Originally posted by NoHorseRun should be..i ask the gers...most of them leaving spore end of the mth..so i assume next batch of them coming in end of this mth? well..dont flame me if i am wrong..anyway is not a good time to go MG now...gers very few only...
Hopefully some will come soon.......me miss the galssssss....
Originally posted by fun4evergood Hopefully some will come soon.......me miss the galssssss....
Bro fun4ever, you left without saying a word tot you mia...LOL well at least till 20th this month if not will not have new batch. Really waste of time and $$$. Imagine that it was the first time time passes so slowly. Anyway the SYT 02, can drop idea of bonking. Aim for others, will be better.
Originally posted by WoW_LaU Wow now MG very jialat....due to the gals very limited edition type, very disappointing trip there last night!
Think it might due to the heavy tension of being raid, most of the gals went home early, so not much gals at night...
Anyway, has anyone got FR on MU?
Not related to the Raids lar. Computer System down only those gers like sua ku like tat say got raid. Especially a ger name Zhang ling or something lar. Anyhow say then the new gers all kan cheong. Also MG not as tight as TH where the gers can go and come, while TH once step in to work cannot go out till 2am the next day. The new batch really sucks hence no need to waste money till they return home.
Originally posted by Strider_sG Not related to the Raids lar. Computer System down only those gers like sua ku like tat say got raid. Especially a ger name Zhang ling or something lar. Anyhow say then the new gers all kan cheong. Also MG not as tight as TH where the gers can go and come, while TH once step in to work cannot go out till 2am the next day. The new batch really sucks hence no need to waste money till they return home.
I totally agreed with you. We gotta wait for new batch of gals in next month. Hope got chio gals!