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Old 06-02-2009, 09:16 AM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Camping here for more.. =)
Old 06-02-2009, 05:22 PM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Part 8

(Day 3) Next morning.

Waking up with a hangover, i called Ben's room number... It rang for quite a while before someone picks up.

Christina: *Yawnz* Hello?

Me: Oh is that Christina? Good morning, Beast here...

Chrisitina: Oh hi Beast... What's up?

Me: Hmmm... Just checking if you guys wanna join me for breakfast...

Christina: Oh sure... Ben is still sleeping, i'll wake him up...

Me: No hurry, take your time... I'll wait for you guys in the cafe...

Christina: Ok... See you later then...

Everything sounds normal... She didn't seems to remember anything from last night. Gotta see her reaction later during breakfast...

Me: Hey... Over here... (Saw them coming and waves at them)

Ben: Hey Beast... Sorry to keep you waiting...

Me: No worries... I've started eating already...

Ben: Power leh you, still can wake up so early... I thought i was swimming in a pool of cordon bleu when i woke up just now... Thinking of the smell and taste turns me off...

Christina: Ya... I think it'll take some time before i drink condon bleu or should i say alcohol again... Ha!

Me: Haha... I also hangover... Eat something and you'll be alrite...

Ben: Ok... Dear, what you wanna eat? I take for you...

Christina: Hmmm... Just get me some toast, bacons and milk...

Ben: Alrite... (Walks off to the breakfast area)

Me: Christina?

Christina: Yes?

Me: Do you have any idea of what happened last night?

Christina: Speaking of that, i remember playing games and drinking and.... That's all... I don't even know how i ends up in my room also... What happened huh? How did i end up in my room?

Me: Oh... Seems like you are really drunk ya... Nevermind then...

Christina: Hey Beast.. Just say it... Did i vomit on you? Ha!

Me: Worse then that...

Christina: OMG... What did i do? I'm really sorry...

Me: I dunno if i should let you know... But i don't think Ben should know...

Christina: What is it? I'm starting to worry... Did i do something real bad?

Me: I was drunk last night and fell asleep on the sofa while Ben vomits in the gents...

Christina: Uhuh? Then?

Me: The next thing i know when i wakes up... (Shows her the video i took last night)

Christina: What the...

Me: I tried to stop you... But you kept going on...

Ben: Here comes your bacon and toast my dear... What are you guys chatting about? What's with the hp?

Christina: Oh... Erm... Nothing... My phone is faulty, so checking out if his model is nice...

Ben: Huh? I thought you just bought your's not long ago? So fast spoilt ah? Still got warranty mah... Send for repair can already what...

Christina: Checking out only... Never say wanna buy...

Ben: Checking only? The next thing i know, your phone will be swopped...

Christina: Aiya.. Eat your food la... Talk so much...

Christina was looking very uneasy and didn't dare to look at me in my eyes... Now the table is being turned around... What will my next step be? Will she confess to Ben?

To be continued...
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Old 06-02-2009, 09:44 PM
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*drools* Juicy plot...
Old 06-02-2009, 11:19 PM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Part 9

After breakfast, we decides to go swimming. Christina was once again in that bikini which turned me on the other day. After swimming for a while, Ben felt like vomiting(I guess he ate too much for breakfast and have not digest yet.) and went to the toilet leaving Christina and me in the pool. As we laze by the poolside, there was a moment of silence... I decides to do something about it since Ben is away...

Me: So....

Christina: Can you please not let Ben know about it?

Me: Hmmm... But....

Christina: I really dunno how and why that happened... I'm really sorry... I know what i say now won't help... But can you please not let Ben know?

Me: Hey... Take it easy... (Holding her hands under the water)

Christina: It will be over if Ben gets to know about it...(Her eyes starts to get watery)

Me: Hey... Come on... We've know each other for so long... Do you think i will put you in a difficult spot?

Christina: So you promise not to let Ben know?

Me: Well... I can do that... But... After what you've done to me yesterday, i can't treat it as nothing has happened...

Christina: So.....

Me: If you can do what i wants you to do, i will do what you wants me to... (Pulls her hand over and rubs againt my dick)

Christina: Beast... This is really not right... I'm Ben's gf you know?(Pulling her hand back)

Me: Of course i do... Then did it cross your mind that i'm Ben's buddy when you did what you did last night?

Christina: I already said i didn't know how that happened...

Me: Well, now you have a chance to salvage the situation... It's up to you...

Back to silence once again... Christina was looking in the sky breathing heavily seems to be in deep thoughts... Then...

Christina: So there's really no other way out?

Me: Well, it's all up to you...

Nodding her head, her hand reaches over for my dick under the water. I pulled my shorts down a little revealing my dick. Gosh... It's the first time my dick got fully erected in a swimming pool. My hand reaches over for her butt squeezing it. The feeling is so good until...

Ben: Hey guys...

Christina: (Pulling her hand back)

Me: Hi... (Pulling my shorts up)

Ben: I don't think i can carry on swimming... Vomited and not feeling very well now...

Me: Oh... Do you need to go to the doctor?

Ben: Nah... Will be alrite after a while... I'll just sit there and get some tan...

Me: Alrite...

Just as Ben lies down on the bench and closes his eyes, i pulled Christina's hand over again and into my shorts.

Christina: Hey Beast... Are you crazy? We almost got caught just now and now Ben's lying there...

Me: His eyes are closed and even if it's open, he can't see anything under the water... We will just pretend like we are chatting...

Christina: I still don't think that's a good idea...

Me: So are you doing it or not? (Sticks my fingers between her thighs and rubs her pussy)

Christina: *Nodding her head reluctantly*

Under Ben's nose, in the pool, she strokes my dick slowly... Although the feeling isn't as good as a blowjob, but it's definately beyond words... My dick feel cool, naked, open, bright, etc.. Haha... It's totally hard and Christina kept up with the momentum with my hand rubbing her pussy and playing with her butt stimulating the feeling...

Me: Increase the speed... The feeling is near...

Christina: Orh... (Increases the jerking speed)

Me: Ssssss.... Aaaahhhh... Faster.....

I squeezes her butt firmly as she increases her speed... And looking at Ben when all these are happening... The excitment level rises... The feeling is here...

Me: AAaahhhhh..... Cumming.... Don't stop... Aaaahhhhh.....

It didn't take long before some white subtance floats to the surface...

Me: Phew... Feels good...

Christina: Happy now?

Me: For the time being... Yes...

The action didn't really stop after i cummed... I continue playing with her butt and pussy under the water, occasionally fondling her breast making sure Ben's not looking...

After Ben wakes up from his tan, we went back to our rooms to get ourselves ready for lunch and day activites... After bathing, i lies down on my bed smiling to myself... All the feeling seems so familiar... The evil one in me was once again triggered... Thinking of how to carass her during lunch and dinner under the nose of Ben and stuffs... All those thoughts are already running in my mind now.. Just by thinking about things i can do with Christina from now on turns me on... Can't imagine her falling into this impromptu trap of mine...

To be continued...
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Old 07-02-2009, 01:24 AM
vincent_54321 vincent_54321 is offline
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

hey.. lucky man...u are really super "High Active"...

but ,i like it... haha!!!

Old 07-02-2009, 11:18 PM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Originally Posted by vincent_54321 View Post
hey.. lucky man...u are really super "High Active"...

but ,i like it... haha!!!


Haha... Thanks for supporting... Stay around for more if you like my stories... Cheers!!!
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Old 08-02-2009, 10:46 AM
Touché Touché is offline
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keep cumming!!!
Old 08-02-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Part 10

During the day, i was flirting with Christina with my eyes whenever Ben isn't looking. And i will feel her up from the back and carassing her with every chance i have, like when Ben's trying out his jeans in the fitting room, in the toilet and stuffs... She doesn't seems to be enjoying it initially but soon got used to it.

But all that did not satisfy my thirst for sex. It just leads to more hard on in public, not like i always get hard-ons easily. It happens only when i'm extremely excited. And when i'm extremely excited, i'll have crazy ideas running up in my mind. So, during one of the opportunity when Ben wasn't around...

Me: Hey Christina...

Christina: Yes?

Me: I want you to come over my room later in the night after Ben sleeps.

Christina: What for?

Me: So that we can have some fun?

Christina: What? Are you crazy? What if Ben wakes up in the middle of the night?

Me: Hmmm... So do you think it will be better if i go over?

Christina: Of course not! That will be worse...

Me: Well, just make sure you come over straight after he fell asleep so that you will be back even if he wakes up in the middle of the night...

Christina: I'll see how things goes... If he doesn't sleep early, i cannot go over also...

Me: Sounds right... But i'm not sure if i will go over ringing the bell when i sleepwalk later...

Christina: Alrite alrite... Just stay in your room and wait for me...

Me: Okiez... See you then...

Christina: But meanwhile can you please stop doing all that action in front of Ben? I'm not feeling very good...

Me: Sure... Whatever you say...

As promised, i kept my hands to myself for the rest of the day. Sometimes in life, we just have to give and take... Haha... I shall leave the activities we did in the day out and skip directly to the night. After dinner, we went to the disco(As request by Ben) nearby our hotel for some bum shaking action and not forgetting my favorite drinking session as it never fails to stimulate the sex drive in me.

After the disco fun, we went back to the hotel ending the night literally...

To be continued...
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Old 08-02-2009, 02:55 PM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Part 11

After returning to my room, i took a shower and lies down on the bed. I took some chilled beer out from the fridge and drink while waiting... For some reason, the time passes extremely slow tonight. But it's ok, stuffs like that are worth definately waiting...

*Ding Dong, Ding Dong*

The moment i've been waiting for finally arrived... Opening the door, Christina wasn't wearing something that turns me on. She's wearing pink tee with a surf shorts. Immediately after closing and locking the door, i held her hand leading her to the bed. With her sitting down on the bed, i sat behind her smelling her. She smells so good... I'm already turned on by her frangrance and can't wait to eat the whole of her alive... Slowly, i took off her pink tee, she's not wearing a bra, revealing her B-cup breast with my favorite pink nipples!!!

I could no longer hold on after seeing my favorite pink nipples... I immediately laid her lying on the bed sucking her tits while removing her shorts... The feeling i have now is so different from last night. I could see everything so clearly and most important of all, she's in a sober state. After removing her shorts, i could see that trimmed and clean pussy she have. I lies down on the bed and leads her to the 69 position. She starts to blow me while i plays with her pussy and licking it...

With me totally hard and her totally wet, i laid her down with me in missionary position, i thrust my dick into her. She starts to moan but seems to be holding back a little while her hands holds on to the pillow her head is resting on. I went down to french her while the thrusting action continues... Then i starts to lick her ears while she moans by my ears... The feeling is so good... This scenerio is something i've never expected of...

I then turns her around to doggy position and continues to fuck her... Although she have no fleshy butt, but at least not boney... So the feeling is still acceptable... Maybe due to the hand job by her in the morning and with some beer i drank earlier on, the feeling of cumming seems so far away even by increasing my thrusting speed in doggy mode.

I moved her to the dressing table with both of us facing the mirror... This view is indeed stimulating... Once again, i begin to fuck her with my turbo on while looking into the mirror with her small boobs bouncing... Her moans starts to get louder and louder... With that, she cummed.... And her moans gets softly a little...

Finally, the feeling of me erupting is finally coming... As the feeling is getting stronger and stronger, i squeezed her butt harder and harder... And... Finally...

Me: Aaaaahhhhh..... Hhhhuuuuhhhhh......

I pulls my dick out and loads my cum on her butt...

Her legs are wobbling... This is indeed a long session. I hugs her and lies on the bed with both of us sweating and panting... At this moment, she seems like a small bird to me, leaning on my chest. There was a moment of silence, at this moment, an action speaks more then a thousand words. I gave her a perk on her forehead and her face blushes... Suddenly... she sat right up..

Christina: Oh shit... I gotta get going... It's been quite a while already...

Me: Oh... You not going to bathe 1st?

Christina: I think i'll take my shower back in my room, just in case Ben wakes up...

Me: Alrite then... (Passes her pink tee to her)

Christina: Thanks... Good night...

Me: Good night to you too... (Kisses her on the cheeks)

It's a waste that we can't bathe together after a good session. But well, it's better then getting caught. And her attitude certainly changed for the better during the session. Although this is our last night in Batam, but i believe it won't be our last session...

Stay tuned for more...

To be continued...
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Old 08-02-2009, 05:47 PM
drogba drogba is offline
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

nice ! =op
Old 08-02-2009, 11:03 PM
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Talking Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Bravo!!! U r the man!!!
Old 09-02-2009, 12:08 AM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Please continue after your Batam's excusion
Old 09-02-2009, 07:39 PM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

oh my quick update!!
Pls do up me if u think i deserve it



My all time fav sex story (Read it i'm sure u won't regret it)

Old 09-02-2009, 10:25 PM
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

Part 12

Next morning (Day 4)

Waking up to a morning of satisfaction, i met up with Ben and Christina in the cafe for breakfast. For the first time, Christina kept avoiding eye contact with me. When i tried to look straight into her eyes, she will turn away looking shy. In the past, she'll give me a punch on my arms or start disturbing when we bump into each other. But after conquering her last night, she seems like a small cat when she sees me now.

After breakfast, we packed up and heads to the ferry terminal returning to Singapore. While on the ferry...

Ben: Hey Beast...

Me: Yes?

Ben: Can you do me a favor later?

Me: What is it about?

Ben: Can you help me send Christina home later?

Me: Huh? Why so? You are not sending her home?

Ben: You on the way mah...

Me: Not like you are damn out of the way... Come straight with me, where are you going?

Ben: Aiya... Lydia ask me to go meet her... She says Melvin is booking in early today and her parents are out of town... You know, this is a rare chance...

Me: Then what are you going to tell Christina?

Ben: Well... I'll just say that both of you are heading the same way, might as well you send her home.... Besides i'm feeling sick... So i'll go home and rest 1st... Steady boh?

Me: Whatever you say... (You are just giving me another chance to bonk your gf.)

Ben: Thanks bro... You are the best! Owe you 1...

After parting with Ben at harbour front, i took a cab with Christina proceeding to my house. No question were asked throughout the trip. I brought Christina to my room and undressed her. She was never so submissive. After we were both naked, i leads her to the bath room, turns on the shower and starts our tongue fight. With her leaning against the wall, i licked and sucked her pinkish nipples while fingering her. She starts to moan softly...

Me: Moan as loud as you want... Don't hold back... Nobody will be in...

I continues to eat my favorite pink nipples while fingering her with the momentum of her moans... Increasing the speed as her moans gets louder... I then go on to french her while she moans. The feeling of frenching a girl when she moans is quite special... As her thighs starts closing in, i knew that her orgasm is here. With that, i sucks her nipples while increasing the speed of fingering her. She could no longer stand up straight on her own, leaning against me as her moans gets louder...

Christina: Aaahhhh... Aaaahhhh.... I... can't.... take... it... anymore... Aaaahhhh.... *She cummed*

Me: *Continues fingering her while supporting her with the other hand*

Christina: Aaaaahhhhhh...... (With her moans getting softer, both her hands were over my shoulder, leaning her entire body on me...)

My dick was already hardened way back... With the shower still running, i leads her head to my dick... I leans my body against the wall with her kneeling down licking my dick...

Me: Use only ur mouth... Keep your hands behind you...

Christina: Hmmmm... Hmmmm... Hmmmm...

With her blowing me, i decides to just lean back and enjoy the blow for now... After a long while, i could tell that she's kinda tired kneeling there blowing.. I took the towel and wiped both of us dry and carried her to my room... Laying her down on the bed, i went into missionary position and fucks her. Beginning with a slow and steady speed, i looked into her eyes, kissing her and licking her lips. Silence was always our best way of communicating.

As her pussy once again turns watery, i increases my thrusting speed while she starts her moaning action again. One thing i like about her is that her moans are those holding back kind. Placing my ears next to her lips and listens to her moans stimulates the drive in me. After a while, i turns her around and fucks her in doggy position. She buried her head in the pillow while i fucks her real hard...

As my speed increases, i could hear her moan even with her head buried in the pillow. Once again, with a crazy thought, i turns her around and fucks her in missionary position again. With all my might, i turns my turbo on once again. The entire bed is shaking like hell now... With Christina moaning like there's no tomorrow...

Finally, the erupting feeling is here... I quickly take my dick out and moved to her face shoving my dick right into her mouth jerking off.. She have totally no chance of reacting, needless to say reject... With a fast paced jerking speed, i loads her mouth with my cum...

Me: Aaaaahhhhh..... Yeesssss.....

Christina: Hmmmm...... (Looking at me innocently)

This is the crazy thought i'm saying earlier... According to Ben, Christina never allows him to cum on her face nor in her mouth... Leaving Christina with no choice, i've achieved something Ben have been dreaming of all the while... Removing my dick from Christina's mouth, i reached for the tissue box next to my bed and passed a few pieces to Christina... But it seems like she swallowed my cum accidentally... Or intentionally? Haha...

I lies down beside her and held her in my arms... Once again, an action speaks more then a thousand words at this moment... I gave her a perk on her forehead and she hugs me harder with her head resting on my arms... After a while, she fell asleep in my arms... And me, tired out by the session fell asleep too...

I guess i'm not the only 1 enjoying this moment now... Ben should be enjoying at the other end with Lydia... I think it's only fair that Christina enjoys this moment too... After waking up, i sent Christina down and flagged a cab for her as she insisted going home herself. Well, good also... Just in case kena spotted by someone...

To be continued...
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Old 09-02-2009, 10:54 PM
rockaphonics rockaphonics is offline
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Re: Affairs, sex, with your friends' gf/wife, colleagues' gf/wife?

haha. u really can tell a gdddd story
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