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Old 31-05-2013, 10:21 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

good story pls continue!
Old 31-05-2013, 11:08 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

Easygal, you should have gotten your husband to deal with Joe. After all it was during the wife swapping trysts that the photos were taken.

Such photos can always be kept in other website and easily retrieved. So even deleting from his pc or hard disk is no guarantee. He can always try his luck again to get free fucks from you...but then again the experience was not totally unpleasant to you!

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Old 31-05-2013, 11:23 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

great story you have here sis. the uncle joe part is just like another porn plot!
Old 01-06-2013, 12:11 AM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

pls continue! waiting!!!
Old 01-06-2013, 08:36 AM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

I love it.. waiting for more..
Old 01-06-2013, 10:14 PM
Venom7 Venom7 is offline
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Re: The wife swapping trip

Like Like Like !!!
Old 02-06-2013, 12:16 AM
MCL1881 MCL1881 is offline
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Re: The wife swapping trip

Beautiful story.

I feel like whacking joe
Old 02-06-2013, 11:05 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

Hi all, thanks for the comments.

Anyway I received a few PM telling me about how I could have dealt with Joe. I thank you all for the concern but all these are already in the past, so I have no wishes to pursue what have already been settled amicably. Thanks.

Anyway, I am busy with things these few days so do not really have the time to sit down and continue writing. But I hope to post the next installment tomorrow or the day after.

Stay tuned
Old 03-06-2013, 01:26 AM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

Looking forward to your updates when u can, thx. Hope alls well. Cheers, .............
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Old 03-06-2013, 10:35 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

I think many of you would have guessed that was not the end of Uncle Joe...

I rushed into the bathroom the moment I reached home, disregarding my maid and my sons. As I sat under the stream of water, memories of what just happened flooded my mind. I cried as I tried to wash away the filth of lust as a man old enough to be my father has just violated me. Yet my body had succumbed to lust and even came to orgasm from his violations. The next few days I tried to act normally but my mind was in turmoil. Scenes of my intercourse with Joe kept replaying in my mind while guilt towards BB, who was away overseas, filled my heart. Five days after my tryst with Joe, I received another message from him.
Joe: I just to let you know that I really do not have any more of the photos I have taken of you. But I have a few interesting videos here which I will keep until I die.
I should have known, since he had everything planned he would not have let me off that easily. I have played right into his scheme and instead of a couple of photos; he now has videos of our intercourse filmed from the cameras he had hidden in his room.
That was how I fell into the abyss, where I found myself once again outside his house. But this time I do not have any alternative. That was how I was coerced into have an extra-marital affair with Uncle Joe, a 27 years old woman serving the sexual needs of a man 40 over years her senior.
I still remembered how hopeless I felt when I entered that room again because this time I have no idea when the end will come. I was in tears when Joe removed my clothes and that probably stirred some conscience in him. He promised that he would not get me pregnant, he would practise safe sex and he would cooperate not to let anyone find out about us (this is actually to his interest as well isn’t it?). Of course, he assured me that all I had to do was to make love with him, to satisfy his sexual needs. That day, for a full hour, he used my body to slake his lust (I must admit his stamina is really something at his age).
Old 03-06-2013, 11:18 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

Wow the old bag must have kept himself fit...... to enjoy every bit of sex with u. It must be a nightmare even to recall it being blackmail but ending with your body succumbing to the lust....
sent me an angel with a pair of lovely legs in hosiery
Old 04-06-2013, 03:35 AM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

it's sad to hear that TS got blackmailed but i think it's understandable if our body succumbs more easily than what we thought it might actually resist?
Old 04-06-2013, 04:14 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

just read all the post by TS.
really good story, attractive!

wish it is just story. best wishes to easygirl!
no pain, no gain
Old 04-06-2013, 04:37 PM
allegro allegro is offline
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Re: The wife swapping trip

great experience you had shared.. 1 full hour of sex?? i am hoping to see more details
Old 04-06-2013, 10:29 PM
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Re: The wife swapping trip

Our affair only happened on weekday afternoons. Under the pretext of work, I would go upstairs instead for 2-3 times a week. To prevent suspicion, unless he knows BB is away overseas, he allows me to spend the weekends with my family. He would leave a yellow T-shirt (apparently yellow was his most hated colour) out to dry before noon and if I do not turn up soon, he would drop me a miss call (I get a lot of unknown number due to work). Each time I would spend about an hour there and I only get to leave after he is fully satisfied. At first, I still remained reluctant when I meet him. After meeting him, I would hide at the staircase and cry and not return home until I calmed down. After the first week, I already had the ‘accept fate’ mentality where I would just strip after entering his room and hope it would be over soon. I felt I was depressed at that time.
Around 1 month into the affair, our relationship changed after he mentioned something that altered my mind set. Take note that up to this point, I did not really enjoy intercourse with Uncle Joe. Although I did have orgasms but it was only like 1/3 of the time but I felt guilty and ashamed about it. After one of our usual session, he told me something before I left.
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