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Old 11-04-2006, 09:25 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
Freakin' PRC whores cause nothing but trouble and spread awful diseases.

The govt should round up all the PRC hookers in Singapore and send them to the gas chambers for immediate extermination.
boss, i beg to differ...
if these PRC whores were not here, you would have lost aobut half the population of ppl in ur forum...
think about it...
Time passes slowly
Old 11-04-2006, 09:33 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by obelisk
boss, i beg to differ...
if these PRC whores were not here, you would have lost aobut half the population of ppl in ur forum...
think about it...
When this forum first started, PRC whores were few and far between and the most popular sections were the Health Centre and Geylang sub forums.

Traffic was just as good and all Samsters were happy with the contents.
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Old 11-04-2006, 09:33 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by jimmyccc
knn... if i get my hands on this guy.... hahahah... make him eat shit... strip him naked, tie him up and drop him off in the middle of orchard road during rush hour... then make sure the police get him... after an hour or two....

No lah.... Follow the ranger traning standard lah...

Pour honey on his naked body and tie him to a tree in the wood... Let the ants feast on him for two days before u call the police...

Good idea??

Did I mention to put as much honey as possible on his dick????

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Old 11-04-2006, 09:36 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
That's a load of bullshit. PRC whores didn't exist before the mid 90s and the crime rate was a lot lower then.

The main source of commercial sex were the legal joints and that's the way it should stay.

The PAP has put much effort into ensuring a good supply of government certified broads for all tastes and budgets. Freelancers, on the other hand, are nothing but a huge cesspool of bacteria and viri.

They should be culled and burnt. That's the way they deal with madcow disease and birdflu. Why should PRC hookers be given better treatment.
my comment was half meant to be a joke... the other half was just stating that at least I'll be a damn horny guy due to the loss of my favourite pass time..

i did survive well enuff before the influx of the PRC gals... but after their arrival, I kinda prefer (personal anyway) them to the GL ($150) gals now..

anyway, boss... your biase view with regards to the PRC working gals are known to many.. have seen similar comments from you time and time again.. you're free to voice your view, may it be a little harsh at times.. but it does not mean everyone should share your views...

anyway, have fun guys... as I definitely am..
Old 11-04-2006, 09:37 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by Rainman

Did I mention to put as much honey as possible on his dick????


The man should be given a medal for doing his part in trying to rid Singapore of the scourge of PRC whores.
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Old 11-04-2006, 09:37 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by RaymndTan
Fuck these people! Another MM I know told me that she was promised $800 for overnite, but the next day she was given a cheque instead. She asked me about the procedures of cashing out the cheque, only to be told at the bank counter it's a blank cheque.

Issuing a Blank cheque is a crime in Singapore u know??
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Old 11-04-2006, 09:39 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
The man should be given a medal for doing his part in trying to rid Singapore of the scourge of PRC whores.
funny you should be so against PRC while you do not mind the GL and HC scene in SG?!?
Old 11-04-2006, 09:41 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by ShadowBro
funny you should be so against PRC while you do not mind the GL and HC scene in SG?!?
Call me old fashioned.
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Old 11-04-2006, 10:00 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by otur
me england no good. whore is it use to discribe woman that collect money n have sex with ppl willingly? and rape is to hv sex with woman without her willingly agreed? so a whore is onli a whore when she collected money right? when she is rape she is just someone's unwilling sex partner mah. is an unwilling sex partner in this case a whore? n a whore is a living thing right? a corpse is just a pcs of dead meat mah......

got same de meh....
Well said bro...

Un consensus sex with your wife is also consider as Rape .....
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Old 11-04-2006, 10:45 AM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
That's a load of bullshit. PRC whores didn't exist before the mid 90s and the crime rate was a lot lower then.

The main source of commercial sex were the legal joints and that's the way it should stay.
Again, Sam is correct. The PRC whores came flooding to our shores via the student pass route in the mid-90's. Then there were little (if any) PDMMs. In fact, in the old Delphi Forum, I remember that there were a couple of threads on this topic and it would be most interesting if Sam were able to dig out those threads. I am quite sure some of the things the samsters said then, including the predictions, are true today.
Old 11-04-2006, 12:09 PM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by SDMM
at least he used a condom

me personally dont have any sympathy for working gals. u guys should not too cos if the roles were reversed, have no doubt the working gal will bite off your head every single time
WL's/FL/s alwayz after ur money... just like u after their body... but there is a code of conduct to follow... U treat them well., they treat u well... I have never ever had an experience where a WL/FL has stolen anything from me... but lotz of stories of sad farking loser customers who steal their money and handphones... etc.... KNN...
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 11-04-2006, 12:14 PM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by Rainman
Issuing a Blank cheque is a crime in Singapore u know??
Yeah .... maybe the cheque is gotten from dunno where.
Old 11-04-2006, 12:22 PM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Come on guys let us not kid ourselves about the world's oldest profession. Where there is a demand, the supply will congregate.

These gals whether they are PRC, Thais, Vietnamese, Russians, Columbians etc are doing what they must do to survive and sometimes the money they earned goes back to feeding their families.

So while we sit in our air conditioned offices pondering what to have for lunch, some people are not as lucky to have choices as we have here..
Old 11-04-2006, 12:24 PM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

But Boss... Can SG live with the loss of Tourism Dollars from PRC's... as it will also affect "legitimate" tourism and business ties... if it is seen that PRC Citizens are being targeted in SG... I think not as it will have far reaching effects for SG businesses in PRC... Malaysia is already going through this with China due to a few high profile cases... This is a trillion dollar question and probably why most cases like this are not reported in the media... as it is not possible to get into a pissing competition with the PRC Govt and win... not if u r from this region anyway... So the issue goes beyond cheap whores fro PRC... but since this is not a business forum... I'll stick to sex (more interesteing and exciting... )
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 11-04-2006, 01:27 PM
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Re: This Really Happened To A BS Gal - Drugged, Robbed & Probably Raped!!!

Originally Posted by KLKOOL
But Boss... Can SG live with the loss of Tourism Dollars from PRC's...

Boss dun bother abt SG lah.....
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
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