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Old 16-02-2019, 09:36 PM
bitcomet bitcomet is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by (.)(.) lover View Post
Japanese gals mostly don't mind ganji, it is the Japanese guys who mind. They don't like us dirtying their playground.
Originally Posted by (.)(.) lover View Post
I play in Tobita for almost 7 times and never got rejected. Only 3 times got gfe
Please correct me if I'm wrong I read it somewhere the manager in Tobita Shinchi are mostly old Japanese ladies(obasan). Is that why you don't get rejected?
Old 17-02-2019, 04:35 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by bitcomet View Post
Please correct me if I'm wrong I read it somewhere the manager in Tobita Shinchi are mostly old Japanese ladies(obasan). Is that why you don't get rejected?
GFE is girl friend feeling, maybe I spell the short term wrong;y.

There are 2 different pricing in Tobita and Shinchi. One is SYT and super expensive, quality like JAV. You still can find gem at the obasan lane, just slightly cheaper.
All titts are small after Xiao Xiao

Itching for Japanese pussy after a great one in Osaka

I would love to try a busty fair Indian, very exotic feel. (2017)

Feel better when I masturbate knowing high chance I skip a potential landmine and saving 150 to 200 dollar. (2021)
Old 25-02-2019, 09:14 AM
efron efron is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

Gonna be in tokyo on the 28th. Can anyone recommend good blowjob bars or full service places for chinese (non mainland) english speakers? Kinda occupying the middle ground between a westerners and asians here haha.
Old 25-02-2019, 11:06 PM
NoahCross NoahCross is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

heading to sapporo in a few months! Anyone can guide me to a good forum or place? Seems like susukino is the place to go but shops gotta walk around and see which ones accept singaporeans?
Old 26-02-2019, 09:19 AM
Rickie Rickie is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

Help! Heading over to Osaka. Any place I should head to? Anything I can or cannot do? Totally clean in Japan. No idea what is OK and what is not. Please help
Old 01-03-2019, 09:42 PM
skysonic83 skysonic83 is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

Anyone in Tokyo now? If yes, looking for someone to explore Yoshiwara district together. Pm me ya
Old 01-03-2019, 11:21 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by Rickie View Post
Help! Heading over to Osaka. Any place I should head to? Anything I can or cannot do? Totally clean in Japan. No idea what is OK and what is not. Please help
There is a Osaka thread which provides more info, you can visit that thread.
Old 04-03-2019, 07:07 PM
Rickie Rickie is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by Gaze View Post
There is a Osaka thread which provides more info, you can visit that thread.
Thx bro. Upzz u
Old 05-03-2019, 11:36 PM
heretoseeleaks heretoseeleaks is offline
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Do NOT go to Kabukicho

If you are in Tokyo looking for a good time, please do not go to Kabukicho.

I just got scammed of 45k yen. Some tout came up to me offering 15k yen for 1hr of full service. Using my small head to think, I followed him under a building where he showed me pictures of the girls for me to select. After confirming the girl that I chose, he made a call and ask me for 15k yen. Afterwards, he bring me to another building void deck and ask for another 30k yen because I am a foreigner and they need 30k yen deposit. As I do not have enough cash on me, he brought me to an atm machine to withdraw money. Afterwards, he brought me back to the same building and I gave him the 30k yen. He then pressed the elevator and pressed the 4th floor and motioned me in. He did not enter the lift and I went up by myself. When I enter the floor, I realised that the floor is all full of clubs and that is when I suspected that I got scammed. I went down to find the bastard but he is long gone. Hope you guys will not experience the same thing as me. Share the words with your fellow friends if they are in Tokyo looking for fun.

Tldr; got scammed by tout in Kabukicho, lost $550+sgd.
If you want fun in Japan, go to Osaka, Tobita Shinchi, its legit there.
Old 07-03-2019, 02:22 AM
happyguy32m happyguy32m is offline
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Re: Do NOT go to Kabukicho

Hi bro ,

Yup ,saw yr reply on below . i was there in jan 2019 at the same place too .
should be conned by the same group of people .
first is a chinese guy then he refer the japan guy ( so call the okt )
show me the beautiful gals photo to choose .
haha also like u using small head to think due to too horny. in the end , also collect money and press the lift and never follow up .
tmd ... all bros ... must be very careful too .

Originally Posted by heretoseeleaks View Post
If you are in Tokyo looking for a good time, please do not go to Kabukicho.

I just got scammed of 45k yen. Some tout came up to me offering 15k yen for 1hr of full service. Using my small head to think, I followed him under a building where he showed me pictures of the girls for me to select. After confirming the girl that I chose, he made a call and ask me for 15k yen. Afterwards, he bring me to another building void deck and ask for another 30k yen because I am a foreigner and they need 30k yen deposit. As I do not have enough cash on me, he brought me to an atm machine to withdraw money. Afterwards, he brought me back to the same building and I gave him the 30k yen. He then pressed the elevator and pressed the 4th floor and motioned me in. He did not enter the lift and I went up by myself. When I enter the floor, I realised that the floor is all full of clubs and that is when I suspected that I got scammed. I went down to find the bastard but he is long gone. Hope you guys will not experience the same thing as me. Share the words with your fellow friends if they are in Tokyo looking for fun.

Tldr; got scammed by tout in Kabukicho, lost $550+sgd.
If you want fun in Japan, go to Osaka, Tobita Shinchi, its legit there.
Old 09-03-2019, 11:24 PM
xbearbear xbearbear is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

guys is soapland worth the visit? going japan next week wondering to have a shot at it or not :/ and any places to recommend this bro? thanks!
Old 11-03-2019, 03:09 AM
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Re: Do NOT go to Kabukicho

Originally Posted by heretoseeleaks View Post
If you are in Tokyo looking for a good time, please do not go to Kabukicho.

I just got scammed of 45k yen. Some tout came up to me offering 15k yen for 1hr of full service. Using my small head to think, I followed him under a building where he showed me pictures of the girls for me to select. After confirming the

Tldr; got scammed by tout in Kabukicho, lost $550+sgd.
If you want fun in Japan, go to Osaka, Tobita Shinchi, its legit there.
Bros, there are many touts are kabukicho targeting foreigners. I once encountered a Singaporean who was working as a tout with a card showing icons of Japanese girls. He was very persuasive and going on and on to get me to use his services. Obviously I knew it was a scam. I also saw a African Black guy kept pestering my colleagues who are Ang-mo. Hd was using the same card!!!
My jap friends and colleagues said these are scams, taking to a place and you will be billed for a lot of money and probably getting a few drinks.
Stay away.
Old 11-03-2019, 03:12 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by xbearbear View Post
guys is soapland worth the visit? going japan next week wondering to have a shot at it or not :/ and any places to recommend this bro? thanks!
I have not tried myself. From a friend who has tried. The one accepting foreigners are older ladies and also more expensive.
There is one at Kawasaki. The photos are online but they are overpriced severely.
For me I think it is not worth.
Old 11-03-2019, 05:25 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by efron View Post
Gonna be in tokyo on the 28th. Can anyone recommend good blowjob bars or full service places for chinese (non mainland) english speakers? Kinda occupying the middle ground between a westerners and asians here haha.
Probably a bit late and just read the messages on this page. It may benefit others visiting Tokyo.
I used a pink salon before at strawberry jam Shibuya. I just checked google map and it seemed that it is still there unless google have not updated the street photo.
They do allow foreigners. I walk-in and and asked the receptionist, a bloke who spoke a little English. He asked me to wait while he confirmed if any girls who serve a foreigner. Fortunately there was one. The girl was petite and good looking.
I booked for 30mins. My mistake. I should book 45 mins. I explain why.
I have to sit at the waiting area whilst the girl gets ready. I was brought into the room, a very tiny room that has small bed, I won’t call a bed. And a small shower room. The room has mirrors, gives an illusion that it is big. Also you can see the girl in the reflection. The girl has a stop watch to time the session. Yes; a stop watch!!! Japanese precision.
The deed started with a shower. The girl will shower you and you can touch the girl and help the shower on her. It was my first time so I did not know what was expected and what I can do or cannot do. Next she gave me a mouth wash and see that I use it.
When shower and mouth wash done, I was given a towel to dry and wait at the bed. She continued to wash herself.
When done she came in and started light kissing and bj. The bj was good.
You should know that fj is not permitted. The receptionist also made it clear and repeated a couple times. You can read about girls in such place may offer fj but I think unless the girl knows or likes you. Roaming on her body is allowed.
With such an attractive girl, to be honest, I did not last long. I had to ask her to slow down and eventually one shot done.
A bit of cleaning up and back to the shower SOP.
When all is done and me back on the bed waiting for her. I realised that there is less than 5 mins left. She told me there is not enough time for round 2.
This was where I realised I should have taken 45mins and will have round 2.
I dressed up and she told me to wait for the receptionist to collect me and left the shop.

I found a map of the location.
Old 11-03-2019, 05:12 PM
heretoseeleaks heretoseeleaks is offline
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Re: Do NOT go to Kabukicho

yea, the guy that approach my group is some china guy then he refer me to another japanese guy
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