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Old 05-12-2005, 03:05 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by bangkoktonight
suteerak got a new supporter......
is it? which part of his post indicates he's my supporter huh? besides, this is just a forum leh, not some kind of general election campaign exercise leh... lol
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

a beauty; a blessing... a pauper; a curse... a beautiful impecunious; not sure if its a blessing or a curse
Old 05-12-2005, 04:13 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
I also find it very ironical that you were minding someone else's business and another person comes in to tell you to mind your own business. How do you say it? The pot calling the kettle black? or something like that?

By the way, I like to mind other people's business too leh... like now lah..

Tee Vee
No mah, I wun tell others to mind their own business, since I like to "mind their business".

So how can pot call kettle black? Unless I tell others to mind their own business and I mind their business then like dat called pot calling kettle black.

Now its like tongue twister.


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Old 05-12-2005, 04:19 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
bro, my exact sentiments as per some of my correspondences with him in the recent past (or shall i say in the last yr - since 05 is coming to a close).

its a forum, we're all entitled to share our opinions here. somehow, some just continue to see things in light that we're being advocators and encouragers for tirakship. for that, these fellas just come wave after wave repeating themselves, drawing baseless/groundless conclusive remarks on those who share.

for some wierd reason(s), they have the tendency of directly/indirectly trying to dictate how others should run their lives. unknowingly/subconsciously display their "mr been there done that" enthics, and in turn claim they're just being kind to share, to regurgitate their ingestions.
am not much of a laujiao here, had my fair share of rebutals, conflicts, debates on the tirak issues. i mean nothing malicious, but i've also 4 words for you: get used to it...
So how has the membership of Tirakship with a WL Support Group been going on? I must admit u as the CEO has been doing a GREAT GREAT job.

If u think good advice is like dictating others on how to run their lives, one day, please do the same like what you are doing now if your son falls in love with a cat40.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

Men will only be troubled by 2 issues.
1 is Money, 2 is Women.
When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men...

Old 05-12-2005, 04:20 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
is it? which part of his post indicates he's my supporter huh? besides, this is just a forum leh, not some kind of general election campaign exercise leh... lol
so why did you give him 2 points? lol
Old 05-12-2005, 07:00 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
many thanx to the silent supporters who've come to my aid in the recent chain of events....kudos to all you fellas... will return the favor in due time. cheers! .
By the way, I like the phrase in your signature.... shows you know how to appreciate and return favors... that's very good.

Also by the way, til now haven't finished returning meh????

Tee Vee
Old 05-12-2005, 09:18 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Ai ya wan to post post lah.
How does sc posting or others here stop anyone frm posting?Jun also come here post and share.Learn frm the great one.everyone post then got story.

How?when the tatics of romancing starting?I wan to learn also.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 06-12-2005, 04:48 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

There was actually genuine discussion on the pages 57/58 between me and bangkoktonight about how to plan for his next outing with his tirak. This can be found between post #852 and #857.

Unfortunately, most samsters didnt get a chance to also read it and give their own alternative suggestions for his outing. This was because of all the irrelevant discussions going on like "property lobangs". I believe without all the distractions, everyone would have chipped in and contributed more advice on his outing with a before-and-after outing post mortem.

The purpose of this thread is for those who have fallen in love for WL as well as others that want to romance them, for other reasons. But don't get the idea this is a thread for samsters that want to con WL.

We share the Customer's version of KC tricks to play on WL as well as suggestions that help make outings with WL more meaningful and make customer and WL bond more, like interesting places to bring WL in SG etc.

This can be used by a samster to help further develop his relationship with WL as well as gain her trust, eventually reaching tirak status. How you go from there is up to the samster then, for sincere reasons or ulterior ones.

I started out not knowing about tirakship so I pursused it alone and started this thread for advice. My tirak has ORDed liao. I queue up at the public phone shared by sri lankan construction workersd to call her back twice a week. The time we had her was memorable and fun. Btw, I didnt get burnt.

This thread helped me overcome insecurities and clear up doubts. The samsters that adviced me in the initial stages were most helpful. I hope to help the other samsters that come to this thread now the same way in the pursure of their relationships.

Thats why I got a little posessive of the subject scope when it got really, really off-topic and irrelevant. We've minding our own business here amidst all the irrelevant discussions but the frequency of them disrupt the flow of ideas and advise.

Anyway, I'm at a hotel business center now and my free access is running out. Hopefully, the tirakship tactics and schemes will continue.

To samsters interested in the original cause of this thread, please contribute again.
Old 06-12-2005, 10:03 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
This thread helped me overcome insecurities and clear up doubts. The samsters that adviced me in the initial stages were most helpful.
SAM said before - advice is a noun (名词); advise is a verb (动词)


Old 06-12-2005, 10:07 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by The_Unrepentant
How?when the tatics of romancing starting?I wan to learn also.
Professor wan to learn? nbzz I thot you know EVERYTHING.
ok lah, I titch u lah .. S$300/= per 3 hour session (must tranfer $ to my a/c 1st) ... ai mai?


Old 06-12-2005, 10:12 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by bangkoktonight
When i sent my tirak back to bkk, she told me her friend will be coming to GM disco to work. Showed me her friends pic....sibeh chio leh....dunno if I should go down to romance her friend behind my tirak's back.....

I heard GM disco also got such thing as Lady drink..hmmm
GM disco always got fight 1, dun go lah. Bring your tirak's gal fren go Paddy Feels to savour authentic Thai cuisine, after the fine dining she sure agree to go 嘿 咻~嘿 咻~ ...


Old 06-12-2005, 10:25 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Wah, Monday Morning liao, hahaha, u getting pissed?

So how, u want me to do a banner, promotion flyers for you to distribute around for advocating tirakship with a prostitute?

SC, you see lah, you kena flamed for being 自以为是
But I still support your thesis leh .... wahahaha


Old 06-12-2005, 10:40 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
So what are the dangers u know of?
know dangers also lan lan; some lau uncles above 60 y.o. liao see 28 y.o. bak bakTKB (Tiong Kok Bu aka CKMM - this 1 E8 Food Hse tau kay teach me 1 .. hehe) also hand over his hard earn money of S$86,000.00. Ah Lau eat salt more than we eat rice, he also kena leh ...

Maybe the thread starter should conduct lessons on
--- "Bahaya! Orang Tua Sila Ambil Perhatian" ---
--- "危险! 阿佬请注意" ---
--- "Dangers! All Ah Laus Beware" ---


Old 06-12-2005, 10:58 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by DNAT
know dangers also lan lan; some lau uncles above 60 y.o. liao see 28 y.o. bak bakTKB (Tiong Kok Bu aka CKMM - this 1 E8 Food Hse tau kay teach me 1 .. hehe) also hand over his hard earn money of S$86,000.00. Ah Lau eat salt more than we eat rice, he also kena leh ...

Maybe the thread starter should conduct lessons on
--- "Bahaya! Orang Tua Sila Ambil Perhatian" ---
--- "危险! 阿佬请注意" ---
--- "Dangers! All Ah Laus Beware" ---
Sidetrack a bit ... ... 29yo fella also ... He gave the gal more than he earns.
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
Old 06-12-2005, 11:53 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by meatlover
Sidetrack a bit ... ... 29yo fella also ... He gave the gal more than he earns.
haizzz...moral of the story....dont ever fall in love with them...
however, can always romance them and make them fall in love with you...
Old 06-12-2005, 11:57 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by bangkoktonight
haizzz...moral of the story....dont ever fall in love with them...
Absolutely, once one falls head over heels over them ---> No return liao. Sighz.
Originally Posted by bangkoktonight
however, can always romance them and make them fall in love with you...
This, I still need your guidance.
ML: I like you style
CB: Really?! What style?
ML: Doggie style!
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