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Old 21-11-2004, 01:25 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by Snuber
Got to know some WLs as well. They know they want to quit or rather procrastinate about it, but unwilling to do so at a fast rate. What goes on in their brains besides THE FAMILY & the decrease in income?
End of day, it is still the money issue. No matter what job you do, once you have an income of a significant amount you wont want to give it up, no matter how hard the work is. Moroever, thiers are not too bad, on a good day I think they can get easily SGD$200 a day. How many bros here rake in this amount a day here??
Old 21-11-2004, 02:46 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by siamcutey
If I have a sister like her, what would I do? I don't know. What will you guys do if you have a sister like her?
This is a real dilenma. The front & back of your hand are both your own flesh. To help her by giving money will ruin her life. By not giving her money out of good intent will push her to borrow money from others.

Oh well, maybe should lock her up & let her go thru the "cold turkey" treatment.
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Old 21-11-2004, 02:52 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by Five Stone
End of day, it is still the money issue. No matter what job you do, once you have an income of a significant amount you wont want to give it up, no matter how hard the work is. Moroever, thiers are not too bad, on a good day I think they can get easily SGD$200 a day.
True, but then the higher the money, the higher the risk. At the end of the day if they kena some disease, the money they work so hard for would be used to pay for their bills & it's not cheap.

Furthermore, they are considered as of no more use as they are not able to generate income for their family anymore. Perhaps get kick out & left to fend for themselves so as not to be a liability to the family.

Haiz....... short term thinking VS long term planning
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Old 21-11-2004, 05:50 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by Snuber
Furthermore, they are considered as of no more use as they are not able to generate income for their family anymore. Perhaps get kick out & left to fend for themselves so as not to be a liability to the family.
Haiz....... short term thinking VS long term planning
I believe some really knows how to think and set aside some money for themselves, they can never be in this trade forever. Whether she will think for the future, only time will tell.
Old 22-11-2004, 12:49 AM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Whether she will think for the future, only time will tell.
That's a good way to tell, but in no certain terms when that will be. 2 years, 5 years or maybe 10 years later then she will KNOW how to think.

Thais know how to earn & spend money. But as for saving, that's a different story.
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Old 08-02-2005, 01:53 AM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Of course there are some lucky ones which hitch a good guy from SG or Malaysia and asuming, live happily ever after?
Those lucky ones...what will happen to their family?
Have they been enlightened...thus being called the lucky ones?
Old 08-02-2005, 03:36 AM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

I tend to agree with farak's viewpoints on this discussion.

However, let's all just take this with a pinch of salt. There's a multitude of reasons why WLs are WLs. Some are doing it for just for the extra money to line their purses, some are doing it to pay off debts, some are doing it just so the family can afford the 'finer' things in life and etc. No doubt the issue about paying off the family debts, paying the family car, etc and etc revolves predominately about the family, I would believe that there's more to it.

I am of the view that the WL actually knows that by being in the flesh trade, she knows she is capable of bringing in more income that she will ever be capable of by virtue of her skills (not those on the bed). Hence, she is willing to 'sacrifice' herself by going into the flesh trade. But bear in mind, the term 'sacrifice' would be what we would be accustomed to use. To them, it is just another job. And I can tell you FACT, that the higher class WLs actually do treat what they do with pride. This is because they know fully well how superficial the Thai society can be. As long as a person a well-heeled/powerful, he/she will get what he/she wants no matter their occupation, legit or otherwise. Thus, the usual Thai WL is actually well aware of the 'pitfalls' and the 'perks' associated with working in the flesh trade.

Of course everyone wants a fairytale ending, the Thai WL inclusive. If the Thai WL has to strum the right heart strings to get you to fall for her (which means you will supplement her 'lost' income), she will do it. It's all pretty natural isn't it? Imagine giving blowjobs to 10 different dicks each day. How nice it would be to just give 1 blowjob to just one dick in shining and money gilted armour huh? And the income stream just keeps coming in...

Well, as for the family 'compelled' reasons why Thai WLs are WLs. I feel that it is more of a personal choice rather than a compelled one. I have known many Thai girls in the past whom are not WLs and would never ever be one no matter how poor they are, and those whom can only think of being a WL as long as she is capable of doing it. Each WL will have their own reasons, be it a brother on drugs, mountain of debts to clear, or to provide a better life. As such, I feel there's no point dwelling too much and in detail.

As for me, I'll still fire and forget if I'm with a Thai WL. Just have to remember to draw the line very very clearly as to what the relationship is, that I'm a paying customer, and that they are just performing a service. But I will still make sure I treat them with dignity and like a friend to them rather than a pros.

Just offering my share of views...
Old 08-02-2005, 01:15 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by Snuber
Furthermore, they are considered as of no more use as they are not able to generate income for their family anymore. Perhaps get kick out & left to fend for themselves so as not to be a liability to the family.

Haiz....... short term thinking VS long term planning
But they will never give up their family will they?
Is there ever a day when they will be enlightened and realize that the family is simply using her?

If they are enlightened, are they known as the lucky onces, thus the once who are happily married now?

Anyone care to reply?
Old 08-02-2005, 02:07 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Realize this thread has been inactive for about 2 months....
I read about SC essay and was a bit surprise that the thai gers will sac themselves for the family and put the family first...and willing to forsake someone who love her wholeheartedly just to take care of the family....
feel very sad for them.

And it seems like the family isn't appreciating what she is doing at all, i.e keep asking her for money as if she is a gold mine. NB what kind of culture is this.....

Oso read from somewhere(I think it's from Private Dancer) that the neighbors in their village knn rape them then give them money .
NBCB, are they humans anot???

*Starting to realize how fortunate we are.....*

But please do take your time to answer, TV
Old 08-02-2005, 02:51 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by john teo
Bros, share my story....met a Thai WL from Hydaai 14 yrs ago. Free her fm OKT. Sent her back to Changrai.Bought a house, bike and all household stuff. Got married to me though she know I tied dn in Sillypore. Happy 2 yrs. Family face value up. Bought land and cattle with money sent monthly.Had a younger sister,age 15. Told family to let her lead normal life not in Flesh trade.If not, i shall not return. One day, sister missing!!!.Probe , was inform on holiday. But wife face tell otherwise. Sleeping time check her wallet, found name card of sister working in massage joint in pattaya. Confronted and answer that Its their parent choice and there was nothing she can do. i left and never to return.... 3rd yr my ex wife back at work in Hydaai..

I can only say its their way of life. i may sound stupid to give up everything but what can i say....they did not keep their promise. Pain yes,wiser yes but we will never understand their thinking and way of finding wealth to lessen their so call hardship. It never end... it just go round n round.
wah interesting story leh..Anyway, I agree wat u had mention on their way of finding wealth.So you better tell us more about your story during the next la kopi session. Will up ur pts when my power regains..

Old 08-02-2005, 03:38 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by john teo
Bros, share my story....met a Thai WL from Hydaai 14 yrs ago. Free her fm OKT. Sent her back to Changrai.Bought a house, bike and all household stuff. Got married to me though she know I tied dn in Sillypore. Happy 2 yrs. Family face value up. Bought land and cattle with money sent monthly.Had a younger sister,age 15. Told family to let her lead normal life not in Flesh trade.If not, i shall not return. One day, sister missing!!!.Probe , was inform on holiday. But wife face tell otherwise. Sleeping time check her wallet, found name card of sister working in massage joint in pattaya. Confronted and answer that Its their parent choice and there was nothing she can do. i left and never to return.... 3rd yr my ex wife back at work in Hydaai..

I can only say its their way of life. i may sound stupid to give up everything but what can i say....they did not keep their promise. Pain yes,wiser yes but we will never understand their thinking and way of finding wealth to lessen their so call hardship. It never end... it just go round n round.
Another sad story....she could have been the lucky one but guess she isn't.

A Quote from SC...
Fuck their familes
Old 08-02-2005, 04:52 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by TooFast
But they will never give up their family will they?
Is there ever a day when they will be enlightened and realize that the family is simply using her?

If they are enlightened, are they known as the lucky onces, thus the once who are happily married now?

Anyone care to reply?
Maybe let me quote you an example

Something which one should not do is to "insult" their parents in front of them, this is considered taboo, but then I DID IT!!!

It happened from an argument and

I said, "with your kind of attitude, NO ONE will LOVE you!!!"

she said, "I don't need anyone to love me, I can stay with my parents and they will love me!!!"
(This made me think of all the unthinkables)

I laughed sarcastically, HAHAHAHA!!!
she said, "what you laughing at?"

I said, "I am laughing at your stupidity. If your parents love you, they will not allow you to work in this trade and also let you come to SG to work as Cat40."

(Her face turned black)And said angrily, " My parents did not send me to work. I chose this myself to help them. They did not force me to work!!!"

I said, "IS IT?? They know you worked here and yet they asked from you this and that and so much money every month!!!"

My parting shot before I left the room," If I have a child, I will love him/her. If I know my child is working in this trade because of me, I rather die than take her money!!! You go figure it out!".

I left cos I didn't want to end up dead in a Cat40 girl's room. kekeke

The actual fact is the girl's parents didn't force her to work in the Flesh trade. But the family knows she is in it to help out the family. And most of the money goes to them. And they are asking more everytime. If the parent's love her, they will not want her to continue working and working and working just to fill up their own "bottomless pit".

Moral behind the story? It's up to her to think about what I say and not what I should think about what she say.

And sad but truth, try going to Orchard Towers and see those 50s, 60s old Thai women still working as FL at this age. I can actually see the cat40 girl's future 20 years from now.

Happy New Year. Mai Tong Kit Mak


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Old 08-02-2005, 05:16 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

SC, have you ever met the lucky one?
(happily married and enlightened CAT 40)

Would like to hear their thoughts too...
Old 08-02-2005, 06:03 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by TooFast
SC, have you ever met the lucky one?
(happily married and enlightened CAT 40)

Would like to hear their thoughts too...
For a Cat40 to meet a Lucky one and for me to meet a Lucky one, the percentage is actually the same.


Those People who try to haolian how rich, how good they are in Sammyboy forum, in real life, we can call them Cannon Fairies.

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Old 08-02-2005, 07:23 PM
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Re: My Fillial Daughter

Originally Posted by TooFast
But they will never give up their family will they?
Is there ever a day when they will be enlightened and realize that the family is simply using her?
To them, they can just changed their bf & look for another. But the family is here to stay & will still be with them even if their daughter breaks up with her bf.

To rephrase it, would you leave your family? Chinese will also stick with the family as we share some common values.

If they are enlightened, are they known as the lucky onces, thus the once who are happily married now?

Anyone care to reply?
Enlighten? Perhaps they just found another way to work around it. Someone who loves you so much & is able to support the family.

Sticking to 1 man every night sure beats having to service different dicks everytime! Of cos, there are also some willing to give everything up for the man she loves, but the % is small.
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