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Old 23-10-2014, 10:52 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
Hey, sorry if this is a silly question, but can I just ask: Why specifically type something in this thread, can you not write something else (equally as brainless) in another thread, such as "interesting story!" in the adults discussion section (and receive points the same way)?
Words in brackets were edited to be added in. Still no answer?

I can see the point of this thread, but its objective can also be achieved in other threads. So what exactly is so unique about this thread that people should heoiusndhtoweiuf here instead of other places??

Please enlighten.

I also don't understand what exactly is the argument going on when this crux issue hasn't even been touched on?
The best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact,
Is to realise that two out of three ain't bad
Old 23-10-2014, 11:07 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post

Please enlighten.
By saying himself having IQ140 n calling others animals. Wonders is that how IQ140 reacts? What a way to end this thread haha
I can say is what a interesting thread from someone with IQ 140
Be Happy & Enjoy life
** Not for any points exchange, so pls dont up my points. I WONT RETURN..thks **
Old 23-10-2014, 11:10 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
Words in brackets were edited to be added in. Still no answer? :confused:

I can see the point of this thread, but its objective can also be achieved in other threads. So what exactly is so unique about this thread that people should heoiusndhtoweiuf here instead of other places??

Please enlighten. :o

I also don't understand what exactly is the argument going on when this crux issue hasn't even been touched on? :confused:
awesome :p *clap clap clap*
morning babes kekekeke

hugs hugs missed you guys lots kekeke :p
Old 23-10-2014, 11:11 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by PPGirl View Post
By saying himself having IQ140 n calling others animals. Wonders is that how IQ140 reacts? What a way to end this thread haha
I can say is what a interesting thread from someone with IQ 140
A truly respectable person never pulls out his IQ to prove a point, because he will know that

Although IQ attempts to measure some notion of intelligence, it may fail to act as an accurate measure of "intelligence" in its broadest sense. IQ tests only examine particular areas embodied by the broadest notion of "intelligence", failing to account for certain areas which are also associated with "intelligence" such as creativity or emotional intelligence.

There are critics such as Keith Stanovich who do not dispute the stability of IQ test scores or the fact that they predict certain forms of achievement rather effectively. They do argue, however, that to base a concept of intelligence on IQ test scores alone is to ignore many important aspects of mental ability.
Kamsahamnida wiki~ And yea, it says that IQ doesn't measure emotional intelligence, so IQ140 may or may not react this way la.
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Old 23-10-2014, 11:12 AM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by WOOHOO View Post
awesome *clap clap clap*
morning babes kekekeke

hugs hugs missed you guys lots kekeke
Morning woohoo jie! How have you been! Hugs.
The best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact,
Is to realise that two out of three ain't bad
Old 23-10-2014, 12:30 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
Morning woohoo jie! How have you been! Hugs.
work and studies is killer lol but fruitful
busy busy busy

take care babes wish you well well and fun fun
Old 23-10-2014, 12:45 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by WOOHOO View Post
work and studies is killer lol but fruitful
busy busy busy

take care babes wish you well well and fun fun
Wah you got so much up your sleeves lately! Must take care of your health in this hazy weather~ Wish you fun as well!
The best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact,
Is to realise that two out of three ain't bad
Old 23-10-2014, 05:53 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

The "end" of this topic, as stipulated by the Topic Starter aka jason_, resembles quite remarkably the act of a ninja throwing a smoke bomb before making a getaway.

In other words, as I have an IQ of 150 and will condescend to obey his assumption that people of lower IQ have trouble understanding things; this will necessitate an explanation for his vertically challenged abilities of comprehension. What I meant is that in the face of overwhelming odds and counter-arguments, he has decided to do a bunk, ere challengers of higher quality were to step in and put their collective feet down.

I find, in my experience, that people who lose arguments or fail to come up with any valid counter-arguments (there is a fine distinction between these two, mind you) will tend to lash out at the general populace with overwhelmingly generalised terms like "you are all stupid" or in this case: "animals".

I do suppose, in retrospect, that perhaps people of high IQ are not as intelligent as they are wont to think, and as such, shall downgrade myself back to the state of an "animal", so as to be able to co-exist peacefully with my fellow sbf'ers, many of whom have become friends.

Please do disregard my momentary madness in asserting my advanced intelligent quotient, and do not look down at me for doing so.

My FR are my personal experience and personal opinion. What I like or dislike may not be the same as yours.
If you like what you read, then please up my points. Thank you
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Old 23-10-2014, 06:26 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by lostlilvirg View Post
In other words, as I have an IQ of 150 and will condescend to obey his assumption that people of lower IQ have trouble understanding things; this will necessitate an explanation for his vertically challenged abilities of comprehension. What I meant is that in the face of overwhelming odds and counter-arguments, he has decided to do a bunk, ere challengers of higher quality were to step in and put their collective feet down.

I do suppose, in retrospect, that perhaps people of high IQ are not as intelligent as they are wont to think, and as such, shall downgrade myself back to the state of an "animal", so as to be able to co-exist peacefully with my fellow sbf'ers, many of whom have become friends.
Tiagong I IQ160, so I banish you to an animal without you downgrading yourself. Anyone IQ170 (self-declared, tiagong, or otherwise) wanna chu power to banish?
The best way to make it through with hearts and wrists intact,
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Old 23-10-2014, 06:32 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by lostlilvirg View Post
The "end" of this topic, as stipulated by the Topic Starter aka jason_, resembles quite remarkably the act of a ninja throwing a smoke bomb before making a getaway.

In other words, as I have an IQ of 150 and will condescend to obey his assumption that people of lower IQ have trouble understanding things; this will necessitate an explanation for his vertically challenged abilities of comprehension. What I meant is that in the face of overwhelming odds and counter-arguments, he has decided to do a bunk, ere challengers of higher quality were to step in and put their collective feet down.

I find, in my experience, that people who lose arguments or fail to come up with any valid counter-arguments (there is a fine distinction between these two, mind you) will tend to lash out at the general populace with overwhelmingly generalised terms like "you are all stupid" or in this case: "animals".

I do suppose, in retrospect, that perhaps people of high IQ are not as intelligent as they are wont to think, and as such, shall downgrade myself back to the state of an "animal", so as to be able to co-exist peacefully with my fellow sbf'ers, many of whom have become friends.

Please do disregard my momentary madness in asserting my advanced intelligent quotient, and do not look down at me for doing so.

Nnkc lu kon simi england ?
Can write simple england bo bro ?
I don't get what you struggling to say ..
Izzit my IQ sibei low so no understand lu kon simi ? Hahahaa

Oh yes, my signature has the answer to ....
Semi Retired from cheonging.


I will randomly up bros here ... and I do not need any return of favours from those I upped...

Big Huat Arh !!
Old 23-10-2014, 06:34 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by prettymannequin View Post
Tiagong I IQ160, so I banish you to an animal without you downgrading yourself. Anyone IQ170 (self-declared, tiagong, or otherwise) wanna chu power to banish?
Sis pretty
Simi si IQ 170 ?
How to see IQ level ?
Semi Retired from cheonging.


I will randomly up bros here ... and I do not need any return of favours from those I upped...

Big Huat Arh !!
Old 23-10-2014, 09:22 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by Wu Song Jr View Post
Sis pretty
Simi si IQ 170 ?
How to see IQ level ?
By taking a test ba
That what I think
Flying aimlessly alone.
Old 23-10-2014, 10:16 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

This TS ... So many samsters/samstresses advice you nicely ... And you turn a deaf ear.
And instead of your points going north, it's going south.
Enough said ....

❤️ 为你担忧, 对我来说,也是快乐 ❤️
Old 23-10-2014, 10:17 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by Ashbirdy View Post
By taking a test ba
That what I think
Oh i see
Kumsia for info bro
Semi Retired from cheonging.


I will randomly up bros here ... and I do not need any return of favours from those I upped...

Big Huat Arh !!
Old 23-10-2014, 10:20 PM
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Re: Thread to post ??? to receive rep pts

Originally Posted by georgemagnum View Post
This TS ... So many samsters/samstresses advice you nicely ... And you turn a deaf ear.
And instead of your points going north, it's going south.
Enough said ....
Theres a saying ...kiang tio ho , mai keh kiang !

No time for points exchange .
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