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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 25-07-2022, 08:09 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Open for appointment.
Old 25-07-2022, 02:55 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Originally Posted by oldboi83 View Post
Finally went to try Lucky's service. I actually added her contact quite some time ago just before covid outbreak but never really got to try to make an appointment. Then covid came and she stopped providing therapy and I finally had a chance to meet her recently.

Location -
Very convenient less than 5mins walk. her place is well equipped and very clean and tidy. she emphasizes a lot on cleanliness and will take your temperature first and uses disposable towers and shorts. So everything I like as it is very clean. The bathroom is really nicely furnished and has a proper water heater and shampoo shower foam as well.

Skills/therapy - *Reminder * it is pure legit solid traditional Chinese, Thai, Korean treatment, no hanky panky or release roam etc*

I straight took the 1.5 hrs package as she explained if I was really seeking true therapy, 1hr is quite short and hard to do a lot more. and zero regrets as my time extends way beyond 1.5 hrs. her timing only started at the beginning of therapy. as before therapy she will check ur body condition and ask for any of ur experience or symptoms etc eg. whether premature ejac so on. its d first time I really experience such thorough and holistic therapy and not jus focus on juagen.

throughout the therapy any issues or wat she has diagnosed she will let u know and always make a point to explain what she is doing. she also can use qigong and u can feel the warmth, not just from purposely rubbing friction to create it. I had a lot of my accupoints and important areas worked upon where she uses different traditional tools like Chinese sinseh therapy. as she proceed to juagen she will explain the vital areas and she worked on many veins and for my cases I had some tugging to correct my shaft as due to last time excessive hj really caused damage to my precious. after that I thought treatment was over, nope. she continue to slowly work from bottom to top, including pulling of my shoulder blade tendons and did some bone cracking and setting at some areas to correct also. all these are inclusive of the package and she never like try to carrot chop me saying "oh u have this issue and may need this treatment but cost seperately $xxx etc". At end of my therapy I feel so much lighter and energetic and also took some of her advice like my diet, routines and habits accordingly to my body condition. Literally a legit therapist/sinseh and very pleasant looking too.

Verdict -
my regret for not trying early as I could really save up so much more money and gain much more real body benefits/health. I have tried quite a number of jg but this one is really d gem. as it goes beyond jg and includes the truth about your body health condition. I personally recommend for those serious bros with any symptoms or feel lack of vigor (like me over d years getting weaker actually) seeking real therapy with effects. also depends on body condition, like my case I see my effects after 2 weeks as I followed her advice on my diet and routines also. and yes she also doesnt upsell or msg u asking when u free to come etc. just treat her like a legit traditional Chinese therapist/sinseh
Open for appointment.

My everyday schedules normally begin at 08:30am, 10:30am, 1pm, 3pm, 5pm and 7pm.

When I am working, I don't reply to messages. I will reply to your messages ASAP when I am free or when a booking is cancelled.

When you require my services, please make advance bookings to prevent disappointment. I do treasure every opportunity to serve you.

Last edited by bellbell; 25-07-2022 at 03:19 PM.
Old 25-07-2022, 05:29 PM
hamsamlou hamsamlou is offline
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Re: Juagen Talks

This is my very first post as I created this account so that I could share my positive experience with Sis Bell. My day of visit was on 23/7.

First up, please make sure you are not too early or late for your appointment. 10 minutes before appointment timing is good enough. Sis has back to back appointments hence she needs some time to rest and prepare for your slot. Arriving too early might not get a response from her as she might still busy.

Sis Bell is a straightforward person and direct in her words. So do not have to be offended. End of the day, she means well to your treatment and health. She is professional and knowledgeable in her work. I am a long time gym goer, Sis commented that my high protein intake from protein powder has messed up my body and little bro as my liver and kidneys are on ‘fire’. Was told bluntly to stop taking them immediately.

Treatment was painful but bearable and given my condition, Sis put in a lot effort on my entire body, not just my little bro. Throughout the treatment, could feel the heat built up in the areas that she transferred her qi to. Sis helped to drain most of the lymph buildup in my body and little bro and I could feel the effects immediately after my session. During the session, it was like a eye opening health lesson as Sis explained my current body conditions and gave advice on lifestyle and diet changes to improve my condition.

Currently, I am experiencing better sleep as my back aches are gone. My little bro is more energetic and able to stand straighter. I will definitely be heading back for a few more sessions as my body is able to not fully clear up in 1.5h due to the condition it was in.

I highly recommended other bros who are also concerned of their overall health and not just their little bro. Sis was generous to give me some follow up prescriptions to help improve my condition and also asked me to update her after one or two weeks so that she can give further advices.

Verdict - Definitely highly recommend her. Sis will treat you well if there is mutual respect. No hanky panky as already stated up front.
Old 25-07-2022, 05:34 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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Old 25-07-2022, 07:10 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Went today. Very good environment. Dont use handphone when massaging. JG is one of the kind. Been to many. And this never tried before. No hanky panky. Only pure good deep massage on the groin area and pulling of veins. Can feel blocked vein cleared almost immediately. Good 👍 good 👍
Old 25-07-2022, 07:37 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

good report Brothers
Old 25-07-2022, 07:41 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Open for booking

Last edited by bellbell; 26-07-2022 at 08:34 AM.
Old 25-07-2022, 10:50 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Originally Posted by bensticker View Post
Went today. Very good environment. Dont use handphone when massaging. JG is one of the kind. Been to many. And this never tried before. No hanky panky. Only pure good deep massage on the groin area and pulling of veins. Can feel blocked vein cleared almost immediately. Good 👍 good 👍
Thank you, brother, for your report and support.
What you had today was not a full therapy. Let’s me do 90 minutes of therapy for you in your next visit and you will feel the difference.

Originally Posted by hamsamlou View Post
This is my very first post as I created this account so that I could share my positive experience with Sis Bell. My day of visit was on 23/7.

First up, please make sure you are not too early or late for your appointment. 10 minutes before appointment timing is good enough. Sis has back to back appointments hence she needs some time to rest and prepare for your slot. Arriving too early might not get a response from her as she might still busy.

Sis Bell is a straightforward person and direct in her words. So do not have to be offended. End of the day, she means well to your treatment and health. She is professional and knowledgeable in her work. I am a long time gym goer, Sis commented that my high protein intake from protein powder has messed up my body and little bro as my liver and kidneys are on ‘fire’. Was told bluntly to stop taking them immediately.

Treatment was painful but bearable and given my condition, Sis put in a lot effort on my entire body, not just my little bro. Throughout the treatment, could feel the heat built up in the areas that she transferred her qi to. Sis helped to drain most of the lymph buildup in my body and little bro and I could feel the effects immediately after my session. During the session, it was like a eye opening health lesson as Sis explained my current body conditions and gave advice on lifestyle and diet changes to improve my condition.

Currently, I am experiencing better sleep as my back aches are gone. My little bro is more energetic and able to stand straighter. I will definitely be heading back for a few more sessions as my body is able to not fully clear up in 1.5h due to the condition it was in.

I highly recommended other bros who are also concerned of their overall health and not just their little bro. Sis was generous to give me some follow up prescriptions to help improve my condition and also asked me to update her after one or two weeks so that she can give further advices.

Verdict - Definitely highly recommend her. Sis will treat you well if there is mutual respect. No hanky panky as already stated up front.
Thank you, Brother, for your genuine report and recognition. I have read your FR carefully.

Your therapy is a challenge and a difficult task for me. Being a bodybuilder like you, I need to clear 70% of toxicity from your body that was accumulated from the intake of protein powder compound. At the same time, I would like to praise you for your tolerance of the 1.5 hr of therapy you had gone through.

Let’s make a correction to your report. I had cleared your Lipoma and not lymph build-up. Many customers have Lipoma build-up in the body due to the food they take in. especially those who have a weak spleen and stomach.

These are some suggestions for bodybuilders:
1. Do not work out under the direct blow of air-con. Natural air is the best. This may lead to a weak little brother due to moist body (湿气).
2. Do not depend on protein powder compound as you may absorb only 20-30% of protein. The rest will become toxic and build up Lipoma. The sandy stone-like objects formed at the tip of the little brother are also the results of these toxic.
3. Take in natural foods such as meat and eggs as a source of protein. You will absorb more protein.

Hope these help!
Old 26-07-2022, 08:34 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Available slots today at 1 pm and 3 pm.

Please contact me at Wechat: healthy8080. Telegram:
Old 26-07-2022, 10:47 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

i had tried her few days is clean and one bro did say correctly she is a straightfoward person
her JG for me i feel pain,,tight n discomfort at begin but still can bear it n she say is usual but after that the pain and discomfort disappear and feel the veins like lossen
she explain alot of health care detail to me n advise me to come once weekly for better improve👍Good doctor
Brothers no other further package other than JG at her place k.
Old 26-07-2022, 12:03 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Originally Posted by swet View Post
i had tried her few days is clean and one bro did say correctly she is a straightfoward person
her JG for me i feel pain,,tight n discomfort at begin but still can bear it n she say is usual but after that the pain and discomfort disappear and feel the veins like lossen
she explain alot of health care detail to me n advise me to come once weekly for better improve👍Good doctor
Brothers no other further package other than JG at her place k.
Brother, Thank you for your support and report.
I am not a doctor but a therapist. your condition may need to return 1 or 2 times thereafter you may come back when you need to.
Old 26-07-2022, 12:28 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

I am just wondering, is the process painful? I tried once very painful JG, got abit phobia from it, I only lasted less than 3mins and I couldn't stand the pain anymore.
Old 26-07-2022, 05:03 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

For newbies to jg normally feel painful but if jg regularly u will feel alot of different to your body and health...of course must jg in correct way by good if feel painful is normal for newbies

Originally Posted by wanfulou View Post
I am just wondering, is the process painful? I tried once very painful JG, got abit phobia from it, I only lasted less than 3mins and I couldn't stand the pain anymore.
Old 27-07-2022, 09:01 AM
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Re: Juagen Talks

Originally Posted by conde View Post
For newbies to jg normally feel painful but if jg regularly u will feel alot of different to your body and health...of course must jg in correct way by good if feel painful is normal for newbies
Thank you Brother for sharing your experience.

Originally Posted by wanfulou View Post
I am just wondering, is the process painful? I tried once very painful JG, got abit phobia from it, I only lasted less than 3mins and I couldn't stand the pain anymore.
For those who have no blockages, you will feel no pain. Some brothers sleep throughout the whole therapy session.

Those who have more blockages will feel pains during the therapy. Pain level depends on every individual's tolerance. However, you can ask to lower the strength applied to your own preference. Returning brothers feel less pain or no pain when the blockages are cleared in the progress.

Hopes this answers your query. Thank you.
Old 27-07-2022, 09:41 PM
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Re: Juagen Talks

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