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Old 14-01-2007, 02:31 AM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Frist of all I would like to ask why is the photo the same with TV Blog Picture ??

If he is so call tirak why he dont have a picture of her ?? care to explain ?? BTW i didnt ask for TV permission to post here. There is nothing to do with him just care for the poor WL if this is all not real.
Dont up me cant return with my phone.....

Old 14-01-2007, 02:42 AM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Very funny leh...someone zapped me just put up a funny remarks mentioned I xia suay leh....then hor he don't dare to put his nick then he also xia suay of his nick lor? I where got talk big? where huh how come I don't know leh? Tio bo?...hahahahaha

i got hiv from hatyai... 14-01-2007 01:12 AM Don't talk big! why must post and let others know you was zapped? want others to up you izzit? xia suay

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Old 14-01-2007, 03:12 AM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Originally Posted by watchman View Post
Where this story is true or otherwise, I believe among us(samster) have experience similar events which resulted in lost of monetary value or contracting some form of disease. Gettin involved with a WL is always a taboo. Now, then & ever. Yours is just one of many sad stories but did we learn? The heart betters logic. Maybe that is one of the flaw of being human. Now you just end up just as number in the statistics. Prostitute, working lady, comfort lady or bluntly put it whores are charming, pretty and POOR. When ur r poor, there is nothing u wouldn't do. Scam, deceive or prostitute oneself. Imagine gettin into relationship with a woman who slept with 'god knows how many guys for money'. Now at some point, u has to make a decision. If u still want to get involve, then take her out from the 'trade', bro. Force her to get a health check up. It would give u a peace of mind. 'Love' is not worth u gettin killed over. Sorry, got carried away. Anyway leave u & other guys out there with this quote:

Dost thou love life?
Then do not squander time,
for that is the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin

Totally agreed...
Old 14-01-2007, 03:42 AM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Originally Posted by 84gunner View Post

I treat the WLs as frens, sometimes, I meet them up 4 simple dinner / drinks, etc. Occasionally, esp when the mood is rite, they even bonk me 4 free! They said they understand tat I oso have sexual needs, and they happen 2 be in the rite mood. They feel tat I'm rather "pitiful", being single & alone in a foreign land, & dunno the local language at all. Every now & then, they'll call me up & check if I'm fine, everything around me is ok, etc.
THE Game TO Play Is to Treat Them Well.Tip Them WEll. TREAT tHEM lIKE huMAN. theY aRE aLSO bORN wITH hUMAN fLESH & bLOOD.tHERE aRE aLSO aLOT OF wl WHO gAVE ME fREE bONK cOS i TREAT tHEM wELL.
Old 14-01-2007, 10:03 AM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Originally Posted by Lost Guy View Post
..apologies to all bros here and to Joey customers ..I have wrote a unforgivable fake thread. Joey has hiv or not, i am not sure.
You are the moron of highest order. Whatever drove you to do this unspeakable, it's clearly slander and defamation. Instead of getting a lawsuit to clean your pants out, life in LOS can be cheap.. get my drift?
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Old 14-01-2007, 11:37 AM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
You are the moron of highest order. Whatever drove you to do this unspeakable, it's clearly slander and defamation. Instead of getting a lawsuit to clean your pants out, life in LOS can be cheap.. get my drift?
hehehe home make somemore clearly he want to keep the pussy to himself

pai sei bro yesterday i knock out after talking to my girl. damn tired sleep until today.............
Hee Man

Last edited by pussyman72; 14-01-2007 at 12:03 PM.
Old 14-01-2007, 11:59 AM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Originally Posted by Lost Guy View Post
that I have wrote a unforgivable fake thread. Joey has hiv or not, i am not sure, time will tell but everything in Thailand can be fake.

I really like to apologize to my good friend of many years.

my friend refused to accept the fact that she got hiv and even told Joey that even if she got hiv he will still love her and marry her.
hey i really doubt ur stupid story...... first u said u not sure she got HIV then u said she have HIV. what the hack u trying to prove here.....

now even worst u do bad things to ur good friend. the way i see it is u that like ur friend's girl n u want it for urself. am i right to said that. u even dare to said he is ur good friend n u do this to ur own buddy. u are really a sick guy.

be it this girl really bluff ur friend. ur friend should have accpected this will happen when he wants to start this relationship. there is so many forum that talk about WL bluffing men money. men die for WL, cannot work blah blah blah.

u should go read private dance by stephen leather.

to me u are damn bloody low to do this to ur friend n the girl. go get a live, making pple thinking u really have HIV
Hee Man
Old 14-01-2007, 01:18 PM
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On behalf of Thaivisitor

To All Bros,

thaivisitor Says:
January 13th, 2007 at 6:29 pm

The guy who posted it is talking cock. He took the picture from this blog. If genuine, he would have posted here or send me an email to inform me since I promoted Joey and talk good about her.

I have checked with the OKT of the farm and also some of the girls there. There is no such thing. Joey is still very healthy and OK and still a very good service girl.

The guy who posted in SBF either is a guy who want to take revenge on Joey for whatever reasons as this happens a lot of time with guys who are “in love” with the girls but the girls already have someone else. They will demand whatever they want from the girls like “raw sex”, belonging only to them and not others or whatever. This kind of F**ker is a low down scum who go to such low down methods of discrediting innocent victims.

Or the guy could belongs to the “other” group who is against me. He knows Joey is “Ang Pai” and by posting such things, will make her angry, etc and who knows she’ll even go to the police to report it. Joey knows I took her picture and put it here. So the guy uses a new nick to post in SBF to make it think like maybe I’m defaming her. This is the tactics used by my low class “enemies”.

To Forgive & Forget,Live & Let Live...Be Happy All The Way...

Thanks to those Bros has upped my points pls kindly post something. Thanks!

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Old 14-01-2007, 01:32 PM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

haiz, another case of green bird infatuated wif WL. Worse, this green bird is almost virgin!!!

Tis case may be abit different from many others who like 2 claim 2 be WLs' man or bf, but, still similar in the way, tat they kinda "fall in love" wif these WLs, they tink they "own" the WL, or wanna "protect" them, or watever. They tink they v eh-sai, they capable 2 sian or win WLs' hearts, etc, or they "own" the WLs, tat other guys or brudders should not "touch" the WLs, cos the WLs are brudders' tirak?

All I should say is, wake up, MEN! Or mebbe those fellows are still boys (in their brains). It seems these boys suffer from low self-esteem, tat they wanna find some pride or face or ego & respect back, especially in the aspects of BGR or the female sex. If u wanna claim 2 be the WLs' man, do it after u go through the traditional wedding ceremony, whether it's Thai style, Chinese style, Christian style, or watever style, or officially register yr marriage wif wichever gahmen Marriage Registry!!!

If u tink, the WLs juz simply need 2 say u r their tirak, bf, call u lao-gong, watever, u are going 2 give them more tips, buy things 4 them, bring them out 4 meals / tour / fun, etc. All they need 2 do is juz spend abit more time wif u during yr SHORT VISIT here, during those few days u patronising her! Having sex, serving u well / making u happy in bed is their duties, anyway. The WLs will tink, why not? They have tat "much" 2 gain, not much 2 lose, these men are so stupid, so chai-tao!!! If she don't go out wif u, she sits in the fish-tank or fish-bowl, it still depends on her luck 2 see whether she has customer, and oso wat kinda customer she gets. So might as well go out wif these chai-taos, can make some $$, can oso get free presents, meals, fun some more, why not?

Just as I had guessed, I told some brudders tat probably Lost Guy might not even have HIV, but juz a case of sabo or spite against Joey.

knn, Joey's picture kena posted here, where lotsa her customers r in tis forum. If she dun change her hp no, get away from HDY 4 awhile, then she's waiting 4 wat?

Brudder Lost Guy, don't u bring Buddhism in here & insult Buddhism!!!! U are not fit 2 talk about any religion!!! After u fellows lost the game, dun use any religion 2 challenge, 2 "squash" anybody. U are poor losers, u make 1 mistake after another. U are really LOST!!! Whether she really cheated yr fren anot, I find it difficult 2 trust yr words anymore, cos I find u are very narrow-minded. U should be thankful tat nothing worse or more tragedic happened in tis saga wif Joey!!! If in China, it's not surprising nor uncommon tat u or yr fren is listed or classified as missing persons, if not dead liao!!!

Buddha will punish u for bringing Buddhism in here & insult Buddhism!!!
Old 14-01-2007, 01:34 PM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Karma, karma,... better not any how flame others or do anything bad because of jealousy, anger, etc. It will all come back to you. Wishing or saying bad things about others is a very bad thing. It might not happen to others, but what if it happens on you! scary!
Old 14-01-2007, 02:00 PM
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Re: On behalf of Thaivisitor

Originally Posted by Devil73 View Post
Or the guy could belongs to the “other” group who is against me. He knows Joey is “Ang Pai” and by posting such things, will make her angry, etc and who knows she’ll even go to the police to report it. Joey knows I took her picture and put it here. So the guy uses a new nick to post in SBF to make it think like maybe I’m defaming her. This is the tactics used by my low class “enemies”.
JOey Is Ang Pai??? DID I See WronGly? I was Thinking OF BOOking HER Nxt Wk
But The Way I Look AT IT I Was WondERing Whther She Is Safe.
Old 14-01-2007, 02:07 PM
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Re: On behalf of Thaivisitor

Originally Posted by eggkiller View Post
JOey Is Ang Pai??? DID I See WronGly? I was Thinking OF BOOking HER Nxt Wk
But The Way I Look AT IT I Was WondERing Whther She Is Safe.

You wake up already and open up your big eyes and see? This post is on behalf of Thaivisitor. Ang Pai or not I don't know.....

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Old 14-01-2007, 02:52 PM
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Re: On behalf of Thaivisitor

Originally Posted by eggkiller View Post
JOey Is Ang Pai??? DID I See WronGly? I was Thinking OF BOOking HER Nxt Wk
But The Way I Look AT IT I Was WondERing Whther She Is Safe.
well whether she is safe or not safe is up to every bros who book her to decide she is safe or not.

To be frank, every WL u book is it safe to bonk them is it safe to go raw on them, is it safe to have relationship with them, blah blah blah.

well it sure fun to book girl have relationship n bonk but why start worrying if this is so i will advices better not cheong or bonk WL liao. else u everyday worry dont know kanna anything bo. cos even u wear cap. cap also can break.

Hee Man
Old 14-01-2007, 04:36 PM
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Re: On behalf of Thaivisitor

Originally Posted by pussyman72 View Post
well whether she is safe or not safe is up to every bros who book her to decide she is safe or not.

To be frank, every WL u book is it safe to bonk them is it safe to go raw on them, is it safe to have relationship with them, blah blah blah.

well it sure fun to book girl have relationship n bonk but why start worrying if this is so i will advices better not cheong or bonk WL liao. else u everyday worry dont know kanna anything bo. cos even u wear cap. cap also can break.


Maybe during my next trip will give it a try....kekekekeke

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Old 14-01-2007, 04:45 PM
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Re: i got hiv from hatyai escort lady

Originally Posted by pussyman72 View Post
hehehe .. clearly he want to keep the pussy to himself. pai sei bro yesterday i knock out after talking to my girl. damn tired sleep
No worries, but you got tired after just talking to your wan jai hehehe? Not only you missed her, but also few other sammies popped by (>10).
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