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Old 09-08-2010, 02:59 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bros, Tingting was back to China and only Jiajia is here to serve you guys now!

Name: Jiajia
Age: Early 30's
Look: 6.5/10
Body: 7/10 (fair, smooth)
Boobs: 7.5/10 (seems enhanced not sure. good shape and soft. can see blood vein, like it)
BJ: 7.5/10 (powerful suction)
FJ: 7.5/10 (responsive, wet, warm)
Moan: Soft with dirty talks

Just to refresh her photos in various uniforms!:




She is charging 60/1shot/1hour, 100/2shots/2hours (all prices excluding RM and CD). Uniforms will be provided upon request.

Interested bros, pls PM me or Bro Spermswimmer

10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
Old 10-08-2010, 09:19 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bros, Tingting was back to China and only Jiajia is here to serve you guys now!

Name: Jiajia
Age: Early 30's
Look: 6.5/10
Body: 7/10 (fair, smooth)
Boobs: 7.5/10 (seems enhanced not sure. good shape and soft. can see blood vein, like it)
BJ: 7.5/10 (powerful suction)
FJ: 7.5/10 (responsive, wet, warm)
Moan: Soft with dirty talks

Just to refresh her photos in various uniforms!:




She is charging 60/1shot/1hour, 100/2shots/2hours (all prices excluding RM and CD). Uniforms will be provided upon request.

Interested bros, pls PM me or Bro Spermswimmer

10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
Old 11-08-2010, 08:54 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bros, Tingting was back to China and only Jiajia is here to serve you guys now!

Name: Jiajia
Age: Early 30's
Look: 6.5/10
Body: 7/10 (fair, smooth)
Boobs: 7.5/10 (seems enhanced not sure. good shape and soft. can see blood vein, like it)
BJ: 7.5/10 (powerful suction)
FJ: 7.5/10 (responsive, wet, warm)
Moan: Soft with dirty talks

Just to refresh her photos in various uniforms!:




She is charging 60/1shot/1hour, 100/2shots/2hours (all prices excluding RM and CD). Uniforms will be provided upon request.

Interested bros, pls PM me or Bro Spermswimmer

10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
Old 11-08-2010, 09:41 PM
bennygoh84 bennygoh84 is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

First of all, thanks to bro smallfish for contact. Fr as promised:

looks:7.0/10 (one of the prettiest milf I have met, abit shy shy maybe faking haha)
body: 7.0/10 (slim and tall, no excess fat)
boobs: 7.0/10 (don't know wheter its enchanced or not, but nice to hold, she likes you to touch also)
frenching: light peck only...
painting: yes
fingering: yes, please be gentle and cut your nails
fj: 7.0/10 ( she enjoy it very much and out to please )
bbbj: 7.5/10 ( very good, like to tease alot)
cim: yes, but I did not try
dmg:100/2/2 (not a time watcher...)
rtf: when $ recover, sure...
overall: 7.5/10 (quite an nice experience)

Upz for you smallfish. Btw please up my points if anyone like mu humble fr. Thanks for reading. Cheers!!!
Old 11-08-2010, 09:48 PM
greenhob greenhob is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

bro, can i hv jia jia ctc? thk
Old 11-08-2010, 10:28 PM
cuppage cuppage is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Recently met one FL who called herself jiajia wondering if it's her. Pictures seem to be her, same figure! Can anyone confirm that her hp number starts 837***71?
Old 12-08-2010, 11:44 AM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Originally Posted by cuppage View Post
Recently met one FL who called herself jiajia wondering if it's her. Pictures seem to be her, same figure! Can anyone confirm that her hp number starts 837***71?
Yo bro cuppage!

I just check with the REAL jia jia, she told me that you may have mistaken her for another woman

She confirms that she don't have the 'second' number that you've posted.

So maybe your's a case of mistaken identity

Anyway, Jia Jia She is 'sex-hungry' now.. Her big boobs and love-hole is waiting...

Interested bros, please PM me or bro smallfish73.

Cheers, and happy bonkings!
Old 12-08-2010, 09:10 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bros, Tingting was back to China and only Jiajia is here to serve you guys now!

Name: Jiajia
Age: Early 30's
Look: 6.5/10
Body: 7/10 (fair, smooth)
Boobs: 7.5/10 (seems enhanced not sure. good shape and soft. can see blood vein, like it)
BJ: 7.5/10 (powerful suction)
FJ: 7.5/10 (responsive, wet, warm)
Moan: Soft with dirty talks

Just to refresh her photos in various uniforms!:




She is charging 60/1shot/1hour, 100/2shots/2hours (all prices excluding RM and CD). Uniforms will be provided upon request.

Interested bros, pls PM me or Bro Spermswimmer

10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
Old 12-08-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, thanks for FR! Upped u!

Originally Posted by bennygoh84 View Post
First of all, thanks to bro smallfish for contact. Fr as promised:

looks:7.0/10 (one of the prettiest milf I have met, abit shy shy maybe faking haha)
body: 7.0/10 (slim and tall, no excess fat)
boobs: 7.0/10 (don't know wheter its enchanced or not, but nice to hold, she likes you to touch also)
frenching: light peck only...
painting: yes
fingering: yes, please be gentle and cut your nails
fj: 7.0/10 ( she enjoy it very much and out to please )
bbbj: 7.5/10 ( very good, like to tease alot)
cim: yes, but I did not try
dmg:100/2/2 (not a time watcher...)
rtf: when $ recover, sure...
overall: 7.5/10 (quite an nice experience)

Upz for you smallfish. Btw please up my points if anyone like mu humble fr. Thanks for reading. Cheers!!!
10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
Old 12-08-2010, 11:49 PM
exman exman is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

First of all,thank bro smallfish for sharing jia jia contact. Had a session with her few weeks back. Want to write FR right after session but notice original thread being deleted. So din post until now when I came to know this seperate thread about her.

Immediately receive JiaJia contact, arrange a session with her and went to her prefered bird nest. She is pretty punctual,reach less than 5 mins. She can be mischievous, finger block the door pinhole knowing I would peep at her. Give me a good hug once open the door and can really feel her powerful bOOb...I return courtesy with a welcome kiss.

After a short TCSS on bed, we took shower together and she give me a good wash up from top to bottom. Once out of shower, she make me wait and rest on bed while she transform into a sexy nurse. The uniform really too small for her, but very sexy. Feel as though am acting in Japan AV show. Shiok....

She begin with catbath and follow by Bbbj which is pretty long and skillful. Had to stop her before I CIM. My turn to catbath her, focus on fondling her bOOb and she seems like it a lot. Moaning for more. Think she cannot take it anymore, requested to ride me. Awesome view looking at the twin peak bouncing non stop. Think her earlier powerful Bbbj had pre-trigger my army, feel exploding soon, quickly switch to my favourite missonary and offload the army...we cuddle awhile before we head for the shower.

Overall a very good session, really a gem not to be missed given her service and price. By the way, she do look Eurasian.

Look - 7 for MILF
Age - 30+
Body - 7
Bbbj - 8, need to stop her before CIM
Painting - she like it
Fingering - Yes, she like it
Fj - 8, can feel her vaginal muscle contracting.
Moaning - wondering next room can hear
Gfe - 8, Great feeling.
Damage - $ 60 + tip + cd + room
Overall - 7.5
RTF : In my top list.
Old 13-08-2010, 12:30 AM
gafs69 gafs69 is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Thanks alot to bro smallfish for the contact!

Tried this infamous gem few days ago!

Face : 7 (Nt bad)
Body : 7 (Nt bad)
Boobs : 7 (Yummy)
Pussy : (Yummy)

Bbbj - 8.5
Painting - yes
Fj - 8 (shiok)
RTF : yes
Old 13-08-2010, 09:54 AM
cuppage cuppage is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Originally Posted by spermswimmer View Post
Yo bro cuppage!

I just check with the REAL jia jia, she told me that you may have mistaken her for another woman

She confirms that she don't have the 'second' number that you've posted.

So maybe your's a case of mistaken identity

Anyway, Jia Jia She is 'sex-hungry' now.. Her big boobs and love-hole is waiting...

Interested bros, please PM me or bro smallfish73.

Cheers, and happy bonkings!
I see, thanks leh bro for clarifying and the contact. Will find a slot to try her soon!
Old 13-08-2010, 06:17 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Thks bro spermswimmer for the ctc;
Tried Jiajia today. Best FL i had so far.

Looks; 8/10 - Pretty in my eyes. My type
Body; 8/10 - Very well maintain. Nice smooth skin.
Boobs; 8/10 - Very nice and soft. nice shape as well
BBBJ; 10/10 - Thumbs up. the way she used her tongue on my 2ic is amazing. Good skill and suction. Brillant.
FJ; 8/10 - Very horny and responsive..moans loudly with dirty talks. i shot within no time.
GFE; 10/10 - Put it this way...i'm in love with her. hehehe
Overall; 8.5/10 - Upssss
RTF? - can't wait!! counting down to my nxt session alrdy.

Jiajia is a very good and nice girl. Very willing to please and service, i'm really touched by her gentle, caring and positive attitude. the above FR is from my own view. Diff bro may have diff view, but I hope she be treated with respect and gently.As i couldn't bear to see her get hurt. Thank you.
Old 13-08-2010, 09:20 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, upped u for FR!

Originally Posted by exman View Post

Look - 7 for MILF
Age - 30+
Body - 7
Bbbj - 8, need to stop her before CIM
Painting - she like it
Fingering - Yes, she like it
Fj - 8, can feel her vaginal muscle contracting.
Moaning - wondering next room can hear
Gfe - 8, Great feeling.
Damage - $ 60 + tip + cd + room
Overall - 7.5
RTF : In my top list.
10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
Old 13-08-2010, 09:21 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, thanks for FR!

Originally Posted by gafs69 View Post
Thanks alot to bro smallfish for the contact!

Tried this infamous gem few days ago!

Face : 7 (Nt bad)
Body : 7 (Nt bad)
Boobs : 7 (Yummy)
Pussy : (Yummy)

Bbbj - 8.5
Painting - yes
Fj - 8 (shiok)
RTF : yes
10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
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