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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 02-06-2008, 02:26 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by seekfun View Post
Jia Jia is not as dao as some bros known to be lar. she is quite frenly and chatty...................... i think these two singers are not that dao. The only dao one is ling ting. Very new yet wan to act tough.
No matter where u go and what type of joints you patronise (be it KTV, nightclub, HFJ or even neighbourhood CC), it is bound to have thoses two types of gals - friendly-type and dao-type. Friendly type easy to make frriend with but some might find that them too easy a target. Dao-type though difficult to get near to them but that is the challenge in this chasing game right!!! Just look at those envy eyes staring at you when you are chatting and cracking jokes with the dao-type and you will feel that whatever efforts you put in to achieve such stage are worth. Just like climbing the mountain, there are many at the bottom and midway, very few reach the summit. Some are happy just to be there but they will not be able to enjoy the view if they fail to reach the top.

I am not here to boot myself but just to share my view as I also seldom reach the top - dao or not dao doesn't matter, just learn to know how to enjoy what type of funs with what type of gals and bros when cheoinging or else life will be very miserable seeing others achieved what you cannot achieve or afraid achieve.

I believe most of us here are not big players otherwise we will be busy spending money or having activities with gals and not here sharing views. Just select the right kakis and cheong within your limit. It is certain that there will be many friendly gals around to chat with and some more difficult targets planted there to test your capability, just pick what you like and start the funs!!!
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Old 02-06-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

bro seekfun's advice is fantastic, no joke!
will up your points (and bro otur's too) for providing such useful contribution bae...hahaha~
i agree that bros with plenty of TIME to spare may have the advantage at times when chionging HFJs.

one thing i like about pebbles is that there is no need to hang big flowers...
singers are appreciative of the $20-flower too.
perhaps, can revisit pebbles and check out jiajia again...wahahaha~

once again, thanks for the advices, bros!
will update you guys if there are surprises...hahaha~

hope that i did not offend any bros here with my not-so-straight thought towards the singers.

Old 02-06-2008, 02:53 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by dirty69warrior View Post
perhaps, can revisit pebbles and check out jiajia again...wahahaha

maybe u lreally like northern dishes. then jia jia. if not u can try cindy or coco also. both not bad at all. but looking at the way u post, think u diehard fan for northern dish. hahahaha
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg

Old 02-06-2008, 03:21 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by dirty69warrior View Post
not that i have no respect for singers, but i see no difference between singers and any other PRCs...
which many singers agreed too...
Me too me too....
I've been told that singers are different class of PRC. Fuck lah, what different class? It's not like they can actually sing also....

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Old 02-06-2008, 03:24 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by seekfun View Post
Jia Jia is not as dao as some bros known to be lar. she is quite frenly and chatty if you get to know her. She does have some big flowers like $1000 and above thrown to her but that is only once in a long while. Usual days she do not have much flowers tho. So if you wanna target her i think u still have chance. An advice for u to play the game with her is, she is not the type that will talk sex with you readily, ie, dun expect her to go to bed with you so easily. But she is the type that you need some time, need not be big money, but just some time to win over. hope that hints is clear enough

As for yuki, I only know that she is quite frenly, other than that dun know much I have never sit with her nor spoken to her. All in all, i think these two singers are not that dao. The only dao one is ling ting. Very new yet wan to act tough.

Also, in pebbles, u do not need to hang big flowers. I suggest u start with small flower like $20 and get to know the singers more first before u go out with big amount. Drop me an pm and we will arrange to go together and I will be able to tell u more.

well said bro. so when u wan bring me to pebbles? n recommend gd n nice gals to me hahahaha
Old 02-06-2008, 03:28 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by otur View Post
the master start talking liao
but u lidat say LT, wait bro DV get angry how ah
can intro coco to him also la
Sure can. not only coco. maybe even xiao mun also.
Old 02-06-2008, 03:29 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Bro Seekfun just b'cos LT does not shake hand with you means she is dao - wrong. She is actually very friendly OK. I experience that with other gals but just take it as nothing hor... we are there to be happy and not get angry with gals just b'cos they don't shake hands.

As for Yuki as far as i noe she is quite a hot property in Pebbles. She is not dao either. I have meals with her before. She is not my target but she will come over if i happen to be at Pebbles.
Old 02-06-2008, 03:30 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by itomichi View Post
No matter where u go and what type of joints you patronise (be it KTV, nightclub, HFJ or even neighbourhood CC), it is bound to have thoses two types of gals - friendly-type and dao-type. Friendly type easy to make frriend with but some might find that them too easy a target. Dao-type though difficult to get near to them but that is the challenge in this chasing game right!!! Just look at those envy eyes staring at you when you are chatting and cracking jokes with the dao-type and you will feel that whatever efforts you put in to achieve such stage are worth. Just like climbing the mountain, there are many at the bottom and midway, very few reach the summit. Some are happy just to be there but they will not be able to enjoy the view if they fail to reach the top.

I am not here to boot myself but just to share my view as I also seldom reach the top - dao or not dao doesn't matter, just learn to know how to enjoy what type of funs with what type of gals and bros when cheoinging or else life will be very miserable seeing others achieved what you cannot achieve or afraid achieve.

I believe most of us here are not big players otherwise we will be busy spending money or having activities with gals and not here sharing views. Just select the right kakis and cheong within your limit. It is certain that there will be many friendly gals around to chat with and some more difficult targets planted there to test your capability, just pick what you like and start the funs!!!
When i say dao i am not saying playing hard to get or whatever. Simply bad attitute and arrogant. I very seldom will describe singers that way. Most singers to me are quite ok. Except those who do not even greet you knowing you frequent that joint upteen times.
Old 02-06-2008, 03:33 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Dayview2004 View Post
Bro Seekfun just b'cos LT does not shake hand with you means she is dao OK. I experience that with other gals but just take it as nothing hor... we are there to be happy and not get angry with gals just b'cos they don't shake hands.

As for Yuki as far as i noe she is quite a hot property in Pebbles. She is not dao either. I have meals with her before. She is not my target but she will come over if i happen to be at Pebbles.
I din say yuki dao wat. Infact if u read carefully, i said she is ok. I have never have meals with her before but she will greet me when I am in Pebbles. So what a big different in attitudes compared to that ger rite.
Old 02-06-2008, 03:36 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by workpermit View Post
well said bro. so when u wan bring me to pebbles? n recommend gd n nice gals to me hahahaha

Anytime. just let me know when u wanna go. cheers.
Old 02-06-2008, 03:42 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by seekfun View Post
When i say dao i am not saying playing hard to get or whatever. Simply bad attitute and arrogant. I very seldom will describe singers that way. Most singers to me are quite ok. Except those who do not even greet you knowing you frequent that joint upteen times.
bro. 4get abt pebbles la. some singer there ready dam sian. dam xian shi. tis not the 1st time ready. some singer u say they r gd but to me i tested one of them n i see some of ur bro singer pattern. all fail. my one cent of advise. the ger down there fail ready. plu no pool n no game to play make me more sian of that place. if not becos that teacher is my long time friend n bro want to go. i rather stay at hm n play game.
Old 02-06-2008, 03:44 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by seekfun View Post
When i say dao i am not saying playing hard to get or whatever. Simply bad attitute and arrogant. I very seldom will describe singers that way. Most singers to me are quite ok. Except those who do not even greet you knowing you frequent that joint upteen times.
I am just referring to dao-typpe gals, not any particular one.
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:50 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by darke View Post
bro. 4get abt pebbles la. some singer there ready dam sian. dam xian shi. tis not the 1st time ready. some singer u say they r gd but to me i tested one of them n i see some of ur bro singer pattern. all fail. my one cent of advise. the ger down there fail ready. plu no pool n no game to play make me more sian of that place. if not becos that teacher is my long time friend n bro want to go. i rather stay at hm n play game.
Wah bro very true!!

I stopped going Pebbles after the second visit tho spotted few potential targets.

Nevertheless, I believe there are still some bros willing to stick their buttocks on the sofa seat till the end. Me like you must have some exercises for blood circulations.
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Old 02-06-2008, 03:59 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by newbadass View Post
Me too me too....
I've been told that singers are different class of PRC. Fuck lah, what different class? It's not like they can actually sing also....
Everybody after strip naked will be the same, but why some can earn more some can earn less?? Cos other than body and look, there are still something like educational level, experience, skill levels, talents, characters, qualitfications, abilities, status, etc that make ppl to be different from each other.

If just simply looking for hole then I think $20-$40 u can get one already, front or back your choice.

As for singers, even some don't respect them by their profession or appreciate their skills, at least respect them for the courage to stand on stage to perform. They are indeed different category/breed of PRCeven if some refuse to recognise or acknowledge it.
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Old 02-06-2008, 05:42 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by darke View Post
bro. 4get abt pebbles la. some singer there ready dam sian. dam xian shi. tis not the 1st time ready. some singer u say they r gd but to me i tested one of them n i see some of ur bro singer pattern. all fail. my one cent of advise. the ger down there fail ready. plu no pool n no game to play make me more sian of that place. if not becos that teacher is my long time friend n bro want to go. i rather stay at hm n play game.
Well that's your view. Thanks for sharing.
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