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Old 10-04-2023, 12:19 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

CCB Gog, your are officially promoted to KNNBCCB Gog. Congrats!
From now on, you will need to decide on which hole to enter. Or Janice will tell you which one she wants. One thing you guys are unlikely to achieve world be, a DP.
Cause you would not allow another man to concurrently join in your deeds, and Janice was unlikely to allow that too.
So, at best a dildo to help while your little CB Gog penetrates her.
If you like what I comment or post, feel free to comment or give me your oranges.
If it's merely for the exchange of oranges, I don't. Sorry about that.
Old 10-04-2023, 12:29 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

Just allow me a few moments to banter on, to just get it out of my system, it's irrelevant to the updates but just have this yearning and missing for her even after we've been apart all this time.

I'm guessing writing this story brings out more in me than just happy moments. Maybe I really want Janice, and more, but deep down that dilemma of breaking her family and shaming her is stopping me as well.

I don't know what to do except to come here to type a load of crap which means nothing to all of you but me.
Well all of us have our past, some do have regrets, same for me too!

We probably ended up keeping that memory(ies) deep inside our heart, only known and felt personally by ourselves, and always have a special space for such a person and/or event. We probably will never forget but through time, we will feel more numb or someday we get dementia during our aging.

Happy Monday Bro!
The Day we are born, we start to die. Life is filled with uncertainties, please live life to the fullest with no regrets.
Old 10-04-2023, 01:36 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

After a few shows, WOOOOSSHHH!!! A pillow flew out from my room and went for my head. Knocking over my drink on the coffee table.
Janice dulan ady
Old 10-04-2023, 02:26 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Cum dripping out of her asshole & she figured out you took her ass birgin?
Maybe she wants to take down yours too
Please allow me some time to return all UPs. Thanks!
Old 10-04-2023, 11:12 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by CowardPotato View Post
GoG say go Church more often.
Looks like its time to convert haha
Old 10-04-2023, 11:17 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

Sweat... this question really can't answer, have encountered some similar, but really, none comes close as Janice. Good luck bro!!

gonna need alot of luck
Old 11-04-2023, 01:50 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

I think I actually peeped out the bathroom door slightly to make sure Janice was not standing there with a knife or table lamp waiting to strike on me. Then I crept out of the room and continued watched NF.

After a few shows, WOOOOSSHHH!!! A pillow flew out from my room and went for my head. Knocking over my drink on the coffee table.
Lucky is a pillow and not scissors or other lethel weapons.

First time Janice flew into a rage.

Camping here for more updates please.
Old 11-04-2023, 02:45 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Congrats on upgrading to KNNBCCB GOG. If ya innocent then all bros here will be angel ah... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Old 11-04-2023, 09:33 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by Jasontodd1134 View Post
[COLOR=“Black”]Wow love your story bro[/COLOR]
Thank you bro, appreciate your kind feedback, glad you like it.

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
CCB Gog, your are officially promoted to KNNBCCB Gog. Congrats!
From now on, you will need to decide on which hole to enter. Or Janice will tell you which one she wants. One thing you guys are unlikely to achieve world be, a DP.
Cause you would not allow another man to concurrently join in your deeds, and Janice was unlikely to allow that too.
So, at best a dildo to help while your little CB Gog penetrates her.
KNN leh you all hor, always keep upgrading me one, jialat lah you all. I'm a good person, can don't always suan me boh?

I do want to DP Janice but not by others... I need to implant another cock first, both of me in her...

Originally Posted by DTCEPL View Post
Well all of us have our past, some do have regrets, same for me too!

We probably ended up keeping that memory(ies) deep inside our heart, only known and felt personally by ourselves, and always have a special space for such a person and/or event. We probably will never forget but through time, we will feel more numb or someday we get dementia during our aging.

Happy Monday Bro!
Thank you bro, past the emo stage liao, I guess just memories making me emo back then. Still very sweet memories.

Originally Posted by CowardPotato View Post
Janice dulan ady
Du-pigu or du-lan? You must say properly la!!!

Originally Posted by TheDriverGuy View Post
Cum dripping out of her asshole & she figured out you took her ass birgin?
Maybe she wants to take down yours too
Wahhhhhhh if she wants to I really cannot say no, because have to be fair, if I poke her pigu and she wants to poke me, I'll do it lor, some guys will say no, but really to be fair, what you do to others, you have to let them do it... but... BUT...

Heng my Janice not like that. PHEW!!!!

Originally Posted by MRbid View Post
Looks like its time to convert haha
Oh bro, you have no frickin' idea, really. NO..... frickin' idea.. hehe coming up next!!!!

Originally Posted by MRbid View Post
gonna need alot of luck
Ya, to get out of it alive.... sweat*.

Originally Posted by otamay View Post
Lucky is a pillow and not scissors or other lethel weapons.

First time Janice flew into a rage.

Camping here for more updates please.
It's still my pillow and she dirtied the floor because my drink spilled over. Sigh...

A rage? Hmmmm read on!!!!

Originally Posted by Freakz View Post
Congrats on upgrading to KNNBCCB GOG. If ya innocent then all bros here will be angel ah... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
KNN... in what ways I'm not innocent leh? I angel hor... got halo one hor!!!
Old 11-04-2023, 09:36 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Good tuesday.

Final or so update for this week until I'm back in 3 week's time. You folks can tahan boh?

If I put spoiler tabs for 21 updates for 21 days, can I trust you all to read daily until I'm back?

Hehe.... maybe give you all blue before I fly for holiday.


gog: What the...

I turned around. Janice's face was red, mouth pouted, eyes with daggers aiming at me. Ohhhhh shit. I'm so dead.

J(anice): Idiot!!! What did you do just now!!!

gog: What... I used fingers and ...

J: Liar liar liar!

Janice used both palms and lightly hit me repeatedly. That was a sign she was 'playing' with me, not really angry. I don't know to feel relieved or what, my cb-sense tell me, she is not angry.

gog: What, I never lie, you know that, I'm a decent guy ma!!

Janice was really beet red in face colour, really... RED.

gog: Hey.. what's wrong?

I hugged her tightly while she fidgeted in my arms 'angrily'. She was a bit worked up.

gog: Ok la ok la, tell me can? I'm sorry, what did I do wrong? I apologize okay?

Really, I must be like an angel in her eyes, so innocent, so... amazing, so magnanimous in my words and actions although she was hitting me all the time. Hehehe.

J: You so bad, you.. you...

I gave in, didn't want to tease her anymore.

gog: Ok ok.. I'm really sorry, I was too excited seeing you like that... I shouldn't have used your ass, I'm sorry, I promise never again.

Janice kept 'hitting' me on my chest and I faked the squirms and ouches while she did that until she was more or less calmed down. It wasn't really angry type of worked up, more like... flustered, shy?

Grabbed her back of the head and moved her to my lips, she struggled fakely but still ended up giving me her tongue and kissing me back.
Old 11-04-2023, 09:52 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Love her "小 angry"
Please allow me some time to return all UPs. Thanks!
Old 11-04-2023, 10:34 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

[QUOTE=guyorgirl;22233626]Good tuesday.

Final or so update for this week until I'm back in 3 week's time. You folks can tahan boh?

If I put spoiler tabs for 21 updates for 21 days, can I trust you all to read daily until I'm back?

More lei....having some spoiler is better than getting blue balls...right??

Been enjoying all the details and encounter....don't stop, keep writing, you ahve a thing for it.....keep up the regular posting that keep us glue to this thread. Well done TS and enjoy your holidays
MILF lover and sucker for her tits, big or small. Do share if you have similar interest.
Old 11-04-2023, 11:34 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

See, I knew it, Gog, you are not just NBCCB or GNNBCCB Gog, but also a sibei stingy one lor. Rather grow another dick also don't want to use a dildo.
If you have another dick, they might fight with each other to see which hole they get go enter first. I hope they won't entangle together and becomes the Chinese snack, 花琪玛
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Old 11-04-2023, 02:31 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

gog: Ok ok.. I'm really sorry, I was too excited seeing you like that... I shouldn't have used your ass, I'm sorry, I promise never again.

Janice kept 'hitting' me on my chest and I faked the squirms and ouches while she did that until she was more or less calmed down. It wasn't really angry type of worked up, more like... flustered, shy?

Grabbed her back of the head and moved her to my lips, she struggled fakely but still ended up giving me her tongue and kissing me back.
Janice is so easy to pacify, the power of gog's love, cheers!
Old 12-04-2023, 09:53 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by TheDriverGuy View Post
Love her "小 angry"
Thankfully her body actions easy to read. Jealousy, anger, happy, all very easy.

When she's angry, really cannot joke, have to be serious a bit apologize talk etc, make up sex helps... but before that have to know what I did wrong first. At least she tells me, she don't give me the silent treatment.

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Good tuesday.

Final or so update for this week until I'm back in 3 week's time. You folks can tahan boh?

If I put spoiler tabs for 21 updates for 21 days, can I trust you all to read daily until I'm back?

More lei....having some spoiler is better than getting blue balls...right??

Been enjoying all the details and encounter....don't stop, keep writing, you ahve a thing for it.....keep up the regular posting that keep us glue to this thread. Well done TS and enjoy your holidays
Spoilers as in I put into 21 paragraphs, you all everyday unspoil one to read, lol... but knowing you cb kias, sure one time read everything LOL!!!!!!!!!!

I won't stop writing until the story is ended bro, this one is real life, can't go on forever, if fictional maybe can.

At max, I can expand to Lindi and Milly, I mean just Lindi, and some others. As again to anybody who reads this, this is an old story, one that has already ended years ago with Janice.

Janice is still my boss and we're still working together, but have long since parted ways sexually and romantically.

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
See, I knew it, Gog, you are not just NBCCB or GNNBCCB Gog, but also a sibei stingy one lor. Rather grow another dick also don't want to use a dildo.
If you have another dick, they might fight with each other to see which hole they get go enter first. I hope they won't entangle together and becomes the Chinese snack, 花琪玛
Hahaha... no la, honestly, I don't mind sharing Lindi or even Milly, but Janice. How do I put it, I don't want to share leh, I don't want another guy giving her pleasure. Not about religion or selfishness, somehow, Janice is not for sharing hahahaha. If I can transplant one more cock to DP her, I would lol....

Originally Posted by diputs1269 View Post
Janice is so easy to pacify, the power of gog's love, cheers!
Oh not really, you haven't seen when she's really angry, no fun... I become a mouse infront of her. I only put the happy parts here, that's why you all don't read about it. When we squabble, she can go into tears when really upset, see already hor, wah lao, heart break one.
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