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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
![]() ![]() Long time no see or hear bro. Who is that lucky bro huh huh? You ought to ask bros Marc5, Warbirdy & DYBJ more information about Xiao Qiao... you also interested in her hah? ![]() Cheers, LDH .
天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦! If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5 ![]() All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above. Queue: 4 bros in queue. Next Upz: Cupid - Please update Post. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
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天下没有不散的宴席,在此退出花花世界的江湖。退休啦! If bros want to exchange upz, please let me know. Min = +5 ![]() All upz will be returned. Priority given to +9 & above. Queue: 4 bros in queue. Next Upz: Cupid - Please update Post. |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
No biz stay also no point...cut costs and maybe come back at a better joint....but just surprising that AQ bitch still got loyal supporters...she's really not as simple as I tot she is
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You're spot on! We can't control over 90% of what happens in our lives, but we hv 100% control over our emotions n thoughts n actions...it's not what happens but how we reaction to the external events that determines our happiness n success, hahaha. Chairman Austin, Bros Marc5 n LDH r probably in the 0.002% category! Cheers! Quote:
I also wonder abt the ID of this mysterious young lion, hehehe. I know he is a rising star who keeps a harem... ![]() .................................................. .................................................. ....... Good morning to all samsters! What an auspicious day!! The IRs n World Cup must hv siphoned off a lot of excess cash from the KTV scene as overall spending has declined. Frequent AV raids hv not helped. A fren gave me the good news several days ago that the average BY-ing damage had declined... In the last 3 months I hv proposed BY to a no. of PRC gals, approx 90% hv accepted my offer. Even the one who flatly rejected me before now said YES. She is a 22 yo student I met 2 1/2 months ago. She was the only KTV gal who told me straight in my face: 你很坏噢! I gave up on her long ago as a lost cause. She was back to PRC n recently returned. She texted me 4 days ago to say hello. I ignored her. Yesterday, she texted me again: X大哥,你说的那件事还算么? She followed up w/ a call. I had promised to take her to eat chilly crabs but never did bcos I thought I could never taste her pussy. So I asked: You mean u still want to eat chilly crabs? I was surprised when she said: Actually no, it's abt the other thing u proposed... Unfortunately, the timing is very bad for me. But I know she is very fresh n it would be a wonderful experience making love to her, so I agree to meet up n see what can be arranged. BTW,has damage for BY-ing PRC gals declined? Abt 20%? More? Cheers! Bro WB |
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Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Thumbs up for all the Experienced and willing-to-share bros here!! i have always been wanting to got cheong these KTVS whenever i pass by at night, but i dont know if there's any age limit or cover charge or rules for these KTVs and also dont know those prominent ones. cause i am still not 25 yet, and look rather young,so dont really know how to go into all these KTVs without any experienced bros' accompany or tips and guidances.
TOtally agree that those girls area so sexy hot, really wish to be involved in all these fun soon! so far, i only had cheong those OKTs, but really dont know how to go around in the KTV or even pick up those girls~! will really appreciate if any bro can guide along cause i think it's time to move on to more exciting real deals! And by the way, really impressed by all the bros here for ur sharing. CHEERS! |
i do not seem to have such luck.
you guys must be those lucky ones. |
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I hv followed Chairman's advice n always pay my BAO-ees wkly. No deals when the gals insist on monthly payments. Dun believe their lies, bro, they r WLs. Cheers! Quote:
The gals hv to be 18, although I know some younger gals hv managed to work there using someone's else passports. As for guys, must be 18? Or 21 like the casino? Many of these KTV gals may only look glamorous from a distance. Having enuff money is a prerequisite to bonking them. Sometimes I hv outings to TAM HH. PM me if u r interested. My kakis range in age from early 20s to over 70. Cheers! Bro WB |
Good morning!
The US has been in a secular bear market since Mar 2000 punctuated by bear market rallies. IMHO, this generally negative trend may last another 10 or more yrs. Prospects for SIN n China r better of course. In this difficult markets, some select blue chips n start ups can still do very, very well. Back to the subject of "picking up KTV gals." There has been a dearth of pretty SYTs in the last several months. Tall n pretty SYTs? Hv not seen one yet for some time. What is happening? Currently, I do hv a 20 yo SYT student, but she is not my usual type. She is small at 162 n 45 kg. Every part of her is proportionately small though. I put her n her younger sister, who is even tinier, in a studio apt. They cook dinner for me 3 times a wk. I'll keep them as long as they continue to please me or until I find someone "better." .................................................. .................................................. ....... Last wk, I received an email from a seduction/sex guru. I like to share it w/ all samsters who r not handsome in the traditional sense. It should apply to both non-WLs n Wls. How To Outperform "Pretty Boys" With Women (And You Will) Think that the "GQ model" type of guys who tend to catch women's eye naturally have a better dating life than you ever will? Not necessarily...by a long shot. Here's the fascinating reason why you CAN and SHOULD do better with women than they can. Looks may in fact "matter", but NOT in the way you might think. At the very least, not in the SAME WAY that how a woman looks matters to guys. Here's how it all works. First, let's look at the "average" guy. And for the record, by "average" I mean ANY guy who doesn't see himself as being particularly good looking. My firmly held belief is that ALL of us can be at least an "average guy" by simply caring enough to have self-respect. So please don't e-mail me moaning about how you're probably "below average", and how what I'm about to say therefore still won't help you. It's the whining about that itself that actually spells out "below average"...believe me. Anyway... Since "Mr. Average" is not particularly good looking, he may think that he has less of a chance with a beautiful woman. This is predicated on logic, of course. Deep down, we all tend to feel like we should get what we think we deserve. So "Mr. Average" sees "Mr. GQ" with a beautiful woman, and despairs. But then again, it always seems like the NEXT beautiful woman he sees is with a guy whom he might think doesn't deserve her as much as HE does. And that frustrates him. Despair alternating with frustration. Why? Because he's assuming the women he sees must make dating and relationship decisions the way WE do as men. So he sees "Mr. GQ" as deserving, and any less handsome man with a pretty woman as simply "lucky" or something. And he resents BOTH guys. As a result, HIS PROBLEM is that he can't get up the nerve to ASK A WOMAN OUT ON A FIRST DATE. But if he could just muster a bit of confidence, he may find that his masculinity, ability to put a woman at ease in his presence and his solid character could actually make women go crazy for him after they meet him. In fact, a BIG part of his frustration may even lie in knowing that if he could just get a woman on a first date, she'd LOVE HIM. Have you ever caught yourself thinking that? I know I have. Meanwhile, let's consider "Mr. GQ". Women naturally smile at him when they see him. They may even flirt a little more noticeably. Heck, women may APPROACH HIM. He might even have women throwing slips of paper with their phone number on it at him. As such, he likely has NO PROBLEM getting first dates. But when you get right down to it, a first date does NOT equal "success with women". And if you're among the legion of "Mr. Average" guys out there, you might not ever see the part that comes next. You may not even ever consider the POSSIBILITY of it, frankly. Here it is, though: I've lost count of the number of "handsome" guys who can get a first date with ANY woman, but who can't get a SECOND DATE to save their lives. Why not? Usually it's one of three reasons: 1) Women, as I've mentioned before, ultimately can't stand to be "upstaged" in the looks department. Insecurity and jealousy cause them to run away. 2) The guy falls for his own shortsighted belief that women make dating decisions the same way men do, and therefore develops an arrogant attitude based on his looks. Women like good-looking guys, but they can't stand arrogant ones. Mark that. 3) It turns out the guy is either BORING or a flat-out WUSS behind that "pretty boy" façade. Game over. Isn't the "big picture" here a little bit crazy? "Mr. Average" doesn't get a FIRST DATE...mostly due to having psyched himself out with negative "self-talk". "Mr. GQ" can't get a SECOND DATE...for one (or all) of the reasons listed above. In the end BOTH GUYS FAIL with women. And the most breathtaking part of this whole scenario? Both guys actually have the SAME PROBLEM. NEITHER guy has the ability to CHOOSE the women they really want. Whether that means "short term fling" or "long term relationship" is irrelevant. If ANY GUY fails to create DEEP ATTRACTION in a woman, he's getting nowhere with her. And remember, this is REGARDLESS OF LOOKS. What's the net/net of all this? It's simple. Good looks may help a guy catch a woman's eye up front, but really only "matter" as it pertains to HOW and WHEN success or failure with women presents itself. And yes...an "average" guy may need to take a more objective approach to getting a woman's attention initially. But ultimately, ONLY the "Big Four" matter when it comes to truly ATTRACTING her...on YOUR TERMS and for as long as you'd like her to be in your life. And the bottom line is that ONLY guys who are in CONTROL of their dating lives can expect to have success with women. In the example given above, neither "Mr. Average" nor "Mr. GQ" has CONTROL over his dating life. They don't hold the cards when it comes to deciding which women they want to keep around for any length of time. So if you think about it, whether a guy feels like he has a hard time GETTING a woman's attention or KEEPING it, the problem is still pretty much the same thing in the end: He doesn't have the women in his life that he wants. And by the way, if you think that the good looking guy may still have one-up over "average" guys because he can get the "quick lay" out of the transaction before he ultimately blows it, guess again. As I've shown you before in the past, high quality women DO NOT make decisions regarding who to sleep with the same way guys do. Without "Big Four" substance, ANY guy can forgettaboutit. But WITH the "Big Four" in full effect, you essentially weed out just about ALL of your "competition" in today's modern, neutered world replete with confused men...good-looking and otherwise. I can hear someone asking, "Yeah, but what about women who AREN'T high quality?" What about 'em? If a woman has low self-esteem and the lower standards that go with it, the irony is that a more "average" guy may have a better chance, as it were, even with her. I personally thank my lucky stars that I DON'T have "model looks", but that I know what the "Big Four" are and recognize their importance. My dating life has been way less complicated that way...and far more successful How about you? Can you adopt that mindset and take full advantage of the power it holds? Be Good, Mr. XYZ BTW, the "Big Four" factors refer to the traits of a real MAN which attract women. They r: Masculinity, Confidence, Inspiring confidence n Character. Still want to look like Mr. GQ? I rather be a lio chi ko pek w/ the "Big Four" n dominant self mastery/self control n lots of moolah, hehehe. ![]() Any comments n criticisms? Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Miss your updates Bro WB...good to see you back..Man and Woman are attracted by different things....women changes as they age...when they are young they tend to go for the good looking hunky type...after they grow up...they go for the man who have character who have humour who have career who have money...I have also been working on the points you brought up in your thread and I find that I am more successful in my pursuit of gals now...for example previously I may just tempt them with money or sweet nothings....while money works for the cheap girls...if you really want to get the GEM you want....you have to work at the other components....recently been successful in getting some girls who refuse pure ST...but also been tired...will rest for sometime and maybe stick to ST for a couple of weeks...
As for the market...VIX is back up...lots of sentiment driven movements....really do not know which is the trend....75% in Emerging Markets and 25% in Matured markets like US and Europe...wonder if i can hold equities for the next 5 years if it is going to be a secular bear market..... |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Hi Bro WB,
I am back from my trip to CP, Macau and Hong Kong. What a trip !!!! I am totally exhausted from fucking.. day in day out. ![]() I have found a desirable Hubei Girl and is making arrangements for her to come to Singapore ![]() Cheers. |
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Stock markets n pussies. We hv so much in common! In a prolonged secular bear market, we need to buy when an equity is undervalued n sell when it's overvalued. Dun hold forever. Quote:
Welcome back! You should detail ur sexcapades in those 3 places. Where did u find the highest quality gals of ur type? Pls disregard the damage. Bring ur Hubei gal here. We should start BY-ing these gals n bringing them to SIN for our exclusive enjoyment. BTW, I met an old kaki yesterday. He has completely given up KTVs here due to the poor quality of gals. He prefers pretty SYTs aged 18-21. He visits CP every 2 months. I mentioned to him abt my desire of going there, BY-ing n bringing them back here. He said, great idea. Damage a month is SGD 3K for gals from CP (4K for gals from SZ). Must bring 2-3 of them here at a time bcos these younger gals wont dare to come alone. He is such a good fren that I told him he could fxk my gals foc. We also agree that we should only BY gals of the same standard as Sugar, our No.1 gal n our gold standard in all of GL. BTW, she went back to PRC in Mar n is happily married! We both discovered her independently in Feb this yr n not one FR written abt her! Cheers! Bro WB |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Though not a contributor in this thread, I do enjoy all the reads. It gives me pleasure to voice thanks and appreciation to all the bros who contributed in this thread. It's like a refresher course. Thank you
![]() Bro Warbird, I totally agree with your advice to Bro MoralEpitome. Just like a pola bear, it's not easy to kill off a secular bear market which begins at extremes and ends at extremes ![]() |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
Dream of the strawhat: Luffy- pirate king, zoro: strongest swordman , nami- draw the grandline map, ussop- bravest warrior , sanji- all blue , chopper: greatest doctor , robin: void century , franky follow his dream ship to the last island , brook:laboon, calex: my soul mate |
Re: Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
As for damage, I am sure you have deep pockets... I enjoyed myself too and spend much more than above the average would spend there. I met this girl in CP at a KTV near to the hotel that I am staying in. Initially I didn't took notice of her.. until the mummy asked her to stand in front of me. Later as we talked, I was mesmerized by her intellect and very cultured manner. As the evening progresses on, I asked if she is convenient to spend the night with me. She told me that her relative was visiting and recommended another girl. I was quite disappointed. It was only a few hours later (in the hotel room), the girl that she recommended told me that she actually never goes out with anyone. I contacted her and seek her out the next day. I "dumped" my "understanding" friends and had dinner with her. The more we talked, the more I liked her.. so I proposed that I invite her to Singapore for an all expense paid holiday. She says she will consider and let me know in 1 weeks time. We are now connected on QQ. I can't say that CP has the best quality girls.. It is up to individuals. My friend had the same girl for 4 nights..and she gave him the best GFE (according to him) ever. With $$$, I am sure the mummies and papasans are most willing to help seek them out for you. The trick is to go round the various KTVs and seek them out. We were patronising various KTVs every night and i only met her on the 3rd night. Bro... Go to China and not necessarily must be in CP. Oh.. BTW, I bonked two stunning walkers in Lisbo (macau)... and booked for overnight which cost me about HK$6K per girl. Shit.. small head got the better of me.... ![]() Oh.. bTW.. the routine program for me in CP was 1) Morning - Bonk girl 2) Breakfast 3) Rest and nap 4) Lunch 5) Rest and nap 6) Afternoon - Body or foot massage (at least 2 hours) 7) Rest and wash up for dinner 8) Dinner 9) KTV 10) Go to room with Girl - bonk 11) Go out for supper 12) Back to room and bonk 13) Rest and bonk again |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
Kakis Invited for KTV Outings to Find " Very Attractive Gals" | warbird | Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos | 990 | 20-01-2024 11:44 AM |
At wht age r gals most sexually attractive to u? | kurupa | Polls | 24 | 18-06-2006 04:54 PM |