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Old 18-04-2006, 09:46 PM
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Talking Re: Thai Amulets...


Long time never post liao and glad to see that this thread is still going on..
From my understanding, wearing Buddhist amulets is to remind us the teachings of the Buddha. And also the protector devas of the amulets will protect us from harm. But pls remember, however, you still can't escape from your own karma!

Bro VL

Wearing LP Thiam Phrakit, LP Thiam first batch rian, LP Thim Plai-guman Luk-Om, LP Koon Phrayant, Hanuman.
Old 19-04-2006, 09:09 AM
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Talking Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi Bro OasisG,

Thanks for the info. Very much appreciated.

Old 24-04-2006, 01:36 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi all bros here... I need some info frm you guys.

Basically, I hve a bullet shell Tanga frm LP Pern ( The monk siting on a tiger) wearing on my wrist. I hve been wearing it for over the past yrs for protect me frm danger. Bt until one day... someone told me if i got chant the Tanga script, it will be better for me. Bt when i ask frm him, he said he don hve... he ask me to search around... So guys, do u mind i ask if anyone here got the script to share? Thks.
Old 24-04-2006, 03:45 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Is it the one with tied with a black string rite? anyway for the katha, i do not have, anyway, if the someone said it'll be better for you if you chant the katha, did he define what better can it get or help you? Tanga is something for to protect from harm. as long it is properly conserated by the monk it should be alrite. i do have one of the tanga with bullet as mentioned, so far so gd. doesn't really need a katha to so called boost the power.

Yes! Dat's the one I'm wearing! He didn't really define wat's the purpose to chant the katha... Dat's y I'm here to find out more! Bt i think wat he trying to tell me is the reason y all Thai monks muz chant scripts to their buddhas or even u bring yr buddha penants to the monks, they will oso chant for u...
Old 24-04-2006, 05:26 AM
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Thumbs down Re: Thai Amulets...


Firstly your comments are not constructive and childish. you still have a brain of a kid that wants attention. till now u still cannot attain enlightment after serving jail term. still thinking it was the improper disposal that caused your jail term, so why did'nt your mum go jail then ! i shall not waste my time debating with u. it will be insult to my intelligent.

secondly, please do not consider u are so close to long phor yin or whatever long poh, do not insult long phor yin in the sense that he teach ur friend to play ngag. in my point of view, u and your friends do not know a single bit of thai amulets at all. your friend is just retarted to play blood without any guidance, and for his punishment, the ghost make him go mad. simple, this is to show that u and your friends are so professional in thai amulets. what a big fat joke.!!!!!!!!!!

thirdly, u do not know where ngag orgins are from and methods of playing. please do let me see u post another single message on ngag. u are insulting it.
Old 24-04-2006, 05:30 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets... ah chang THONG IS COMING

Hello all bros

for your information.
for all those that are fans of AH CHAN THONG TATTOOING MAGICAL POWER, he will arrive at FONG GUAN HANG next week.

Old 29-04-2006, 08:09 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by Titus62
Hi all bros here... I need some info frm you guys.

Basically, I hve a bullet shell Tanga frm LP Pern ( The monk siting on a tiger) wearing on my wrist. I hve been wearing it for over the past yrs for protect me frm danger. Bt until one day... someone told me if i got chant the Tanga script, it will be better for me. Bt when i ask frm him, he said he don hve... he ask me to search around... So guys, do u mind i ask if anyone here got the script to share? Thks.

That's a nice piece. Cherish it. LP Pern's stuffs are good esp his takruts and singha.

This is human greed, you already said it's been protecting you for years already then just leave it like that loh. What if you chant something you don't understand (supposingly you does not understand thai) then something happen how?
Old 29-04-2006, 08:30 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

wa happpy...
ur post shows how intelligent u really are! seriously i have no interest in getting attention from other people about my "knowlege". i never claimed to be "professional in thai amulets". in fact in your post u seem to want people to think that u are! i never had in my possession of ngan so how can i claim to be a pro about how to "play" it (is playing even a right word to describe?)

but 1 thing i am sure of... u are the one acting childish here. so pls stop this flaming on the internet. if u really have a problem with me, pls settle it like a man.
Old 29-04-2006, 09:15 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

KTV SIAO or should i address xiao didi

still havent got enlighten yet after the jail term yet Kid and i have no idea what are u writing ? why are directing people attention and u do not know what are u wiritng about !

as for settle what ? what are u talking about kid? are u a gangster?
if so u think i care?? even i give u my address and hp, the most u only shout on the phone. people like u are not educated and mind is full of fighting, beside what make u think u can fight win me.? i think u a fat pig with a fat brain acting like a cock. u are not even fit to talk to me. in my eye u are just a piece of shit.

i suggest u shut the fat gap of yours. bully. yawnzzzz
Old 29-04-2006, 09:21 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Thai Amulets...


First of first u are the one who talk about Ngag and the idiot friend of urs commited sucided now u are not trying to this or what, it seem u have a vast knowledge! what a joke and now u are denying it. what a coward in real life!!!!!!!

secondly if u cannot accept criticisms go hide in your house go hug your mother and cry!!!!!!!

thirdly do not come and act as a bully, i am so scared of u.
try picking on primary kids, i am not the least even intersted in looking at stupid comments. Childish. deframing ? u know what the meaning of deframe first a not. ask your mother to send u to school first then come and debate with me. GOOD FOR NOTHING, I BET U STILL TAKING $ FROM UR MUM AT YOUR AGE TO PLAY.LOL
Old 30-04-2006, 02:25 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

can anyone tell me whats the name of my amulet?My fren told me its a long phor but dunno long phor what..its a gift from my uncle

Old 30-04-2006, 08:08 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

LP Tuat made in Wat ParKop
Old 30-04-2006, 01:40 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by OasisG
Hi Bro KTV Siao,
For your siam put, u can classified them as thai amulets or just amulets, such as Roop for "small stautes", Rian for copper amulet, Tanga u r rite, the amulet which got a cling sound is Kring, mostly Wat Suthat Phra Kring is very gd. temple is Wat for the red hill thai temple it is call Wat Ananda.

bor oasis , is the temple near the river ...
Old 30-04-2006, 01:48 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

okie hopefully this 2 pics is clearer..would like to know more abt my amulet

Old 30-04-2006, 03:06 PM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

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