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Old 10-06-2016, 11:03 AM
xrage xrage is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by 5ag1_Boar View Post
Really wonder how you guys are so "lucky". I think mostly I'm in the wrong jobs... lots of wholesome people, harder to find those that are open-minded. In fact most colleagues at my work place chose this job cause it gives them more time with their families.

Might have a chance with one of mine too. Recently contacted and currently flirting through app. will update if anything happens.
Nice to see our MOE teachers in here too.

Please update what happen...
Please leave ur Nick so i can reciprocate. If I dont pm me. Thx!

Looking for chat and lunch buddies. ladies pls. I'd like to have a little casual banter over chat, lunch or tea if you are available in the daytime. pm me. I don't bite.
Old 14-06-2016, 07:36 PM
alec alec is offline
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Good for ya!

Originally Posted by *FiReWoRkS* View Post
You people are so lucky to have so many unthought-of sex exp.

Because I have to work very hard for all of my conquests ha..

The only one that I can think of that is closest to a never thought of exp would be about a few years back when I was still a player I got to know this girl on A dating app and started chatting. She is actually quite an independent girl whom doesn't feel like she will settle down anytime soon and is just enjoying her singlehood as she has a group of very close friends whom she always hang out with.

She doesn't talk much most of the time and would just looked at me and listened to what I have to say. During one of our meet up session we went out for some drinks and she drank quite a fair bit. Somehow we ended up at a hotel and the rest was history.

The reason why I said she is one of the never thought of exp for me is because she doesn't seem to be the type that wants to settle down at that point of time and wasn't really a player as well. I know she likes me but she doesn't give me enough indications to let me feel that a bonk with her would even be remotely possible. We sort of drifted apart slowly and she even sent me a music video of a song about she should have treasured me more back when we were 'together'. I really did sayang her quite a lot and sort of treated her like my gf alrdy....

holy shit I think she really did like me a lot back then and maybe wanted to be with me???

damn it! she looks like Joey Wong 王祖賢 leh! one of the if not the prettiest girl that ive ever came across.

Sian! im gonna call her tomorrow liao!!!!! knn
Old 14-06-2016, 08:18 PM
LoveBoobies LoveBoobies is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

My friend's son teacher, who is from Holland.
A ktv girl whom asked me out on my birthday to bring me out for dinner followed by a hot steamy session.
A student counsel from SP.
The gf of a friend who betrayed another very close buddy of mine. (But of cos b4 every deed was done, i informed him n followed his instruction to the day i got bonked by her.)
Old 15-06-2016, 10:53 AM
5ag1_Boar 5ag1_Boar is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by xrage View Post
Nice to see our MOE teachers in here too.

Please update what happen...
Not MOE.

Anyway, not going to happen cause she found a hunky NS guy her age to play with, so old uncle here no chance liao.
I am not and I don't pretend to be an angel or a guru. I am also dealing with my own flaws, weaknesses and problems. If I share my experiences, thoughts and opinions, it is only in the hope that other Samsters might find some gems in them to help themselves.

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Old 15-06-2016, 11:22 AM
Stupid80 Stupid80 is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

My best buddy who I never think that I will up her, we knew each other more than 10 years. She even can change her clothes in front of me, and I does not care as well.

One day she going to marry and we organised a hens night for her in a club and we book a hotel room for her opposite the club in case she get drunk.

As what we expected, she really drunk after the party just started about one hour. Got no choice, I told my friends and my gf that I will bring her back to room and come back to join them later.

Then we reach the room and and I leave her on the bed. When I want to get up from the bed, she hug me and kiss me out of sudden. Then I look at her, her eye is closing. Then I feel that her hand go into my pant and stroke my dick. I have no choice, because my bro take over my brain, so I take off her underwear immediately and fuck her and she moan damn loud. I realised her eye still closing.

After few mins, I can feel she came and I going to shoot. So I take out my dick and shoot my load on her pussy. Then i just know her private part is well shaved and clean. So it is so easy for me to wipe out all my sperm.

Before I leave the room , I heard she snore and I know she will not remember what had happen just now. Based on my memory that she always can't remember what had happen after she drunk.

When I return to the club, my gf asked me why take so long then I told she vomit and I help to clean up before leave the room. My gf believe it and after the club she ask for sex and I have my second round on the night.

Next day, my buddy call me and say thanks to me to carry her back to room and complain that she is having the hangover effect. Obviously she really can't remember what happen in the room. Till today she is still my best buddy. ^.^
Old 26-07-2016, 06:48 PM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

so many weird happenings, and lucky guys and girls there

a good reading
Old 26-07-2016, 10:59 PM
nickotan nickotan is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by *FiReWoRkS* View Post
You people are so lucky to have so many unthought-of sex exp.

Because I have to work very hard for all of my conquests ha..

The only one that I can think of that is closest to a never thought of exp would be about a few years back when I was still a player I got to know this girl on A dating app and started chatting. She is actually quite an independent girl whom doesn't feel like she will settle down anytime soon and is just enjoying her singlehood as she has a group of very close friends whom she always hang out with.

She doesn't talk much most of the time and would just looked at me and listened to what I have to say. During one of our meet up session we went out for some drinks and she drank quite a fair bit. Somehow we ended up at a hotel and the rest was history.

The reason why I said she is one of the never thought of exp for me is because she doesn't seem to be the type that wants to settle down at that point of time and wasn't really a player as well. I know she likes me but she doesn't give me enough indications to let me feel that a bonk with her would even be remotely possible. We sort of drifted apart slowly and she even sent me a music video of a song about she should have treasured me more back when we were 'together'. I really did sayang her quite a lot and sort of treated her like my gf alrdy....

holy shit I think she really did like me a lot back then and maybe wanted to be with me???

damn it! she looks like Joey Wong 王祖賢 leh! one of the if not the prettiest girl that ive ever came across.

Sian! im gonna call her tomorrow liao!!!!! knn
Wooo 王祖賢 !!! She must be damn pretty
Old 27-07-2016, 01:02 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by nickotan View Post
Wooo 王祖賢 !!! She must be damn pretty
doesn't matter who she looks like anymore... no more liao...

why is my life so full of regrets?
Please PM me after you have upped my points for me to return the favour. Cheers~
Old 27-07-2016, 06:11 AM
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by nickotan View Post
Wooo 王祖賢 !!! She must be damn pretty
She probably was
Old 27-07-2016, 10:55 AM
KeungK KeungK is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by nickotan View Post
Wooo 王祖賢 !!! She must be damn pretty
Think so too
Old 27-07-2016, 09:50 PM
xiaoai94 xiaoai94 is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

1. I was the bridesmaid, he was the best man (my virgin and one month later we were together)
2. tipsy 3some with my neighbour and his friend (best fuck ever)
3. 2 of my secondary school whom i had a crush on back then (separately and no one else knows to this day)
4. my childhood friend (we met up after we both were single... were just talking but one thing led to another and....)

the rest not really never thought of....
Old 27-07-2016, 10:06 PM
DeBruyne DeBruyne is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

Originally Posted by xiaoai94 View Post
1. I was the bridesmaid, he was the best man (my virgin and one month later we were together)
2. tipsy 3some with my neighbour and his friend (best fuck ever)
3. 2 of my secondary school whom i had a crush on back then (separately and no one else knows to this day)
4. my childhood friend (we met up after we both were single... were just talking but one thing led to another and....)

the rest not really never thought of....
Interesting encounters .....
Old 28-07-2016, 07:19 PM
alec alec is offline
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Nice share~~

Originally Posted by xiaoai94 View Post
1. I was the bridesmaid, he was the best man (my virgin and one month later we were together)
2. tipsy 3some with my neighbour and his friend (best fuck ever)
3. 2 of my secondary school whom i had a crush on back then (separately and no one else knows to this day)
4. my childhood friend (we met up after we both were single... were just talking but one thing led to another and....)

the rest not really never thought of....
Old 28-07-2016, 10:02 PM
manure manure is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

xiaoai84 can elaborate on each of the stories?
Old 29-07-2016, 12:31 PM
jeffyhandsomekl jeffyhandsomekl is offline
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Re: Anyone u sex with before that u never thought of....

1. My tuition students that didn't expect it to happen after sending her home from another student's birthday party.
2. A singer that was so damn drunk and need a good fxxk so badly.
3. A milf customer, an easy fxxk after my work
4. A chat friend, flew over from uk, send her back to hotel, but din expect she asked me to stay.
5. A slutty pen pal turn out to be real bitch the 2nd time i c her.
6. A finance officer whom i took up her loan offer.
7. A milf i met in the pool...Asked me to send her home and ...
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