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Old 19-01-2020, 12:02 AM
Rage24 Rage24 is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Haha okok


In my dreams, I saw both Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre coming together, forming a tidal wave that washed away everything in it's path. I looked closer and realized that the "wave" was in fact formed by thousands of Mongolian soldiers. On top of the tidal wave of soldiers stood a dark figure, a character with power so immense that he could summon dark clouds. Then I felt someone hitting me. My eyes opened...walau it's that Lingshan who's attacking me, kicking me while I'm down!

"Oi what you doing!?" I yelled.

"What I doing? What WERE you doing! How come I woke up with my naked ass sunny side up! You molester pervert rapist!"

"Crazy bitch, I saved your life! You kena bitten by snake on your ass, did you forget? I nearly kena poisoned myself from sucking out the venom!"


She grew even more livid and whacked me like crazy. I started running out of the cave and she gives chase. We made a huge ruckus and eventually heard a loud voice.

"Who is making so much noise! SO LOUD I CAN'T EVEN NAP!"

Lingshan and I froze. We had no idea this place was inhabited.

"Hello! Who is this!?" I asked.

Up the trees, we could see the leaves start to sway, clearly someone is hiding in them. It makes it's approach toward us, and I started to shield Lingshan. Finally, the person showed's an old man with a long white beard.

"It is I, legendary swordsman Feng Qingyang 风清扬!"

Damn, another top tier master! Lingshan is excited to meet him.

"Master Feng! The famous swordsman one generation before papa!"

I'm not too keen though.

"Okok uncle Feng, sorry to disturb you. We'll be on our way!" I started to leave, before Lingshan grabbed my hand. Wah, suddenly 180 degree change?

"Wait! Look at what's behind him?" she exclaimed.

"Behind him? What's that, a fishing rod?"

"You stupid ass, it's the Heavenly Sword!!!"

My this is where it is. Fate really brought me to it. Lingshan continues to talk with enthusiasm.

"With it, my Xiao Lingzi can defeat anyone, he would have no trouble seeking revenge!"

"Hey hey, this weapon should be used for the war efforts!" I retorted.

"Aiya, let him take revenge then he'll pass it to you." she replies.

Feng cuts in.

"Ahem. You two lovebirds think I cannot hear you is it? Who said I'm gonna hand the sword over to you!?"

"What lovebirds? I hate this pervert!" Lingshan shouted.

"Then you hold his hand for what?"

Lingshan realizes she is still grabbing hold of my hand and quickly releases it in embarrassment. She then went down on her knees.

"Master Feng, I am Lingshan, daughter of Huashan's leader Yue Buqun. I beg you to borrow us the sword so we can rid the world of evil. We promise to return it to you once the dust is settled."

"Bah! I stole the sword from your arrogant father because I deemed him unworthy, what makes you think you are?"

"How can we be worthy then, Master Feng?" she asked.

"Beat me in a sword fight. Then I'll know you're good enough to protect it from falling into the wrong hands."

We were both vexed. I have had zero training with a sword and she's at best an intermediate. Not even Yue Buqun is his match, never mind the both of us.

"Forget it." I said. "We train for ten years also cannot beat him one. Let's just go back."

She sighed in agreement, as we turned and started to leave.

"Wait wait wait! Young people so useless, quit so easily! Aiya, I sibei sian alone here, give you two a chance!"

He used a stick and carved drawings onto the ground. It's a sword play sequence.

"I want you both to figure out a way to counter this sequence. Once you manage it, the sword is yours."

"Really!?" Lingshan yelled in excitement. "Cannot bluff us ar uncle!"

"Don't be so happy. This is way tougher than it looks!" he replied.

"Ok, give us some time! We won't leave until we figure it out!"

"Hey what about your herbs?" I asked.

"These won't help much actually. The sword, now that would really make my Xiao Lingzi happy!"

"Good luck! Now keep it down, I need to nap! Want to have sex also be quiet!" yelled Feng as he disappeared into the woods again.

We picked up branches and spent the next few hours trying to figure out the sequence first before countering it. We were so clumsy that we constantly bumped into each other. Soon it was night, and I grabbed some pigeons to bbq for dinner. We ate silently around the fire for a while, before Lingshan finally spoke up.

"Hey. I'm sorry I beat you earlier. I remember now, a snake did bit me. I would've died if not for you, so thank you."

"Hmm, at least you have a heart. Never mind, you're like the twentieth woman to hit me already."

We were silent again for a while, before she started sobbing.

"Hey hey, vat happen now? I never even scold you!" I asked.

"It's just that...I feel so useless...everytime Xiao Linzi go out always kena whack. I fear his next attempt would be his last."

"Haiz, don't worry. Once he cuts off his ball-I mean, once we get the sword, no one will bully him anymore."

"You really think we will?"

"Not the slightest doubt."

She finally let out a smile, and I'd be lying if it isn't one of the cutest faces I've ever seen.

Old 19-01-2020, 10:10 PM
bathaimo bathaimo is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Awesome story bro TS, please continue!
Old 20-01-2020, 11:10 AM
Slowpump Slowpump is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Interesting tell us more.
Old 20-01-2020, 04:06 PM
Kovovo Kovovo is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Dehua update please thk u
Old 20-01-2020, 10:20 PM
Rage24 Rage24 is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Soon it was bedtime, and we retreated into the cave to sleep. I could only collect enough straws to form one makeshift bed.

"Hey, you sleep here. I'll go to the other corner." I said.

"What? Without the straws, the floor so damp how to sleep?" she asked. Then she laid on the right side of the straw bed.

"Look, there's enough space. If you don't mind squeezing that is." she said.

"Better not lah, boy girl thin thin not green."

"You don't get any wrong ideas, I will always stay loyal to my Xiao Linzi! Suit yourself!" she replied.

Damn it, she's right. The ground is damp and impossible to sleep on. I had no choice but to slowly creep beside her. She noticed me coming but didn't say a word. I laid down and our backs faced each other, as we dozed off.

The next morning, we woke up almost simultaneously only to find ourselves hugging each other very tightly. Our arms were completely wrapped around each other and our bodies pressed against tightly. I could smell her youthful scent as she's sweating a little. The problem is, we both thought each other were asleep and were too embarassed to make any big movements to get out of this hold. We hugged each other tight consciously for about fifteen minutes before she let off a small cough, that's when she looked up and saw me staring at her. We quickly broke apart.

"You...woke up long already?" she asked.

"Not really. Let's...just go practice."

We return to the drawings and continued to decipher the moves. She soon noticed a pattern and commented.

"Look, this sequence has the ability to strike multiple targets. To beat it, we need to stick really close so we're like a person with four arms. There's an opening in the 14th move, that's when we break apart and you distract him while I get into his blind spot."

"Damn it Lingshan, you're a genius!" I praised her uncontrollably. Her face suddenly seems she's not used to receiving praise.

"Haha, you flatter me...not even my mom praised me like this before."

As a complete amateur, Lingshan had to guide my hands often and we made even more bodily contact. I soon noticed a pattern...all our postures were highly sexual! Me standing behind her while she leaned back at me, our legs crossing each other. I had to apologize multiple times as I brushed her breasts and ass, but she seemed not to mind. Our heartbeats raced as we could smell each other and were both getting sweaty.

We made steady progress and finally devised a complete counter move. During a final rehearsal, as we made a turn, we both lost balance and she fell right on top of me, our eyes and lips just centimetres apart. My hands just nice cupping her breasts, her right thigh pressed against my cock, while my right thigh pushed against her crotch.

"Lingshan, are you hurt?" I asked with concern.


We stared at each other and could no longer hold back. We locked our lips, french kissing vigorously. Her beautiful wet lips were so nice to roam all over, and it aroused me enough to start playing with her breasts. Suddenly, she stopped the kissing.

"No...this is wrong, I cannot let Xiao Linzi down!" she exclaimed.

"Come on, Lingshan. He doesn't really love you!"

She refused to acknowledge me and stood back up. Just then, Feng Qingyang had returned.

"Well? Figured out liao bo? Don't let me down young people!" he asked.

"Yes we have! Don't worry, we will counter this sequence in full!"

He picks up a branch himself to make things fair, as we picked up ours. Then, without warning, he sprinted toward us and did exactly as he drew. But Lingshan's counter worked brilliantly and Feng could find no way past us. Finally, the opening on the 14th move is here.

"Break, now!" Lingshan yelled.

We split up and Lingshan ran into Feng's blindspot while I held him off. It was all going to plan, except Feng had saw this coming and struck towards her! I quickly dashed to push her aside and received a painful lashing from Feng's branch, creating a huge wound on my right arm.

"No, Dehua! Master Feng, please have mercy!" Lingshan yelled as I groaned in pain.

"If I no mercy his arm would have already been chopped off! Now are we gonna continue or what?"

I stumbled back to my feet while blood soaked my sleeve.

"I promised you we'll get that sword! Let's finish this!" I told Lingshan.

"No! You can barely stand! If you don't get that wound treated you'll die from blood loss!" she said while crying.

"HUH really ar? Shit! I thought very pain nia!" I exclaimed, having been alerted by the word "die".

"Aiya, see you two so cham, don't say I bully you, let's just call this a draw." he said, and just left.

"But the sword!" I yelled out at him. Feng disappears into the trees regardless.

"Nevermind, quick, let's patch you up!"

Lingshan helped me to a nearby water source, cleaned my wound and tore off her own sleeve to bandage my wound. Her arm is so fair and smooth, it's like the surface of a snow mountain. And in those days women were very conservative, so it was very daring of her to show so much skin to me. Even though I had already seen her ass, but this time she's conscious. Once the bandage was done, she didn't waste a single second and resumed kissing me like before! I already have a major crush on her at this point and reciprocated, using my uninjured arm to roam her body, as she started undoing my pants. I kept up and removed her outer clothing as well, layer after layer. Soon, she was fully naked, while my cock had been exposed. We didn't even care that we were naked in public, there's not a single soul in sight.

"Forgive me, Xiao Linzi. I think I have found my true love." she uttered. Haha, in your face you future chao ah gua! But as a total virgin she didn't know what to do next. Now the tables are turned - just as she guided me in swordplay, I will now guide her with my meat sword. I laid her on her back, opened up her legs and pressed my cock against her pussy. But I asked one last time.

"Sure you won't regret this?"

"I will only regret if we didn't do this." she replied.

Shiok! I got the greenlight, and pressed my cock into her pussy, then drove it in to break her hymen quickly. She hugged me tight and moaned in pain.

"Just tahan, will be pleasurable soon."

She nodded as I started fucking her. Lingshan's pussy truly feels unique. Out of all the women I've made love with, hers is probably the tightest because she focuses on swordplay and does little kicking. I also can't go too fast due to my injured hand, and we fornicated slowly but sensually for ten minutes in this position. Now it has started to feel pleasurable for her and she got on top of me to ride. We tried several positions inspired by our swordplay before finally standing up as I lifted her leg up with my uninjured hand and fucked her face to face.

"Dehua gor gor...I feel like peeing! How?" she suddenly asked me.

"Don't hold back! It's called an orgasm...I'm cumming too...we'll do it together!"

Just like our battle with Feng, we waited for the opportune moment.

"Now, cum!" I yelled, and thrusted deeper than ever. I fired ropes and ropes of warm cum deep inside her pussy while feeling her tight cunt squirting all over my thighs, as we moaned loudly. We both squirted for a full minute, and by the end both our legs were shaking. We both laid down and hugged each other tight.

"Oh my god...that feeling, like heaven...I never knew that was possible!" she said smiling with joy.

"I'll take you to heaven many more times in the future. This promise I will definitely keep." I said, as we locked lips again in embrace.
Old 21-01-2020, 12:57 AM
batmanyates batmanyates is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Fantastic story bro, support for more!
Old 21-01-2020, 09:58 AM
Rage24 Rage24 is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Lingshan, whom I call by Ling'er now, and I were madly in love and cuddled on the ground while chatting about sex. Her mind was blown and she was curious.

"Xiao Huazai...I heard...can also use my mouth. And the white stuff you put it ok to drink it?"

Damn what a daring girl, I'm in for a good time!

"Of course! Drinking it is good for your health. Keeps you youthful too."

She reached inside her vagina to collect some of the semen I left inside her, and smelled her finger. She was about to taste it when I stopped her.

"No, Ling'er. If you want, drink it fresh from the tap."

Having been given permission, she went down on me and started sucking slowly. The sensuality of an amateur figuring it out was both pleasurable and novel. She went on for 10 minutes before I exploded inside her mouth. She swallowed all she could but still couldn't keep up, and much of my semen dribbled off her lips. I patted her head on a job well done.

"I drank as much as I could for you, my love." she whispered.

"Thank you, Ling'er. Next time...we can play here too..."

I reached around her anus and poked it lightly. She winced a little.

"Naughty boy!" she responded.

"What, you don't want to play there? Then I won't."

"No! I mean...if you really want...then I let you put inside lor..."

It's so fun teasing her when she's clearly curious about anal haha.

"Xiao Huazai...I'm not stupid. You're clearly very experienced in straight with me, how many women have you had? How many do I have to share you with?"

I'm stunned at her question. As I started counting, she seemed more and more upset, but I have to be honest with her.

"I think...three...wait, four. So you're number five."

She started hitting me. They were too soft to hurt but she hit my injured arm by accident.


"Sorry sorry! Hmph...serves you right you flower hearted potato!"

"I won't love you any less, I promise!"

She let out a smile. Whew! Then she turned her attention towards another issue.

"I wonder how I'm gonna break it to Pingzhi. I've really let him down." the nicknaming has now been reserved for me while that future ballless guy is now called by his actual name. Clearly I have usurped his position in her heart.

"Don't worry Ling'er, we'll make it up to him somehow."

Just then, fucking Feng Qingyang shows up while we're still naked!

"Hahaha, matchmaking success!"

"You old pervert, stop staring at us!" I yelled as I covered Ling'er's body as much as I could.

"Please...I've seen everything already! My whole plan was to make you two fall in love and watch some live porn! Hook, line and sinker!" he laughed.

"Pervert! I'll gouge your eyes out!" yelled Ling'er, as we quickly got dressed.

"Don't ji ji wai wai, it's a small price to pay for my help bringing you two together! And for what I'm about to offer!"

He threw the Heavenly Sword down on the ground. We were both shocked. He continued.

"Only selfless people are worthy of carrying it. Your father certainly isn't...he married your mother for her reputation. My swordplay quiz was a test to see if one of you were willing to take a hit for the other. You passed. The two of you, you have true love which means you're willing to give your lives for each other. And that makes you worthy."

"Damn it...that quiz cost me the use of my arm for a while!" I complained.

"Give you pretty girl, give you legendary sword, give you Nine Swords Of Solitude 独孤九剑 arm out for a few weeks is nothing!" he responds.

"Wait, Nine Swords Of Solitude?" I asked.

"I will give you a crash course so you won't be going around with rubbish swordplay skills. Why, don't want to learn ar?"

"WANT!!!" we both shouted in unison, eager to learn the legendary swordplay technique.

Feng did as he promised and we managed to master the basics of the Nine Swords in six hours. Ling'er gained an advanced mastery in the "Sword Breaking Style 破剑式", while I had additional focus on "Chi Breaking Style 破气式". Using the techniques with the Heavenly Sword made us considerably more powerful.

"Thank you master Feng. We don't know what to say. Even though you were a pervert and peeked at us fucking." I told the old master.

"You're welcome. It was a pretty good show, the two of you. Remember to keep on practicing, even though I haven't taught you the full set, it takes years to fully master what I taught you."
Old 21-01-2020, 04:37 PM
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Boy girl thin thin not green
Old 22-01-2020, 06:44 AM
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

nice story, keep on sharing the updates TS.
Old 22-01-2020, 07:43 AM
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Mediating to the next update!!
Old 22-01-2020, 06:08 PM
Kovovo Kovovo is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Xiao Huazai update pls!!!!
Thank you!
Old 22-01-2020, 06:23 PM
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Old 22-01-2020, 09:33 PM
Rage24 Rage24 is offline
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

More thanks for the support

Lingshan and I stayed at the cliff to cuddle for a while before deciding to return to her house. Once there, we were shocked to hear that Lin Pingzhi, despite his injuries, had ran off in pursuit of the legendary Bixie Swordplay 辟邪剑法 to avenge his parents. As everyone knows, the powerful technique can only be mastered by slicing off one's balls. We were about to go track him down and save his balls, only to find out that Mrs Yue had fallen ill. We rushed to see her first.

"Mom, what happened? I'm so sorry I took so long to come down!" Lingshan cries when she sees her weak mother on the bed, pale as a sheet.

"It's ok, Ling'er...Mummy...did some vigorous exercises the other day, over exerted myself."

FUCK! My Eighteen Dragon Cocks must have done some serious internal damage to her cheebye and karchng! She must have only felt them after a while. Turns out, I won the fuck fight. I'm guilty as hell.

"Mrs Yue, I'm sorry you had to go through this...let us go get a doctor." I said.

"It's ok, young man. My injuries are not serious, I just need some rest."

Then, in her daughter's presence, she whispered to me.

"I'd still love for you to fuck me hard again in my ass! Totally worth it!"

Lucky Ling'er never hear! Die lah, gonna be hard keeping this a secret forever. How is she gonna react upon hearing that I had played with her mom's anus like no tomorrow? And destroyed the very hole she was born through into this world!

"Mom...Dehua and I...we're together now. You won't object to us getting married right?" Lingshan suddenly asked.

"Of course not! That's great news!" Mrs Yue said while subtly grabbing my ass. She must be damn happy thinking we have opportunities to fuck many more times! I had to stay calm and slowly pushed her hand off.

"Lingshan, you take care of your mother. I will go track down that SOB Pingzhi and stop him from doing anything silly. I know you're no longer in love with him, but I still feel like we betrayed him. Hope I can make up for it."

"But your arm..." Lingshan, concerned, tries to stop me.

"It's no big deal, I should be able to undo the bandage soon, just can't use kung fu with it for a while."

Mrs Yue makes a sly response.

"Be careful my future son in law! Don't push yourself too hard! Come, give your future mother in law a hug!"

She put me in a spot and I lan lan had to hug her. She took the chance to squeeze my cock and balls hard in secret, and kissed me on my cheeks.

"Okok auntie...enough liao..."

"My mom really likes you, Xiao Huazai!" said Lingshan. Yeah, way more than you know!

I bid them goodbye as I had to go on another side quest. The Huashan disciples gave me a map and compass to ensure I wouldn't get lost this time. Carrying the Heavenly Sword in secret, I rode for three days almost non stop but never caught up with that lanpa hating Lin Pingzhi.

As I rode, I suddenly noticed a faint blood trail which was still fresh. Someone must be seriously hurt. Curious, I decided to follow it, and it led to a cave. To my shock, I saw a young lady, with blood coming out of her mouth, lying on the floor! I rushed over to check her pulse.

"Miss! Miss! Are you ok?"

She slowly opened her eyes but couldn't say a word. I opened up her blouse and can see a faint bruise on her upper breast, she must have kena some internal injury. Wah the breast nice sia. Eh Andy Lau, focus! Then, I suddenly hear her whisper something.

"...k...kiss me..."

What the f? What's wrong with this woman?

"Miss, you hosehboh? Did you just tell me to kiss you?"

Without warning, she used whatever energy she had left to grab me and we locked lips. Kanina, I felt like my soul was getting sucked out! But I could feel it...she was absorbing my internal energy into her. There's no mistake...this is the legendary Star Sucking Skill 吸星大法. It can only mean one thing...she is Ren Woxing 任我行's daughter, Ren Yingying 任盈盈!

Old 23-01-2020, 05:45 PM
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

Oh fuck, more pussies for Andy Lau
Old 23-01-2020, 06:44 PM
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Re: My Adventures In The World Of Jinyong <金庸群侠钻>

... ... ...are we gonna see 东方不败 the ladyboy soon?
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