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Old 14-01-2018, 05:03 PM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Originally Posted by JustANewbie View Post
yup, sexy for sure.
Originally Posted by ibanezjem555 View Post
Nice pic Sis. Uppz.
Originally Posted by michael_jack View Post
Veri the nice . . 👍

Chio as well. . . Jiayou jiayou

Have a great weekend too.
Originally Posted by kristo View Post
Super sexy...
Originally Posted by curiousSG View Post
you look good sis.
Thanks guys
Old 14-01-2018, 05:05 PM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Originally Posted by Tuanehkia View Post
Wow! Quite sad for 1 month old
I think u got me wrong. My cuzzie in her 50s and my nephew is going to be 1 month old.
Old 14-01-2018, 10:41 PM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

A short montage that I created for the cny for you guys. Received news that my cuzzie had passed on while i doing the montage. I feel upset but it doesn't stopped me from working. My cuzzie was a tough fighter during her ordeal and i believe she would want me to continue living my life. Rest in peace my dear cuzzie. I will always remember your bubbly, joker, laughter.

In this coming cny, i just hope you guys are healthy, happy and content with what you have now. Nothing beats to have a health body than wealth. Do treasure everyone that care for you. Life is fragile, cherish it when you have it.

Happy Doggy Year From Iry
Old 15-01-2018, 02:36 AM
AhKong69 AhKong69 is offline
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Originally Posted by Iryiris View Post
A short montage that I created for the cny for you guys. Received news that my cuzzie had passed on while i doing the montage. I feel upset but it doesn't stopped me from working. My cuzzie was a tough fighter during her ordeal and i believe she would want me to continue living my life. Rest in peace my dear cuzzie. I will always remember your bubbly, joker, laughter.

In this coming cny, i just hope you guys are healthy, happy and content with what you have now. Nothing beats to have a health body than wealth. Do treasure everyone that care for you. Life is fragile, cherish it when you have it.

Happy Doggy Year From Iry
RIP. My condolences to you and your family.
Old 16-01-2018, 03:53 AM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

I was in total shocked when i surfed my fb and saw the news that, lead singer of The Cranberries, Dolores O'Riordan, had passed away. It continuously for 2 days, the news around me was people were gone. First, was my cuzzie. My family and i didn't got to see her last looks due to the belief of chinese custom (my nephew has yet to be full month). She was cremated today without holding any funeral. Now, few mins ago, 1 of my fave bands, The Cranberries's lead singer had passed on. Damn! Feel like crying man, seriously. I guess that's life. You would not know what will happen next. Like what i said in precious post, life is fragile. Do cherish people you care & care for you before it too late.

Here is 1 of my fave songs from them, Linger. A song i would often sang whenever i jam. 1 of the songs that most people would remember it once they see my face or via versa. I guess this song will never be the same again sigh!
Old 16-01-2018, 09:47 AM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Originally Posted by Iryiris View Post
I was in total shocked when i surfed my fb and saw the news that, lead singer of The Cranberries, Dolores O'Riordan, had passed away. It continuously for 2 days, the news around me was people were gone. First, was my cuzzie. My family and i didn't got to see her last looks due to the belief of chinese custom (my nephew has yet to be full month). She was cremated today without holding any funeral. Now, few mins ago, 1 of my fave bands, The Cranberries's lead singer had passed on. Damn! Feel like crying man, seriously. I guess that's life. You would not know what will happen next. Like what i said in precious post, life is fragile. Do cherish people you care & care for you before it too late.

Here is 1 of my fave songs from them, Linger. A song i would often sang whenever i jam. 1 of the songs that most people would remember it once they see my face or via versa. I guess this song will never be the same again sigh!
that's life sis. from the moment we are born, with each passing day, we are one step closer towards death.
Old 17-01-2018, 04:37 AM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Originally Posted by Iryiris View Post
Let me vent abit off right here. Because if i don't do that, I'm afraid i will really hit people. It getting on my nerves til i snapped again. Sorry if my incident are all filled up with vulgarities cos, that's how i feel right now! Arrrgghhh!

Just back from my bro's place. My bro sent us home and came up for some drinks. My dad asked my bro how to access to YouTube to TV. You guys know for what reason? Nope, not to watch varieties, movies, MV or whatever. To watch turf club. If some don't know what it means, you can google or to be straight to the point, it to watch horse racing. Immediately my brain went 'WTF'! My bro didn't know how to function it to the TV as afterall, he don't stay with us. My dad was started to behave agitated as my bro couldn't find what he wanted. So i came out from my room (I already overheard and was not very happy to be honest). So i went over and took over the remote and typed 'turf club'. While i typing, i asked my dad why he wants to watch this. He been using his another HP to watch the racing so i don't understand why he kept wanting to watch from TV. He started to get agitated again and talked loudly to me. Saying, why i need to be so 大惊小怪 (making a fuss) it not he is watching RA on TV. I was started to feel the fire within me. I answered him sarcastically that if he wants, i can let type the porn site he wants and let him watch. In my mind i was thinking, KNN, been watching porn now and then from his LJ phone already still wanna watch on TV. I felt like answered him, now he can't zhua leo (pee) properly already still wanna zhua xiao (shoot sperm) meh cb. My bro asked him that is it he gambles back already, if not why need to watch. He felt more agitated this time and said loudly no, I didn't gambled already! I can't watch for fun meh. You all why making a fuss out of nothing. I told him got or not, he knows it deep inside, i wouldn't wanna exposed him out. My bro told him back that it up to him, anything goes wrong, don't come and bother us anymore. I agreed with my bro saying ya lor, that's nothing we can do. See? A fucking leopard won't changed it fucking spots. I almost on the verge to give him a punch across his fucking face already. He gives nothing but fucking trouble! It not i don't allow him to watch that racing. The problem is he gambles too. do you guys know that will lead to more serious issue. I went to the kitchen feeling damn hot. My mom was in the kitchen. I was mumbling knn just another fucker. My mom was like, it already late, don't argue. I telling her, he said he didn't gambled. Seriously, he didn't? My cb let him fuck ah Knn. It really pissing me off! If he is loaded, i won't even care. The pro is, whatever allowance he has, he will throw all in to gamble. Seriously and honestly, i fucking HATE GAMBLERS! My ex bf was also a gambler. Why I'm in this field initially? Due to and thanks to him. And what it leads to? Leads to i have to bear all criticism on me from people who think their bucks are fucking big. 1 thing is, these people who think themselves so great, came out from Singapore's pussies too. Unless they don't. If so, i would advise them to shut their cb mouths up and stop criticise other gals who just wanna make a living.

Sorry if i sound rude or offensive, whatever u call it la. I on fire now, i think if i have chopper, i definitely will conduct a murder case. I just voicing out what i wanna say. If people wanna make nasty remarks be it it's me or other gals, make sure they can take it too if others criticise them too. I don't think i at fault. That's no fire if that's ain't smokes. Ok, enough of my ranting. I need to take a rest as i rather look forward to my gatherings with my dear friends tomorrow. Goodnight then.

Totally agree what is so attractive about gambling knn reminds me of my ex pissed to the max!
Old 18-01-2018, 07:58 PM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Wondering, should i get my hair cut for this style 🤔🤔🤔

Old 18-01-2018, 11:49 PM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Sorry guys that i can't update much lately as i have been busy with work and home stuffs. This weekend i guess kinda burn too cos it my nephew's full month. To compensate, here's my goodnight pics for u guys. Shall chat again when I'm free Goodnight 😘

Old 19-01-2018, 12:13 PM
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Smile Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Very nice pics. . .👍

Take good care sis . . Have a great weekend ahead😊
Old 19-01-2018, 05:06 PM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

You have shapely bod sis!
Old 20-01-2018, 01:49 AM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Thanks guys

Originally Posted by michael_jack View Post
Very nice pics. . .👍

Take good care sis . . Have a great weekend ahead😊
Originally Posted by B10Science View Post
You have shapely bod sis!
Old 20-01-2018, 02:00 AM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Guess what guys? I will be attending a concert on Monday on this song that sang by this band which featured in 1 of my short montages. It the Clean Bandit! *SCREAM* I have free tix to watch them! So excited!

If u wonder who are they, here's the more popular songs that belonged to them.

Clean Bandit Feat. Zara Larsson - Symphony

Clean Bandit Feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie - Rockabye

Even though their melodies are groovy but if you go through the lyrics, it actually will somehow make you feel like tearing. If you're not against LGBT, should watch the MV of 'Symphony'. It almost made my cried when i 1st watched it.

Hopefully it a good concert
Old 20-01-2018, 07:07 AM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

thanks for the beautiful pictures shared sis.
Old 20-01-2018, 07:31 AM
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Re: 📖 The Journal of Iris 📖

Originally Posted by Iryiris View Post
Sorry guys that i can't update much lately as i have been busy with work and home stuffs. This weekend i guess kinda burn too cos it my nephew's full month. To compensate, here's my goodnight pics for u guys. Shall chat again when I'm free Goodnight ��

I love the photos you shared Sis, shall wait here for more of it.
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