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Old 13-02-2018, 03:44 PM
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Re: SBF is what it is

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
What is actually "good" for this forum?

Who decides on this old chestnut?
Good for this forum may not be good for us haha. I guess sharing like what you did is great for all the forum readers.

One conflict of interest I can highlight on forum is the FL section where the okt pays advert fees to forum, but forum cannot tell all the truth if their girls are bad service then no business no advert, leading to forum no money
RTF Gals and working:
Old 13-02-2018, 03:51 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

What is good and what is not, I believe everyone should be allowed to share their views without being subject to personal attacks.

If every samster that shares his honest take on something gets personally attacked, for example when he has negative feedback on a house, and a house troll plus clones are sent out to attack him - my question is will this forum be a healthy place to share? Will honest views then dry up?

Won’t we be left with mainly reports that aren’t quite genuine? And people have to tip toe around these trolls or clones every time they post?

What would the forum become then?
Old 13-02-2018, 03:55 PM
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Re: SBF is what it is

Originally Posted by Fat Fatt View Post
Good for this forum may not be good for us haha. I guess sharing like what you did is great for all the forum readers.

One conflict of interest I can highlight on forum is the FL section where the okt pays advert fees to forum, but forum cannot tell all the truth if their girls are bad service then no business no advert, leading to forum no money
Exactly buddy!

There does not seem to be any objective "good" criteria in this forum.....just a subjective "good"
Old 13-02-2018, 04:00 PM
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Re: SBF is what it is

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Exactly buddy!

There does not seem to be any objective "good" criteria in this forum.....just a subjective "good"
Cut the wordplay. There are obviously some things that are good and some things that will be bad for this forum. It is not always subjective.

I mean, why else did you have those long wars with max_priest, alejandro88 etc. You saw something bad or that wasn't good and had to speak up about it, correct?
Old 13-02-2018, 04:15 PM
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SBF is what it is

Took me a while....

The person/entity who owns this forum decides what is "good" for this forum
Old 13-02-2018, 04:18 PM
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Re: SBF is what it is

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
Took me a while....

The person/entity who owns this forum decides what is "good" in this forum
It is not about who decides. No one decides or has the final say.

But we can certainly share our views on what we think is good or not. That we can do.

If we cannot share our views (albeit we should really refrain from personal attacks), as you have done so very often, then this forum becomes somewhat pointless or maybe a better word to use isone-sided.

This is a FORUM as the name of the site suggests.

And allow me to pull out the meaning of the word:

a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.
Old 13-02-2018, 04:24 PM
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SBF is what it is

And now we are back to the issue of subjectivity once again
Old 13-02-2018, 04:26 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

I'm the oldest timer and I'm still around.

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
Can I request for a Roll Call for all the Old Timers?

Seems like many of them just went subsurface now

Plain reading without reply posting at all

Please let me know you guys are still alive and fucking

Kung Hee Fatt Choy to all Samsters

Hope to see you guys responding to this thread

Thank you 😊
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Old 13-02-2018, 04:35 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

If I lived in Singapore and I could counter check claims either way I'd be able to mediate.

Unfortunately and for obvious reasons I have to run this site remotely from the relative safety of a foreign land with more benign laws.

It is therefore impossible for me to pass judgement.

The problem with the opinion of pussies is that it's an emotional topic that is always clouded with bias plus there are always white knights around trying to defend the "honor" of their favorite whores.

It has been like that since day one.

Opinions regarding whores aren't the same as opinions about coffee powder or chilli crab plus there are always vested interests at play which are financial, emotional or both.

Still I'm very happy the forum has lasted this long. I never expected to get more than a few years out of it. It is now approaching 20 years old. That's two whole DECADES!

I've lasted longer than many SPH websites.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
What is good and what is not, I believe everyone should be allowed to share their views without being subject to personal attacks.

If every samster that shares his honest take on something gets personally attacked, for example when he has negative feedback on a house, and a house troll plus clones are sent out to attack him - my question is will this forum be a healthy place to share? Will honest views then dry up?

Won’t we be left with mainly reports that aren’t quite genuine? And people have to tip toe around these trolls or clones every time they post?

What would the forum become then?
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Old 13-02-2018, 04:40 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post

The problem with the opinion of pussies is that it's an emotional topic that is always clouded with bias plus there are always white knights around trying to defend the "honor" of their favorite whores.

Opinions regarding whores aren't the same as opinions about coffee powder or chilli crab plus there are always vested interests at play which are financial, emotional or both.
You nailed it here. And when we spot vested interests, should we speak up or keep quiet? Eg. if we think something is biased?

Is that not the point of having a forum?
Old 13-02-2018, 04:50 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
You nailed it here. And when we spot vested interests, should we speak up or keep quiet? Eg. if we think something is biased?

Is that not the point of having a forum?
Yes but those who speak up will have their own vested interests too. It's human nature. There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion.
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Old 13-02-2018, 04:54 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Yes but those who speak up will have their own vested interests too. It's human nature. There is no such thing as an unbiased opinion.
vested interest
a personal reason for involvement in an undertaking or situation, especially an expectation of financial or other gain.
"banks have a vested interest in the growth of their customers"

Going by the definition of “vested interest”, I’m not sure about others, but what “vested interest” could I have in calling out biased reports or championing the sharing of FR on girls which I did before?

Everyone gains, I do not get any personal advantage over anyone else in this forum.

Everyone wins if we have a forum that encourages the open sharing of views on girls/houses without going into personal attacks

The only people who “lose” are those with vested interests in certain houses or certain girls.
Old 13-02-2018, 04:57 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

That may well be the case but since I have 5000 km away I can only take your word for it I cannot check for myself.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
vested interest
a personal reason for involvement in an undertaking or situation, especially an expectation of financial or other gain.
"banks have a vested interest in the growth of their customers"

Going by the definition of “vested interest”, I’m not sure about others, but what “vested interest” could I have in calling out biased reports or championing the sharing of FR on girls which I did before?

Everyone gains, I do not get any personal advantage over anyone else in this forum.
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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 13-02-2018, 04:59 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
vested interest
a personal reason for involvement in an undertaking or situation, especially an expectation of financial or other gain.
"banks have a vested interest in the growth of their customers"

Going by the definition of “vested interest”, I’m not sure about others, but what “vested interest” could I have in calling out biased reports or championing the sharing of FR on girls which I did before?

Everyone gains, I do not get any personal advantage over anyone else in this forum.

Everyone wins if we have a forum that encourages the open sharing of views on girls/houses without going into personal attacks

The only people who “lose” are those with vested interests in certain houses or certain girls.
Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
That may well be the case but since I have 5000 km away I can only take your word for it I cannot check for myself.
Well you are free to share your view
Old 13-02-2018, 05:14 PM
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Re: Where are all the samsters now?

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Well you are free to share your view
You might have noticed that I am only active in the "sexual health" section because that is the only topic where I can impart some sound advice based upon the knowledge that I have acquired over the years.
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