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Old 05-06-2016, 03:48 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

I side with Wendella on this. This forum is dedicated for posting about the sex scene in Saigon. The main forum subheading for threads in this category: "For stuff you can't discuss with your Facebook Account" for crying out loud. Quite obviously that is not referring to posters' underwhelming version of street food in Saigon. So people who do this are taking full advantage of their 'freedom' to post irrelevant, off-topic shite of absolutely no interest to why bros come to this site in the first place. Wow, what heroes...

Originally Posted by Triple-X View Post
U say those sex operators postings. Then ppl post about food stuff u also cry father cry mother. I think more like it's u trying to 'want control' what is being post here. Don't like then don't see. Ppl can write anything they want in free forum. This world angmos everywhere so busybody,learn to mind your own business lah.
Originally Posted by Wendella View Post
Cronies of sex operators. Those are the ones who do the dirty work. Are you really going to be racist now? that's rather desperate.

No crying here, just pointing out to ones not aware what is really going on. And continuing to have to take negative attacks like yours from cronies of the sex tour guy(s).

People can write anything they want in the forum, you say, OK that's what I'm doing. So you mean except me, I have to mind my own business. Nice logic there. This forum is as much my business as anyone else's. Actually it's the sex tour operators using it as their own personal shopfront who should take a hike. They're not here to post about girls or sex, or anything else sincerely -- they're here to trick people into being their customers. So that's what you support? Hm, I wonder who you are then.

NOTE: sorry for the harsh tone but you really got me mad there -- I sent you a PM after cooling off. I'll just let this one stay here cuz people already saw it anyway. If you are sincere and a good guy, I feel confident you'll understand my viewpoint. But let's take to PM to let the thread be about something else, ok?
Old 05-06-2016, 06:00 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Silly how u all take a forum thread very seriously on what can be or cannot post here. u mean now im arguing with u is allowed or not allowed by the general population here? If u see other international theads,there are tons of posts with tcss between other members thats not even related to the country and ppl dont even kpkb about it only you. I look down on angmos like u living in asian countries just bcos u are a failure in your own country and have to resort to moving here to pretend like those big spending tourist angmos that u arent.

Lastly Sam's the boss here,not you.Everybody can post anything they like within the rules. Ignore if u dont like
Old 05-06-2016, 06:09 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by TomMAffolter View Post
some girl who may or maynot have been a whore as he didnt ask her price or if she was willing to go to a hotel with him just that she was "working", who may or may not have had 1 arm, who worked as SOME park near some roundabout somewhere near go vap
Cong Vien hoa Go Vap, but I'm pretty sure you knew that. On the right side as you come back in toward the airport. I've been by there twice since then and have not seen her again. It's so hit and miss I'd hate to have people go all the way out there just to see nothing. Yeah not knowing if she had one arm or not is what added mystery and suspense to the story. That would have been way too rude to pull back the jacket. Not comfortable doing that. Tell you what, if I see her again I'll get the price. Then again, knowing you, you probably found her already.

I never went with Linh Shisha. That was Captain Solo/Luke. (I tried to go but had no passport that day) Elevator girl, yeah, maybe later.

I actually like that you posted a report. I accept your criticisms of my own report, but hey you can't please everybody. At least we make real sincere efforts to tell about what we find. The point you made earlier about complaining too much -- I'll try to get back to good info oriented reports again and see how that goes. Hopefully the result won't be some new guy getting zapped with the comment "Ball carrier" just for saying "thanks for the report". I think even you'd agree that that kind of thing is totally dickish, the kind of thing that gives the 'gang' a bad name.
Saigon Info: Easy options | Massage | Clubs & Bars | Website Girls
Old 05-06-2016, 06:20 PM
HotTocHunter HotTocHunter is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Triple-X View Post
I look down on angmos like u living in asian countries just bcos u are a failure in your own country and have to resort to moving here to pretend like those big spending tourist angmos that u arent...
Says some clown who plays in the Delta because Singapore women quite correctly won't give him the time of day...oh, the irony, 'lah'.
Old 05-06-2016, 08:17 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Triple-X View Post
I look down on angmos like u living in asian countries just bcos u are a failure in your own country and have to resort to moving here to pretend like those big spending tourist angmos that u arent.
I quite agree with you. Dunno why most of the ang mos I met, cannot make it in their own country have to travel to Asia and mostly here to teach. Maybe I am unlucky to meet the right ang mo. I encountered 1 with a MBA from England, age 40+, earn about 2500 USD in Cambodia teaching. He is living or acting like a real expat with gers around.

A lot ang mo are just normal workers... some even clean rubbish on the street, I know 1 collect cow shit daily but they save money for a year then come to Asia to spend it off and go back home n work again. They can only buy "pride" from the whores here.

I must agree out of 10, there is 1 or 2 real expats paid big money to work here.

Anyway, the above is not directing at anyone, just my own personal view.
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 05-06-2016, 10:34 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hon Vit Lon

Vietnamese version of balut, Hon Vit Lon or fetal duck egg is a common street food in Saigon. It is also available in some eatery as side dish.
Few of my friends have the courage to try his food. Most get disgusted by the sight of it.

Here's how you should eat the egg. Use a spoon to crack the broad of the egg and remove part of the shell. Suck up and drink the brothy juice of the egg, scoop the rest and eat with a mixture of salt, pepper, chilli and lime.

Last edited by Sexforyou; 06-06-2016 at 06:56 AM.
Old 05-06-2016, 10:49 PM
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Re: "bros" posting food spam

Then what is consider good meals to you in Saigon?

Originally Posted by HotTocHunter View Post
If these shitty plates are examples of what you consider good meals in Saigon, one of the world's true food capitals.
Old 05-06-2016, 10:56 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Wendella pm me and urge me try those website girls, I tell him I and my friends had awful experience with website girls before so "no thanks" but he insist I continue to try..

After I decline again, he get piss off and accuse i am against him. He then proceed to tell me how some people conduct sex tour here, when i ask him what he mean and who he refer, he could not give me an answer.

This guy a shit stirrer and troublemaker, he must have pm many other, whoever disagree with him will be label by him as bad guy in this forum.

I suggest put him in your ignored list.

Originally Posted by Triple-X View Post
Silly how u all take a forum thread very seriously on what can be or cannot post here. u mean now im arguing with u is allowed or not allowed by the general population here? If u see other international theads,there are tons of posts with tcss between other members thats not even related to the country and ppl dont even kpkb about it only you. I look down on angmos like u living in asian countries just bcos u are a failure in your own country and have to resort to moving here to pretend like those big spending tourist angmos that u arent.

Lastly Sam's the boss here,not you.Everybody can post anything they like within the rules. Ignore if u dont like

Last edited by Sexforyou; 06-06-2016 at 06:51 AM.
Old 05-06-2016, 11:20 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Strange you are in batam thread and there are many senior posting on food, hotel, Singapore senior citizen benefit and non-sex related stuff, you never make noise in batam thread.

You disagree on posting food in HCM thread by supporting some wannabe leader whom you think his "cut and paste" info from other blog can benefit you, if you not ball carrier then what are you?

FYI. i did not zap you as i think not worth to zap anyone.

Originally Posted by XXLCat View Post
Got zapped By replying this FR/sharing just try to say one arm beauty maybe taste different fancy. I guess it should be bro Sexforyou and maybe you have done that couple times already. Actually I didn't even notice your previous oppositing one reply until I come across to see it since I learnt from senior to ignore food posting.

Last edited by Sexforyou; 05-06-2016 at 11:36 PM.
Old 06-06-2016, 01:14 AM
e3hark e3hark is offline
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hi guys! First time posting in this thread.. have been been partially staying in saigon for the last 1 year (have a rented apartment) and every 1 or 2 months will fly there to stay for a week or 2.. i dont chiong much but would like to meet more friends for good plain nhauing sessions va enjoy mon ngon..

Not tryining to act lao jiao but I also wanna share some honest experience I've had for the past few years to ppl whom havent been there or trying to find out more..

for massage w happy ending.. its like everywhere.. medium hotels w spa (d5) most likely have this.. spend some time walking around instead of taking cab.. u will spot these small barber outlets with neon signs and a few girls wearing sexy outfits inside.. the big outlets with alot of girls can give it a miss..

My first experience w hotel spa w happy ending was through a taxi uncle.. I told him Maxa Maxa and he brought me and my partner to one 3 storey unisex spa situated right in the middle of a hustling cross junction! what happen inside dont need to elaborate much haha..

For the barber shops.. my first time was after a dinner me and a friend decided to be adventurous and walk all the way back home.. it was that long stretch of road down towards D2.. on the way we spotted a few of this small outlets.. neon hot toc signs with few girls inside w sexy outfits.. I still rmb i told my friend if got 3rd shop show up.. heck care just go in and try.. and indeed the 3rd shop appeared..

another fun place is the Nhahangs in vietnam.. these are the men restaurants similar to ktvs but serve food also.. how to spot these restaurants is the neon "nhahang" sign outside, lots of motor bikes park outside.. and then you cant really see what is happening inside the place itself.. its not so obvious but if u spot carefully there are alot of such restaurants in saigon.. i stay in phunuan.. and not until my friend taught me these that i realise that on some roads around that area.. between D1 and Phunuan.. whole stretches are literally littered with Nhahangs..

nv try website girls before so dont have anything to share on this..
anyway pm me if anyone staying there want to meet up for some drinks!
will arrange once Im back in Saigon.. currently need to stay in SG for my upcoming reservist..
Old 06-06-2016, 01:31 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

soon be going hcmc for a couple of days for a break.
still undecided on hotel location - ben thanh area or pham ngu lao. thought of new york hotel in bui vien or a&em around ben thanh.
day time probably be looking for a good body rub with or without special is ok, then pop by cafe sit back enjoy a cup of coffee.
is considering a few night spots - club-x, gossip, go2, napoli, chill skybar etc. not mainly going with idea of "fishing", but if a nice one comes by, definitely iwill grab the chance.
any bros have good place to recommend, or have nice babes contact to share do let me know.
thank you very much.
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Old 06-06-2016, 12:28 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Sexforyou View Post
Wendella pm
Yes here I am insisting that you try...

Anyway, website girls: for guys coming in on a short weekend visit and with lots of money to spend, it's not a smart option, I agree with you on that. But for those with more a sense of adventure, less cash, maybe more time, it's certainly fun and less expensive than almost any other option. I live here, it's perfect for me.

Really I don't think you gave it enough chance. It's up to you whether to try or not, of course.
Saigon Info: Easy options | Massage | Clubs & Bars | Website Girls
Old 06-06-2016, 09:55 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Hi guys, I am going to HCM for the weekend. Will be staying near ben thanh market. Any bros can intro places with happy ending in that area.
Old 06-06-2016, 10:37 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Around Ben Thanh market there are Vien dong Hotel and Dai nam Hotel. (Google for Address)
Both Hotel have Massage Parlour with pretty girls to give you happy ending.

Originally Posted by wetwetboy2 View Post
Hi guys, I am going to HCM for the weekend. Will be staying near ben thanh market. Any bros can intro places with happy ending in that area.
Old 06-06-2016, 10:57 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM (Thread 3)

Originally Posted by Sexforyou View Post
Around Ben Thanh market there are Vien dong Hotel and Dai nam Hotel. (Google for Address)
Both Hotel have Massage Parlour with pretty girls to give you happy ending.
Will be there for my second trip .. 15 - 18 June
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