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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 15-07-2004, 10:21 AM
sadfa sadfa is offline
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by Flame
Just want to pen down my story on one of the GL streetwalker that i had met in last year...
I met her during one of my trip to geylang ...and at that time intention is to see see situation ..when i approached lorong 12 .. i saw her...Quite old around 28 yr olds... i walked for about near to one hour ..before i quote what her price.. she smiled and said that she had already noticed me for the past hr and why now then i asked her...
She is very attentive to my need and say i very cute..of course at that time mind is .."yah ...another tactics of them..." When up the hotel, she bathed me and then proceed to the bed.. As at that time , i got no intention for fj, just want to hj .. so i asked her to hand job .. she agreed and then after a while .. she asked me if i wanted to bj and i took very long to cum .. she asked me what the reason .. i say that i prefer her to wear her dress so that i could touch from there.. surprising she agreed.. After finished , she commented me again ..that i was cute and give me her handphone no so that i could call her again...Since then begin...
She was from yunan and previously working as an assistant in china until she get retrenched then she worked in this line..
During that time , i met her again at the afternoon as she say that she can give me more then one hr as she knew that i very difficult to cum..
We chatted alot and me found out that she is not one of the gl gals that i had..she doesn't ask for more money after service and sometimes it extend to more than an hr.. i continued a few session with her as i felt that she is just like my gf.. i could ask her to bath with me ..wear her dress while bj me .. as i fondle her..etc..
She poor and that for sure.. but she also very conscious towards her health .. as i saw her bathing her private part with dettol throughly..
The day finally came for her to leave singapore and go to batam...and at that moment , she wanted me to go with her and she is willing to spend one day with me in batam..we could go swim .. etc.. At that time, me wanted to go but got job on hand and btw me at that time , only 24 ..just out cheonging....
The only gift that i could remember that she asked me to buy is just a 10-20 dollars swimming suit so that she could bring to batam for swim...I declined at the time .. cause i felt it so embrassing to buy a women clothes....
Now thinking back .. all i had to said is that she had left me a very wonderful experience in my life and it will remain in my heart for as long as i live..
She also told me that at that time one of the guy in gl had cheated her .. say he a virgin some as a custom.. they had to give red packet to him .. Then the next day ..she still saw the fucking guy using the fucking trick on the other gal...
We chatted alot and she is one of the gal that u would want her to be ur attitude..just concerning looks ..and understanding ...
I do missed her...and thanks her for the wonderful experience she had given to me...
In the end, i felt that it not a wasted of money.. it just that as i had say earlier...human is fragile.. we need people to understand us and to care about us...and maybe at that time.. we both clicked....
very sweet story. since she never ask u more money or presents than what u pay for bonking her, no issue of conning u.

u should buy the swim suit. go with her 2 choose and not go 2 metro n buy 4 her. its so cheap. if u dont buy, she would think knn, in your eyes, i not even worth the 20 bucks.
Old 15-07-2004, 11:20 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

As i had said earlier in the post, me just cheonging in the scene... and always had the feeling of fear when going out with gl gal...Though now,regretted for the indecisive action that i had made...I should have bought her the swimming suit...and should also gave her my handphone no...
Now it just one part of my wonderful memory..
Old 15-07-2004, 11:37 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by Flame
As i had said earlier in the post, me just cheonging in the scene... and always had the feeling of fear when going out with gl gal...Though now,regretted for the indecisive action that i had made...I should have bought her the swimming suit...and should also gave her my handphone no...
Now it just one part of my wonderful memory..
4 what its worth, many of them do come back again.
so u can keep a lookout when u go gl or call her hp no on and off.
Old 15-07-2004, 12:00 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sadfa
4 what its worth, many of them do come back again.
so u can keep a lookout when u go gl or call her hp no on and off.
Yah, Bro sadfa is right. They may come back. If both of u r fated to meet each other again, u will.

As I had posted my story here b4, my girl is with me for 3 year already. We nearly lost contact completely 1 year after I knew her in a KTV. Until 1 night I went back to that KTV with my friends again. Just as I walked in, n happened to turn my head saw a figure back facing me that looks very much like her. I walked up n take a look n she was happily surprised that it was me. She told me she lost her hp n contacts all together after going back.

So, hope that my encounter will give Bro Flame a glimes of hope if u really hope to see her again. Cheerz mate!
Enjoy and be happy
Old 15-07-2004, 01:09 PM
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Unhappy Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Thks for all the concerns .. me also wish to meet her again ...
The chatting with her the hotel room , with her body closed to me ..watching tv(Channel U--i could still remember..)..fondling her..and listening to her telling her story ....of her family in yunan ..friends and her sister baby boy all those embedded deeply in my mind..The pleasure of eating noodles with her in the hotel room as i suggested that we eat in the hotel..though she wanted to eat at the geylang food court...The feeling of her spraying perfume in my neck as it a gift from one of her customer..pampering me..treating me eat apples...
It all in my mind....
Now as i found out..especially in geylang there..the streetwalkers there are mostly concerned about money, fast and that it ..they don't ever look at u in the eyes...they only look in your pocket..not to say that they are wrong..but it just different..very different...
it is very hard to map down my feeling now some might say, they are just for just an exchange..a business deal..but until u experience urself then u know that it is really very different..the feeling of her ..grabbing ur hand closed to is so is more than money exchange...
I do miss her ...her cute smile.....the way she talk......
Old 16-07-2004, 11:14 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by Flame
Thks for all the concerns .. me also wish to meet her again ...
The chatting with her the hotel room , with her body closed to me ..watching tv(Channel U--i could still remember..)..fondling her..and listening to her telling her story ....of her family in yunan ..friends and her sister baby boy all those embedded deeply in my mind..The pleasure of eating noodles with her in the hotel room as i suggested that we eat in the hotel..though she wanted to eat at the geylang food court...The feeling of her spraying perfume in my neck as it a gift from one of her customer..pampering me..treating me eat apples...
It all in my mind....
Now as i found out..especially in geylang there..the streetwalkers there are mostly concerned about money, fast and that it ..they don't ever look at u in the eyes...they only look in your pocket..not to say that they are wrong..but it just different..very different...
it is very hard to map down my feeling now some might say, they are just for just an exchange..a business deal..but until u experience urself then u know that it is really very different..the feeling of her ..grabbing ur hand closed to is so is more than money exchange...
I do miss her ...her cute smile.....the way she talk......
come to think of it, china shld have remained closed damn deng... these china mm breaks our hearts. haiz...

cheong with a heart, but leave yr heart at the door.
Old 16-07-2004, 11:40 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by Van Basten
come to think of it, china shld have remained closed damn deng... these china mm breaks our hearts. haiz...

cheong with a heart, but leave yr heart at the door.
saying and doing are different things.
even for me....kena once by my thai tirak still can gong gong fall for meimei
we ownself find prob for ourselves.....what to do?
Back in action....Learning to be a Professional Heartless Phucker
Always Practice Fcuk and Forget
Old 16-07-2004, 11:53 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by Phucker
saying and doing are different things.
even for me....kena once by my thai tirak still can gong gong fall for meimei
we ownself find prob for ourselves.....what to do?
ya lor... agreed... but those Sweet Young Things haiz... i gong gong also but when i c her... my heart melts like ice.. cant even bring myself to be angry with her for asking $$$ from me. sometimes u cant blame them for being $$ suckers. wat's their primary purpose of coming here? for $$ not love leh...

GL is a wonderland n chinaland is fantasy world.. but beneath the happiness is emptiness..

i have cheong china land beyond my wildest imagination (i hao lian lah).. there is nothing left in chinaland for me.. time for HC. malaysia boleh
Old 17-07-2004, 01:11 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sadfa
My brudda just courted and hook a prc ktv girl as a girlfriend. I only date them but never have long term relationship with them b4.

i told him she will suck his money dry sooner or later, but he dont believe me. Anyone here with any experience or horror stories about these relationship so i can knock some sense into him. if got happy stories about them, let me have them too.
bro...! i dated some PRC ktv gal b4. They are ok! in fact, as long as you are a MAN and can control them, you will be OK! tip: don't be a ROBERT, don simply simply buy thing for them. keep to a budget! then you will be ok. if the prc don't like it, just tell her: i am not your walking wallet, if u don like FUCK OFF. those tat actually fuck off u know laaaaa. those still go out with you is ok laaaa

however my dating with prc never serious laaaaaaa. serious relationship better not laa. many problem.
Old 17-07-2004, 09:21 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

For those lao jiao cheonging KTV can someone tell me whether those hostess will automatically french kiss their customers? I know for most who can "play" may allow you to touch their bodies, do hj, bj etc on you but french kiss leh???
Old 19-07-2004, 02:04 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sharp
For those lao jiao cheonging KTV can someone tell me whether those hostess will automatically french kiss their customers? I know for most who can "play" may allow you to touch their bodies, do hj, bj etc on you but french kiss leh???
normally they wont french kiss u.. some wont even kiss u.. but if they french kiss u e 1st time n they tell u they like u, maybe u r looking at a super $$$ sucker. if they jus kiss u e 1st time rd, most probably they do like u a bit.. next time rd u can french kiss them liao but beware... of the kiss of the spider woman! it's infectious!
Old 19-07-2004, 09:42 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sharp
For those lao jiao cheonging KTV can someone tell me whether those hostess will automatically french kiss their customers? I know for most who can "play" may allow you to touch their bodies, do hj, bj etc on you but french kiss leh???
most of these charbor have a warped idea, its ok to do bbbj but not ok 2 kiss. even if kiss, they do it with their tongue stuck out and a less than 1 sec kiss. so 2 answer your question, they dont kiss or french kiss.

y u want them to kiss u when their mouth is a ashtray? dunno how many packets they smoke 1 night, but a stick is always in their mouth. and dunno which uncle they kiss or cock they suck b4 kissing u.
Old 19-07-2004, 10:45 AM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by sharp
For those lao jiao cheonging KTV can someone tell me whether those hostess will automatically french kiss their customers? I know for most who can "play" may allow you to touch their bodies, do hj, bj etc on you but french kiss leh???
Bro sharp,

Most of the girls wouldn't auto french kiss u unless u make the first move. If they don't reject u, go ahead. Even pros don't auto french kiss u (only some) because girls working in this line, mouth to mouth kissing is only for their boyfriend or someone they truely love. This is rule imply by themselve and believe by them.
Enjoy and be happy
Old 19-07-2004, 02:01 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Yes... veri agreed with u... KTV seldom like Kissing..
"Remember.. Germs are passed from the Mounth.."
Rule of the game is stay clear with the Kissing....
Old 19-07-2004, 08:54 PM
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Re: Who have a long term relationship with PRC KTV girl?

Originally Posted by shoot
Bro sharp,

Most of the girls wouldn't auto french kiss u unless u make the first move. If they don't reject u, go ahead. Even pros don't auto french kiss u (only some) because girls working in this line, mouth to mouth kissing is only for their boyfriend or someone they truely love. This is rule imply by themselve and believe by them.
Bro Shoot

The gal whom accompanied me started kissing me on the cheek then the lips and french kissed me. I was taken back and sealed my lips immediately as I am afraid of possible complication. It sounded funny when she asked "Ni bu xi huan wo, ni bu ran wo qing ni". I seriously thought french kiss was meant for lovers * Shrug*
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