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Old 12-11-2011, 02:43 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Thanks for all the support, bros.

Am afraid my weekend is going to be so busy that I won't have time to write. However, I also don't want to leave all of you with nothing.

So here's my confession. Even though this story is fictional, I have someone in mind as I write. Its someone I have known for some time. She's extremely virginal, and totally so fuckable that I always am frustrated at how she's out of reach for me. In some sense, I am William in this story.

So here's some pictures of her, so that you will know what I mean. Enjoy!
Old 12-11-2011, 03:05 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

she is a real beauty, have a nice weekend!
Old 13-11-2011, 11:32 PM
Thundrum Thundrum is offline
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Hi I silent reader for ur first thread n found it nice lor so I see ur link then come here to read also... Btw she is HOT. Great complexion n boobs
Old 14-11-2011, 04:25 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

When Pei Pei woke up the next morning, she felt something was very wrong. It wasn’t just a case of not having slept well, but it just felt very strange, But being still half a sleep, she just shrugged it off and started to get up. Feeling a sudden pain from her lower abdomen downwards, she panicked and realized that the source of the pain was coming from her groin. It felt positively sore, as if she had been having sex the whole night. She jumped out of bed, and lifted her negligee and pulled down her panties. Gingerly feeling at her vagina, she was horrified at how sore she felt. What was happening to her, she thought. I must have been again masturbating in my sleep, and look at what I did to myself! She turned back to the bed sheets, and noticed a few stain marks on them. Sitting back down on the bed, she was feeling very confused. If she hadn’t done this to herself, what had happened?

Was she raped????

She jumped up with a start and ran over to the door. Seeing that the door was well and secure, and that there was no sign of damage, she quickly dismissed the notion. After all, she thought, this was an expensive hotel with good security. And since she didn’t find herself naked and the room didn’t look ransacked, it wasn’t likely that she was raped. And if it had been an intruder, she surely would have woken up while being raped. The only explanation she could come up with was that she had really done this to herself.

She started running her hands through her hair at the confusion, and feeling so ashamed of herself. She had been brought up to be more proper than that. Yet here she was, all alone in a foreign country, and she was masturbating in her sleep. Blushing at how embarrassing the whole incident was, she felt at a loss of how to react to her own predicament. Taking a quick look at her clock, and realizing that she was about to run late, she pushed aside those thoughts, and went to shower. All of this, of course, was monitored and captured on camera by Clive. He loved how disheveled she looked when she got up, and that look of panic on her face when she realized something was wrong. It was even more exciting for him, seeing her dash to the door, then sit back on the bed with a look of absolute confusion, followed by the unmistakable look of guilt. He then spent the next ten minutes enjoying how she showered, her glorious body glistening from the hot water, and how she rubbed at herself vigorously, yet went so gently on her pussy. Evidently she was feeling rather sore from last night. Nevertheless, so far everything had gone off without a hitch for him, and he a part of him wondered if he should just stop here, and avoid the risk of getting caught, or of things going wrong.

After all, now that he had finally bedded the girl he had always thought was impossible to fuck, she was starting to lose a little of that irresistible appeal that she had. And the risk of things going wrong was actually very great. But staring at the screen of her almost perfect nude form, he also knew it was too good a chance to pass up, to conquer her, and totally break her so that he could own her.

Pei Pei was dressed immaculately as usual, but lacked the usual brightness in her smile and tone of voice. Clive took the opportunity to voice his concern, and half-heartedly blamed himself for having overworked her. She was grateful for his concern, but was a little too distracted to really pay much attention to him. In fact, she was so out of sorts that she realized she wasn’t really paying much attention to the conference, and eventually asked Clive if she could excuse herself for the rest of the day. Clive was a little undecided at first, since the more time she had to herself, the more time she would have to think through things. That would only increase the risk of her realizing something was not right. So the next best thing he could think of was to take her to a doctor. He insisted, despite her protests. In the end, she felt it would be easier to just accede to him, and so they went. The doctor prescribed rest, and gave her some medication that would help her sleep. Escorting her back to her room after that, he made sure she took her meds before leaving the room, telling her that he would check in on her when it was dinnertime.

This was unexpected, and it threw his plans a little into disarray. Feeling a little frustrated at the turn of events, he went back to his room to plot his next move.
Old 15-11-2011, 09:52 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Sorry bros. No time no time!

Here's some more pics of her.
Old 16-11-2011, 03:40 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

As it turned out, she slept the afternoon away and felt much better by dinnertime. He gave her a call at 6pm, and found that she was awake already. Turning on his cameras, he saw that she was dressed in the hotel robe, and had taken a shower already. Blast! He missed an opportunity to capture more footage. Consoling himself that he’s already got tonnes of good stuff, he observed her as she put her book down and walked over to the wardrobe. He activated his cameras just in time to catch her removing her robe, to reveal her svelte body, in a simple white bra and panties. She cut such a fantastic figure, with her hair falling over her shoulders! As she gave a stretch, raising both hands and arching her body slightly backwards, her superb figure was displayed to such devastating effect that Clive felt his dick tighten momentarily. He carried on watching her pick out a simple and modest cream-colored dress, and slipping it on. After that, she ran her hands over her hair a few times to smooth it out, and she was ready! It was amazing how effortless it was for her to look ever so pristine and exquisite. Knowing that she was waiting for him, he called her room once more, and told her to meet at the hotel lobby.

He met up with her, and asked if she felt better. As a matter of fact, she had slept very well after taking the doctor’s meds. After the sleep, she had woken up more refreshed, and she had decided to just forget about what had happened. There was no point dwelling on such a shameful incident, after all. It will be just three more days before she flies back to Singapore, and she will once again be back in Justin’s arms, and everything will feel right again. So she smiled at Clive with that bright smile of hers, thanked him for his concern, and said she felt much better. Clive was a little taken aback when she seemed to have recovered so well. That smile of hers, which always seemed to have an impact when it was unleashed on him, only made him more excited about being about to fuck her. Tonight would be the night, he told himself.

At dinner, he kept the conversation upbeat, and talked about the big projects that were upcoming in the company. Pei Pei listened to him, and wondered if she would be given a chance to manage one of these projects. There were one or two of them in particular that she was very keen on, since she felt that the connections she could establish through the project would be invaluable to her ambitions in the future of setting up her own firm. Clive knew from watching her that she had taken the bait. So halfway through the dinner, he had arranged for the waiter to bring out a bottle of champagne. Pei Pei was caught by total surprise, and for a moment didn’t know how to react. After all, the last time she had ever touched champagne was that fateful afternoon with Ming Qiang. She had always stayed away from it after that, since it would bring back memories of that afternoon. Before she could really think about what to say, or how to react, Clive told her that this was to celebrate her new promotion, which will be official once they return back to office in Singapore. “I’ve already done all the paperwork before I left, and I told my assistant to process it this afternoon while you were asleep. Congratulations, Pei Pei, you have more than earned this!”

Pei Pei, momentarily caught up in the elation of her promotion, forgot all about her reluctance. She had worked so hard these few years, and even on this trip she had been pushed hard by Clive to deliver, and she felt she had proven herself. This was what she had been hoping for, and the fact that her boss was nice enough to take her out to dinner and even throw a private celebration for her, was a little overwhelming. She thought to herself: “Clive has been such a nice guy. Surely there is nothing wrong with just a couple of glasses of champagne. After all, I’ve already come such a long way since that afternoon, and my alcohol tolerance is much better now. I should just celebrate tonight, and enjoy my success!” With that, she accepted the glass from Clive, and downed the whole glass in one shot. Laughing, Clive actually laughed at her and warned her “Be careful now. This champagne has quite a kick, It will only set in after a little while, so I’d suggest you go easy and not down the whole glass at a go.” Pei Pei sobered a little bit at that, remembering she needed to be careful and not get drunk. She was grateful for Clive’s warning, and took it as another sign that he was a nice guy that could be trusted.

Clive assumed that Pei Pei would be wary of accepting alcohol from him, and so had been quick to play the gentleman, and warn her against getting drunk. He then proceeded to toast her a few times throughout the remainder of the dinner, and soon he had managed to get her to drink roughly half the bottle. He then even told her to stop, before she got drunk. Pei Pei by now had loosened up from the alcohol, and even though she was by no means drunk, she could laugh and thank him for his warning, yet at the same time not be sharp enough to take his warning seriously. So she drank a yet another glass before dinner ended, enjoying the conversation. Clive by now had promised her management of any project she chose, from those he had mentioned. She in turn, giddy with excitement and elation, had let her guard down and let herself open to Clive’s plan. As the dinner winded down, she excused herself to go to the toilet. Clive seized the chance to drop a small ecstasy pill into her glass, and filled it up with the last of the champagne. This was a special concoction from his drug dealer, since it was one that dissolved especially well when mixed with alcohol, and would take roughly 10 minutes to produce the effect of removing all inhibitions. When she returned he told her he had settled the bill, and offered one last toast to her to end off the night. She drank it unsuspectingly, and then they left the restaurant to go back to the hotel.
Old 16-11-2011, 10:09 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Woo.... I am so excited for the next installment.
Old 17-11-2011, 10:05 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Wohoo PP a willing party nw
Old 17-11-2011, 09:56 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Back in the cab, she started to feel giddy, and so turned to Clive saying “you’re right about that champagne. I must have drunk more than I should, since I’m feeling a little giddy now.” Clive just smiled to himself, and then played up his concern for her. After reaching the hotel, he offered to take her up to her room, which she gratefully accepted. However, by now she was unable to walk properly, and was embarrassed enough by her lack of self control that she accepted his offer to support her. He grabbed her waist, noting that this was the first time he touched her this way when she was in a conscious state. On her part, even though she could feel his hands on her body, she strangely felt nothing wrong with it. All the cared about was that she was feeling giddy, and she was feeling hot. When they reached her room door, Clive asked her to open the door, and then supported her into the room. He then put her down on her bed, and then told her he’d get her a face towel. He then deliberately stayed inside the bathroom for a few minutes, and then when he came out again, her found her already lying on her bed, with her eyes closed. She was still awake, since she answered when he called out to her, but it was clear that she was already in a state of semi delirium.

“Pei Pei, you ok? Here’s the wet towel. Want to wipe your face with it?” Pei Pei sat up, looked at him and smiled. “Its ok, I think I’m fine. Just feeling a little warm from the alcohol. Sorry that I drank so much.” Clive quickly protested, saying “No no no, its my fault. I should have stopped you. This particular type of champagne has quick a kick because it is more bubbly than the average sort. Here, let me help you.” With that, he reached over to her and placed one hand under her neck. He then lifted her head up, sat down beside her, and then leaned it against his chest. Before she could protest, he used the towel to press against her face. Of course, he had used warm water instead of cold water, to the effect of making her feel even more comfortable. She tried to push him away, but it was a very feeble gesture before she just let him wipe away at her face. She didn’t know why, since it felt like it’s the wrong thing to do, but she didn’t really feel like protesting. After all, it felt so comfortable, and Clive was such a nice boss.

As Clive slowly wiped away at her face, she was at first trying to sit up a little more. Not long after that, however, she simply just gave up and soon found herself with her head lying on his lap. Again, even though this felt wrong, it was as if something was keeping that warning voice from ever reaching her, and she soon no longer thought anything of it. Clive watched her as she drifted in and out of consciousness, answering meaningless questions and giggling sometimes at how her own answers sounded so ridiculous, and knew that she was all ripe for the picking. He started to tell Pei Pei how pretty she was, and how lucky Justin is to have such a wife. Pei Pei wondered why he suddenly started to say all this, but somehow found herself very flattered by what he said. Embarrassed, she tried to laugh it off, but it came out as a giggle instead. “I’m sure you’ve seen many women more beautiful than me, Clive. You’ve travelled so widely, and met so many people. I’m such a simple girl who spent all her life in Singapore.”

Clive looked down at her, with her head still resting on his lap, and he gently brushed her face with his fingers while looking into her ravishing eyes. “Nopes. I think I’ve never seen anyone as attractive as you before. There’s just something about you that is so hard to resist.” Pei Pei was suddenly struck by his tone, and what he had just said, that she momentarily froze, not knowing how to react and to answer. All of a sudden, she felt it was very wrong to be lying down on his lap, and so made an effort to sit up. He didn’t fight her, and even helped her to get up from his lap. However, once she had gotten up, he let her just fall back to the bed, and then he leaned in on her and whispered “You look amazing. Absolutely amazing.” And then he kissed her.

She was dumbfounded by what he did, suddenly feeling his lips on hers. In her state of stupor, it took her a little while to respond to what was happening, by which time his tongue had already snaked his way into her mouth, and she had subconsciously responded to him. As she came to, she began to push him away, only to find that he had pressed his body down on hers, and she was trapped beneath him. She tried to stop kissing him, but his tongue was forcefully invading hers, and she didn’t know how to respond, nor was she able to muster up the strength to fight him. It was so sudden and unexpected that she didn’t know how to respond. It was as if her brain simply stopped working, and no matter how hard she tried to think, everything was a blank. In the meantime, Clive continued to press his advantage, being careful to hold her down without using so much force as to alarm her. He felt her resist for a few moments, before her strength gave way and she simply wilted. As he continued to attack her mouth, enjoying how it was to be able to feel her moving under him instead of being asleep and limp, he felt her slowly respond to his kisses. Pleased at how the drug was taking effect, he continued to work on it, and soon found her kissing him back, at first tentatively, then with more relish, and finally with passion.

Pei Pei had no idea what was coming over her. At first she was alarmed at what Clive was doing, and she tried to fight him off. But she found that he was too strong for her. She could feel his whole body crushing her, and she was unable to push him away. She felt his tongue deep inside her mouth, and it was such an alien sensation that she had no idea how to respond. Even as she ended up in a dazed state of shock, she found her body responding almost instinctively, kissing him back as he worked on her mouth. It began to feel quite comfortable, especially since she was feeling sort of lonely. Clive was a good kisser, and despite her brief yet futile attempt at resisting him, she soon found herself just lying back on the bed, allowing him to have his way with her. “It’s just a kiss”, she told herself. “Perhaps he’s drunk also, and doesn’t know what he’s doing. Surely he won’t do anything other than kiss me.” She comforted herself with those words, and stopped fighting him. In less than a minute, she wasn’t thinking anymore, moving from tentatively kissing him back until she was kissing him with a kind of hunger that she had never really had before.
Old 18-11-2011, 03:31 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

More! More!
Old 20-11-2011, 12:33 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Originally Posted by javlooking View Post
At the wedding banquet, Pei Pei wore a bare shoulder dress that was cut very low at the back, revealing her entire bare back. It was a very sensual dress that did well to accentuate her figure in all the right places. Clive's eyes nearly popped out when he saw her, and William's reaction was also the same. Justin was one hell of a lucky bastard to have landed such a catch.

Justin was thinking the exact same thing, watching his wife's figure as she went from table to table to talk to friends and relatives. Tonight he was going to finally be able to enjoy her, and he was going to make sure it was a long night for them both. He was suddenly impatient for the dinner to be over, so that he could finally get down to enjoying her.

On Pei Pei's part, she was also looking forward to the rest of the night. Despite what happened that time with Ming Qiang, she always been aware of her own sexual needs. However, she very strongly believed in saving herself for her marriage, and so had always tried her best to control herself. Justin had been the perfect gentleman, never once pressing her. She was looking forward to their first time tonight, since Justin had told her that he was also a virgin. It would be the perfect night to end off the perfect wedding, and the perfect start to a life together. Feeling a slight ache in her stomach, she silently chided herself for having such dirty thoughts in front of so many people. She looked at Justin with his well toned body, and also couldn't wait for the dinner to end.
Wow ! ..wat a good, steaming description of & insight into the couple's sexual tots during their wedding dinner nite (din realise tat it is possible for brides & grooms to hav such tots during their wedding dinners)...& the subsequent description of their erotic hanky-panky in bed immediately after the dinner ...believe all new brides & groom are horny on their special nite or even if they are not.. teased to become horny to enjoy each other's bodies in the same way Justin & Pei Pei did tat same nite on their wedding bed...

Tis account is priceless ...hav not come across a similar account anywhere else...tks bro javlooking !
MIN to EXC > POWER...5

Up my points n I will return immediately

Pls PM me if I haven return favor
Old 21-11-2011, 08:26 AM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Wow!!!!Pei Pei from passive to active. Your writeup is POWER & EROTIC which make me horny and hard on. Keep it going. Will Uppz U when my power is back.
Old 21-11-2011, 03:32 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

When Clive felt that Pei Pei was actively responding to him, he began to slide his hands to the side of her body, and gently caressed the sides of her body. He loved the way she felt so warm, and the smooth texture of her cream colored dress. Unlike the last two times when he violated her, this time round she felt so much more alive, with her quivering body that moved to the tempo of her passionate kisses. He began to feel her up, and gradually landed his hands on her breasts. Pei Pei felt his hands on her breasts, and momentarily felt a stab of alarm of having let things get too far. However, she was so caught up in the feelings inside of her as she kissed Clive back with such hunger, that she quickly surrendered to his hands. It felt good to have his big yet gentle hands running all over her body. When Clive applied some pressure and squeezed at her breasts, she felt a rush to her head, and a moan escaped her lips before she could suppress them. God! She was being turned on by her boss, and it felt so good that she didn’t want it to stop. What was happening to her???

Clive heard the moan and knew the drug was taking full effect now. She was losing her sense of right and wrong, and was instead too caught up in the moment. The feeling of Pei Pei kissing him back, sucking his mouth with an intensity that matched his own desire for her was an amazing feeling. He loved how her tongue fenced with his, twirling, chasing, tasting and teasing him until he felt he was losing control, and she was taking the lead. He felt her hands snaking up to his back, until they were grabbing his shoulders to hold him tight. Her legs had started to move, and he felt them below him, as she began rubbing her thighs together. He eyes were closed in pleasure, and faint moans mixed with her heavy breathing were emitting from her lips with such sensuality that Clive found himself mesmerized by her.

As he squeezed gently on her breasts and felt her whole body squirm in response, he started to apply more pressure on them. He loved the soft and smooth feel of her silk dress, and how he could feel Pei Pei’s body heat through the thin material. As he played with one breast then the other, he heard her give off a few faint protests, and quickly shut her up with his mouth. She easily gave in, and soon he felt her hands worm their way up to his hair, as her moans began to get louder. She was running her hands through his hair, and he could sense she was getting restless, as she yearned for greater release from her sexual desire. He slipped his hands down to the side of her dress, located the zip, and started to unzip it. Pei Pei made no move at all of stopping him, and actually raised her hands to allow him to lift the strap of the dress over her, so that he could remove it. Clive was feeling the strength of his own desires overtaking him, and so just decided to remove her whole dress in one move instead of slowly stripping it off her. He stood up, and then pulled the whole thing off her from the bottom leaving her in her white lacey bra, and grey lace panties.

He looked up to find her staring at him with her large eyes, that was both worried, yet undoubtedly filled with desire. “Clive, we can’t let this get too far. I’m a married woman.” Even as she said this, she wondered what she meant by it. Was she actually allowing another man, her own boss of all people, in fact inviting him to fondle and caress her? Did she actually just permit this man to strip off her dress, and actually helped him to do so? What did she mean by not letting it get too far? Wasn’t this already too far? How could she have said such a thing? What was happening to her? She knew it was wrong, but somehow her overwhelming sexual desire seemed to have overridden her other instincts, and she found that she couldn’t help herself. She was in heat, and needed release, even if it meant letting her boss take some advantage of her. She told herself that after releasing some of the sexual tension that was inside of her, she will be in better control of herself, and stop him from going any further.

Clive heard those words coming out of her mouth, and gloated at how easy he was going to have it tonight. She was like the lamb being led to the slaughter, and she had no idea that he was the big bad wolf that was going to be eating her up. She was actually offering herself up to him, yet trusting him to somehow have some limits to abide by. With almost all her defenses down by now, he could go ahead and enjoy her to the fullest. He was definitely going to enjoy tonight. Having set his cameras to come on after 8pm, they had been rolling and recording down everything on the bed since 25 minutes before they reached the hotel room, so he knew that whatever was going on tonight would all be captured, including her invitation to enjoy her body and have his way with her.

He again fell back onto the bed, and with him on top of her, he leaned his face in and whispered to her “You’re really so beautiful, I can’t help myself. But I will respect you, I promise.” Before she could process what he said, he had already resumed kissing her, and soon she was no longer thinking. With her body now naked except for her underwear, she was feeling the coolness of the room, and so would her body tighter against Clive’s, trying to keep herself warm. This was exactly what he wanted, and soon he was pressing his manhood tightly against her vagina. He knew she could feel it, even through the material of his pants, and he knew he was already rock hard down there. He would aim and thrust away at her, even as he kissed her and used his hands to play with her breasts. Everytime he thrust at her, she would give off a moan, and after a while when he stopped thrusting, he found that she was arching her hips up, as if she missed having his manhood pounding at her love hole. Knowing her desires had gone up one more level, he started to unbutton his shirt, and found that her hands moved off his back. Wondering if she was starting to come round and wanted to push him away, he quickly dismissed that worry as he sensed her small hands helping him to unbutton his shirt, and pulling it out of his pants. In seconds, he had taken off his shirt, and to his amazement, he found that her hands were reaching for his belt buckle. As she fumbled at it, he reached over and unbuckled it himself, and undid his pants. Pei Pei then reached for his zipper and unzipped it in a hurry.

In Pei Pei’s mind, she had stopped registering the fact that it was not Justin, but actually Clive that she was making out with. All she knew was that she has been so lonely on this trip, and with all the weird things that had happened to her which only made her even more worn-out, this was the best she had felt in so many days. With his large but gentle hands kneading away at her breasts, and his lips planting soft fires all over her body whenever they landed, it was like nothing she had ever felt before. With her eyes closed, she had drifted into a world of her own, immersed in the pleasures of the flesh that she was now feeling, with no recognition of who it was that was on top of her. All she felt and could sense was her own desires, and how much she wanted to just immerse in that feeling.
Old 21-11-2011, 07:02 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

camping here for more...
Bros who have upped my points, please PM me where your thread is. I will return the favour.
Old 21-11-2011, 10:54 PM
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Re: Forbidden Fruits

Wah only away a few days n miss so much. Can post the pics again? Can't seem to see them now.
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