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Re: My Fillial Daughter
I'll have to agree with Siamcutey that money cannot buy true love.
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Re: My Fillial Daughter
-- Phom poot thai mai dai ![]() |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
Disclaimer,Not written by me,read somewhere from net
"Sometime Love Just Ain't Enough" When my friend asked me to write something for Valentine, I was totally lost--didn't know what (the heck) to write! Then my friend kinda helped me out by suggesting that I could write about long distance relationship since I'm one of those people who have one myself. Hmm, I thought, not a bad idea. But now that I'm sitting and typing this, it begins to seem like a bad idea (Gor~ mun mai' roo~ ja kien arai ni wa'!!!). Anyhow, lemme see what I can share with you guys about this long distance relationship thingy. Let's start with the technical side of it then. If you feel sleepy, it's high time you get some caffeine boost now, because you might not even last through this part! Ok...all set? Let's go... As with all relationships, this long distance one obviously has both positive and negative points. Most people can probably think of many drawbacks--how torturing it is not to be able to spend time with each other, how hard it is to "stay tune" with each other while being so far away, how difficult it is to live and deal with the doubts and uncertainty that always seem to come up, etc. Generally, we all can easily agree that long distance relationship does require a lot of effort--yep, love alone just ain't enough dude! You need to have trust, faith, confidence, and loyalty on the side (though I strongly suggest that love should be the main dish--now imagine what will be the main dish if love is just the appetizer?!? Hahaha...you know what I mean!). Because you and your "special someone" will be distant, you have to find a way to still be in each other's life, and you know, you don't have to be physically present to do that. There is such thing called telephone, and in most cases, daily phone calls work really really well (though your wallet may be badly injured, but I'm sure it's gonna be worth it--if that other person is not worth it, then why bother to even have this long relationship thing, huh? Logical logical.... But if the $$$ doesn't allow this, you need to go on a scavenger hunt for some other means of communication so you guys can keep in touch (which part to touch is up to your discretion! ) Now that cyberspace is hot, maybe keeping in touch via e-mail or through IRC will be cool. Whichever way you choose, bear in mind that it's absolutely necessary to stay in touch. You have to be there for the other person when he or she needs you, and I'm not saying that you have to ditch school to wait for his or her calls, though I must admit that would really be a good excuse Enough about keeping in touch...now comes the question most people probably have as far as long distance relationship is concerned. How much can I trust the other person since I don't know what he or she is up to? The answer is surprisingly very simple--you can't do anything much than to trust the other person. Of course, it's just a matter of luck too. If you get a good person, then that should pose no problem. If, however, God hates you and you run into a jerk (which is more likely than running into a cool guy!), then what the heck?? Game over, put in an extra quarter, and start a new game!!! But yes, trust is very very important. And you also have to be confident in the other person too that he or she will be what you expect him or her to be. Hey, warning warning...confidence and dream are too different things. You are confident in a person when you know enough about him or her to somewhat be sure that he or she won't cheat on you (well, at least not so fast...people do change...sad but true guys...But if you get the signs that your once-cool guy or gal is now about to transform into a jerk, then decide for yourself what you wanna do. One quick tip here--always think about killing the other party first before you think about killing yourself! As long as you still breath, the game is not over...the soap opera (or is it just the show?) must go on... Now what next? Oh yeah...how to deal with the pain of not being able to stay together and be with each other? Hmm...once again, I have an easy solution on hand...nai' mue' tum arai mai' dai~...gor tum jai la gun na ja kon geng'...Be a strong girl or boy (or whatever you prefer to be!), and live with it. If it's meant to be, you guys will surely meet someday. But talking on the phone daily or as often as you can will hel you deal with this problem. Like Richard Marx said, "I hear your voice on the line, but it doesn't stop the pain." Yeah, heck, it surely doesn't stop the pain, but it does ease the pain a bit...(sort of like morphine! :So if you are having or thinking about having a long distance relationship, maybe you can swap your national anthem for Richard Marx's song "Right Here Waiting"--seems to fit in neatly with out topic here... Since I have been discussing about the negative points, let's not forget to talk about the positive things that come with long distance relationship...(now c'mon...I know there has to be some...why can't I think of any?!? Nahhh...mee si...mee dee dee yer' loey. Well, what can be more special than that supercool feeling of knowing that you have someone to care, to miss, to bitch at (this is optional), and to simply think of. And probably you guys will learn to value each other more since you know how much effort it takes to make your relationship last. Knowing also that you are always there for each other even though you are so far apart will also bring you closer together. Of course, this might not always be the case, but I'm talking about cases where it's successful. Though the chances are slightly less that long distance relationship will be satisfying (that is, compared to the normal, meet-you-everyday-until-I-get-sick-of-your-face relationship!), but if you think your special someone is worth a shot...why hesitate? Put on gear five and head on, dude! Way to go... Hmm...look to me like what needs to be said has been said (man, cool sentence, huh?!?). How can I end this thing here? Ok...let's see...those of you who have love, secure it and make it last...and for those of you who don't have love as yet, never lose hope... I'm able to write this whole thing, because I'm fortunate enough to have a really cool "special someone" to share this long distance relationship experience with. And to that "special someone" in NC, I just wanna say... Written by that cute girl in Oregon..
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Re: My Fillial Daughter
Of course the girl will say she loves you ( in many cases for the sake of money). But I believe no matter how good a girl is in acting, always observe the eyes. Shifty eyes tells you what they are saying is not true. When one realises that the girl don't love them, will they still commit themselves to the relationship. In many cases they will. So the question you need to ask back yourself is whether you will spend the money on the girl and her family when you realise that the girl has no love for you. For me I know I will not spend the money anymore and will just leave the girl. My own viewpoint: Why did God create allow many women in this world. He's telling us that if A cannot, go for B. If B cannot, go for C. He is giving us choices. ![]() Lastly love can be "bought". Sad but true. To some it will seem as meaningless and hollow victory. But to such people, a victory is a victory. They don't care how they win it. SC
Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies. Men will only be troubled by 2 issues. 1 is Money, 2 is Women. When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men... |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
I beg to differ regarding the eyes. I myself has been trained so well that I can cry this moment talking to a lady and the next moment I am with another girl. Of course, this is after what so many girls did to me that I became immune and eventually a robot without feelings. My heart has turned to stone but has recently been melted by a girl with 'your description of the eyes which r filled with love'. In the past, the eyes she look at me filled with love but I found out next minute she still in contact with her other tiraks. Tell me how to differentiate. I really am unable to do so. I hope i am not led on again this time. My personal experience is if she likes u, she will not want u to spend money seeing her. She will prefer to go out with u. She will think for u and not anyhow spend your money. ![]() Quote:
Re: My Fillial Daughter
True that money cannot buy love but nagging at a girl and telling her that you love her all the time doesnt really help either. it takes two hands to clap. many girls know the feeling of intimacy and differentiate this feeling into two forms: intimacy as in human to human feel, intimacy as in knowing that you are sharing feelings with the one you love. that's why a great question to ask open minded girls and WLs is: will you make love with a friend? it tells you a lot about yourself (because you may be jumping into a judgemental position), the girl, understanding women in general. |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
Mindset of a Thai is very different from the mindset of a Chinese. Teaching her to think like us is quite tough if she is quite stuborn.
The Spirit of Sharing Too many pussies, so little time & $$$, and only 1 dick, so share your FRs |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
any help is much appriciated............. ![]() |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
If no, then what's the difference? There are some things that a girl will do for her faen, but not for a friend. You have to use your eyes to see & not just rush in with your heart. If a girl really loves you, she will shows it by action rather than just saying "I Love You's" all the time, & not doing anything. Let time tell.
The Spirit of Sharing Too many pussies, so little time & $$$, and only 1 dick, so share your FRs |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
hahaha SC
Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies. Men will only be troubled by 2 issues. 1 is Money, 2 is Women. When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men... |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies. Men will only be troubled by 2 issues. 1 is Money, 2 is Women. When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men... |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
Read somewhere that being a WL is just another job for them as compared to other normal jobs. Wonder how come they have this misconception?
Got to know some WLs as well. They know they want to quit or rather procrastinate about it, but unwilling to do so at a fast rate. What goes on in their brains besides THE FAMILY & the decrease in income?
The Spirit of Sharing Too many pussies, so little time & $$$, and only 1 dick, so share your FRs |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
Read the last few pages came to understand that this GT or KC issue seems to be more of a social issue. What men cannot find in Singapore seems to be abundance in Thai gals, their upbringing and culture make them to be more family oriented, to lay their souls for their love ones but not so in Singapore. Hence all these make us yearn for these affections that we are deprive of, as the road runs on, more problems arise.
Re: My Fillial Daughter
In year 2003, I was in Watana. My ex-tirak already in England. Her sister whom I didn't see in 2 years happens to work in Watana as a receptionsit. Didn't talk much cos I was with another tirak. We happen to talk quite a bit. Told me she works in Watana so as to earn some money to learn English. Ask me whether I can help her out. I said no problem. Bring me the form and I will go with her to the school and enrol her in. Nothing concrete happen eventually. And the last time I heard her phone call was this year 2004 June. She spoke to me in English while I spoke to her in Thai. I believed she was high on drugs. Why? Because she will only call me when she is high on drugs. kekeke. And she was supposedly in denmark making a phonecall to my singapore phone number. If I have a sister like her, what would I do? I don't know. What will you guys do if you have a sister like her? hahaha SC
Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies. Men will only be troubled by 2 issues. 1 is Money, 2 is Women. When these 2 issues combined together, it becomes the biggest problem encountered for Men... |
Re: My Fillial Daughter
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