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Old 10-09-2005, 10:16 PM
Kilograms Kilograms is offline
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

coming in here to see whats happenning here, an asshole trying to interupt all the good bros fave pass-time. Are you gay or what? or you jealous becoz no one wants to see u upskirt( to much pimples ) hahahaha

Anyway,just let this forum be what its suppose to be. PLease leave if you're not up to it.
Old 10-09-2005, 10:33 PM
fcukger fcukger is offline
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by Kilograms
coming in here to see whats happenning here, an asshole trying to interupt all the good bros fave pass-time. Are you gay or what? or you jealous becoz no one wants to see u upskirt( to much pimples ) hahahaha

Anyway,just let this forum be what its suppose to be. PLease leave if you're not up to it.
well said... u got guts man... u r in my up list... standby...

Het Tien Roi...
Old 10-09-2005, 10:43 PM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by VtecDC5
yes u remember it is a sex forum.
not CRIME abetting forum.
You think it is ok ?
promote your Crime here.
I promote my crime,

Everyone, go fuck secondary school gals, have sex with FLs in public places like cinemas and restaurants, go and screw that chio TP Minah on her motorcycle...

Oh dear, am I gonna get sent to prison for 99 years for abetting others?
all gals are made of sugar and spice and all things nice...

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Old 10-09-2005, 11:18 PM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

VtecDC5, r u the clone of these 2 gays - espn05 or luval
Old 10-09-2005, 11:21 PM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by napster
VtecDC5, r u the clone of these 2 gays - espn05 or luval
More like clown, or The 3 Stooges.
all gals are made of sugar and spice and all things nice...

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Old 11-09-2005, 12:59 AM
Djouls Djouls is offline
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

dare to do it, dare to face consequences then. haha
lust take over? then lust take over go rape some girls then. disgrace to your family. how about taking your mum's upskirt and see better.
bloody desperate pervert. u will get your fucking desserts soon. watch it

thats what he pm me about. stop telling us to watch this watch that. wait here wait there.we get your point k?
annoying i hate people who dragged other peoples parents into the stuff they do. yi ren gan zuo yi ren dang.
Old 11-09-2005, 03:17 PM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Well, i think this photo posting is fine and is of interest to some of us who share the same interest. I think Vtec should stop imposing his views on others.

My only concern is that we should not make this such a big thing, and try not to quarrel (keep a low profile). If the New Paper or some other papers/ magazines get word of this thread, and some conservative bastard starts an article on it, we can all say goodbye to girls in short skirts cos they'd be put on their guard, and that will end our 'live' enjoyment in public places...
Old 12-09-2005, 12:08 AM
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Talking Re: UpSkirt Photo

aiyo.. so many chatting. where the upskirt photo gone to??
Old 12-09-2005, 12:56 AM
fcukger fcukger is offline
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by craftkilne
aiyo.. so many chatting. where the upskirt photo gone to??
go to mi thread n support in the meanwhile lor...

Het Tien Roi...
Old 12-09-2005, 11:18 AM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

One day, I hope that the long arms of the law will reach you.

Another hidding chicken just zapped me for the above reason cause i'm posting in this thread... come on lah, go back to school study your books, here is not suitable for you to log in boy....
Old 12-09-2005, 11:21 AM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

And thanks or brother aixin to up me....
check your PM i will send a very good website with more then 500 nice upskirts picture to you....
Old 12-09-2005, 01:18 PM
Cheri_Popper Cheri_Popper is offline
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by aikoN79
i think recently got reports that was sue for posting some pics and the gals lodge a complaint... even though the owner of the site act blur but still kena... forget wat punishment ....

Maybe someone who is knowledgeable of the law (eg. Bro Cheri_popper) can enlighten us ??

Taking photos of girls in compromising situations especially if she is not aware of such pictures are taken is an offence under both the Penal Code and Woman's Chapter. It constitute to an offence of Insulting A Woman's Decency. It is not Outrage Of Modesty as there is no physical contact and the person's intention is not to "touch" the girl.

If the girl is posing for the photographer, like some of them especially those in JAV, it is not an offence and the girl is a willing party. However, possession of such material here, constitute to an offence and can be charge for possession of pornography materials.

All of us have our own fetishes, if those who find the postings are offensive, then please do not come to this thread. What you like may not be what other like and what other like might not be what you like. We should not impose our views onto others and vice versa.

As for those who take this type of risks and who has interest of taking such photography, you will have to answer for your actions if you are apprehended one day. Please remember that "Ignorance of The Law Is Not A Mitigation Factor!!!".
Old 12-09-2005, 01:44 PM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
All of us have our own fetishes, if those who find the postings are offensive, then please do not come to this thread. What you like may not be what other like and what other like might not be what you like. We should not impose our views onto others and vice versa.

As for those who take this type of risks and who has interest of taking such photography, you will have to answer for your actions if you are apprehended one day. Please remember that "Ignorance of The Law Is Not A Mitigation Factor!!!".
Well said brother!

Bro cherri popper.. i got a couple of question hope you dun mind answering.

1. What if we possess of upskirt pictures but not taken by ourselfs? But we saved it into our computer from the net. What could the authority do to us?

2. No pictures saved in our comp.. but we come to this thread to view. What could the authority do to us?

3. If we did took the pictures but not caught red handed, meaning we still have those pics in our HP and computer. What could the authority do to us?

4. Does upskirts from different country make a different? What if we possess upskirt from websites like japanese upskirt. What about we possessing those local upskirts?

5. I know posting upskirts is confirmed illegal in certain way. But what about posting chio bus pictures from friendster etc (not nude or upskirt.. plain normal pictures of girls)? I know the owner of the picture can sue us for that. But what if they can't find the owner? Could the authority charge us for something like taking stranger's pictures off the net and distributing?

Old 12-09-2005, 01:56 PM
Cheri_Popper Cheri_Popper is offline
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by jackylee
1. What if we possess of upskirt pictures but not taken by ourselfs? But we saved it into our computer from the net. What could the authority do to us?

2. No pictures saved in our comp.. but we come to this thread to view. What could the authority do to us?

3. If we did took the pictures but not caught red handed, meaning we still have those pics in our HP and computer. What could the authority do to us?

4. Does upskirts from different country make a different? What if we possess upskirt from websites like japanese upskirt. What about we having those local upskirts?

1. You have to prove to the Authorities that the photo does not orginated from you. E.g. If the pics are taken in Japan, you can prove that you have never been there by showing your passport, you will probably let off with a warning. Chances of being charged for possession of pornography material are slim as the pics does not show any private parts like breasts or pussies.

2. As long as you did not U/Load or D/Load any porno pics, as far as I know, there is no section of the Law that covers it. But you sure to kanna lecture and given a warning.

3. As long as the "Victims" did not make any Police report of it. You are quite safe. You don't expect the Police to go around and asking girls "Excuse me, are these pics of you?" hehehe!

4. Answer as no:1

Hopes that helps!
Old 12-09-2005, 02:00 PM
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Re: UpSkirt Photo

Originally Posted by Cheri_Popper
1. You have to prove to the Authorities that the photo does not orginated from you. E.g. If the pics are taken in Japan, you can prove that you have never been there by showing your passport, you will probably let off with a warning. Chances of being charged for possession of pornography material are slim as the pics does not show any private parts like breasts or pussies.

2. As long as you did not U/Load or D/Load any porno pics, as far as I know, there is no section of the Law that covers it. But you sure to kanna lecture and given a warning.

3. As long as the "Victims" did not make any Police report of it. You are quite safe. You don't expect the Police to go around and asking girls "Excuse me, are these pics of you?" hehehe!

4. Answer as no:1

Hopes that helps!
Yeah thanks cheri popper! Nice to have someone who used to be a police officer here in the forum!

I hope the answers could aid every brothers in SBF.. not to get into any trouble.

And to the trouble maker that goes around PM-ing people.


Last edited by jackylee; 12-09-2005 at 02:11 PM.
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