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Old 27-02-2005, 01:57 AM
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Unhappy Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by who_am_i
what is the meaning of tirak?

*piak* my forehead...walao~~~~~

Auspicium Melioris Aevi
Old 27-02-2005, 02:18 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by TooFast
You are asking for it huh?

Tirak = regular ger.

Good luck my friend.
This is where the term ""tirak" has been grossly abused to a point where some ppl used it to mean their regular ger.

The actually meaning of tirak (ที่ รัก) actually means "darling" or "loved one". Which means she (or he) is your beloved girlfriend (or boyfriend). Lover would be an appropriate equivalent.
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Old 27-02-2005, 02:23 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Ya hor. Hahaha, stupid me.

Thanks for telling me ah.
Old 27-02-2005, 07:10 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Thanks to Poolhot.... I had a great lay in the Lor 6 H41?? Think it's G5... sweet lass, on the darker skin tone. The works include BJ, little play of tongues, licks all over my bod... and I still manged ample time to service for for a short while. The fuck was passionate and if u;re not careful... u'll stumble into her KC trap...kekeke.... bewarned!

Phew... when was the last time I did a cat40??? 10 yrs? Hahaha....

Downgrade rejuvenation,
The Hustler
Old 27-02-2005, 09:46 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by The_Hustler
Thanks to Poolhot.... I had a great lay in the Lor 6 H41?? Think it's G5... sweet lass, on the darker skin tone. The works include BJ, little play of tongues, licks all over my bod... and I still manged ample time to service for for a short while. The fuck was passionate and if u;re not careful... u'll stumble into her KC trap...kekeke.... bewarned!

Phew... when was the last time I did a cat40??? 10 yrs? Hahaha....

Downgrade rejuvenation,
The Hustler
Wow, hustler. Envy you had a great time with L6 H41 G5. I wasn't that lucky. Even after 3 rtf. Have you read my FRs?
Old 28-02-2005, 12:31 AM
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L6H52G6, L6H72G9 and WH10G12 were all working so was quite relieved to see this angpai in the tank and chose her despite the OKT trying to promote his other gals.

Strangely, her boobs are much bigger than they look once she stripped! Whole process was rather SOP so let's cut to the cheese:

Name: Lin or something
Age: 26
Looks: 9/10 Stunning heritage of Thai dad and Swede (Swiss?) mum
Figure: 8/10 Average height, ass could be firmer
Boobs: 10/10 Soft (not saggy) 34Cs but look more than 34D/E
Kissing: Not allowed
BJ (with cap): 6/10 Quick and lacks suction
FJ: 7/10 Willing to change positions, tight cunt
RTF: Yes, hopefully she's warmer next time
Old 28-02-2005, 01:38 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

a few days ago went to H70 and got Gxx (can't remember because I always point at the girl, never bother with the number) 2nd try with her.... man was she grumpy on that day, while all the other WLs were smiling and seducing me with their eyes, she had an uninterested look, I still chosed her though because I like her butt.

so anyway, went into the room, SOP all the way and we hardly talked, whereas the 1st time with her, we talked a lot and she seems nicer that time.... anyway after the "work", I asked her "you tired is it?", and she said "nolah... so boring... no customer today.." I asked her "I number what?" ... she said "you the only one today"... and it was 8:30pm, and I said wah the whole day you just watch TV only... she say she's so bored and tired watching TV and working 13 hours per day... I told her working all like that what, even if working office or factory, everybody also boring... then she smile and laugh.

We TCSS for a while, and from the conversation, it sounds like she is tired of doing this work already.. poor girl... well I guess no matter if you are a WL or factory worker or office worker or teacher or engineer or technician or any kind of work, basically we all the same, at some point we're sick of our jobs....
Old 28-02-2005, 08:09 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by triplenoise
a few days ago went to H70 and got Gxx (can't remember because I always point at the girl, never bother with the number) 2nd try with her.... man was she grumpy on that day, while all the other WLs were smiling and seducing me with their eyes, she had an uninterested look, I still chosed her though because I like her butt.
Is she G21? I know G21 speaks decent mandarin. Nice butt too
Old 28-02-2005, 05:40 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

TF, so when is ur next trip to GL again?
Old 28-02-2005, 07:49 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by TooFast
Wow, hustler. Envy you had a great time with L6 H41 G5. I wasn't that lucky. Even after 3 rtf. Have you read my FRs?
Different strokes...different folks! Maybe me old man expectations not so high... and u young stud so higher expectations lah....kekeke.

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The Hustler
Old 28-02-2005, 11:50 PM
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Re: L18H40G18

Originally Posted by i00i
Okay, since we are talking about CAT40FRs, might as well post one.

SHe is very cheerful! And when she smile, she still got Bracelets on her teeth!!! Was wondering how the BJ will be like.


SHe told me that she will be returning back to Thailand next month, and will not be coming back anymore. If you crave for schoolgirl-type (bracelet in mouth), then hurry. But service so-so only.


I didn't know you could put bracelets in the mouth. I thought they were for wearing on the wrist...
Old 01-03-2005, 12:07 AM
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Re: L18h54g13

Originally Posted by nakata10
L6H52G6, L6H72G9 and WH10G12 were all working so was quite relieved to see this angpai in the tank and chose her despite the OKT trying to promote his other gals.

Strangely, her boobs are much bigger than they look once she stripped! Whole process was rather SOP so let's cut to the cheese:

Name: Lin or something
Age: 26
Looks: 9/10 Stunning heritage of Thai dad and Swede (Swiss?) mum
Figure: 8/10 Average height, ass could be firmer
Boobs: 10/10 Soft (not saggy) 34Cs but look more than 34D/E
Kissing: Not allowed
BJ (with cap): 6/10 Quick and lacks suction
FJ: 7/10 Willing to change positions, tight cunt
RTF: Yes, hopefully she's warmer next time
wah rating very high leh..But strange enough, u havent tell us which hse & number this gal from leh?
Old 01-03-2005, 12:28 AM
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Re: L18h54g13

Originally Posted by Mr.romance
wah rating very high leh..But strange enough, u havent tell us which hse & number this gal from leh?
he tell liao
look at d Re: part
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Old 01-03-2005, 08:20 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

FR on L6H72G9

at 1st wanted to try L6H66G16 but have to wait so i poceed to H72 look for G9. she has a slim figure, sweet looking and her boobs r big and soft. went into the rm, normal sop bath and went to the bed she give mi cat bath for a while b4 giving mi a bj and fj. her pussy is quite tight (compare wif those FL i had tried). after finishing, she let mi play her boob for a while b4 i leave.overall the service is so so maybe i go for 1 session onli, that why it abit rush.

Looks : 7/10 (sweet looking has a mole on her right chin)
Height : short (Dunno actual)
Body : 8/10 (small size very slim)
Skins : Smooth and quit fair
Boobs: 8/10 ( big and veri soft)
Attitude: 8/10 ( not bad)
Fj:7/10 (pussy quite tight)
RTF: maybe going to try 2 session or ON if got
Old 01-03-2005, 09:48 AM
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Re: L18H40G18

Originally Posted by Zerocool301

I didn't know you could put bracelets in the mouth. I thought they were for wearing on the wrist...
Aiya, those metal thingy that people wear to correct their teeth lah. THink they are called bracelets. Or am I wrong?
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