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Old 19-10-2022, 11:05 AM
Solipse Solipse is offline
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Re: Trip To BKK Thermae Bar Now!

Originally Posted by adsl- View Post
thanks so much for ur input bro

u able to give more FR please?

it sounds great not feeling business like at all, so the girls naturally know how to give u GFE liao or is it hit and miss kind? do u bring them to eat atas food kind or anyhow eat?

tony is guy or girl
So used tonybkk twice. Tony is a girl from what the girls told me. Send her a message, she asks what you are looking for, you tell her what you're looking for/budget and she gives options. Picture was 100% accurate for one girl, 90% for other.

Recommend booking a few days ahead of time, girls don't do this full time and can be busy. These girls are not pros and don't act like it, they work normal jobs so easy to have conversation with them.

It's just like a date with the girl. Took her out to dinner at a restaurant, went to a rooftop bar/club and hung out for a couple hours taking pictures and relaxing, then back to hotel. Girl was very sweet, lot of kissing/cuddling.
Shoot once, slept then shoot again in morning. Very GFE, one girl actually stayed until afternoon.
Old 19-10-2022, 08:01 PM
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Re: Trip To BKK Thermae Bar Now!

Originally Posted by Solipse View Post
So used tonybkk twice. Tony is a girl from what the girls told me. Send her a message, she asks what you are looking for, you tell her what you're looking for/budget and she gives options. Picture was 100% accurate for one girl, 90% for other.

Recommend booking a few days ahead of time, girls don't do this full time and can be busy. These girls are not pros and don't act like it, they work normal jobs so easy to have conversation with them.

It's just like a date with the girl. Took her out to dinner at a restaurant, went to a rooftop bar/club and hung out for a couple hours taking pictures and relaxing, then back to hotel. Girl was very sweet, lot of kissing/cuddling.
Shoot once, slept then shoot again in morning. Very GFE, one girl actually stayed until afternoon.
thanks so much bro sounds like a piece of perfect paradise bro
Old 20-10-2022, 01:34 PM
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Re: Trip To BKK Thermae Bar Now!

Originally Posted by adsl- View Post

tony is guy or girl
Used to be a guy..... now is a post-ops lady 😄

Tats what his girls told me..... never met Toni before.
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Old 27-10-2022, 01:37 AM
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Voucher system

I've mentioned before that management has started a voucher system for food for the girls only. They can buy vouchers and give them to a waiter in exchange for Thai food. The price for a big bowl of noodle soup approximates or even undercuts what they'd be charged on the street.

Now they've expanded the system to packaged drinks. There's a display fridge next to the popcorn machine that is filled with bottles of water and cans of softdrinks.
Old 27-10-2022, 01:54 AM
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SYT corner

I've mentioned this before but there is an area where the young girls tend to congregate. When you enter the main front door, to the right there is a sofa underneath the TV screen. Past that, extending around the corner, is where they hang out. These kiddies can compare to the ones you can find in Chinatown.

I can't fathom why guys amble down the aisle by the left wall and take out medium-rated saos-saos along that wall.

I find it amusing that the laws of economics can be observed at this marketplace. The girls quote the same going price no matter what grade they're rated. If you're paying the same, might as well select the top dollar merchandise.
Old 27-10-2022, 02:14 AM
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Somchai the waiter is back after a long rest. He and the short, dark waiter have been there for as long as I can remember. Somchai speaks decent English and is friendly, so if you need any help, you can ask him.
Old 27-10-2022, 03:42 AM
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Re: SYT corner

Originally Posted by Siammy View Post
I've mentioned this before but there is an area where the young girls tend to congregate. When you enter the main front door, to the right there is a sofa underneath the TV screen. Past that, extending around the corner, is where they hang out. These kiddies can compare to the ones you can find in Chinatown.
Those hanging around that area tend to be dark skinned, which i guess wouldn't be the liking of asian customers as compared to the left aisle. I usually look towards the toilet entrance or around the back of Thermae. Sometimes can find cute ones there willing to go for LT.
Old 27-10-2022, 01:10 PM
kookoo88 kookoo88 is offline
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Re: SYT corner

Originally Posted by atoll View Post
I usually look towards the toilet entrance or around the back of Thermae.
Same for me. I usually get a seat behind and monitor the girls at the back rather than the left or right aisle.
Old 06-11-2022, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by kookoo88 View Post
Same for me. I usually get a seat behind and monitor the girls at the back rather than the left or right aisle.
Do you mean those metal tables? I used to think that is a good idea. Till my friend told me that also have Hugh chance of being captured by those youtubers secretly filming..
Old 11-11-2022, 02:40 PM
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Re: Trip To BKK Thermae Bar Now!

Jus bck from BKK. It is true that there are more good ones at both areas mentioned above. If ST usually they dont wan go bar/clubbing. Sometimes u got to be abit more patience as many good one come in randomly. No need to rush, take times to choose one u like and she is also being frenly with u. There were even gals offered discount 3k to 2.5k for me.
Old 11-11-2022, 10:24 PM
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Re: Trip To BKK Thermae Bar Now!

Just back from BKK. Sad to say that for me, thermae has now become a place to oggle at ladies, rather than take out. Before fiwfans, this place used to be one of the venues I go to pick up ladies.

But now, at 3000thb for ST, I do struggle to see how thermae is a good place to get a good fuck with a decent looking lady... Does anyone feel the same way?
Old 12-11-2022, 10:07 AM
mrbananaman mrbananaman is offline
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Originally Posted by overboard View Post
Just back from BKK. Sad to say that for me, thermae has now become a place to oggle at ladies, rather than take out. Before fiwfans, this place used to be one of the venues I go to pick up ladies.

But now, at 3000thb for ST, I do struggle to see how thermae is a good place to get a good fuck with a decent looking lady... Does anyone feel the same way?
In that case, its really no difference doing ST with a gogobar girl.
Old 15-11-2022, 03:36 PM
sonicwinter sonicwinter is offline
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Yes, Thermae quality has dropped a lot and prices have shot up to 3k just for ST. Majority of time service is poor and rushed as well. It’s no longer the goldmine it used to be. I’ve also seen Thermae girl standing outside the BK outlet nearby after Thermae shuts as no taker. Rates for these outside FL (not the trannies) are as low as 1.5k for ST ( that’s even before haggling).

Originally Posted by overboard View Post
Just back from BKK. Sad to say that for me, thermae has now become a place to oggle at ladies, rather than take out. Before fiwfans, this place used to be one of the venues I go to pick up ladies.

But now, at 3000thb for ST, I do struggle to see how thermae is a good place to get a good fuck with a decent looking lady... Does anyone feel the same way?
Old 15-11-2022, 04:47 PM
mrbananaman mrbananaman is offline
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Originally Posted by Gooner80 View Post
Jus bck from BKK. It is true that there are more good ones at both areas mentioned above. If ST usually they dont wan go bar/clubbing. Sometimes u got to be abit more patience as many good one come in randomly. No need to rush, take times to choose one u like and she is also being frenly with u. There were even gals offered discount 3k to 2.5k for me.
bro if u think 2.5k to 3k is discount, then ure prob the reason the market is so inflated, always giving in to high prices, loser sia u
Old 17-11-2022, 11:30 PM
SalvatoreO SalvatoreO is offline
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Re: Trip To BKK Thermae Bar Now!

Hi guys. Gonna be my first time heading bkk. ALONE.
As I can gather thermae is the popular place to hook up ? But what is st and lt.

Since I’m alone. Im trying to find someone who might wiling to stay with me maybe 1-2 days. Tony’s outcall fr seems like an alternative.

Please guide a newbie here.
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