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Old 10-08-2010, 01:37 AM
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Re: Dubai

Having been in the Middle East for almost 2 years, I thought I'd add to the information in this thread.

Note: this is my view of the chionging situation in Dubai and Abu Dhabi - some of the information is a reiteration of what other bros have mentioned before, so take this as an update on the rates and a bit of my own experience in the mix. Also, I only list down joints that I've been in (never did the KTVs - some of the Chinese gals quit KTVs to do these joints for the money). My experience may differ from yours so do take what I state as info only - YMMV.

The scene in UAE: Prostitution is officially illegal and there is nothing like Geylang or in-hotel FL operations like you have in SG. There are ST operations (like Hotel 81) operating in the country, but they are generally dingy places that you don't even want to step in - typically, if you do end up there, it's cos your hotel was not girl-friendly (so stick to girl friendly places yah?).

Typical modus operandi: You take a cab to one of the happening hotels in town (don't drive - the UAE has a zero alcohol policy!). You find the bar / pub where FLs/WLs operate. You pay the cover charge and enter. The place is packed like a meat market (particularly on Thursdays). You pick your girl, negotiate your price, and take her out when you both agree. You can bring her back to your hotel (if girl friendly) or go to a fuck-joint that she recommends (ask her if you need).


Hyatt Regency Hotel - after Cyclone closed, the disco at this hotel became the most happening joint in town. Cover charge is AED100 (this, I'm not so certain). You'll find Russians, CIS (Armenian, Georgian, Kazakh, etc), Africans, Chinese and the occasional Eastern European in this joint. Prices are steep: the place is known as a high-end joint when it comes to gals. Most of the gals are 7s to 10s, and even the Chinese chicks are typically good-looking. Prices will start at around AED 1,000 for a China gal (steep - and there're better places to find Chinese pussy) to almost AED 5,000 for the high-end chicks.

York Hotel (in Deira) - For the more budget, but no less enjoyable bonks. Cover charge is AED60. You'll find mainly Chinese gals (and there's a strong North vs South China divide among the girls - I personally prefer the Southerners as they're warmer to you, though the Northerners are typically taller and look better). There're also Africans, Pinoys, and the rare Russian in this place. You'll typically be quoted AED 1,000 for overnight, and about 70% of that for short-time. However, if you persist long enough, you'll typically be able to haggle it down to AED 700 (overnight) an hour or 2 before closing, and when the bar closes, you should be able to close with even lower rates (I've done AED 300-500 before).

Metropolitan Hotel - Lots of African chicks crowd this hotel - I've never really tried the bar there, but it has a great basement disco playing retro/80s.

Note: Bar closing times are typically at 3am on Thursdays and Fridays. Chiongers typically get better bargaining power as it nears closing time (but that also means you've imbibed more alcohol and enjoy your session less!). Also note that if a gal scored a bloke earlier in the evening, she'll usually hit the bar to try to score another 1 (or even 2-3 more!) guys before hitting the sack with the one who books her for an overnight (so be warned). Watch out if you've paid for overnight, and your gal wants to leave early (there are many reasons for this).

Abu Dhabi

Al Ain Palace Hotel - Ally Pally - This place is a bit of an institution in Abu Dhabi. Note that there are 2 pubs in the hotel side by side - one's a Pinoy karaoke bar which is free entry (it is NOT Ally Pally). The other has an entrance charge of AED 50 (i think, don't remember now...). In any case, the bar is brightly lit, has a pool table, and is styled like one of those English / Irish pubs. The girls are typically Chinese, with occasional Africans. Girls range from 4s to 7s - the 7s will be rare and most likely already bao'ed by one of the fat overweight ang mohs in plenty supply in that joint. Personally, I would avoid this place. You can get AED 500 for an overnight with enough bargaining. Typical rates for short time is AED 300 and can be driven down if the gal is desperate (and ugly to boot - urgh)

Dana Hotel - 49'ers - Another 'institution'. Before 9pm this place is an actual steakhouse serving decent steak. If you come before the disco opens, you can actually avoid the cover charge of AED75 (eat your fill, and hang around the bar for the show). There is a rather good live Pinoy band there, though the music gets a little too loud at times. Place is full of Chinese, Kazakhs, Krgyzs (Yes there are these CIS gals and they look like Chinese, but don't speak any Mandarin - easy to score if you know some Russian or Tajik), and Africans. The Chinese are 4s to 8s (the 8s are typically already bao'ed early on...); I found it easier to score with the Kazakh chicks (and besides, they provide better GFE, IMHO). Typical overnights are AED 700 (gals will start at AED 1,500, which is ludicrous) for the Kazakh gals - can try for lower if you're mildly attractive to them (they don't do Indians and fugly dudes). Chinese gals are on the average cheaper. The joint gets really crowded after midnight and, if I were you, I would take my gal and leave by the time it's 12 as the place gets very crowded with Indians and ang mohs.

Novotel Hotel - Blitz - This place is the cheapest of the lot. Cover charge is something like less than AED 40 (can't quite remember... been a while). The place is very compact and enclosed, so you'll end up with smoky clothes by the time you leave. Live pinoy band is quite happening: it has the best dancing girl act around town. The FL/WL scene is not much to shout about though: the usual Chinese and African gangs abound and they're of far lower quality than the other places I've mentioned. I've never punted here: just enjoyed the occasional beer and people watching. Have heard of really cheap rates of AED 200 down at Blitz, but that's not coming from me.

Note: Bars close earlier in Abu Dhabi, though I've seen 49'ers last until 3am before. The scene is pretty much like Dubai, but the girls are of lower quality but give less attitude (and there's less funny business like leaving halfway through the night). If you want to bonk and can save up for a weekend in Dubai, I'd suggest the scene in Dubai instead.
Old 10-08-2010, 10:06 AM
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Re: Dubai

Originally Posted by babyonboard View Post

The scene in UAE: Prostitution is officially illegal and there is nothing like Geylang or in-hotel FL operations like you have in SG.
There is:

Originally Posted by poonani View Post

In Deira, you pay 20 dirhams to go up to the top floor of 2 star hotels, and there are fifty ugly whores from India, prc and Russia, and maybe 2 better ones. 80 dirhams only but you have to steam yourself for two hours to purify yourself. (I only did it because the India girl was young and pretty)
Old 10-08-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: Dubai

Originally Posted by poonani View Post
Ok I stand corrected. Not a joint I would head to though!
Old 21-08-2010, 12:03 PM
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Re: Dubai

Originally Posted by poonani View Post
Bro dont think this is open anymore... anyone else tried a look?
Old 31-08-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: Dubai

Anyone tried York International Hotel in Dubai ?? I heard it is a happening place.

Thank you those bros who up me.

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Old 25-09-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: Dubai

i will be in dubai starting Oct 2010. Please let me know where and how to get girls and if any bros keen to meet up.
Old 28-09-2010, 09:36 PM
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Re: Dubai

Originally Posted by CLee2 View Post
Anyone tried York International Hotel in Dubai ?? I heard it is a happening place.

I've tried that place a few times - it is quite happening. Wrote a bit about it here:
Old 28-09-2010, 11:08 PM
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Re: Dubai

Originally Posted by babyonboard View Post
I've tried that place a few times - it is quite happening. Wrote a bit about it here:

Thanks Bro, hope someone will recommend newer joints

Thank you those bros who up me.

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Old 02-10-2010, 03:45 PM
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Re: Dubai

Just came back from Dubai, tried going to York Hotel but didn't figure out where it was so didn't go there.

Went to Kubu instead at the Radisson Blu Diera Creek Hotel, Chinese overnight for AED1000 asking price was AED1500 but it depends on whether you can talk them down and the business.
Old 29-10-2010, 12:15 AM
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Unhappy Re: Dubai

CCB Cheena meimei

few months back..........

2130hrs arrived at York
2200hrs target to Hotel. Price fixed at 1000Dhs for over night.
As usual dropped by the petrol station to buy rubber before heading back to Dusit. We happy chatting away until the CCB said that she prefered Ang Mos over Asians. She said Ang Mo usually would pay 1300Dhs for one shot and dont mind girls leaving after that and Ang Mo dont mind this dont mind this and that....blah blha. All the crappy shit really condemning asian man...

FARKING HELL...... really complain all the way until reach hotel.

2240hrs reached Hotel...believe it or not asked if she could leave before 1215pm even before SHOW START...Nabei...1/2 sianz liao but boiling hot inside.. Anyway dont know where the power come from that night, kann the CCB 3 times in under 90 minutes. Paid the 1000Dhs and CCB really got what she wanted and left before 1215...

In the past dacade cheonging never see one girl like this before.

Any bros with the same encounter?

Cyclone still the best...
Old 03-11-2010, 12:02 AM
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Re: Dubai

[QUOTE=snbd;4102789]Hi guys,

found a nice place for pure massage (no special services):

China & Emirate Clinic
Address: Computer Plaza, Al Ain Centre, Level 2-19
Tel: 04-3559598 or 050-8558628
Cost: AED 100 per hr

Then if looking for HJ or BBBJ with CIM, massage not much strength:

Hi does any one know if this China & Emirate clinic is still open please?
I was there over the weekend and cannot find it .. have not been here before.

this is the computer plaza near York hotel?
Old 07-11-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: Dubai

hi bros, i will be transiting in Dubai for 13 hrs but unfortunately from 6AM to 7PM .... so i miss the Golden Night Time action....

My fren told me that the girls in dUBAI ARE AVAILABLE 24/7.. So,

Any recommendation as which hotel should I stay to meet more China mei mei... anyway to get Korea mei mei from 6AM to 7PM? ?

Many thx~
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Old 08-11-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: Dubai

Originally Posted by deann123 View Post
CCB Cheena meimei

few months back..........

2130hrs arrived at York
2200hrs target to Hotel. Price fixed at 1000Dhs for over night.
As usual dropped by the petrol station to buy rubber before heading back to Dusit. We happy chatting away until the CCB said that she prefered Ang Mos over Asians. She said Ang Mo usually would pay 1300Dhs for one shot and dont mind girls leaving after that and Ang Mo dont mind this dont mind this and that....blah blha. All the crappy shit really condemning asian man...

FARKING HELL...... really complain all the way until reach hotel.

2240hrs reached Hotel...believe it or not asked if she could leave before 1215pm even before SHOW START...Nabei...1/2 sianz liao but boiling hot inside.. Anyway dont know where the power come from that night, kann the CCB 3 times in under 90 minutes. Paid the 1000Dhs and CCB really got what she wanted and left before 1215...

In the past dacade cheonging never see one girl like this before.

Any bros with the same encounter?

Cyclone still the best...
came across this thread and maybe i can give u some advise, 4get abt york man the chicks charge overnite rates but do u fast so that they can come back to york for another round. in a good day 3 customers at AED1000 each is real good money that y its a meat parade there, if u wanna have a good bonk and over nite go to the KTVs pinoy and chinese very available. chinese normally AED500 overnite, pinoy abt 700but depends where u pick them up.

Cyclone is good 4 russian and the central asia chick..all the stan stan places but they are ex.

Anyway if u game for PRC got to Karama Hotel there is a KTV there u can tapao after singing.

Old 09-11-2010, 02:32 AM
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Re: Dubai

Originally Posted by fengheshang View Post

Cyclone is good 4 russian and the central asia chick..all the stan stan places but they are ex.
Cyclone has been closed since 2007, unless it has reopened, but I just drove by last month. No lights on whatsoever.
Old 21-11-2010, 04:01 PM
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Re: Dubai

Hi Bros,

You are right, the gals there prefer Ang mo and they are used to it as there are the majority people enjoying these places. And most above average quality will go for Ang Mo

I've picked up a chinese gal from York Hotel on my last trip, ran out of AED paid SGD 400 for overnight. Nothing to sing about on the quality of service, just normal. For look above average, this rate seems reasonable to me if their attitude is right.
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