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Old 26-06-2019, 02:32 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

I been to a Soapland in Tokyo , service quite good and about Sgd450 for an hour. But only a few lady willing to serve Foreigners I.e.non Japanese. I am.Singapore Chinese born and bred here and only have 2 girls out of 12 willing to do. Limited choices. Address as below.

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Last edited by Hurricane88; 27-06-2019 at 04:10 AM.
Old 26-06-2019, 11:33 PM
Junkboy Junkboy is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

Tokyo Mini Guide

Been wanting to go write down my thoughts.


Line is your favourite tool to overcome language barrier, and try the speciality shops. There are lots more foreigner friendly shop compared to a few years ago (supporting national tourism drive). But most shops have very limited language skills so it is difficult to book over the phone.

Some shops say they do not allow foreigners. But amazingly, as a Singaporean, if you swing up to the shop with a smattering of Japanese, they may allow you in.

Process of deli-heru usually as follows: Call shop, ask to book with time and place. For place, two options, use your hotel or go to love hotel. They need a number to ring back, if you don’t want them to ring your mobile, give them the hotel number. For love hotel, go to love hotel, pay for 2-3hour room. Call the shop from inside the room then they send the girl.

If you have no idea how to use a love hotel, do the booking at the shop. You also get to see uncensored pictures. The shopkeepers will then escort you to the love hotel and help you with the process.

For resources, for forum, it’s TAG. For shop listing and reviews, use Tokyo Night Style. But - the most interesting, for video demo on services use purelovers. They even list if the shops are foreigner friendly.

In Tokyo, most sites are internet only. Although it is possible to find foreigner friendly shops, difficult to find for less patient. If you prefer to go shops, probably take the commuter train to Yokohama. Heard Osaka is really crazy but never been there.
Old 27-06-2019, 01:57 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

continuing from post 1318

#2: Soapland Young Lady
tl;dr: Gaijin-friendly soapland

Location: Sapporo - in the middle of Susukino

Description: This soapland is outright gaijin-friendly; it has "Foreigners Welcomed" right above it's door. Despite its name, the girls here are not young at all. The youngest seem to be 29 (on website) but likely is mid-30s. This is my second time visiting this soapland as I did not want to go around exploring this time.

MR/FR: Took the 60 mins course at 21k. This is already with gaijin tax.. so it is cheap compared to Tokyo/Osaka. Requested for Miku (no charge for requesting) who massaged me 3 years before. Both times, she provided the full soapland experience.. some bbbj when showering, some more bbbj in the tub, some more bbbj on the mat, fj on the mat, fj on the bed, finished as COB. She's also full of omotenashi.. always smiling and asking "kimochi". Strangely her name is off the shop's girl list now. Maybe she finally retired after these years.

Notes: As a Singaporean, always identify yourself first. I always tell the tenchos I'm a gaijin first thing in the shop. I can easily pass off as a Japanese but the moment I speak, it's over; so no point hiding. You cannot siam the gaijin tax one.
Extra notes: After all these time, I realised that there is too much distractions in a soapland for me.. to the point the fj doesn't feel like it's the entree. Now that I think about it, probably this is the last time I'll go for soapland.

website: (edited by mod)
one week of sin..

Monday - Cheryl (PRC - GL)
Tuesday - Hino (A1)
Wednesday - 109 (Fantasia)
Thursday - AhLamb (PRC - BM)
Friday - Jasmine (Cambodia - RCR)
Saturday - REST
Sunday - Anna (PRC - PL)

Last edited by Hurricane88; 27-06-2019 at 04:08 AM.
Old 05-07-2019, 12:07 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by JAVgent View Post
continuing from post 1318

Notes: As a Singaporean, always identify yourself first. I always tell the tenchos I'm a gaijin first thing in the shop. I can easily pass off as a Japanese but the moment I speak, it's over; so no point hiding. You cannot siam the gaijin tax one.
Extra notes: After all these time, I realised that there is too much distractions in a soapland for me.. to the point the fj doesn't feel like it's the entree. Now that I think about it, probably this is the last time I'll go for soapland.

website: (edited by mod)
I presume you're fluent in jap? so it's our accent that give us away for gaijin tax?
Old 11-07-2019, 10:37 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Hello, does anyone know what do those Manzoku Station shops in Kabukichou do? I heard they recommend shops around the district depending on your taste, but are they really reliable, and do they accept foreigners?

Side note, it seems like Tokyo Hentai Club is pretty popular among foreigners. Any reviews?
Old 16-07-2019, 10:16 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

A friend who have work in Japan for a few years ringin me to Tokyo for soap land. Gave me 2 link of shop that take non Japanese. About 30k yen per hour. After my trip will share
Old 16-07-2019, 11:05 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Going on a solo trip to tokyo for a week starting tml. and staying in shibuya. Any recommended place. Appreciate all the pro advice.
Old 24-07-2019, 08:12 PM
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Smile 日本风俗店攻略(1)—吉原泡泡浴


日本的风俗行业,其实是禁止本番 (insert)服务的。而在众多的风俗业态中,只有ソープランド(泡泡浴)明目张胆的提供本番服务。

所以ソープランド才被称之为风俗的王者。而ソープランド这个词,其实是日本人自创的英文Soa pland。

由于法律的规定,日本的风俗店只能开在限定的地点,而在众多ソープランド聚集点中,位于东京都的吉原是最大 最有名的


最近的地铁车站则是东京メトロ日比谷线的三ノ轮(日语发音:Minowa)駅。从这个车站走到 吉原大门,


大多数吉原的ソープランド都有提供接送的服务,而接送的车站除了三ノ轮之外,入谷、浅草或是上野等站依店家 的不同而略有不同。



不过ソープランド则是将女性从业人员与男性顾客发生本番行为的过程认定为男女私下的行为,因此采取睁一只眼 闭一只眼的态度。

在吉原这个地区,ソープランド大致可以分为三个等级。首先是费用大约在20,000到30,000日元的格 安店(约43家);


最后则是费用超过50,000日元的高级店(约41家)和100,000日元左右的VIP店( 约17家)。



在这种店的门口只会标示入浴费,这是直接付给店家的费用,至于服务费则是由客人直接支付给女孩 的。

会采用这种收费的方式,就是针对日本法律所采取的对策。店家所收的入浴费,是店家提供客人洗澡 服务的费用,

至于客人付给女孩的服务费,那个则是客人因为和女孩‘’情投意合后发生关系,客人自愿付给女孩 的费用。






* 如果有预约的话,抵达车站后拨电话到店里要车子来接。

* 工作人员会带领客人到等候室,然后送上毛巾、饮料等等。

* 如果有预约女孩的话,会等女孩准备;如果没有预约的话,这时候会看照片挑女孩。

* 总额型的店,这个时候要支付全部的费用;不然的话这时候要支付入浴费。

* 女孩带领客人来到服务的房间,通常在进房间之前会询问客人要不要上厕所。

* 进入房间后,女孩会先跪在客人的面前自我介绍。

* 介绍完毕后,女孩会服侍客人脱衣服,然后自己将衣服脱光。

* 有些店主打的是即プレイ,这一类的会立刻和客人开战。

* 一般的店则是会先帮客人简单的冲洗,然后请客人泡到浴缸里。

* 女孩会递上挤好牙膏的牙刷,让客人先刷刷牙。

* 接下来女孩会进入浴缸中,做一些浴缸中的服务。

* 有气垫服务的店,女孩会开始准备气垫,然后进行气垫上的服务。

* 服务时间较长的店通常会有两次,因此第一次会在气垫上进行。

* 结束气垫上的服务后请客人回浴缸,女孩整理气垫和场地。

* 帮客人洗干净后回到床上,稍微休息一下后进行第二回合。

* 结束服务后,女孩会服侍客人穿衣,然后自己再把衣服穿好。

* 正常来说女孩会递一张名片,希望客人会再来找她。

ソープランド的整个服务过程可谓繁琐,上面只是一些最基本的状况。因为每间店的时间长短、服务方式各有不同 ,

几年来,在诸多同事的帮助下,我积累了一本吉原手册,上面有每个店长的联络手机和对各个女孩的 体验评价。

Old 27-07-2019, 12:22 AM
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粉红沙龙(日文:ピンクサロン )就是英文的Pink Salon




当时还不称作ピンクサロン,而是从酒店业转变而来的。部份的酒店为了吸引客人上门,提供女孩对客人进行口的 服务,


现在的ピンクサロン已经不像早期是酒店的额外服务,而是专门提供口的服务。这一类的店大多聚集在车站附近的 街道上,

门口会放置霓虹灯的招牌,大多数的招牌上面会清楚的写的ピンクサロン(或是缩写的サロン)的字 样,


大多数的ピンクサロン店内灯光都不是很亮,而且店里的音乐声音都很大声。很多的店内就像是咖啡 厅似的,



客人在进入店内的时候可以先看本日有上班的女孩照片来挑人,而这个挑人通常会需要支付额外的费用(指名料金 )。

客人也可以不挑选女孩,不过很有可能会被店家指派自己不喜欢的女孩,因此有挑选照片的机会最好还是自己挑照 片。


然后让客人把裤子脱下,用湿纸巾帮客人清洁一下,然后就开始进行服务。ピンクサロン的服务基本 上只有口,

在女孩为客人服务的时候,客人也可以抚摸女孩。不过动作不能太粗暴,若是弄痛了女孩,店员会过来阻止客人的 动作。





有的店女孩会脱光衣服、有的不会;有的店女孩除了用嘴来服务客人之外,还会有舔后面等等的服务 。


在客人shoot后,女孩会用湿纸巾帮客人擦拭。部份服务比较好的女孩,则是会用嘴和舌头来帮 客人清洁。

不过这方面的服务因人而异,有时候女孩会进行什么样的服务,也是看女孩自己和客人的互动,或是客人给女孩的 感觉而会有不同的。

虽然说ピンクサロン是用嘴服务的,不过部份的店则是打著ピンクサロン的招牌,私下有提供全套的 服务。

这一类的ピンクサロン,通常被称为本サロン。女孩会引诱客人付额外的费用,然后就提供全套的服 务。


另外,有少数的ピンクサロン还提供了『花びら回転』的服务。这个服务,简单的说就是把服务的时间切成几段( 通常是三段),

然后每段更换不同的女孩来服务。而客人在进门时挑选的女孩,则是负责第一段和第三段时间的服务 ,



* 来到ピンクサロン店门口。

* 确认费用以及时间。

* 如果可以挑选照片,就挑选自己喜欢的女孩。

* 在柜台支付服务的费用(如果挑女孩有指名料,就要加付指名料)。

* 店员带领你到座位,在女孩还没有来之前可以欣赏其他客人和女孩的‘互动’。

* 女孩来了之后先简单的打招呼,然后就开始进行服务。

* 在客人发射后服务就结束,如果还有时间女孩会和客人聊聊天。

* 时间到了,女孩或店员会送客人出门,在门口向客人道谢。

一个美国前同事,在上海工作时每周换一个姑娘,成群结队的cheap girls。

他来日本出差,时间短又不会日语,只能去风俗店。电话了5家吉原全部被拒,接着3家粉红沙龙被 拒,

最后仍不放弃终于找了一个韩国女孩的酒店出张。事后一起吃饭时还在不停的吐槽,还是中国最好, 韩国也不错,

Old 27-07-2019, 02:38 PM
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Old 29-07-2019, 11:56 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Old 30-07-2019, 12:00 AM
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Re: Action in Japan
Old 21-08-2019, 02:48 AM
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Fukuoka Area (Kokura) Info Please - Re: Action in Japan

I will be staying at Fukuoka (APA Hotel near the Kokura Station) early September for more than one week, and I hope that somebody can give me some info / experience on the scene over there.

I'm a Japanese speaker, but this will be my first time to Fukuoka as I only regularly went to Tokyo before. Is there something like Kandeli (Korean Delivery Health there? Preferably of Uguisudani quality? What about Tachinbo? Any info will be helpful and most appreciated.

Last edited by nariyuzin; 21-08-2019 at 02:49 AM. Reason: Spelling typo issue.
Old 01-09-2019, 01:40 PM
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Re: Fukuoka Area (Kokura) Info Please - Re: Action in Japan

Heading over on 13 Sept for a biz trip

Anyone got lobang for a good soapland experience ?

Saw Paradise but they are slightly far from Tokyo
Old 02-09-2019, 03:50 PM
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Re: Action in Japan


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