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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 22-11-2024, 07:17 PM
ssd3469 ssd3469 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bilibiliboi View Post
.. how this thread became relationship/ bonking for starter thread LOL.
mai aneh la, bring some balls, set up the date go dinner go movie and go 'rest'.
no need to be overnight that kind but keep it manageable from 9pm-12am that kind.

anyway share about FR. curtain joint if LUCKY you can find those 2 lady or single lady one.

Then no distraction liao. else, it is as what other bros shared, confirmed plus chop will be distracted... and if you fancy that ML/WL, aim for some off-hour makan, go somewhere else.
Is the advice in first paragraph for how to get a gf or how to get sex only?
Old 24-11-2024, 08:57 PM
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Re: Curtain MP that can hear beside

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
WTF.. whole thread off topic.
Best is delete all the nonsense or restart a whole new thread.
RT RT. Was initially interested in the title but end up scroll so many pages majority of it was irrelevant stuffs.
Old 27-11-2024, 01:28 PM
ssd3469 ssd3469 is offline
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Originally Posted by ssd3469 View Post
Ty for your reply:

3. Those youtube content you watching are not meant for you unless the gals you are targeting are teenagers or bimbos. If these are the gals you looking for, please continue to listen to them and skip our advice here. You are 34 years old and have O levels so I would suggest you work on your book smart or street smart as soon as possible.

That said, even if you want more IG followers, how are you going to get them if you are neither rich or outgoing? If you are rich and outgoing, you wouldn't have issue getting gf in the first place. It's a chicken and egg issue.

5. The fact that you are on this forum asking us how to find a gf, I would think you are definitely nowhere near having a gf as yet, so don't waste your time thinking of such scenarios. Even if you have a gf now, it would take a lot for the gal to pay first and expect you to step up. No pride eating soft rice anyways.

You are right abt the 2 statements which you shared. Those are words of encouragement to console you.

The hard truth is you need to work on yourself, to be a better version of yourself everyday.

Between Love and Bread, bread would almost always come first. Even if you have ntg now, you need to prove to the girl you have some sort of potential before she wants to committe to you.

You also need to work on your social skills as it seems to be lacking based on your replies to the other bros here.

You need real friends to show that you are likeable and so that ppl willing to intro girls to you.

That said, no harm visiting ML or hookers to lose your virginity or to destress until you can find a gf.
I don't understand what and why you said about o levels because I said I had an NUS pass degree.

It is not eating soft rice because we are paying the instalments after she has paid the down payment.

Please be specific about which comments I said were lack of social skills otherwise it is not very fair to me. I can explain at least for 3 of them.

Real friends might not intro women to us, chances are they might keep them for themselves.
Old 28-11-2024, 08:04 PM
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Originally Posted by bonkbong View Post
Hi Bro ssd3469,

Been reading your posts on this thread and just wanted to share my tots:

1. The seniors here are nice to share, no trolls or anything.

2. Sorry to hear about your past tramas and glad to know you seeking help.

3. I think most important is to work on yourself first, to put the past behind, meet more people outside and build your confidences and network for social and work purposes. No. of IG followers are useless indicators of your actual social network and ppl who actually care about you.

4. Once you can be happy with yourself then you can find a gal to share your happiness with. Almost no one wants to share a relationship with someone depressing but if you do, we are happy for you too.

5. If you want a short answer to your question, the answer is No.

U need minimum 20% cpf plus cash to buy hdb. If you don't have enough for decent meals and dates, hard to socialize and get a gf, much less a wife unless you can find someone to endure hardship with you. Rare but not impossible.
I have this amount in my CPF now, is it enough for downpayment for house? If it is not enough will it be enough if I add on my wife's? I think this already includes the amount from NS after completing 10 cycles.

I think need at least $80,000?

Old 28-11-2024, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by superstraightsg View Post
Just my two cents worth - Apologies in advance first cos I am going to be very blunt.

The saying that "your gf will come eventually, it is just not your time" will not work if we are just going to sit there lepak until the gf magically pops into existence before us. The saying, as I see it, is meant to tell us that we shouldn't obsess over the pursuit/acquisition of a soulmate when there are a lot of other things we can do to improve our lives as a whole. Like building our self esteem, getting out of whatever funk that we are in, putting in place the foundation blocks that we can build our future upon.

I will go as far as to say that I feel that your priorities are quite warped, and that if you don't find intrinsic motivation to push yourself forwards then there is not much that any of us here can help you with.

As a person working in digital marketing, I will tell you straight up to stay away from social media. A lot of it is MeiTuXiuXiu in the sense that people glam up whatever they post online in order to appear more successful, when they actually aren't. Very easy to fall into consumption and confidence traps when you stay on it for too long.

Marketing yourself is not inherently wrong, but it is not what you should be focusing on right now. No matter how new and shiny a $2 note is, it will never have as much value and appeal as a crumpled up $50 note.

You mentioned in one of your replies that you are unable to get a perm job because your resume is bad. Try and find sometime to go do volunteer work. Explore the gig economy. Focus solely on building a resume for the next two years, if you don't mind the rejection, mass apply for perm jobs every six months. The first parts improves your connections, credibiility, consistency. Treat the mass application for perm jobs as scouting. Try to land as many interviews as you can - observe the kind of questions that the companies ask so that you know where you can plot next.
Pls read the post above. I included a screenshot of how much I have in my CPF already.
Old 29-11-2024, 12:04 AM
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Re: Curtain MP that can hear beside

I think his mum dropped him when he was a baby that time.. that's why he's a tard.
Hey you... didn't u said u want to quit sbf already that time when u self diagnosed to have STD from a HJ and yet still go around spas to spread it? WHy are you still here irritating people?
Old 29-11-2024, 07:23 AM
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Originally Posted by katong View Post
I think his mum dropped him when he was a baby that time.. that's why he's a tard.
Hey you... didn't u said u want to quit sbf already that time when u self diagnosed to have STD from a HJ and yet still go around spas to spread it? WHy are you still here irritating people?
Yawnz...I already sent to DSC clinic and was cleared. Who's the tard now?
Old 29-11-2024, 08:11 AM
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Re: Curtain MP that can hear beside

On a side note, say no to conscription, say no to oppression and exploitation of men!!
Old 29-11-2024, 08:46 AM
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Originally Posted by katong View Post
I think his mum dropped him when he was a baby that time.. that's why he's a tard.
Hey you... didn't u said u want to quit sbf already that time when u self diagnosed to have STD from a HJ and yet still go around spas to spread it? WHy are you still here irritating people?
Btw the std that I suspect I got was from a bj, it is very hard to get STDs from hj, who's the tard again?
Old 29-11-2024, 03:39 PM
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Originally Posted by ssd3469 View Post
I have this amount in my CPF now, is it enough for downpayment for house? If it is not enough will it be enough if I add on my wife's? I think this already includes the amount from NS after completing 10 cycles.

I think need at least $80,000?

Bro, down payment for house is damn chor. I emptied my 100k OA when I did my flat selection, just a 4 room.

With a pass in NUS degree, I believe finding a proper job with stable income should not be challenging. By the way, which faculty u from? And major in?

Originally Posted by ssd3469 View Post
Btw the std that I suspect I got was from a bj, it is very hard to get STDs from hj, who's the tard again?
Bro, no way u could get std from hj or boob job
Old 29-11-2024, 06:15 PM
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Re: Curtain MP that can hear beside

This thread become an AUNTY AGONY column
No Points exchange unless I agree.
Straight to the point. I dont like questions.
Old 29-11-2024, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by SoftRiceKing View Post
Bro, down payment for house is damn chor. I emptied my 100k OA when I did my flat selection, just a 4 room.

With a pass in NUS degree, I believe finding a proper job with stable income should not be challenging. By the way, which faculty u from? And major in?

Bro, no way u could get std from hj or boob job

Your one is bto or hdb? Because bto is much cheaper than hdb. Though idk both are around how much. During 30 years ago downpayment for hdb is 80,000 for 5 room hdb flat. Which is the current house I am staying at now with my parents, cost is 400,000, so 20% is 80,000

I believe if I tried my best ie. Without NS bullying trauma I would have scored second upper or second lower.

It is hard to find a job because I should have went to apply for government job when I graduated but I didn't because I thought gov job would have glass ceiling since I no honours. The private jobs that I went to all low pay plus bad working days or hours.

I am from faculty of science, statistics.

I wasn't the one who said I could get STDs from hj or boob job, the no life loser katong was the one who said so.

Last edited by ssd3469; 29-11-2024 at 07:01 PM.
Old 29-11-2024, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by piichai View Post
This thread become an AUNTY AGONY column
haha, but at least it is better than I go and commit suicide due to the amount of oppression I am facing.

Last edited by ssd3469; 29-11-2024 at 07:02 PM.
Old 29-11-2024, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by piichai View Post
Hi Bro

Do you know why you cannot find gf?
Work on that area first. There are many reasons and only you know.

Finding ML and pros to replace gf is not a long term solution.
This type of relationship is commercial and fragile and can be costly.

A right GF can be your life time partner or a companion suppose to be with you through thick and thin, sharing beautiful moments tgt

Please be clear about this

All the things that you say in second and third paragraph I have heard of before already, because they are very cliche.
Old 29-11-2024, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by ssd3469 View Post
Ty for your reply:

3. Those youtube content you watching are not meant for you unless the gals you are targeting are teenagers or bimbos. If these are the gals you looking for, please continue to listen to them and skip our advice here. You are 34 years old and have O levels so I would suggest you work on your book smart or street smart as soon as possible.

That said, even if you want more IG followers, how are you going to get them if you are neither rich or outgoing? If you are rich and outgoing, you wouldn't have issue getting gf in the first place. It's a chicken and egg issue.

5. The fact that you are on this forum asking us how to find a gf, I would think you are definitely nowhere near having a gf as yet, so don't waste your time thinking of such scenarios. Even if you have a gf now, it would take a lot for the gal to pay first and expect you to step up. No pride eating soft rice anyways.

You are right abt the 2 statements which you shared. Those are words of encouragement to console you.

The hard truth is you need to work on yourself, to be a better version of yourself everyday.

Between Love and Bread, bread would almost always come first. Even if you have ntg now, you need to prove to the girl you have some sort of potential before she wants to committe to you.

You also need to work on your social skills as it seems to be lacking based on your replies to the other bros here.

You need real friends to show that you are likeable and so that ppl willing to intro girls to you.

That said, no harm visiting ML or hookers to lose your virginity or to destress until you can find a gf.
I do agree about the part that bread comes before love though.
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