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Old 08-01-2021, 09:56 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

If I could share my opinion on this, take it or ignore it or hate me, up to you. It would save you and the WL a lot of hardship if you just not establish any long term emotional attachment, go dating, or any shit like that. Same applies to any WL, massage girl, freelancer etc.

Best if just treat them with respect, tip them, get your physical release and just get on with your life. Do not build any emotional attachment.

They are hookers .They are in a deplorable job and they know it, you know it. You wear a condom to bang them not because of birth control but because they are potentially full of diseases and you are the 12th person they have fucked today. Please do not do anything retarded like "daty". Come on guys, would you lick a used condom if I washed it?

They are working in this job because they need money, money you are unlikely able to give them to help them leave this job.

I have been in this position before. It is fun to date them at the start. At some point they will start saying "what kind of boyfriend will allow me to keep working this kind of job" blah blah blah "What do I mean to you" blah blah blah "I want to meet your family"

What will you do? Just break up? Easy right? But you have wasted her time and given her false hope. Or u cannot bring yourself to break up and start feeding her the tons of money she needs to support her family - the reason she started working as a hooker in the first place. Or you bring her home and your whole family thinks you have lost your fucking mind by dating a hooker.

If you disagree, that is cool. I am just sharing to help people understand what they are getting into.
Old 08-01-2021, 11:17 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by hornie View Post
If I could share my opinion on this, take it or ignore it or hate me, up to you. It would save you and the WL a lot of hardship if you just not establish any long term emotional attachment, go dating, or any shit like that. Same applies to any WL, massage girl, freelancer etc.

Best if just treat them with respect, tip them, get your physical release and just get on with your life. Do not build any emotional attachment.

They are hookers .They are in a deplorable job and they know it, you know it. You wear a condom to bang them not because of birth control but because they are potentially full of diseases and you are the 12th person they have fucked today. Please do not do anything retarded like "daty". Come on guys, would you lick a used condom if I washed it?

They are working in this job because they need money, money you are unlikely able to give them to help them leave this job.

I have been in this position before. It is fun to date them at the start. At some point they will start saying "what kind of boyfriend will allow me to keep working this kind of job" blah blah blah "What do I mean to you" blah blah blah "I want to meet your family"

What will you do? Just break up? Easy right? But you have wasted her time and given her false hope. Or u cannot bring yourself to break up and start feeding her the tons of money she needs to support her family - the reason she started working as a hooker in the first place. Or you bring her home and your whole family thinks you have lost your fucking mind by dating a hooker.

If you disagree, that is cool. I am just sharing to help people understand what they are getting into.

Harsh realities of life stated in a clear and concise manner...
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Old 08-01-2021, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by GeylangWanderer View Post
I wish i remember but numbers forgot liao, only bits of beastly sex memory left...... The pics u post are hot!!
Originally Posted by 1KnightinBKK View Post
What's their number bro?

today featuring another hottie i didn't get to try, i've seen her walk up staircase before and her butt looks bootilicious

reminds me of a jap AV idol

this girl is at 1818?
Old 09-01-2021, 09:59 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by francesco View Post
this girl is at 1818?
The third picture remind me so much of my Xiao Ning. I wonder what all the sweeties I made love to are doing. When we look on the moon they also look on the same moon. And so we connect as once our bodies connected.
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Old 09-01-2021, 10:00 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

That tired head....that small smile.....sigh.
I am grateful to Yingzhi (1820-2024 for being the wife I never had) Molly (2022 frenching & squirting) XN (1669-2019 So Much) Yuan Yuan (1649-2018 My turnaround) Ke Ke (2062-2017 Heart-Touching Frenching) Mina (1805-2016 Our Relationship) Ke Ke (1651-2014 Your Golden Pedicure) and every1 else
Old 17-01-2021, 10:38 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by evil1234 View Post
I think it helps that you treat them with respect. I’m average looking at just 1.7m. Mid-30s. I dont mind going down to give them a good lick and usually the girls are surprised and will reciprocate and thus becoming more passionate. Reluctant kissers suddently become willing to French. Not that I enjoy DATY but it shows that I’m willing to please them just as equally.

I have only one such experience where the girl offer to pay $50 to extend. She told me she has chemistry with me and can only cum when I’m doing it with her so this is her incentive to extend. Could be a KC trap because she did ask me on a few occasions to bring her out on her days off and I would always turn her down politely because I’m too cheapskate to spend on her.

I think it definitely happens to other bros here but it would be very very rare.
u power... last time house 66 got one wl.. damn dulan me take antoher girl.. when i take her next she throw me 50 ask me go FO.. end up having one of the the best sex i had... with her using the 50 to pay the extention
Old 19-01-2021, 12:38 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

So many memories

I guess the rest are a blur but theres always afew that stand out and live on in our memories
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Old 20-01-2021, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by 今晚打老虎. View Post
last time house 66 got one wl.. damn dulan me take antoher girl.. when i take her next she throw me 50 ask me go FO
the 1 with super droopy boobies?
Old 26-08-2022, 12:05 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Anyone has any idea if this house will reopen?
Old 26-08-2022, 02:58 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

This house shift to 1651
Old 26-08-2022, 09:56 AM
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Re: L18H18 - FRs & Info

Originally Posted by Samdude View Post
Anyone has any idea if this house will reopen?
last week, when I went to L18H32,
I saw H18 also opened but I didn't go inside and check.
Old 28-08-2022, 05:33 PM
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Originally Posted by MrAnalyst View Post
last week, when I went to L18H32,
I saw H18 also opened but I didn't go inside and check.
You're mistaken... L18H18 no more. Walked past today looks like the unit is still cordoned off and used for construction/reno storage.
Old 28-08-2022, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Bmwlee1988 View Post
This house shift to 1651
Thanks for the heads up bro. Up you the next time you post.
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