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Old 25-03-2005, 10:46 AM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Krungthep Lover
Bro, hold that thought of yours and ponder a little more. In a weird way it sort of describes us as well. We don't sell our bodies like they do, but think about it, is there a day that goes by at work that we are not made to feel like prostitutes? When we go back home and lay next to our wives at night, do they look at us when we sleep and feel the same way we do for these WLs? I don't know about yours but I sleep later than mine and get up earlier than her, so there's no chance of her getting even a glimpse of me sleeping, let alone think about the trials and tribulations that I have to go through to put food on the table. Hmm...ever look at this from this angle? This is sad isn't it? I mean afterall, we married our wives because we love them and want to be with them "til death do us part" right? And this is supposedly reciprocal, right? So what went wrong, if anything? Don't get me wrong, I still love my wife dearly and have no doubt that we will stay married forever. We are very happy together and have set up a beautiful family. I will do nothing to change all that. But, there's always this weakness that I always succumb to and just simply cannot explain whenever I am not at home. Strange, not that I would like to change anything, leading a double life is very fulfilling, but still strange...
You are like singing my song. My tirak treat so much nicer than my wife. That make me keep going to my tirak. Sometime my wife sometime even look down on my work. I have a very decent job and very well paid.
I keep asking myself what went wrong. My tirak that gets very little of me( time and money) treat me better than my wife, that get everything from me. I felt the puppy love when I met my tirak. She knows everything about me and yet she is willing to keep the relationship. I even bought her to my house before.
Old 26-03-2005, 01:36 AM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Nice guy
You are like singing my song. My tirak treat so much nicer than my wife. That make me keep going to my tirak. Sometime my wife sometime even look down on my work. I have a very decent job and very well paid.
I keep asking myself what went wrong. My tirak that gets very little of me( time and money) treat me better than my wife, that get everything from me. I felt the puppy love when I met my tirak. She knows everything about me and yet she is willing to keep the relationship. I even bought her to my house before.
Bro, I don't think anything went wrong with our marriages. If anything it boils down to the diminished intensity of the "fire" due to familiarity. Afterall, is there any part of your wife which you have never seen, and vice versa? The exploration stage is over after a while. We both know what we like and don't like, so when we do the deed it almost always follows a fixed pattern. I would even go so far to say that sometimes it gets so boring that we both concentrate on getting it done and completed. Sad. We do try to go out of our way sometimes to try to spice things up a little, but again, it's still with the same person and it's just ... well ... not as exciting still. It's good sometimes, but we're human and nature has it that we are never satisfied, so we go in search of better sex. I guess also that with greater sophistication (exposure & education), Singapore girls have lost the simplistic charm which these WLs exude, which Singapore guys find so attractive, because it is what we can never get with our own local girls.

You know, strangely, and I'm sure my wife is smart and observant enough to notice, that everytime I "err" when I'm out, the love-making when I'm back is better than usual. Sometimes I think my wife actually knows what is happening, but simply turns a blind eye to it 'cos no harm has been done. If anything, in a twisted sort of way, it may even be helping to strengthen our bond. I know this may not make much sense, but it's what I feel. I've said this to my friends before that if my wife were to be doing the same as what I'm doing outside of our marriage, I would turn a blind eye to it as well, as long as it doesn't have any longer term harmful effects. We need to respect each other and not "imprison" one another. As long as there is respect, it should work out for the long run.

I'm in no doubt that the responsibilities which I have undertaken as a result of me getting married and setting up a family must be carried out to the best of my abilities, and it must be first and foremost on my list of priorities. Having taken care of all that, and if I'm still in a position to seek personal enrichment, then I don't see why not. BUT, I strongly believe that although it's alright to go drink milk outside, we MUST NEVER bring the cow home. That's just plain wrong in my book. And, when the milk starts to taste bland, then trade the cow in for another one, that's my take on this.

Last edited by Krungthep Lover; 26-03-2005 at 01:42 AM.
Old 26-03-2005, 01:48 AM
Krungthep Lover Krungthep Lover is offline
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Maitong Kit Mak
Brudder KT Lover,
Hear from u soon on your Taiwan experience. I will be in Taipei between the 18th~21st Apr. Give me yoru 2 cents worth as to where to chiong (If it's still fresh in ur mind)
I was there for a handful of times during the 99-00, turn of the millenium, period. Back then, "talking bars" were popular. My experience was with one of the waitresses in these places. I've not been back since, so I wouldn't know what's the scene in Taiwan like nowadays. I'm sorry I can't be of much help here.

I'm still struggling to come to grips with my Taiwan FR. So much so that I'm starting to doubt that there would be one from me. I'll persevere on for the next day or two and see if I can muster anything. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can write a fairly decent one, eventually.
Old 26-03-2005, 09:49 AM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Krungthep Lover
Bro, I don't think anything went wrong with our marriages. Singapore girls have lost the simplistic charm which these WLs exude, which Singapore guys find so attractive, because it is what we can never get with our own local girls.

You know, strangely, and I'm sure my wife is smart and observant enough to notice, that everytime I "err" when I'm out, the love-making when I'm back is better than usual. Sometimes I think my wife actually knows what is happening, but simply turns a blind eye to it 'cos no harm has been done. We need to respect each other and not "imprison" one another. As long as there is respect, it should work out for the long run.

I strongly believe that although it's alright to go drink milk outside, we MUST NEVER bring the cow home. That's just plain wrong in my book. And, when the milk starts to taste bland, then trade the cow in for another one, that's my take on this.

Your blessing lies in an understanding wife. Most of the time, the other half knows what exactly is going on but the reaction they choose decides the day. Like yours, I believe, she knows about all the ECAs but being an unadorned lady she is, she rather accepts the fact that the man still comes home at the end of the day. It is a simple fact that men hold no grounds when it comes to straying, given that five minutes of unattended time, his eyes will be roving for targets. What can we say, I guess this simply runs in our blood and I personally put no effort to hide this truth.

Marriage is the beginning of a new chapter as well as ending to some but if only life is as unsophisticated as we all wished it to be. Greater power come greater responsibility; it is an impartial rule in life. There is no room to bargain when you sign on that dotted line, the price of having her with you is the beginning of the end for all previous glorious conquers and to go underground and begin a new life without the presence of light.

Looking back, the weight of marriage bonded with roles and responsibility had burdened us for a good half of our lives, leaving us panting, grasping for a clear breath. Imagine the day in day out routine, which without fail beaconing to you for constant attention whereby the once most appealing sex had fallen under this category as well. How pathetic would one feel? One would like to take heart to this but this uncompromising reality is that this is inevitable path of life. Looking at the options that we have, it is no wonder that we all succumbed the lust and desire. It is a long road ahead, there are bound to have side tracks for us to venture. Whether is it by ignorance or covetousness, end of day, we must still muster our thoughts together and get on with the journey.
Old 27-03-2005, 12:49 AM
Krungthep Lover Krungthep Lover is offline
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Your blessing lies in an understanding wife. Most of the time, the other half knows what exactly is going on but the reaction they choose decides the day. Like yours, I believe, she knows about all the ECAs but being an unadorned lady she is, she rather accepts the fact that the man still comes home at the end of the day. It is a simple fact that men hold no grounds when it comes to straying, given that five minutes of unattended time, his eyes will be roving for targets. What can we say, I guess this simply runs in our blood and I personally put no effort to hide this truth.

Marriage is the beginning of a new chapter as well as ending to some but if only life is as unsophisticated as we all wished it to be. Greater power come greater responsibility; it is an impartial rule in life. There is no room to bargain when you sign on that dotted line, the price of having her with you is the beginning of the end for all previous glorious conquers and to go underground and begin a new life without the presence of light.

Looking back, the weight of marriage bonded with roles and responsibility had burdened us for a good half of our lives, leaving us panting, grasping for a clear breath. Imagine the day in day out routine, which without fail beaconing to you for constant attention whereby the once most appealing sex had fallen under this category as well. How pathetic would one feel? One would like to take heart to this but this uncompromising reality is that this is inevitable path of life. Looking at the options that we have, it is no wonder that we all succumbed the lust and desire. It is a long road ahead, there are bound to have side tracks for us to venture. Whether is it by ignorance or covetousness, end of day, we must still muster our thoughts together and get on with the journey.
I concur. I think that we men will stray no matter what. Even if we were married to Ms Universe, I'm pretty sure we'll still stray after a while. Just look at Tom Cruise, I mean, who wouldn't want to stay married to Nicole Kidman! Simply unexplainable.

And yes, after all our alter ego's wanton sexcapades, we need to sober up, plant our feet firmly on the ground, and get on with our journey.
Old 27-03-2005, 01:38 PM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Krungthep Lover
I was there for a handful of times during the 99-00, turn of the millenium, period. Back then, "talking bars" were popular. My experience was with one of the waitresses in these places. I've not been back since, so I wouldn't know what's the scene in Taiwan like nowadays. I'm sorry I can't be of much help here.

I'm still struggling to come to grips with my Taiwan FR. So much so that I'm starting to doubt that there would be one from me. I'll persevere on for the next day or two and see if I can muster anything. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can write a fairly decent one, eventually.
I give up!

I've tried at least 3 times to sit down and pen that FR on Taiwan which I had mentioned previously, but I just can't get it going. I'm sufferring from not just mental block, but writer's block as well. I'm going to end this misery and stop trying. I'm sorry if I had some of the bros waiting to read it. I really tried my best, but I just couldn't get going.

However, you can all rest assurred that I would make a comeback after awhile. Maybe not for the Taiwan FR, but definitely for something else.

Old 27-03-2005, 03:51 PM
Maitong Kit Mak Maitong Kit Mak is offline
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Krungthep Lover
I give up!

I've tried at least 3 times to sit down and pen that FR on Taiwan which I had mentioned previously, but I just can't get it going. I'm sufferring from not just mental block, but writer's block as well. I'm going to end this misery and stop trying. I'm sorry if I had some of the bros waiting to read it. I really tried my best, but I just couldn't get going.

However, you can all rest assurred that I would make a comeback after awhile. Maybe not for the Taiwan FR, but definitely for something else.

No worries bro..Appreciates that u tried...maybe I will recce myself while on this upcoming trip...will post a FR if any happenings.
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Old 28-03-2005, 08:59 AM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Krungthep Lover
I give up!

I've tried at least 3 times to sit down and pen that FR on Taiwan which I had mentioned previously, but I just can't get it going.
However, you can all rest assurred that I would make a comeback after awhile. Maybe not for the Taiwan FR, but definitely for something else.
Yo, take it easy, just pen down the facts and you got yourself a FR. Dont worry about trying too hard.
Old 28-03-2005, 10:21 PM
rave999 rave999 is offline
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by OceanEleven

Looking back, the weight of marriage bonded with roles and responsibility had burdened us for a good half of our lives, leaving us panting, grasping for a clear breath. Imagine the day in day out routine, which without fail beaconing to you for constant attention whereby the once most appealing sex had fallen under this category as well. How pathetic would one feel? One would like to take heart to this but this uncompromising reality is that this is inevitable path of life. Looking at the options that we have, it is no wonder that we all succumbed the lust and desire. It is a long road ahead, there are bound to have side tracks for us to venture. Whether is it by ignorance or covetousness, end of day, we must still muster our thoughts together and get on with the journey.
Bro OceanEleven,
Marriage is like a road march in the burning desert, and our tiraks are like the oasis. It prepares and gears us up for the next leg of the march after having enjoy the water and shade in the oasis. That is why I also keep going back to her...the oasis....
Old 29-03-2005, 12:33 AM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by rave999
Bro OceanEleven,
Marriage is like a road march in the burning desert, and our tiraks are like the oasis. It prepares and gears us up for the next leg of the march after having enjoy the water and shade in the oasis. That is why I also keep going back to her...the oasis....
Bros, it's really not that bad lah right? It's just that sometimes we feel that the old sparkle has lost its lustre a little, that's all right? Every now and then, give it a polish and it'll be as good as new right? As for the oasis bit, it sometimes does feel that way, but then we will eventually move on to continue our journey, and that would not be the last or only oasis that we'll stumble upon in the paths that we take. Chok Dee Maak.
Old 29-03-2005, 12:42 AM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Yo, take it easy, just pen down the facts and you got yourself a FR. Dont worry about trying too hard.
Bro, I tried to keep it simple and do a no-frills one, but I just couldn't get going at all. Each time I laboured to the third or fourth sentence, then I can't get it to flow, and when it is forced like in the first few sentences, I really don't feel good about it, so each time I just chose to give up.

Anyway, the one over-bearing memory which I probably will never forget is that this gal was the wettest sex that I had ever had. Think having to explain to the reception that I needed a change of mattress. Yep, it was that wet. Plus, I'm not the sort to restrict the sex to just a section of the king-size bed, so after a few climaxes, the bed was "water-logged" in patches all over. And, this gal was really horny too, she could come 6/7 times a night and she would still be up for more. But then again, she was only eighteen then. Anyway, I'll keep at it and hopefully I can come up with something, but no promises this time.
Old 30-03-2005, 08:53 AM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by rave999
Bro OceanEleven,
Marriage is like a road march in the burning desert, and our tiraks are like the oasis. It prepares and gears us up for the next leg of the march after having enjoy the water and shade in the oasis. That is why I also keep going back to her...the oasis....
The only problem nowadays is that the desert's temperature get hotter, air gets drier and we got no choice but keep gets driven to the oasis.
Old 30-03-2005, 01:13 PM
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Krungthep Lover
Bro, I tried to keep it simple and do a no-frills one, but I just couldn't get going at all. Each time I laboured to the third or fourth sentence, then I can't get it to flow, and when it is forced like in the first few sentences, I really don't feel good about it, so each time I just chose to give up.
Are you feeling overly-stressed in remembering all the details? Perhaps it would be better if you just recollect all your tots first in a peaceful environment, put down in point form & carry on from there.

Anyway, good luck!
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Old 31-03-2005, 01:41 PM
Krungthep Lover Krungthep Lover is offline
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

Originally Posted by Snuber
Are you feeling overly-stressed in remembering all the details? Perhaps it would be better if you just recollect all your tots first in a peaceful environment, put down in point form & carry on from there.

Anyway, good luck!
OK, here goes my final attempt, if I sputter out anytime during the post, I'll just let it go, and forever too.

Date: mid-1999
Time: after work probably 10-11pm
Place: some taiwanese ktv
Went with a couple of guys from my workplace who insisted that this joint has the best looking chicks in the ktv scene there. OK, nothing better to do so went along for a night out. Reached the place (I forgot the name), got seated down by the mummy and told her our preferences. In trooped the girls. Round 1, nothing fantastic. Round 2, still nothing. Mummy got a little anxious and came over for an update on the situation. Bigger breasts, younger ones please mummy. Round 3, getting warmer, 2 of the guys picked their gals, 2 down and 2 to go. Round 4, another guy picked a gal, I was the only one left without female company. Mummy spoke to my Taiwanese counterparts to confirm that I was looking for a girl and that I wasn't gay or anything. That confirmed and out of the way, the mummy brought me out to do some recce. If I saw any to my liking I was to tell her and she'll do the rest. This was a big joint! I was told it had something like 60 rooms or something like that, if I didn't remember wrongly. Plus, it was classy too. Anyway, went round the place twice and really couldn't find anyone. So I told mummy to forget the search, I was resigned to the fact that I may have to "take my own happiness into my own hands" for the night. Just get me a SYT and we'll just get on with the night's activities. Some gal same to sit with me, but I wasn't into her at all, so the whole night was just simply simple hugging and chit-chatting, in between some singing of course. Time flew and 2 hours of singing later, it was "da bao" time. All the guys wanted to "da bao" except me, which was fine by me. So we left the place at about 1am. They were all going to the hotel for their "action", and I wasn't feeling too tired yet so decided to roam around a little before going back. One of the gals recommended this "talking bar" nearby which she said may just be the cure for me since she thought I was a little "blue". Safe? Yes was the answer. So off I went in search of the place.

Found it with not too much trouble. Went in, nice, not too many customers, was playing decent jazzy stuff and since Jazz was my thing, I sat down for a drink plus to check out the joint as well of course. A hostess came over and wanted to start a conversation. I wasn't into her, so politely declined. All this while, since setting foot into the joint, my eyes were set on a waitress. I drank by myself, soaking in the atmosphere more than anything. I made it a point only to order drinks from that waitress and that one alone for the whole night. It was about 3+am and I think they close at 4. She came over to ask me if I wanted to place a last order. I shocked her by saying I wanted a last gin tonic and her. She blushed and went away. I thought that would be the last I'll see of her, but she came back with my drink and then lingered around long enough for me to ask her out for supper. She didn't agree nor disagree. Closing time came and I got out of the place. I thought maybe I'll wait awhile downstairs, holding on to a mere shred of hope that I could meet her again. My persistence paid off! SHe came down about 20 minutes later and was surprised to see me at the entrance of the building. She came over out of courtesy and I wasn't about to let this opportunity slip. I asked her if she could show me where I could get something decent to eat at that hour. She suggested some places, but none of what she said agreed with my alcohol-laden palate nor was I paying too much to what was being said anyway. I was simply just enjoying her company. I asked if she would join me for something to eat at Hyatt (which was where I was staying), my reasoning was that there would definitely be something decent to eat there, and if not, the coffee there was great. I hesitated a little, but nodded her head in the end. GOAL!!!

Chit-chatted more in the cab, then in the cafe. It was 6am the next time I looked at my watch! I asked if she was tired, but she said no. Did she have anything she needed to do the next day? She had a light day at school the next day, skippable. Cool! A uni-student! OK, carried on talking. I sent an SMS to my colleague to say that I wasn't feeling too good and that I wasn't going to be able to join them for the day at work. More talking. I was feeling a little tired by 7am, so I told her to wait for me at the cafe for 10 minutes while I went up to the room to take a quick shower and change my clothes, and then send her back home. I added, or she could wait in my room, whichever she preferred. She came up with me. GOAL!!!

More talking in the lift and more talking even while I was showering. I left the bathroom door open just in case she needed to go. She actually went while I was showering! GOAL!!!

Old 31-03-2005, 01:54 PM
Krungthep Lover Krungthep Lover is offline
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Re: The Edge Of Reason - Part 1

One thing led to another then the rest was just a wet wet wet mess afterwards. She was really horny. By the time her G-string came off, it was soaked! That was the wettest sex I've ever had. She was like an energiser battery, just goes on and on and on. She could come multiple times to my one and she would still be up for more after I could get it going again after a rest. There was once we did nothing else but screw the whole day, literally, interrupted only by room service for lunch and dinner. On hind-sight, it was really kind of freakish, how wet she got and how much she loved sex.

Anyway, this relationship went on, and each time I visited Taiwan then I would look her up and we would have wanton sex. There was never any talk about money and future or anything else, just plain enjoyment of each other's company. I never paid her anything, other than the occassional taxi ride back to her home from my hotel or vice versa. Of course, I went shopping with her and buy her things, even a bracelet which cost a few hundred singapore dollars, but I felt I needed to do it 'cos I wasn't paying for anything else. I never had to pay for the drinks when I visit her work place after that first time.

Then, yes every story has an ending, on one of my last trips there I sense something different with her. Boyfriend? Yep. Good, actually, I was worried about how to break it off really, I was getting a little bored with the wet sex thingy. So, we went our separate ways, continued to meet each time I went there, but no more sex. I stopped going to Taiwan from end-2000 onwards, so just as well this ended properly.

I know, I know, this is kind of an anti-climax to the build up in the previous post, but really, this was what happened. Hmm...let's see, are there any memorable trysts to report here...
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