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Old 11-07-2009, 10:39 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by zack06 View Post
: ) how much did you tip for her to allow you to use ur cam?

which part of shanghai are you at? maybe can share info. I traverse btwn sg-sh-suzhou (Jiangsu Lu area of SH)
I am trying hard to remember....but I think I might have given her 100rmb tip for allowing me to use the camera freely

Thanks for the links to the older contributions by .... bro Joshzzz, oldmac and sexatronic on bbs.

Btw, may I know which is the nearest MRT station for 镇宁路... I am trying to find it on my map...

Actually, I will be in shanghai next week between 14 - 17 july.... so I am just preparing for my trip...
Old 11-07-2009, 10:48 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Joshzzz View Post
No. But some streets like Wuzhong Lu are known HJ places. XiaoMuQiao Lu tends to be fuckshops. There's another street near DaMuQiao Lu with oily massage shops (one with cute girls for 250-290rmb) and some BBS (girls not my standard!).

Personally, Yiwu in Zhejiang is BBS heaven. Us BBS lovers should plan a trip there together sometime. BBS everywhere! DaBao overnight (2shots within 3 hours in some places) for 300rmb! Fuck in BBS also no clock watching! 下车门for DaBao shops. Same for BaoLian 街 but not sure of the characters. Lots of BBS around 宾王路 area.

With the current risks of going anywhere illegal.. I'm seeking my thrills with "normal" girls I'm trying to convert into my personal "FL".

Currently bonking a 22yr old from Hunan. Sweet, young and fresh... persuaded with some cash. Was looking for a job here.
Sorry bro, I am a real greenie in Shanghai and very bad with chinese... Is "Yiwu in Zhejiang" actually within Puxi, Shanghai..?? or is it literally in Zhejiang? (if in shanghai, near which MRT?)

btw, lucky you!!!!... with the fresh untainted hunan girl ..

I heard you can find FLs hanging around some hotels/motels in shanghai... any idea where?
Old 12-07-2009, 02:17 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

You can find alot of FL there in Shanghai... U walk outside your hotel, sure got OKT come to you... Stay shanghai until sianz already. PM me if you want a recommended FL. Which part of shanghai you stay?
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Old 12-07-2009, 02:37 AM
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Re: Virgin

Originally Posted by roaringlion View Post
What is the going or reasonable rate to pay for a virgin? I was given the option with an 18 year-old girl. She looks 7.5/10.
Don't take this the wrong way bro...
But can you even be sure she's really a virgin?
Lots of fake anything in China... including virgins.
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Old 12-07-2009, 02:42 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by zack06 View Post
nice bro : ) i guess she did find a job! did u just met her on streets or through friends?

thanks for the tip on da bao. Can give me some idea what is the earliest timing i can dabao them? Hoping to order the take away at 6 or 7pm later.. but dunno she allow or not. I don't mind top a bit more if can (but dunno how much she wld want).
In Shanghai, I believe SOP for dabao is after 12am in most BBS.
But on some streets like the old "Village" at WZ/HZ Lu... you could dabao them for 3 hours etc for like 300rmb from as early as 9pm. Maybe even earlier. I read on ISG that the old "Village" is gone though. Not sure if true as I haven't been back there. If anyone knows... pls confirm!

In normal BBS elsewhere... even if you go at 12am... they may still want anywhere from 500 to 800rmb for Dabao. Depends on the BBS and the girl. One HOT BBS girl I did last time wouldn't even do Dabao unless she liked the guy somewhat. Because to her... she can make just as much money or more staying in the shop for that duration. These HOT girls got high turnover.
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Old 12-07-2009, 02:48 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by 2timesaday View Post
Sorry bro, I am a real greenie in Shanghai and very bad with chinese... Is "Yiwu in Zhejiang" actually within Puxi, Shanghai..?? or is it literally in Zhejiang? (if in shanghai, near which MRT?)

btw, lucky you!!!!... with the fresh untainted hunan girl ..

I heard you can find FLs hanging around some hotels/motels in shanghai... any idea where?
The Real Zhejiang. Haha sorry... but since we were on BBS... I could not resist mentioning the BBS paradise for me. You can't help noticing BBS everywhere. ALL OVER TOWN!

As for FLs hanging around... never tried those but you can find them in pubs/bars near hotels and places like TongRen Lu. But these tend to target caucasians and their prices tend to reflect that. Don't use the call-in services... more often than not... you will end up with a BBS girl anyway!

As for the 22yr old gal... she's not untainted if you meant virgin. She's had one boyfriend but broke up early this year. And not well exercised! Not much hair either... all very fine and just experienced licking for the first time in her life! She was protesting having it before trying it as it was "unhygenic" but once started... won't stop!
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Old 12-07-2009, 07:51 AM
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Re: Virgin

Originally Posted by Joshzzz View Post
Don't take this the wrong way bro...
But can you even be sure she's really a virgin?
Lots of fake anything in China... including virgins.
I totally believe what you say. I am cautiously weary about such claim. Guess that there is no way to verify. She's asking for 3k. If she's really a V, is it too much?
Old 12-07-2009, 10:02 AM
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Re: Virgin

Originally Posted by roaringlion View Post
I totally believe what you say. I am cautiously weary about such claim. Guess that there is no way to verify. She's asking for 3k. If she's really a V, is it too much?
If it is a virgin, then RMB3k is really low. The market rate is around RMB10k for a real virgin.

Ever since I reached puberty, my taste for women has not changed.. Their average age is always 20.
Old 12-07-2009, 10:57 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by 2timesaday View Post
Btw, may I know which is the nearest MRT station for 镇宁路... I am trying to find it on my map...
the nearest is 江苏路 MRT station map here. Walk east on 愚园路 til 镇宁路 cross junction (about 5 min walk)

Actually those bbs on the 2 small alleys along 镇宁路 quite sleazy and rundown. Can take a look if u happen to be staying near by. but if ur stay is short, maybe u shd head for the 大 / 小 木桥路 map here (mrt station is 大木桥路 ), where some bro mention has bbs. Though i haven't been there too..

the Edushi map is pretty useful. toggle between 3d and 2d. 2d can see the mrt location better.
Old 12-07-2009, 12:24 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Joshzzz View Post
In Shanghai, I believe SOP for dabao is after 12am in most BBS.
But on some streets like the old "Village" at WZ/HZ Lu... you could dabao them for 3 hours etc for like 300rmb from as early as 9pm. Maybe even earlier. I read on ISG that the old "Village" is gone though. Not sure if true as I haven't been back there. If anyone knows... pls confirm!

In normal BBS elsewhere... even if you go at 12am... they may still want anywhere from 500 to 800rmb for Dabao. Depends on the BBS and the girl. One HOT BBS girl I did last time wouldn't even do Dabao unless she liked the guy somewhat. Because to her... she can make just as much money or more staying in the shop for that duration. These HOT girls got high turnover.
fyi, I did tabao once from bbs to my hotel which is just cross the road. It was in the daytime maybe around 12 noon. But this was for short-time... 90 mins.
Old 12-07-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Joshzzz View Post
The Real Zhejiang. Haha sorry... but since we were on BBS... I could not resist mentioning the BBS paradise for me. You can't help noticing BBS everywhere. ALL OVER TOWN!

As for FLs hanging around... never tried those but you can find them in pubs/bars near hotels and places like TongRen Lu. But these tend to target caucasians and their prices tend to reflect that. Don't use the call-in services... more often than not... you will end up with a BBS girl anyway!

As for the 22yr old gal... she's not untainted if you meant virgin. She's had one boyfriend but broke up early this year. And not well exercised! Not much hair either... all very fine and just experienced licking for the first time in her life! She was protesting having it before trying it as it was "unhygenic" but once started... won't stop!
aiya... zhejiang is too far, haha..

No lah, of course not expecting virgin, by untainted.... I mean she is non-commercial-grade and still innocent... which is alway great esp. when you service her and watch her reaction... real turn-on
Old 12-07-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by zack06 View Post
the nearest is 江苏路 MRT station map here. Walk east on 愚园路 til 镇宁路 cross junction (about 5 min walk)

Actually those bbs on the 2 small alleys along 镇宁路 quite sleazy and rundown. Can take a look if u happen to be staying near by. but if ur stay is short, maybe u shd head for the 大 / 小 木桥路 map here (mrt station is 大木桥路 ), where some bro mention has bbs. Though i haven't been there too..

the Edushi map is pretty useful. toggle between 3d and 2d. 2d can see the mrt location better.
Bro,... cool map!! thank... thanks. it extremely useful...
Old 12-07-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Dear Shanghai Bros

I'll be going to Shanghai from Tues - Fri, and would like to know if there is any good outcall massage services available? I'll be staying in Hongqiao. I like girls about 20 years old. Also what's the damage in Shanghai? Is it similar to Beijing RMB500 + RMB100 taxi fare? thanks in advance.
Old 13-07-2009, 01:29 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by virginboy View Post
Dear Shanghai Bros

I'll be going to Shanghai from Tues - Fri, and would like to know if there is any good outcall massage services available? I'll be staying in Hongqiao. I like girls about 20 years old. Also what's the damage in Shanghai? Is it similar to Beijing RMB500 + RMB100 taxi fare? thanks in advance.
If you going to spend 600rmb on outcall.... might as well go Sauna.
You will likely have a better time and better choice from the line-up.
Lots of outcall girls are really just BBS girls and you pay 3x the price.

One of the ex-mummy of a BBS herself told me one of the guys sitting in her shop was an agent... handles calls and internet bookings... then they send the girl out for a higher price. So why take the risk for your money?

Saunas may go from 600rmb to 800rmb but at least you get a good range of girls and usually a certain minimum service standard.
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Old 13-07-2009, 01:33 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by 2timesaday View Post
fyi, I did tabao once from bbs to my hotel which is just cross the road. It was in the daytime maybe around 12 noon. But this was for short-time... 90 mins.
This one is usually possible... not in the usual way the word 打包 is used. But yes, they can let you bang out of shop for like 300rmb. But usually only 60mins and only one shot also. Normally only works if you have a room near BBS.
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