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Old 21-09-2005, 12:56 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by sexlover
US$100.50 also 5 digit.
Want or not?

Ur apt at which part of china?
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Old 21-09-2005, 12:58 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
Friend IT hard lah, tell u the true I also thought of goin back to do IT but looking at the market damn bad man.... China man IT even more powerful than SG don play play ok?

But I know of 1 business that a lot of people consider (also IT), I do not have that kind of time and not interested in gaming that is y I nvr do.
peng you, gaming centre is spawning all over the place in china, a bit too late to enter now rite??
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Old 21-09-2005, 01:02 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by dc7176
peng you, gaming centre is spawning all over the place in china, a bit too late to enter now rite??
Yupzz gaming centre is true but they provide PC for people to play, whereas in this case the people is playing as their jobs.

Imagine a full time gamer earning how much? That is y I give this suggestion, it is to fully employ people to play get weapons and sell.. I came across this article in Straits Times or newpaper on the internet forgot liao... Worth trying out in SG first loh but to game 12 hrs that is like hell man...

Old 21-09-2005, 01:08 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
To tell u the truth Singapore Chinese is still in demand in China, you just have to keep searching. I was offered a job for SGD$8k but I rejected that offer, reason is because I don think I can fit into the post. The whole China market more or less still need Singapore people to penatrate into Europe market, depending on wat u need and wan.
Wah, if got a S$8k offer, me grab liao. Of course, that is provided I feel that I can handle the job. But then again, if the employer tink u can, shouldn't u also? Now to me is no longer what I need n want, as long as the job pay a reasonable salary that I can survive wif, I will take.

To tell you the truth I have a few friends , they work in big Japanese MNC one of them is the president of the company. The reason is that he can endure hardship and managed to climb even though he knows nuts abt Japanese. In China the only lanaguage u need to know is Chinese without it u r as good as dead.
Errrr....chinese ah? I tink my chinese 勉强还算过得去吧。As for hardship, like I say, I dun mind as long as I can get a reasonable pay. I also dun belief there is good pay n easy job, even if there is , its never cum to my turn 1.

My friend my previous job in Singapore is a IT trainer, now in China I am a sales man (Electronics sector). The differences are a lot and most of them are hard, I told my friend yesterday it does not mean you know 1 thing means you know many others, I really hope to learn many many other skill too.

I believe this statment is useful to you;
Jack of all trade, Master of None.
My fren, talk abt jack of all trade? I got exp. in food, furniture, leisure n petroleum industries. The thing now I face is exactly being too much of a jack of all trade but master in none.

For eg, u mentioned electronics industry, which I know got quite a no. of openings in china. I can't apply even for post like BD Mgr cos the basic requirements is a technical degree while mine is in business. N usually they want certain no. of yrs of industry experience, which again I dun have. So u see, going into a new industry is notin new to me but is the prospective employers nowadays want very industry specific exp.
Old 21-09-2005, 01:14 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Do not give up my friend, I also come a long way... If give up noe nothing can be done...

Old 21-09-2005, 01:19 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
Yupzz gaming centre is true but they provide PC for people to play, whereas in this case the people is playing as their jobs.

Imagine a full time gamer earning how much? That is y I give this suggestion, it is to fully employ people to play get weapons and sell.. I came across this article in Straits Times or newpaper on the internet forgot liao... Worth trying out in SG first loh but to game 12 hrs that is like hell man...

Hmh... lidat got earn meh?? y dun the gamer juz play n sell off the item?? if can sell a weapon for USD 100, y dun the gamer juz sell it himself? surely sellin the item for USD 100 is more than their monthly salary in RMB liao.
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Old 21-09-2005, 01:24 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
Do not give up my friend, I also come a long way... If give up noe nothing can be done...

Tks, I have not given uo yet, still fighting.

Ok lah, tink we hijack the thread too much talking abt job liao, hahahahaha.

Ok, back to china gals, I still tink there r nice 1 ard, I personally have come accross during my days there. So maybe depend on luck and where u know the gal from.

Every country also got bad eggs, we should not stereotype them b'cos of that. In sg, onli those that got prob or turn sour 1 then go onto newspaper, but I belief there r still quite a no. of local guys happily married wif prc gals ard, n these dun go onto the paper.
Old 21-09-2005, 01:28 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
Every country also got bad eggs, we should not stereotype them b'cos of that. In sg, onli those that got prob or turn sour 1 then go onto newspaper, but I belief there r still quite a no. of happily married 1 ard, n these dun go onto the paper.
Alot of us have misconception that China ladies are bad but SG gals also there r a few bad eggs... It does not mean the whole population r bad rite?
Old 21-09-2005, 01:35 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by oakleyeug
Alot of us have misconception that China ladies are bad but SG gals also there r a few bad eggs... It does not mean the whole population r bad rite?
Very true. In fact, my personal opinion is that in general, prc gals r better than sg gals who r so demanding. I'm 1 that like gals to be more submissive, so they definitely score higher than our local gals.

For instance, I'm a smoker. Last time when wif my sg gf, she sure KPKB, but a prc gal may dun mind maybe too many smokers in their country so they used to liao. Its all these little little things that sumtimes make me feel good abt the gal.

Again, this is juz my very personal opinion, n may not be accurate at all cos I never marry 1 also.
Old 21-09-2005, 02:16 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by naemlo
My apartment in Xiamen, how u know huh??
Me no ka jiao lah, my girl also fr china..... U have show sight of ageing...

Check out ur posting in this thread

How much u buy huh? and What size?

Originally Posted by Rof|maoxz
Sammyboy onli use 1 grin nia hor. Dun smoke us by using 2.
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Old 21-09-2005, 02:39 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by tionggoklan
Errrr....chinese ah? I tink my chinese 勉强还算过得去吧。As for hardship, like I say, I dun mind as long as I can get a reasonable pay. I also dun belief there is good pay n easy job, even if there is , its never cum to my turn 1.

have lah, my job loh I dun like my job is because nothing to do.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 21-09-2005, 02:41 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by sexlover
Me no ka jiao lah, my girl also fr china..... U have show sight of ageing...
Bro, not show but indeed I'm old. From which part of China, got good ger to intro me boh??

Originally Posted by sexlover
Check out ur posting in this thread

How much u buy huh? and What size?

So the truth is out....
Peng you, u also old liao.... I said b4 abt 150K RMB, abt 200sq.
What truth??
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 21-09-2005, 02:54 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by naemlo
have lah, my job loh I dun like my job is because nothing to do.
Wah bro good life leh, getting paid to do nothing still kpkb?? i wk like hell, miss deadline, cant go bkk n get f by boss... y not swap job?? Sigh, sometime how i wish for a lesser pay job w/o not so much stress... but if less pay, cant sustain my lifestyle now, paying for my mm at china n cheonging in sillypore... dare not even tink if i m married!

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Old 21-09-2005, 03:03 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by lustyboi23
hi brothers just wan to get yr comments. dun flame if u dun like. just got to know a china ger in her 30s fr a local TN. she doesn;t work there any more. quit and work in restaurat. we went out a few times. she treat mi like friend. she told mi since coming SG. she like this place very much. would like to find a simple man to settle down. got three meals n a roof enough liao, as long as the man is honest and good. she ask mi intro men to her in 40s. do you buy her story or u think is another china MM scam. cheers. oh i forgot to add. had a free massage n hj from her as a friend in my car in a deserted place. so dun man hehe.
1) too long thread to look
2) TN? 30+? What kind visa?
If PDMM, she must have a kid n maybe a husband back home
3) Free massage / HJ?
Who initiated? If platonic, massage is normal but if HJ was offered and done well........

Sort out n re-think and try to find your answers because it happened to you and you know your heart, we know not
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Old 21-09-2005, 03:13 PM
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Re: china gers looking for love

Originally Posted by naemlo
I dun like my job is because nothing to do.
bro! u siao ar! got pay can liao.
at the most, after work, u look for meimei lor!
dont pm about xchanging pts!
Not keen now on exchanging pts. just want 2 post my views.
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