP. I’m going to outline the budget I used for this trip.
KTV cost (to agent/drinking fees): 350-450rmb
KTV girl all night: 1100-1500rmb
Supper for yourself and KTV girl: 100-150rmb
Taxi: 30-40rmb daily
Hotel: 350rmb
PZL or any massage: 120-180rmb
Food: 100-150rmb
Without going to a BBS or Sauna, it’s 2150-2820rmb daily. If you go to a sauna, budget ~700-900rmb in my opinion. Some classes are higher in price though. BBS are definitely cheaper at 200 one shot and 600 whole night.

Conclusion: easy to go broke playing at $350-$500USD daily… thus, good idea to try to local non working girls and see if you get lucky. At my age, it isn’t just about sex. Having the emotional connection made it much more fun.

LAST NOTE: Please do not ask me for identities of the girls I’ve been with, and definitely not that one I took out 6x. Not sure if there is a romance budding but it’s a possibility. However, as bros have cautioned, I’m taking everything she says with a grain of salt. I’m back in the states now and she messages me all the time. Surprisingly, our conversations have depth. Who would’ve guessed right?

Any bros have questions, etc. Do contact me. I’m VERY likely going back to CP in a week or so for another 2 weeks so anyone wants to meet up, PM me. CP is definitely the most fun place I’ve ever cheonged at.
Old 06-06-2013, 11:07 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Happy Birthday FGG! Are u in CP?
Old 06-06-2013, 11:19 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
Taikor FGG .....

Happy 26th Birthday to you ......

Wishing you many happys return bonk in CP ....

Thanks bro.... if me still 26 yo....really no need go CP for the mms .....

Originally Posted by soundguy View Post
Happy Birthday FGG! Are u in CP?
thanks bro... was planning to celebrate my BD in CP ..... something comes up and now stuck in LA .....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 06-06-2013, 11:27 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Hey guys
Thinking of hitting virgin spa

Any FR on this place and the opening/closing hours? Cheers
Was @ Virgin twice last week... went in once at 1am... 3 am closing time I believe. 1130am opening but not many girls. Decent choice of girls overall... I was shown 2 categories 400 and 500. 320 for room if you don't call ahead. Call ahead and there's a 40 discount. Sauna at 3rd floor with rooms on 4th I think. Pretty decent experience overall. Recommend.
Old 06-06-2013, 12:01 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post

thanks bro... was planning to celebrate my BD in CP ..... something comes up and now stuck in LA .....
I'm sure your soul and spirit is some where around in CP... hahhahah

Happy Birthday.
Old 06-06-2013, 12:48 PM
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Sauna Opening Hours

Originally Posted by ahpui99 View Post
Any FR on this place and the opening/closing hours?
Saunas typically open at 12:00hrs and close (last order) at 03:00-04:00hrs.

Lesser stocks available during opening and closing hours.
Old 06-06-2013, 12:54 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
I'm sure your soul and spirit is some where around in CP... hahhahah

Happy Birthday.
thank you Joe ...
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 06-06-2013, 01:04 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by feigohgoh View Post
thanks bro.... If me still 26 yo....really no need go cp for the mms ..... :d

thanks bro... Was planning to celebrate my bd in cp ..... Something comes up and now stuck in la .....
年年26 。。。。。。
当年的老爷 现在 快乐的自己
Old 06-06-2013, 03:52 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Anyone partying in CP on Saturday? Please pm, hope to join in with another bro.

Old 06-06-2013, 04:04 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by CaliDannyBoy View Post
Last continuation... please up my points if you found these posts useful. If not, please let me know how I can better contribute as a new member.


CP is not cheap. I can get 2 hours with a hot SYT in Jakarta for ~$35 USD whereas in CP it’s $140 USD. HOWEVER, if you like fair skinned Chinese girls… nothing beats CP. I’m going to outline the budget I used for this trip.
KTV cost (to agent/drinking fees): 350-450rmb
KTV girl all night: 1100-1500rmb
Supper for yourself and KTV girl: 100-150rmb
Taxi: 30-40rmb daily
Hotel: 350rmb
PZL or any massage: 120-180rmb
Food: 100-150rmb
Without going to a BBS or Sauna, it’s 2150-2820rmb daily. If you go to a sauna, budget ~700-900rmb in my opinion. Some classes are higher in price though. BBS are definitely cheaper at 200 one shot and 600 whole night.

Conclusion: easy to go broke playing at $350-$500USD daily… thus, good idea to try to local non working girls and see if you get lucky. At my age, it isn’t just about sex. Having the emotional connection made it much more fun.

LAST NOTE: Please do not ask me for identities of the girls I’ve been with, and definitely not that one I took out 6x. Not sure if there is a romance budding but it’s a possibility. However, as bros have cautioned, I’m taking everything she says with a grain of salt. I’m back in the states now and she messages me all the time. Surprisingly, our conversations have depth. Who would’ve guessed right?

Any bros have questions, etc. Do contact me. I’m VERY likely going back to CP in a week or so for another 2 weeks so anyone wants to meet up, PM me. CP is definitely the most fun place I’ve ever cheonged at.
Nice FR, look's like your quite a looker then or a fantastic honey talker.

Up you, maybe we can party in CP together one day.
Old 06-06-2013, 04:23 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by wonderguy View Post
Nice FR, look's like your quite a looker then or a fantastic honey talker.

Up you, maybe we can party in CP together one day.
Definitely not a looker, I'm like a teddy bear. BUT, being in sales for a decade can do wonders for the honey talking=).

Anyhow, awesome trip. Let's party. Will be in town June 11 onwards till month's end.
Old 06-06-2013, 08:17 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by CaliDannyBoy View Post

Conclusion: easy to go broke playing at $350-$500USD daily… thus, good idea to try to local non working girls and see if you get lucky. At my age, it isn’t just about sex. Having the emotional connection made it much more fun.

By the way as you might know the cost of living there was not cheap, so the non working girls, just like sauna, ktv or pzl mms, have to work high number of hours per week to cover the cost of living and they also have few off days. so in order to have fun, you might have to end up compensate them therefore paying roughly the same amount. Emotional connection does sometimes cost more ;p

Last edited by sheridan; 06-06-2013 at 08:31 PM.
Old 06-06-2013, 10:12 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by CaliDannyBoy View Post
Last continuation... please up my points if you found these posts useful. If not, please let me know how I can better contribute as a new member.


CP is not cheap. I can get 2 hours with a hot SYT in Jakarta for ~$35 USD whereas in CP it’s $140 USD. HOWEVER, if you like fair skinned Chinese girls… nothing beats CP. I’m going to outline the budget I used for this trip.
KTV cost (to agent/drinking fees): 350-450rmb
KTV girl all night: 1100-1500rmb
Supper for yourself and KTV girl: 100-150rmb
Taxi: 30-40rmb daily
Hotel: 350rmb
PZL or any massage: 120-180rmb
Food: 100-150rmb
Without going to a BBS or Sauna, it’s 2150-2820rmb daily. If you go to a sauna, budget ~700-900rmb in my opinion. Some classes are higher in price though. BBS are definitely cheaper at 200 one shot and 600 whole night.

Conclusion: easy to go broke playing at $350-$500USD daily… thus, good idea to try to local non working girls and see if you get lucky. At my age, it isn’t just about sex. Having the emotional connection made it much more fun.

Don't post often, but I can provide some additional costing info..

I just got back last night from a 8-day/ 7-night outing covering CP-Dihao, Houjie, Changan-DFML, Shunde, CP- MF & OY circuit (total 5 ktv outings & 2 rest nights), with a guide and van thrown in for transportation. Lunch and dinners were at higher-end restaurants because all 5 in our group are debauchers cum foodies too (pun intended!).

For the entire trip excluding 7 nights' hotel room charges which were charged to personal credit card, my personal total cash expenditure for wine (whisky- hard drinkers), women (single take-home overniter) & song (plus rmb500 for some clothing), totaled definitely not cheap at all..BUT the fun factor was 8/10 for sure!!

The guide's charges for Guangzhou pick-up and send-off including all local transport, on-call day & night was 7k for 8d/7nts.

The same kind of fun in BKK would prolly be about 30-40% cheaper.
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