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Matters of the Heart. Has a Commercial Fuck turned into a torrid Love Affair which has turned your life upside down? Fear not. We have experts here who can help you through your roller coaster ride. Tell us your story and we'll do our best to help.

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Old 27-10-2009, 10:52 AM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Originally Posted by kiko View Post
I had cheong ktv for nearly 3 years, from small joint pudong to La vegas ktv... I now feel that china gals really very smart make Singapore men thought they really love them. From massage joint, health centres to TN, sometimes i feel its cause of sexual urges that make Spore men goes to these places. Going to places like, T.h , (current qing ge) b.s , i now feel that its very addictive, why bros going there week after week, just want to release the urge... Going to Gleylang legal house PRC gals $150 , looking for good frs... then bonk them..

Why China gals come to Spore , only 1 simple reason .. To earn good money .. exchange rate 4.5-4.8.. They would use honey words to hook spore men .. Spore men in order to win these ktv PRC hearts buy Gucci . LV and laptop for them.. You think after you buy for them , they will love u deep , deep,, no such thing.. These PRC gals have admit to me, when i was working with them . One of them say , you Spore men dont even have 1 guy as handsome as us China guys , even The spore gals also not pretty as us PRC gals..

Spore guys fall into their trap, buy things for them sweet talk.. buy LV bags..
Why spore men want to get involve with china gals, risk themselves into marriage problem. Hang flower Joint , bros hang big flower,, 500-15k ,,, hang so much can get the PRC singer heart met, and she fall for u.. pls dont dream , after her 6 months or 1 year singer permit ends , she still got to go back china..

Please think about it, some foolish spore men bao them fetch these PRC gals from small joint to big joints ... everyday day and night fetch them from tian ann men , to Li do palace .. la vegas... the story goes on and on .. bao them 5k to even 10 k plus... Why want to throw these hard earn money on these PRC high class KTV gals ?

I had learnt from mistakes in cheonging Ktvs., now want to share with brothers here!

1) Got money then cheong, no money please dont drag your brothers or friends into paying tips for you and also room bills .

2) When the pretty tian ann men gal, say bao bei i these few days dont have much customer , dont fall into the trap of giving her money to send home.. the amount i mean is a few thousands.

3) If the gal which u like in high class ktv especially birthday coming ... if she dont wan spend her birthday with u,, so be it,, dont let her conned u of going to taka ... or now the orchard ion buy LV bag for her..

4) Chinese new yr coming , , she say want to send money home,, ask u for money , for goodness sake dont give her thousands unless u re loaded and dont ,mind.

From what i see, those PRC gals into ktv , TN, legal gleyang PRC joints and hang flower joint singers, we spore men cannot take them as Love ones...
When we come out of our stressful work life , is to have fun with them, and not lead our hearts into emotions.. in the end we are the ones that lose out.

5) In Spore stressful life, we got to work hard, study hard and Play hard.

6) Last point to add , i learnt from my fellow bro FATJUMBO from b.s thread., he always tells me, why we want to treat these china whores so serious, we go there to play , we got to fuck them and forget the whole thing . We cannot take them serious. If u want good china gals, u cant find it here, u got to find them in the real COPORATE WORLD , PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE. Thank u , jumbo for your word , i will remember them.
i feel sorry for you that you have to go thru so much hardship b4 u realized the truth. maybe there is some truth in the words of the PRC whore.

If u want good china gals, u cant find it here, u got to find them in the real COPORATE WORLD , PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE when they ask you for LV bags and diamond rings.... they will sound like whores just the same
The way to a man's pocket is through his penis.

Last edited by dominic7; 27-10-2009 at 11:16 AM.
Old 05-02-2010, 05:18 AM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Nicely written bro Kiko.

For all the wrong things ppl do, they actually pay the PRCs to fuck and still pay them more with money and feelings. Totally uncool!

Just do like the missiles systems' do,"Fire and Forget".
Old 24-02-2010, 07:52 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Wah kiko. U grow up le. Still put jumbo name inside. Like saf style. Fuck and forgot la. Pls dun go around looking for prc girls regardless. Find a proper local girl to settle down.
Old 03-03-2010, 03:02 AM
kingcobraa kingcobraa is offline
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

stupid PRC.......
1 life,live it!!!

Do everything you want, but don't get caught!
Old 25-03-2010, 10:45 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

We should ask them to pay instead these PRCs haha.
Old 16-05-2010, 08:50 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

As long as she feels worth it getting $XX for getting bonked. He feels worth it paying $xx to bonk. That settles it. There's no stupidity involved here. Who knows the reporter must be thinking how stupid this whore is for stepping forward to get interviewed by him.
Old 10-06-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

no party has any rights to call the opp party stupid. its not up to anyone to judge anyone. plus, when theres a demand, theres a supply.
Old 15-09-2010, 11:59 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Originally Posted by hotbodz77 View Post
Nicely written bro Kiko.

For all the wrong things ppl do, they actually pay the PRCs to fuck and still pay them more with money and feelings. Totally uncool!

Just do like the missiles systems' do,"Fire and Forget".
You are right bro. Fire and forget is the rule
Old 26-09-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

4 types of cheongsters in dongguan recent years... 1st HK men, then came the taiwan men, then Sg men, then lastly Msia men.... china gers ranked their favourites as follow 1st being their dream men....

1st- Msia men becos they are the most generous throw lots of $$$ to bao them...eventhough they are KTV gers... in changping

2nd - Spore men becos they are gentle wellmannered never scold or slap them treat gers like same footings. perhaps due to govt bringing tell men dun bully women if not get into trouble with laws of women charters... hahahhaa

3rd - Taiwanese men becos they are generous in tips but like show offs and bad tempered...important is they are generous and deep pocket.

4th - HK men becos they can have a identity card and they can apply for HK passport and travel freely and plus point is they are near home...

Sg men very ez kena kc if gers know how to play emotions.....we like to be hero....
Old 15-10-2010, 01:22 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Wah I was posting on another thread of a pretty similar nature over here.

My only thoughts are, and only in reference to my said friend in that post linked above, because of his lack of experience in relationships, has lower self esteem, always thinking he's not good enough, suddenly that PRC masseuse show him some manja and open legs for him he thinks "wah heaven treat him so good ah, offer him true love"... Then further and further sink deeper, until he disowns his parents and parts income to her, and nearly cut off all contacts with us. For more you can read the link I pasted for bros here to read...

Singaporean men or not, human beings as a whole avoid pain more so than seeking pleasure. Instead of upgrading himself, start seeing more people and dating, come out to play more with us instead of cooping himself at home, or gaining a foothold in career and securing more money, do some proper grooming to up his market value, instead, he chose the seemingly "easier" option of trying to lock-in the pussy that is "offered" to him, rather than him trying to achieve one (like wooing local girls). To me, the joy is all in the pursuit, not things falling onto my lap (occasional lottery windfalls are fine, but of course).

IMHO, the more favourable option is to have lots of money, keep 1 or 2 "gf", have them eating out of your hand, rather than having little or no money, and have to get leeched by them dry, thinking you as a carrot head. People may be thinking now, wah piang, if I rich then I have to be carrot head meh? My opinion is, if it's just a small fraction of your income, and they are more dependent on you than you are on them, you know the ball is in your court...

So my conclusion is, like many bros here say, playing is one thing committing is another. Draw the line clearly, and balance the stakes. I'm definitely not preaching self-righteous morals, just comparing favourable playing platforms.

Thank you guys and sorry for the long post.

Old 20-10-2010, 05:30 AM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Originally Posted by jon2000sg View Post
Here's a typical PRC girl who think Singapore men are stupid !!!
She tried to con me into buying a $3K LV bag for her,
but I only pay for makan $89.

name: jenny li - street name: xiao li
currently active at GL only after midnite in the golden triangle
studys LCCI at Int'l Plaza
used to work as a cashier in some restuarant.

she's a con-smith, wanted to con my money
but I only spend makan on her ...

she told me all her con stories to gain my trust
how she cheated $3K, $5K, $10K etc from other men ...
but still I refused to spend money on her

she's a con-smith, wanted to con my money
but I only spend makan on her ...

she told me all her con stories to gain my trust
how she cheated $3K, $5K, $10K etc from other men ...
but still I refused to spend money on her
Here's a typical PRC girl who think Singapore men are stupid !!!
She tried to con me into buying a $3K LV bag for her,
but I only pay for makan $89.

name: jenny li - street name: xiao li
currently active at GL only after midnite in the golden triangle
studys LCCI at Int'l Plaza
used to work as a cashier in some restuarant.

she's a con-smith, wanted to con my money
but I only spend makan on her ...

she told me all her con stories to gain my trust
how she cheated $3K, $5K, $10K etc from other men ...
but still I refused to spend money on her

Old 24-01-2011, 05:32 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

SIgh... PRC girls many dai chi. Just stay away from them. Fuck and suah liao.
Even those PRC PR in sg also knn. Married with kids still flirt around, poor husband didint know anything. Orchard tower thrid floor a lot. Holding PR pass and work there. What kind of work I guess I no need to voice out. Why they choose orchard tower ? COz they feel that local seldom go there chiong and not easy to get caught by local.
Old 03-02-2011, 05:20 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

ofcos sg men stupid lah when vs prc women!
some not only give them money, they actually idolise and worship them like the prc whore is their guanyin goddess.

in sg, most prc singers, ktv hostess, WL or FL are mid 20s to late 30s and their looks + figure considered avg to above avg only.
you know why they are here? becos their standard cannot survive in china la!

don't be stupid and go worship a whore that come here becos they are rejects in their own country. if you do that means you got check mate in your own turf and shame to u
Old 03-02-2011, 10:57 PM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Originally Posted by Ken79 View Post
ofcos sg men stupid lah when vs prc women!
some not only give them money, they actually idolise and worship them like the prc whore is their guanyin goddess.

in sg, most prc singers, ktv hostess, WL or FL are mid 20s to late 30s and their looks + figure considered avg to above avg only.
you know why they are here? becos their standard cannot survive in china la!

don't be stupid and go worship a whore that come here becos they are rejects in their own country. if you do that means you got check mate in your own turf and shame to u
True !
Old 04-02-2011, 10:54 AM
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Re: PRC whore calls Singapore men "stupid".

Originally Posted by Ken79 View Post
ofcos sg men stupid lah when vs prc women!
some not only give them money, they actually idolise and worship them like the prc whore is their guanyin goddess.

in sg, most prc singers, ktv hostess, WL or FL are mid 20s to late 30s and their looks + figure considered avg to above avg only.
you know why they are here? becos their standard cannot survive in china la!

don't be stupid and go worship a whore that come here becos they are rejects in their own country. if you do that means you got check mate in your own turf and shame to u
Bro Ken,

I agree with most of what you say. But in my opinion, SG men are not stupid, we are too soft hearted so much so that we subscribe to the stories told by the PRC ladies. I heart so many versions of the stories, and many amongst which are repeated ones. Sigh...

My 2 cent worth.
Just a Retired Simple Man

PuTonRen aka UFO_Man
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