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Old 11-07-2009, 09:24 AM
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Smile Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by autoaim View Post
do L18H42 have ON sessions?
Dont think so. If I am not wrong, the whole stretch at lorong 18 doesnt have ON session.....Unless u pay a high premium for it.
Bros here, correct me if am wrong.
If an issue can be settle with $, then it is not a real issue
But the issue is... I have no $
Old 12-07-2009, 01:09 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

FR on L18H42G1

Just came back from a session. Took the recommendation of bros here. Was walking in the slight drizzle from L8 all the way here. Went to L18H42, then was told by OKT uncle that G1 taken, so I waited outside. When it was my turn, I was led to the room by this really cute looking girl. First look, quite ok, not much of a head-turner. But in the room, her looks grew on me.

Name: K.
Not too sure how it sounded as she said quite softly. I think is Kim, from what bro peanut123 wrote. She's about 23 year old. Comes from Isaan, Thailand. Came here worked for 5 months already.

Looks: 8/10
Rated from SYT point-of-view. Long hair, with fringe like the doll type. Looked like a particular HK actress. Straight upright nose & 'watery' eyes (don't know how to describe). She like to smile shyly from time to time. Damn cute.

Body: 8.5/10
Almost-perfect-petite figure. Not too short, about 1.6m. One of the best bodies I've seen. Very slight tummy & small tattoo below the navel. Fair & smooth skin.

Boobs: 9/10
As described by other bros here, & verified by me. I'm not good at figuring the size, but it definitely is bigger than B, most likely C as she's petite. Looks natural enough & firm. Pink nipples if I'm not wrong as the light can be quite dim.

Communication: 8.5/10
Not perfect English, but we spoke throughout in English & I didn't need to use Thai.

Shower: 6/10
SOP shower, nothing much happen. After FJ, shower on my own. Room still acceptably clean. Decorations quite pink.

Catbath: 6.5/10
Needs improvement. A short one, from nipples to down below. Keep looking shyly from time-to-time. Auto-roaming allowed, so plus points. Positioned boobs in front for more grabbing & sucking.

BJ: 7/10
Still acceptable. Good hygiene as she started BJ only after putting on CD. Positioned herself sideways so I got access to her wonderful boobs.

FJ: 7.5/10
Not bad for my first time with her. Tried 3 positions - her-on-top, missionary, doggy. Cum on doggy while grabbing her boobs. Hopefully it gets better when I try next time.

Kissing: 6.5/10
No frenching because I didn't insist. Light kisses at catbath, then more light kisses at missionary. Could be improved I hope with more chemistry.

GFE: 6.5/10
Not very high as she was quite shy & quite quiet. But I like her shy smiles. Our conversation was in short bits as I ask question then she answer. I'm sure this can be improved with time.

Service/Attitude: 7.5/10
Generally friendly & never show bad mood, even though she said she was a little tired due to not having good sleep the night before. Offered drink at end of bonk.

Overall: 7.41/10
Recommended for SYT & boobs lovers.

RTF: Yes
Will try other ladies first, but she's definitely on my bonk list.

Once again, thanks bros here for the Gem Recommendation.
Old 12-07-2009, 12:01 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by havana View Post
Dont think so. If I am not wrong, the whole stretch at lorong 18 doesnt have ON session.....Unless u pay a high premium for it.
Bros here, correct me if am wrong.
me think so too. if i'm not wrong, only lor 8 provide. correct bros?
Old 12-07-2009, 12:14 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by Cyberspace Nerd View Post
If u dont mind paying $50 just to make love with her boobs, then u should go for it. I fucked her tits and I can tell u the feeling is damn shiok bcos her skin damn smooth and u can see ur cock sliding in and out . With 1844G11, her boobs just engulfed ur whole cock .

when she lie down, u can see the beautiful valley formed by the twin peaks. Normally the boobs will just fall to the side. Hard to find pink nips of just the right size on such beautiful boobs. I have only seen them in porn magazines.
bro, these sentence of yours are enough for me to try her these few days!
Old 12-07-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by run_crouch_jump View Post
FR on L18H42G1

Just came back from a session. Took the recommendation of bros here. Was walking in the slight drizzle from L8 all the way here. Went to L18H42, then was told by OKT uncle that G1 taken, so I waited outside. When it was my turn, I was led to the room by this really cute looking girl. First look, quite ok, not much of a head-turner. But in the room, her looks grew on me.

Once again, thanks bros here for the Gem Recommendation.
nice FR on her bro. when i first visit her, she was working so i book a session with her w/o seeing how she looks like in the tank and waited patiently. First look at her she looks sweet, but the more i look at her the more i find her cute esp her sharp features.

Her nipples are definitely pink not due to the lighting imho
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 12-07-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Read somewhere that L18H38G10 has big natural boobs, so went to check her out some days ago. Turns out hers are not that big, but at least they are natural. Since she's quite petite, her chest size is only 34, so her 34C's are actually not very big, maybe just a little bigger than 36B's. But since she's still a C Cup, I think she deserves a FR.

Girl Number : L18H38G10
Name : Ning
Looks : Cute, playful face. Almost like a student.
Age : 22 yo
Body : Slender and petite
Boobs : 34C naturals. Nice handful, but are of course not as big as 36C's. Medium brown nipples
Service : Good. Friendly.
Shower : SOP
Catbath : SOP
BJ : Average. Not outstanding in any way.
FJ : Good. She's accomodating and has a tight pussy. I love looking at the side and ceiling mirrors while bonking her.
Language : Speaks English
Room : Nice cheery room. Mirrors on ceiling and walls on both sides of the bed.
RTF : Yes
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 14-07-2009, 09:05 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Any tall and slim with big B or small C cupper to recommend? Height must be at least 165.
Contact my OKT GR888 and ask for Busty Bonanza
Old 17-07-2009, 11:36 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Totally agree on your FR bro. Tried her yesterday. Really like student.
Like a Chinese SYT.

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Read somewhere that L18H38G10 has big natural boobs, so went to check her out some days ago. Turns out hers are not that big, but at least they are natural. Since she's quite petite, her chest size is only 34, so her 34C's are actually not very big, maybe just a little bigger than 36B's. But since she's still a C Cup, I think she deserves a FR.

Girl Number : L18H38G10
Name : Ning
Looks : Cute, playful face. Almost like a student.
Age : 22 yo
Body : Slender and petite
Boobs : 34C naturals. Nice handful, but are of course not as big as 36C's. Medium brown nipples
Service : Good. Friendly.
Shower : SOP
Catbath : SOP
BJ : Average. Not outstanding in any way.
FJ : Good. She's accomodating and has a tight pussy. I love looking at the side and ceiling mirrors while bonking her.
Language : Speaks English
Room : Nice cheery room. Mirrors on ceiling and walls on both sides of the bed.
RTF : Yes
After much deep and profound brain things inside my head....I feel like a mile-high pastrami on rye, on the fly from the deli in the sky! Let's go WILD!
Old 18-07-2009, 01:28 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Tried L18H44G18 a few days back. She looked like got major big bazookas in the fish tank, but after clothes come off, damn, become 2 little grenades instead. Shit, kenna conned.

Since she's not busty, I will not give her an FR, but just a note to warn bros who are looking for big boobs that she has floppy BCups and rather flabby tummy. No good figure, no big boobs, no RTF.
Bonk Long and Prosper.
Old 18-07-2009, 02:49 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Hmmm this situation seems familiar...heehee
Old 18-07-2009, 12:34 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Tried L18H44G18 a few days back. She looked like got major big bazookas in the fish tank, but after clothes come off, damn, become 2 little grenades instead. Shit, kenna conned.

Since she's not busty, I will not give her an FR, but just a note to warn bros who are looking for big boobs that she has floppy BCups and rather flabby tummy. No good figure, no big boobs, no RTF.
Thanks for the warning bro. this girl is just like consters, hang goat head sell dog meat.

Any bros who encounter fake boobs should highlight it here too because I believe most bros prefer NATURAL ones.
Contact my OKT GR888 and ask for Busty Bonanza
Old 18-07-2009, 03:32 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Tried L18H44G18 a few days back. She looked like got major big bazookas in the fish tank, but after clothes come off, damn, become 2 little grenades instead. Shit, kenna conned.

Since she's not busty, I will not give her an FR, but just a note to warn bros who are looking for big boobs that she has floppy BCups and rather flabby tummy. No good figure, no big boobs, no RTF.
thanks for the info. will avoid choosing her
Beckham07, cassano10, bonkning: Trolls cum L6H66 promoters
Old 19-07-2009, 09:00 AM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

thanks for the info on "natural n enhance" busty tits!
Old 19-07-2009, 05:03 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

hi, i'm new here...may I know where's the locaton for CAT 50?Any recommendation?
And their opening hours?

Old 21-07-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: Cat 50 Thai WLs - Big Boobs FRs (at least C-cups, please)

Solid Solid Solid!!!!

looks: 9/10 young and sweet ( SYT rating)
body: Nice firm good figure
Ass: 8.5/10
boobs: 10/10 best young titties i had in years D Cup pinky pinky titty
pussy: fucking tight and feel bad cos i ram her senseless and sore there
Really horny as she will take your hand and rub her pussy, lick your ears kiss your lips...etc
gfe an unbelieveable 10/10
All for only 50 measly bucks!!!!
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