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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-07-2005, 02:38 AM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by sadfa
bro, true. same thing happen 2 me too!
maybe i know u? r u ah seng from choa chu kang? lol!
No bro I am not ah seng from cck.
Old 28-07-2005, 10:41 AM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by sadfa
aiyah, she butterfly n end up sitting there for only 30 min for 5 hours.
how many chance veriton can tell her off?
if vertion sia lan, when she appear 2 collect money, he can say who r u?
i still think it was indecisive on veriton's part.
1 could tell if the gal is going to repeat that over and over again.
usually after i told the gal that she was over doing it, should she try to do that again, i will stop her and tell her not to come back before she leaves the room.
no need to see her moving from room to room for 5 hours and argue at the end of the session.
Old 28-07-2005, 11:41 AM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by Benoit
i still think it was indecisive on veriton's part.
I think that you are over protective of the gals leh. THis way, will take us for a stupid fool.

Think I will not pay more than $10 next time should I find that their service is not up to standard. We, as customers, should not have to tell them what to do. It should be mutual... we treat you well, as in we don't kpkb you when you butterfly too much, you also don't kpkb when we give $10.
Old 28-07-2005, 12:22 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by veriton
Think I will not pay more than $10 next time should I find that their service is not up to standard. We, as customers, should not have to tell them what to do. It should be mutual... we treat you well, as in we don't kpkb you when you butterfly too much, you also don't kpkb when we give $10.
good for u. i agree.
what i hate is these ktv gers who kpkb n insist on 20 when they didnt do anything 2 deserve the 20 like the other gals who sat with u.

they themselves should know perfectly well why they r getting 10 not 20 ie why they r not getting the standard tips.

if they want to butterfly 7 tables cos 4 your table, u didnt kpkb n insist on her staying w u long, she should bear the consequences of her actions.
dont pm about xchanging pts!
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Old 28-07-2005, 02:12 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

BENOIT says:

all said, i think it is best to practice discreetion.
pay the gals what they deserve and do not short changed them.
i may sound like i am very protective towards the gals, the message i have been trying to put across is plain and simple.
afterall, they are here to make money and we should not take advantage of that fact.
as customers, we would always demand for service.
similarly for them, the more they run the more they get.
it works both ways.

the best to do is to stop the gal from entering the room again should she try too hard to butterfly.
there are so many of them and i am certain some would do a better job.
at the end of the day, we are there for drinks and fun, no point arguing over tips matters.
it would not only spoil the mood but to me, it would look ugly.
thus, this is something that you would want to forget and because of this, you may want to be more careful next time.
please do not go on a vengeful mode on a 1 off incident.
some gals really knows what they should do and should not.
Old 28-07-2005, 03:38 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by veriton
I think that you are over protective of the gals leh. THis way, will take us for a stupid fool.
I happen to agree with Benoit that indecision had something to do with it... for one reason: I was once in the same situation as Veriton described. Can't decide to tell the girl to go or let her stay. And got tulan when girls show me black face when they felt I gave too little. Why? Not enough experience.

Once I gained enough experience, I stopped worrying so much. Maybe I am just lucky, but nowadays I rarely get girls with fucked-up service. Either reasonable or good, or fucking excellent. Nowadays girls rarely argue with me over tipping. If they do argue, I just need to smile and say "no". Worst come to worst, I need to make a few excuses or sweet talk, but nowdays I never get pressured by girls into paying extra.

That's because the longer you chiong, the better you know the market, the more confident you will be when selecting girls and tipping them.

If you want to zap me annonymously, go ahead. But please save your comments. If you do not have the balls to leave your nick, then I don't really care what you have to say.
Old 28-07-2005, 03:43 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by newbadass
Once I gained enough experience, I stopped worrying so much. Maybe I am just lucky, but nowadays I rarely get girls with fucked-up service. Either reasonable or good, or fucking excellent. Nowadays girls rarely argue with me over tipping. If they do argue, I just need to smile and say "no". Worst come to worst, I need to make a few excuses or sweet talk, but nowdays I never get pressured by girls into paying extra.

That's because the longer you chiong, the better you know the market, the more confident you will be when selecting girls and tipping them.
actually, if ger kaopeh, i just tell them no. if not, ignore them n couldnt be bothered.
pay them for what they have done. dont get pressured n kenna chop n go home have a bad feeling over it.
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 28-07-2005, 04:16 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by sadfa
actually, if ger kaopeh, i just tell them no. if not, ignore them n couldnt be bothered.
pay them for what they have done. dont get pressured n kenna chop n go home have a bad feeling over it.
Agreed with that... just different methods of execution.
Anyway, counting their tips is a bloody low-class thing to do... any girl who does that will never get my business again no matter how nice she is to me next time I step into the place.

There's this damn funny story around last couple months. We were in BS. My friend's friend (his 2nd or 3rd visit) was sitting with a girl who unzipped him and started to jerk him off. It was just some foreplay and he never actually unloaded... when the girl came for her tips, she demanded $150!

After arguing a while, she said she would accept $80. The guy said he only had $50, take it or leave it. She took it, then had the cheek to tell him she'd ask him for the other $30 next week! Jialat man... some girls just don't know their own market value.

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Old 28-07-2005, 04:20 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by newbadass
I happen to agree with Benoit that indecision had something to do with it... for one reason: I was once in the same situation as Veriton described. Can't decide to tell the girl to go or let her stay. And got tulan when girls show me black face when they felt I gave too little. Why? Not enough experience.
when the gals come in and ask if they could sit beside you, you have every right to choose.
you have also every right to reject and forget about being paisei.
use exactly the same tone or tactic should you not want the gal that you know would butterfly alot on that day.
there is no need to argue at the end of the day.
the longer you choose not to reject, the more she does that and thus, the more unhappy at the end of the day.

there is no right or wrong gal to sit beside us.
there is only how you keep them next to you.
once you feel that the gal butter fly the 2nd time too soon, ask her not to come back again.
thats it, happy ending.
Old 28-07-2005, 04:26 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by newbadass
There's this damn funny story around last couple months. We were in BS. My friend's friend (his 2nd or 3rd visit) was sitting with a girl who unzipped him and started to jerk him off. It was just some foreplay and he never actually unloaded... when the girl came for her tips, she demanded $150!

After arguing a while, she said she would accept $80. The guy said he only had $50, take it or leave it. She took it, then had the cheek to tell him she'd ask him for the other $30 next week! Jialat man... some girls just don't know their own market value.
actually u raise an interestin pt: if the ger jerk u off without asking u for the price beforehand, being a man who will say no?
but the issue is after its done, r u suppose to pay her extra?

the rice already eat liao, u dont pay she also lanlan.
at the same time, cannot be she gets paid extra for every man she do it to. if so, she sibei fatt liao!

if u r very ks, u can tell her before the job i have no money, i will pay u 50 only.

or u can be less than a man n say dont wan, i dont want u 2 pcc for me.

so what will u do bro?
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
Old 28-07-2005, 04:42 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by sadfa
so what will u do bro?
There are girls who have done it... hand-to-dick contact, but no actual release. I usually just give $10 to $20 extra on top of the standard tip and that makes them happy.

But I will not go for HJ release in a KTV simply because I can get it much cheaper elsewhere from a PRC lao chio, in a private room, with BBBJ thrown in. Some people will advise me to think with my bigger head, some will say think with smaller head... I prefer to think using my wallet

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Old 28-07-2005, 05:06 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by newbadass
There are girls who have done it... hand-to-dick contact, but no actual release. I usually just give $10 to $20 extra on top of the standard tip and that makes them happy.
actually many times, gers will strip, touch your lanjiao n even bbbj, all without cuming, n i pay 50, the standard tip. no one ask for more. guess it depends on the place n even the gers.

so my question is if the ger go above n beyond the call of duty, do we pay them more if we choose not to?
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Old 28-07-2005, 05:16 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware


to me, if there have not been an agreed amount, i wont go for it.
there is no point in arguing later.
no agreed price tag, no go.

some gals demand for more after they tried their tricks on you thats because there was no agreement.
$150 could be well spent on FJ instead.
$80 could also do the job.
if she asks me, i would have told her off.

in XTD, some gals get $100 for FJ.
in Kabuki, some gals get $150-$200 for FJ on the spot.
in TH, friend paid a mere $50 for FJ on the spot.
Old 28-07-2005, 05:54 PM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

Originally Posted by sadfa
actually many times, gers will strip, touch your lanjiao n even bbbj, all without cuming, n i pay 50, the standard tip. no one ask for more. guess it depends on the place n even the gers.

so my question is if the ger go above n beyond the call of duty, do we pay them more if we choose not to?
Correct lah... because the place I am talking about, standard tip only $20. Add my extra also at most comes to $40 or $50. The place you are talking about has standard tip $50... so I guess everything evens out.

Well if the girl goes beyond call of duty and does not demand anything more from me, I will quite willingly sit with her again AND tip her more. My motto is to encourage good service.

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Old 29-07-2005, 09:51 AM
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Re: Ask Small KTV Gals to Beware

as for me, i hate it when the gals come in and start asking for money.
such gals will never be seen beside me twice.
i prefer gals that would take time to earn their dough.
that way, i would likely to give more.
i really cant stand those that keeps nagging about money, money, money.
we know they are here to make but dont have to be obvious as if we have no class but to stick with her just because she wants money.
thus, no matter how much you give to such, they would want or expect more.
especially so after they tell you about their sad stories!
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