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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 28-08-2007, 08:40 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Another recommendation for JG - WenWen. And with good massage!

Check the thread - Another Good Massage Joint - Belle (Duxton) for the details.

Old 28-08-2007, 09:13 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Originally Posted by ee_enjoy View Post
Another recommendation for JG - WenWen. And with good massage!

Check the thread - Another Good Massage Joint - Belle (Duxton) for the details.

Hi Bro,

Any idea what's the damage for Entrance and JG for this joint? Also if they provide anything else?

Been there done that, had plenty of good and not so good memories throughout the years... Now there isn't much excitement left and the places seem so mundane. Guess this is retirement for me for now...
Old 28-08-2007, 09:20 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

The joint only provides good proper massage plus JG (not all the gals know JG from what I know)

Entrance: $40 (60mins) $60 (90 mins)
JG : $50
Old 29-08-2007, 09:48 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Just tried Linda's JG last night to revitalise after intensive "fire missions" last week. Unexpectedly end with a fj with her.
Old 29-08-2007, 11:45 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Originally Posted by marct View Post
I tried AnAn (YTH), Cindy (olive), Estee, Linda, Grace

My opinion on effectiveness

1) AnAn
2) Estee
3) Linda
4) Grace
5) Cindy( its HJ, not JG)

Looking forward exchange opinions, to try out

My opinion:

Estee (Dorris HC) - but painful also
Mandy (Silk Massage)
Wen Wen (Belle Massage)
Golden Finger SPA (most of the thai gals do provide)
Penny (Dorris HC)
Linda (Zen @ Grandlink)
Cindy (XiangLee) - More like HJ but the effect of her technique really helps to
pump the blood flow, can opt for dun release

AnAn - Have recommended by friends on her good skill but never had the opportunity to try
Grace - Never try yet
Old 31-08-2007, 01:57 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Decided to try Grace to complete my evaluation, hehe

Honestly, was a bit disappointed on her look when she entered. Cuz after hearing so much about her JG and had imagined her to be more sexy looking. However, she is not bad looking, its just average in my opinion.

Her massage was above average, limited to a few routine in repitition. Strength wise is alright but she was frank too admit that if I am used to hard massage (which I am), I will find hers slightly weak.

On her JG, totally agreed with all the bros here (that like her JG) that her JG is shiok and enjoyable and thorough and the whole JG process is quite long as well. And she also give explaination on JG as she performs the JG. She tried a few times to do the so called "bone crack sound" but not successful so didnt get to witness it

Overall, for good proper JG, I would rated her JG above Linda and Penny but still not to the level of Estee and Mandy. I would also give her plus point for the shiokness and her JG is quite long. However, for the sexy MILF factor, I would still prefer Linda over Grace.

Old 02-09-2007, 03:32 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Brother, if you want Grace to do hard massage, you better ask her to book the room with high bed. The high bed got a hole for your head to rest so you can breath easy when she massage you. Also for high bed she can stand when doing massage so she can use her body weight to put more power on your body. There got only 1 room have high bed. I always go for the high bed and I find her strenght enough. If harder I feel uncomfortable and pain. Also using high bed when she do JG you her body more close to your body.
Old 02-09-2007, 04:19 PM
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'Jua gen' BBBJ FJ

Which 'jua gen' gal can do BBBJ and FJ ???
Old 02-09-2007, 04:31 PM
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Wink Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Just want to check the gal in Gold finger do they provide JG ? Want to try this spa but not too sure how they do it ? is the join in the open or room type ? pse advise and thks
Old 06-09-2007, 10:39 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Originally Posted by wwiss View Post
Brother, if you want Grace to do hard massage, you better ask her to book the room with high bed. The high bed got a hole for your head to rest so you can breath easy when she massage you. Also for high bed she can stand when doing massage so she can use her body weight to put more power on your body. There got only 1 room have high bed. I always go for the high bed and I find her strenght enough. If harder I feel uncomfortable and pain. Also using high bed when she do JG you her body more close to your body.
Brother, you are absolutely correct.
Proper massage bed should be up to waist height and there must be a hole for you to sink your head into it when you lie in prone position. You can then breath easily while enjoying your massage of your back and buttock areas.
The masseuse can then also move easily around the bed to apply the right pressure or stronger pressure to the parts of your body she is massaging.
And true too, an added advantage for the client, the groin and buttock areas of the masseuse are closer to your face and there are lesser obstructions to your hands when you move them around to the areas you like to feel.
It is a misconception for many brothers who think that hard massage is good.
If you really need very hard massage to feel the relief, then definitely there are some problems in your body. Your tissue has hardened and less sensitive to touch.
On the other extreme end, there are some brothers who feel painful even to soft massage.
These peoples should then go to a doctor or more correctly, a physiotherapist instead of a masseuse.
Lasser Beam
Old 06-09-2007, 10:42 AM
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Re: Opt for Proper massage bed.

Originally Posted by wwiss View Post
Brother, if you want Grace to do hard massage, you better ask her to book the room with high bed. The high bed got a hole for your head to rest so you can breath easy when she massage you. Also for high bed she can stand when doing massage so she can use her body weight to put more power on your body. There got only 1 room have high bed. I always go for the high bed and I find her strenght enough. If harder I feel uncomfortable and pain. Also using high bed when she do JG you her body more close to your body.
Brother, you are absolutely correct.
Proper massage bed should be up to waist height and there must be a hole for you to sink your head into it when you lie in prone position. You can then breath easily while enjoying your massage of your back and buttock areas.
The masseuse can then also move easily around the bed to apply the right pressure or stronger pressure to the parts of your body she is massaging.
And true too, an added advantage for the client, the groin and buttock areas of the masseuse are closer to your face and there are lesser obstructions to your hands when you move them around to the areas you like to feel.
It is a misconception for many brothers who think that hard massage is good.
If you really need very hard massage to feel the relief, then definitely there are some problems in your body. Your tissue has hardened and less sensitive to touch.
On the other extreme end, there are some brothers who feel painful even to soft massage.
These peoples should then go to a doctor or more correctly, a physiotherapist instead of a masseuse.
Lasser Beam
Old 08-09-2007, 03:19 AM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

After I went through several pages on this thread and was intrigue by the Juan Gen massage, I decided to go to XingYi in Lorong 1 for a try yesterday. I went in and asked Lili (which is highly recommended by the senior bro here). It turns out that she went back to China and I was ask if this lady can serve me... I looked at her as she was wearing an open tank top with revealing cleavage. I said to myself, what the heck and I had drove all the way here and agreed to by serve by her.

The massage was below par, not very strong and the routine takes only 20 minutes (I usually do a 2 hours javanese massage.) Then came the Juagen massage... The only thing she does is just pressing a point near my anal while messaging my shaft... she asked me whether I can feel the sensation which I replied No but find sensation when her finger touch my dick head. She did perform the Hai Di Lao Yue trick but I find it that instead messaging the groin area when I face down, she just simply ticke my the bottom of my balls....

After a while of doing the Juagen (may be 15 minutes) on me lying on my back with my two legs lays on tops of her legs... I simply sit up and start grab her B natural cup with eraser tip nipple. I slowly caressing her breast and eraser while at the same time kissing her neck, ear, and cheeks. When I french her, she resisted first but finally open her mouth with lots of tounge action. I then put another hand on her pussy and caressing it and she start to do soft moan. She later change her position and stroking my shaft on the side while her top loosen to reveal her B cup... I am attacking her cup and french her while at the same time caressing her pussy (Please note that I did not do insertion). All this while, she is moaning and call me a bad boys.... Cannot tahan anymore and told her that I am going to unload... She put more pressure and there it goes.. the champange flow. She keeps on stroking the head slowly to draw all the cum while at the same time give me the 'that' look. She would later wash my dick and dry me.

If you want to have good message and Juagen, I don't think she can do that but if you want to have a good HJ, she is quite accomodating with the frenching, caressing, and touching.

Name: Xiao Ting or Ah Ting from PRC.
Age: did not ask but looks like in early 30's
Boobs: B natural with eraser tip nipple.
Body: slim
Face: pleasant looking, not ugly. 6.5/10
Damage: $30 entrance + $50 +$20 tip
RTF: maybe if I want to have HJ.
Old 08-09-2007, 11:45 AM
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Re: Opt for Proper massage bed.

Originally Posted by laserbeam View Post
If you really need very hard massage to feel the relief, then definitely there are some problems in your body. Your tissue has hardened and less sensitive to touch.
can also be due to sore muscles from exertion (like long time never exercise, go chiong IPPT) like my case.
Old 09-09-2007, 08:13 PM
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Re: Looking For Juagen Service

Brother garion, if you have muscle sores, then you will feel pain if the masseuse does hard massageon you. Soft massage is still the best for sored muscles.
For brothers who like very hard massage, then better go to a Health Centre where there are high beds and Monkey bars. The masseuse will hold on to the bars while she steps on your body to apply strong massage using her full body weight.
Lasser Beam
Old 19-09-2007, 09:14 AM
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Thumbs down Surprise that the lady Boss offerred bad service and unfriendly attitude

I went to try out a girl whom my friend strongly recommended.
The recept was very unfriendly and said there was no such girl's name.
The lady Boss came up and offerred herself to service me.
I thought it was good idea to carry the Boss a bit and so I accepted.
It was a great dissappointment!
She was not keen in doing a good massage.
She only did some piano works for a while and poped the Golden option.
She was more interested in making fast money.
Again I was wrong in obliging her.
As I was not very interested with her look and body, I did not have much urge and mood to work on her.
After a while she showed black face and impatiently told me to quickly shoot and finish off.
This turned me off and straight away my Didi went soft.
She was more unhappy and told me that it was time's up and she could not wait for me to get hard again. I was so upset and felt shamful. I told her never mind and I paid her and then washed up.
Any brothers have tried this lady Boss and got the same treatment?
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