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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 20-09-2022, 11:04 AM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by taumajid2003 View Post
$100 hj cannot zhut zhut, she told me no such price as $50. I do not want to waste time with here as I have it elsewhere. $50 with zhut zhut and roaming. It's all up to you bros out there to either want to be a carrot head and support or send a signal to them that we are the KINGS. We command the price. Without our patronize, you will have to lan lan close shop
There are too many roberts around who are still willing to pay this $68/88+$100 bs. Luckily for the wiser cheongsters we still have our $50 hj + zhut zhut playgrounds.

Protect your playground guys
Jack of all trades master of none, though often times better than master of one.

GGM YYY was here.
Old 20-09-2022, 02:29 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by taumajid2003 View Post
$100 hj cannot zhut zhut, she told me no such price as $50. I do not want to waste time with here as I have it elsewhere. $50 with zhut zhut and roaming. It's all up to you bros out there to either want to be a carrot head and support or send a signal to them that we are the KINGS. We command the price. Without our patronize, you will have to lan lan close shop
The ml said the same thing, nowadays hj no more 50, minum 80-100. What a joke. Limpeh 100 still can get fj today. This is a spa run by an ang pai btw.. so maybe she see she got pricing power.
Old 20-09-2022, 10:17 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by needforboobs View Post
The ml said the same thing, nowadays hj no more 50, minum 80-100. What a joke. Limpeh 100 still can get fj today. This is a spa run by an ang pai btw.. so maybe she see she got pricing power.
Yup...the price should be set by us. Without us patronising them, they can go and eat grass. So please...always bear in mind. We consumer is KING and have the power. Don' be like a moron and suck up and be a slave to them!
Old 22-09-2022, 07:26 AM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by SgBoy86 View Post
There are too many roberts around who are still willing to pay this $68/88+$100 bs.
contributing to ml to buy Iphone14

Originally Posted by taumajid2003 View Post
Yup...the price should be set by us. Without us patronising them, they can go and eat grass.
many ml no eat grass but alot wc moment unboxing Iphone14.
Old 22-09-2022, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by needforboobs View Post
The ml said the same thing, nowadays hj no more 50, minum 80-100. What a joke. Limpeh 100 still can get fj today. This is a spa run by an ang pai btw.. so maybe she see she got pricing power.
Certainly. One ML that i visit from time to time recently offered me body 2 body and boob fck for $100. I just politely declined. But it annoyed me when she keep trying to sell. Just tell her wallet hurts lately if I take that pkg then cannot visit her too often

Some ml really too naive thinking that we can't afford, but i was too polite to tell her $100 is actually not worth such service, when can get FJ at that price. Once talk about money all gfe gone despite her best effort to restore it.

$100 for FJ, everything also bao and more once the ml is turned on ..hahah. What is body 2 body??
Old 22-09-2022, 09:55 AM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

I am ok with 58 or 68 for an hr of massage.The extras should be 50 with extra tip of 30 if more is given such as touching before or stripping bare
Old 22-09-2022, 10:23 AM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

if massage is 50. B2b, hj, lick, finger, pant and panties down = 100, still acceptable for me.
Old 22-09-2022, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by needforboobs View Post
The ml said the same thing, nowadays hj no more 50, minum 80-100. What a joke. Limpeh 100 still can get fj today. This is a spa run by an ang pai btw.. so maybe she see she got pricing power.
U must be regular … others mostly ask for crazy price
If $88+$100 for hj, i would rather $150 go for fj. Everything bare.

There is some ml is $58/hr, ask $50 hj w top roam, i think this rate I still can accept.
Old 22-09-2022, 04:26 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Once start to bargain all GFE drop liao ... I will not go unless know the affordable price
Old 23-09-2022, 10:40 AM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

YES correct.
recent I ask a milf shut up when she blah blah on inflation, double then people salaries not double too...ktvs spas...remember we can control tips, the problem is all men in SG not united. Anyway that milf then Guai Guai serve me good good and she just get what I pay her. when uncle Steven show black face ,girls better obey old uncle me, it always work maybe cos of my scar face and tattoos but I not gangster but they think I am old jianghu beng LOL
Anyway $50 hj autoroam, $80 bj, $100 fj are still the standard. I pay nothing more ...bros who know the game know well..don't let girls climb over your head

Originally Posted by taumajid2003 View Post
Yup...the price should be set by us. Without us patronising them, they can go and eat grass. So please...always bear in mind. We consumer is KING and have the power. Don' be like a moron and suck up and be a slave to them!
Old 23-09-2022, 04:12 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Originally Posted by playben View Post
YES correct.
recent I ask a milf shut up when she blah blah on inflation, double then people salaries not double too...ktvs spas...remember we can control tips, the problem is all men in SG not united. Anyway that milf then Guai Guai serve me good good and she just get what I pay her. when uncle Steven show black face ,girls better obey old uncle me, it always work maybe cos of my scar face and tattoos but I not gangster but they think I am old jianghu beng LOL
Anyway $50 hj autoroam, $80 bj, $100 fj are still the standard. I pay nothing more ...bros who know the game know well..don't let girls climb over your head
Nice...that's the way to go bro! Btw if u dun mind..can share the milf $50 hj autoroam? 😆
Old 23-09-2022, 04:37 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

tat y nowadays i always.back to AMK with my regular..if u read the amk kaki u will know so worth it. 50 plus 50 with aeroplane style. can drink milk too..LOL
Old 25-09-2022, 12:17 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

I also found one in Bishan also st 50+50
Old 25-09-2022, 01:33 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

Still many bros here tio kc. Go book a session, see the ML tired, give her some money to rest and end the session within 5 mins.

End up the ML can tell me that guy is damn irritating but easy to cheat his money.
Old 27-09-2022, 02:23 PM
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Re: Bros, Dont spoil market

they are not so hard to find especially $50 auto roam, explore more

Originally Posted by taumajid2003 View Post
Nice...that's the way to go bro! Btw if u dun mind..can share the milf $50 hj autoroam? 😆
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