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Old 24-09-2012, 11:00 PM
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Re: L6h66

L6H66 is still by far one of my favorite houses. Friendly OKT and G15's my fav gal in all of GL. I've tried a few others in the same house and they're all up to standard as well.

But any new and recommended arrivals lately?
Old 25-09-2012, 02:00 AM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by siam66 View Post
Please do, bro. Confirm got can find many types of tom yum versions here. OKT in this house very friendly. My first time there he welcome me with a very big smile and the best part is when I passed him the money, he sort of bow a little and received it with both hands!!! Even on the way out, another older OKT thank me again so you see, mai tu liao quickly fast leg fast hand drop by when you are free. If I am not wrong there are 12 types of tom yum served there. To avoid disappointment, try to go in the afternoon probably 3-6pm to avoid the lunch / dinner / supper crowd. Good luck and happy bonking...and forget to post your food report ( oops! I mean FR ) later....hehee....cheers.
You can be sure I will definitely drop in..... but my timing can only make it after dark .....
Old 25-09-2012, 04:12 PM
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Re: L6h66

Went back to G2 again on past Saturday! One word 'execellent'. Make me....huh...beh tong liao...!
Old 25-09-2012, 11:37 PM
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Re: L6h66

bro mael, thanks for waiting n sorry for the wait... hahaha

was there around 8plus, very lucky to have at least 6-8 gals in the tank, was hoping for g11 n g2, both not available, settled for g15.

as mention before by one of the brother, she looks like a Chinese, hers looks will grow on u thou her heavy and dark eye bag is still quite visible, anyway good job for trying to conceal that dark n heavy eye bag.... lol she has a pair of lovely eyes, just love it, still can remember while writing this fr.

after seeing her undress, no offense to her fans, was slight disappointed, boobs the most A cup, body nothing to shout about, shower and proceed to action. catbath was so-so, her frenching, wow, was very passionate, omg, she wrap her arm around my neck n the another hand running her finger thru my hair n lots of tougue action. omg, was enjoying it. bbbj was good too, good suction, quite solid. fj with her riding and frenching like no tomorrow, just can't take it.

Overall quite a good and enjoyable session, may rtf if 11 or 2 is unavailable.

on the way out, a bro was waiting for her. bro, hope u enjoyed as much as I do..

have good evening everyone

3 f
Old 26-09-2012, 12:34 AM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by sukinder View Post
was there around 8plus, very lucky to have at least 6-8 gals in the tank, was hoping for g11 n g2, both not available, settled for g15.

as mention before by one of the brother, she looks like a Chinese, hers looks will grow on u thou her heavy and dark eye bag is still quite visible, anyway good job for trying to conceal that dark n heavy eye bag.... lol she has a pair of lovely eyes, just love it, still can remember while writing this fr.

after seeing her undress, no offense to her fans, was slight disappointed, boobs the most A cup, body nothing to shout about, shower and proceed to action. catbath was so-so, her frenching, wow, was very passionate, omg, she wrap her arm around my neck n the another hand running her finger thru my hair n lots of tougue action. omg, was enjoying it. bbbj was good too, good suction, quite solid. fj with her riding and frenching like no tomorrow, just can't take it.

Overall quite a good and enjoyable session, may rtf if 11 or 2 is unavailable.

on the way out, a bro was waiting for her. bro, hope u enjoyed as much as I do..

have good evening everyone

Thanks!! Appreciate your details sharing. It is difficult to find chinese-looking Thai.
L18H10 #08, L18H40 #05, WH14 #01
L8H66E #83 (Jiajia), #28 (Meilin), #66 (Lulu), #99, #81 (Feifei)

Old 26-09-2012, 02:09 AM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by collin_23 View Post
If u like the girl just rtf .

If u don't like the girl just don't rtf .

I believe any girl is just trying make a living and most have family to support .

I just came back from Danok not long ago, majority no BBBJ unless gf , majority bad service unless u take coyotes or dancers from bar as gf or she likes u . Danok is already occupied by myanmars , only ovation is worth the reputation but u not going screw the nice OKT right ?

Take it with a pinch of salt , the girls in this hse r smart enough to know what can do , what cannot do .

It is definitely useless to post in here , majority customers and darlings if successful will not have time to post in here including me when I not busy earn money . 10 yrs ago I am young that time I same some of u jealous , want post in here stop darlings visit her but I can tell u useless one lah , u hurting yourslf only . Be grateful she earn enough money no need ask u for money , if u have the time post in here I think u max 1000 - 3000 only , minus cpf and give family not much left no car no house one .

Av is not reading here , not so free so save your breath , enjoy while she still here . If u too jealous and want control she will happily dump u , unless u fucking rich . Handsome no handsome , speak thai no speak thai no difference , overnight no overnight no difference , overnight to us is happy but to them is overtime and not enough sleep .

This is geylang explained in 1 post!
Old 26-09-2012, 06:41 AM
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Exclamation Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by thaipor
Bro, dnt believe too much...believe your self... cos G22 still new... she wont take the risk....tq
ya bro.. i also believe she not so stupid.. but than why got bros want to flame lol
To dear bros of L6H66,I'm a regular in this house,the above mentioned is true!i had been offered raw F***by G22 named por,provided if I give extra 2 blue notes.but I'm not intrested and rejected her.but,due to her good service,in the end I tipped her with 2 blue notes. I belive money can work on most of the WL who willing to give in more.attention to newbie brudders,do not fall in those kc traps from WL.hi & bye is the rule.chiong smart if not regret later.happy bonking brudders..
Old 26-09-2012, 07:31 AM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by tomyam2516 View Post
Originally Posted by thaipor
Bro, dnt believe too much...believe your self... cos G22 still new... she wont take the risk....tq
ya bro.. i also believe she not so stupid.. but than why got bros want to flame lol
To dear bros of L6H66,I'm a regular in this house,the above mentioned is true!i had been offered raw F***by G22 named por,provided if I give extra 2 blue notes.but I'm not intrested and rejected her.but,due to her good service,in the end I tipped her with 2 blue notes. I belive money can work on most of the WL who willing to give in more.attention to newbie brudders,do not fall in those kc traps from WL.hi & bye is the rule.chiong smart if not regret later.happy bonking brudders..
WAAA. I think need myself go down and check really true anot
Old 26-09-2012, 07:40 AM
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Thumbs up Re: L6h66

No point to ask bro,you should know what's the answer from G22.words from WL,can be belive?if yes,🐷can climb up the trees liao
Old 26-09-2012, 08:28 AM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by tomyam2516 View Post
No point to ask bro,you should know what's the answer from G22.words from WL,can be belive?if yes,🐷can climb up the trees liao
Bro, tomyam2516, when was ur latest visit with G22 ?? Did her just kidding with you???
Old 26-09-2012, 10:00 AM
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Re: L6h66

Haha , another one , good luck to her darlings

Don't kena KC too deep can already

U talk like that next time I don't dare tip already wait she think I am u , save my tips haha .

1 day about 10 customers , 10 x 25 = 250 , if ang pai at least 15 - 20 , plus overnight , 1 day easily 300 - 400 , take risk haha to each his own u do the maths ..
Old 26-09-2012, 10:17 AM
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Re: L6h66

on my 2nd visit G22 offer me raw and my small head take over my big head now i really regret it i dun think iam the only 1 she offer raw with i believe there are other customers who did raw with her
Old 26-09-2012, 10:34 AM
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Re: L6h66

Haha to each his own , I not her darling BTW

People come make money support family only , people who post like that don't really love her .

Not much difference anyway, u shiok can already lor ,already explained

Quite funny only , all those nick long long time no post suddenly come out haha

Last edited by collin_23; 26-09-2012 at 10:51 AM.
Old 26-09-2012, 11:15 AM
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Re: L6h66

Originally Posted by collin_23 View Post
Haha to each his own , I not her darling BTW

People come make money support family only , people who post like that don't really love her .

Not much difference anyway, u shiok can already lor ,already explained

Quite funny only , all those nick long long time no post suddenly come out haha

K back to making more money ..... very tired work non stop cause want retire early .
Agree with u, bro collin, the WL just come to earn money and wont make this mistake to spoil their money way... more over, who was deal with G22 also know that she is the kind of like to make joke and play around to make the enviroment warm and stress relief... she never offer raw but did speak play play while we ask syiok syiok to her... cause she will say only raw for hjob and bjob, but fjob are not allowed... ... as i hv said just belief urself....tq
Old 26-09-2012, 12:20 PM
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Re: L6h66

It seem like more and more bros are coming out claiming that "sashimi " is being served by a certain Wl in this house. Well, to all bros who are still undecided whether its true or not, all I would like to say is this.Please read carefully along / between the lines (starting from pricky77) and then ask yourself why this particular wl, why this particular house and most importantly why at this particular time??? In fact (IMHO ), there are so many loopholes there and getting the answer is not difficult at all. Anyway whatever your decision is, you are definitely entitled to it and all I wish / hope now is history does not repeat itself again.....sigh.....cheers.
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