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Old 23-02-2014, 10:29 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Haha bro... I think u still don't get it...

Let me put this to u... If cp hotels offer 2,5,8 again, how many MMs do u think will go back to work? Think abt it hahhaha... No offence meant but I don't think many of us will be able to choose from those that willing to accept 2,5,8.

Like I said, u keep thinking from the demand side but u nv consider the supply side... Even if any Ktv contemplates going back to 2,5,8... U think they can get any substantial number of girls to work for them? If they got no supply u think demand will come to them?

Let's have a bet then, if cp ktvs do revert back to majority 2,5,8 and can still be as vibrant as last time, drinks on me... If not then how? Ur treat? Hahaha
I was quoting an example only 2,5,8..of course base on today inflations, it may not possible, even hv, those could be 菜鸟 which we most likely won't b picking them (at least as Main Dish...)

Wat I meant is, after the crack down, it may not necessary increase price

(No Offence...If we were to bet tat one day S'pore sell Kopi-O for only 50 cents, which was more than 20yrs ago, I won't b betting )
Old 23-02-2014, 10:31 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by krone View Post
Haha bro... I think u still don't get it...

Let me put this to u... If cp hotels offer 2,5,8 again, how many MMs do u think will go back to work? Think abt it hahhaha... No offence meant but I don't think many of us will be able to choose from those that willing to accept 2,5,8.

Like I said, u keep thinking from the demand side but u nv consider the supply side... Even if any Ktv contemplates going back to 2,5,8... U think they can get any substantial number of girls to work for them? If they got no supply u think demand will come to them?

Let's have a bet then, if cp ktvs do revert back to majority 2,5,8 and can still be as vibrant as last time, drinks on me... If not then how? Ur treat? Hahaha
I don't think any gal will willingly accept going down in price, however situations sometimes cause them to realize that going down in price increase their earnings.

To give an example, I knew a 5-12-18 in Peninsular, and she's quite nice looking and worth the money. However, after a while she decided to change to 4-10-15, because she found that 5-12-18 usually gets taken out short-time and she earns 1200-200 = 1000RMB for that night, but at 4-10-15 she usually gets taken LT and earns 1500-170=1330 RMB for that night.

What's more she also chu pattern quite a bit for early customers because she is quite confident she can get second sitting after 10.30-11. This increases her earnings by 300 give or take.

At the end it's all economics and sometimes the gals figure out that more money can be made by increasing volume?

Perhaps the KTVs might go the way of gentleman clubs whereby you pay 100RMB per hour of the gals time so it becomes more equitable to the lady? I mean it's a bit nonsensical that the gal gets 300RMB whether you sit her to 2am or leave at 9pm. This causes a lot of them to chut pattern.
Old 23-02-2014, 10:33 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Allanooi View Post
Bro wolfman2012 share leh?
SZ, ShuiWeiChun, WangTingJuLeBu

If you wan e details, PM me..but tis period they may entertain only regulars
Old 23-02-2014, 12:06 PM
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Re: Events In CP

LOL...I believed the debate was started becoz I mentioned 2-5-8.

Well, it might be a possibility.

Im those type who usually go for low cat and I dun find them really that "pork chop" or ugly.
Maybe they are shorter coz CP rates goes in accordance with height.
Means Jolin Tsai might end up in lower cat.

It is price vs expectations. If everyone in the FS is 3-7-10...obviously I picked the better ones....but if suddenly got 2-5-8....I might want to take a look.

Everything is still mostly guessing n hypothesis.
I guess market forces will decide if....if CP ever comes back alive.

But taking out FS in KTV n SN will take the sexperience index lower, especially for newbies.
And this will make CP KTVs/SNs not much diff from others.

Another aspect to consider is most of the gals who work in CP comes from Guangdong / Hunan / GuangXi area. Provinces close by.
If you are a fresh starter, you would want to want to work nearby rather than further.
My focus is mainly fresh starters...seasoned pros I not interested.
GD area still a magnet especially to HKs n Twn think these ppl want fly further north for sexperience?
Further more, not all MMs would want to go North coz they might not be able to compete with their northern counterparts who are taller, fairer n fuller.

You can say Im dreaming...but I rather think on the bright side.
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Old 23-02-2014, 12:39 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by wolfman2012 View Post
Wat I meant is, after the crack down, it may not necessary increase price

(No Offence...If we were to bet tat one day S'pore sell Kopi-O for only 50 cents, which was more than 20yrs ago, I won't b betting )
Haha if it goes back down to 50 cents then maybe I can afford to treat u kopi-O leow haha... Cheers bro, hopefully things do go bak to normal soon...

Originally Posted by fastspawn View Post
I don't think any gal will willingly accept going down in price, however situations sometimes cause them to realize that going down in price increase their earnings.

To give an example, I knew a 5-12-18 in Peninsular, and she's quite nice looking and worth the money. However, after a while she decided to change to 4-10-15, because she found that 5-12-18 usually gets taken out short-time and she earns 1200-200 = 1000RMB for that night, but at 4-10-15 she usually gets taken LT and earns 1500-170=1330 RMB for that night.

What's more she also chu pattern quite a bit for early customers because she is quite confident she can get second sitting after 10.30-11. This increases her earnings by 300 give or take.

At the end it's all economics and sometimes the gals figure out that more money can be made by increasing volume?

Perhaps the KTVs might go the way of gentleman clubs whereby you pay 100RMB per hour of the gals time so it becomes more equitable to the lady? I mean it's a bit nonsensical that the gal gets 300RMB whether you sit her to 2am or leave at 9pm. This causes a lot of them to chut pattern.
Wow I think it'll be interesting if they adopt the per hour charging haha... On a side note, I totally agree with ur point that they will want to lower their category to get more money... But we are talking abt 1800 down to 1500... Which is still a lot of money for them.. My point is want them to go back to 2,5,8 is virtually impossible... If they even touch close to 丽人 price of 3,6,9 I will be happy leow hahahha

Originally Posted by lacoruna69 View Post
LOL...I believed the debate was started becoz I mentioned 2-5-8.

Well, it might be a possibility.

It is price vs expectations. If everyone in the FS is 3-7-10...obviously I picked the better ones....but if suddenly got 2-5-8....I might want to take a look.

Everything is still mostly guessing n hypothesis.
I guess market forces will decide if....if CP ever comes back alive.

But taking out FS in KTV n SN will take the sexperience index lower, especially for newbies.
And this will make CP KTVs/SNs not much diff from others.

Another aspect to consider is most of the gals who work in CP comes from Guangdong / Hunan / GuangXi area. Provinces close by.
If you are a fresh starter, you would want to want to work nearby rather than further.
My focus is mainly fresh starters...seasoned pros I not interested.
GD area still a magnet especially to HKs n Twn think these ppl want fly further north for sexperience?
Further more, not all MMs would want to go North coz they might not be able to compete with their northern counterparts who are taller, fairer n fuller.

You can say Im dreaming...but I rather think on the bright side.
We all hope it'll go there as well haha.. But as quite a few of the bros will tell u, quite a number of hk and tw punters already find the prices high and have been exploring other places already..

If u have noticed, more than 4yrs ago, most of the girls are from Hunan and Sichuan.. Nowadays, mostly from Guangdong and Guangdong and sometimes yunnan.. There is definitely a drop in number of MMs from Hunan and Sichuan already, notwithstanding those who have been in cp for a while... Most of those from Hunan and Sichuan are already beginning to find other places to go to already..

Anyways I agree with what u say, there is nothing wrong with dreaming and hoping for the best haha... For the sake of us punters I hope u will be right too heh heh... Cheers out!

next trip: CA/CP trip: erm... i'll nv know....
Old 23-02-2014, 12:49 PM
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Re: Events In CP


More details here:

 “东莞童鞋注意了,非法同居要拘留!”昨日,有微博网友贴出一张“房东提示”引起了网友热议 。

  该“提示”称,目前东莞市正清查整顿出租房,若男女同居且不能提供证明夫妻关系的证件,警方将以“非法 同居”进行拘留。

  此外,另有网友发微博称“虎门对没有结婚证的拘留3个月”、“同居没结婚证一律非法同居罪”和“大朗、 塘厦等地已抓获7000人”。

  昨日新京报记者就此向东莞市公安局、黄江派出所及东莞市委宣传部求证,均表示否认。昨晚8时左右,东莞 警方官微“@平安东莞”发消息称上述说法为“虚假信息”。


  在网上流传的一张落款为“2月20日”的纸质提示照片上,自称“曾生”的房东提醒租客,“目前东莞市正 对出租房屋进行清查整顿”。

  提示写道:“凡是在租房同居的男女房客,务必备好结婚证及夫妻相关证件,以防公安部门检查。如在对租房 清查过程中,男女同居不能提供相关的夫妻证件,公安部门将以非法同居进行拘留。”

  昨晚,记者通过私信联系了几位转发了该消息的微博账号试图求证,并寻找原始发帖者。但截至发稿,均无人 回应。

  记者随后电话采访了东莞的一位房东王小姐。她是东莞厚街镇居民,家中出租了一套房子。据她介绍,没有听 闻类似说法。

  记者还分别电话采访了房源分别位于南五村、陈屋村、三屯村的当地房东。他们均表示没有听说 该说法。

  警方官微辟谣 否认与“扫黄”有联系

  “只要证明是情侣关系,核查后确认没有涉黄,是不会有后果的。”昨日下午,东莞市公安局否认了拘留“非 法同居者”的说法。警方表示,没有结婚证的同居男女会被抓是谣言。
Old 23-02-2014, 01:06 PM
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Re: Events In CP

  “只要证明是情侣关系,核查后确认没有涉黄,是不会有后果的。”昨日下午,东莞市公安局否 认了拘留“非 法同居者”的说法。警方表示,没有结婚证的同居男女会被抓是谣言。

Yep. I like I say, it was crap!
Old 23-02-2014, 01:41 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by wolfman2012 View Post
SZ, ShuiWeiChun, WangTingJuLeBu

If you wan e details, PM me..but tis period they may entertain only regulars
Bro wolfman2012 i pm-ed u le....
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Old 23-02-2014, 03:03 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
PZL told us they will open on tues (18th feb) but on that day, no sound no picture … :roll eyes:
no one can know exactly what will happen next …
Was there on 20th n 21st, they r still closed.....
un R.E.T.I.R.E.D............
Old 23-02-2014, 04:03 PM
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Arrow G-Club

Originally Posted by fastspawn View Post
Perhaps the KTVs might go the way of gentleman clubs whereby you pay 100RMB per hour of the gals time so it becomes more equitable to the lady? I mean it's a bit nonsensical that the gal gets 300RMB whether you sit her to 2am or leave at 9pm. This causes a lot of them to chut pattern.
You think Bangkok G-Club's billing system meh?
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Old 23-02-2014, 04:26 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by george645 View Post
  “只要证明是情侣关系,核查后确认没有涉黄,是不会有后果的。”昨日下午,东莞市公安局否 认了拘留“非 法同居者”的说法。警方表示,没有结婚证的同居男女会被抓是谣言。

Yep. I like I say, it was crap!
On safe side, best register girl when check into hotel and keep low profile going in and out I suppose.

If it's illegal I suppose hotel would stop the check-in registration
Old 23-02-2014, 08:22 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by Ahh Fatt View Post
Was there on 20th n 21st, they r still closed.....
fatt kor … u siam me izzit ??

if one can believe every word the chinese said .. then pigs can fly liao ….
Old 23-02-2014, 11:32 PM
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Arrow Mayflower KTV

Mayflower KTV re-opening on 24/02/14 can forget it liao.
Old 24-02-2014, 07:37 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
fatt kor … u siam me izzit ??

if one can believe every word the chinese said .. then pigs can fly liao ….
Yes, Brother,

The fact that the authority is making the final call in determining whether a couple found in the same room is having some form of relationship (i.e. lovers, married couples) leaves many questions to be answered. I rather do not believe in this crap!
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Old 24-02-2014, 08:51 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Just a comment:
I am currently up in a North China area that usually doesn't get to bothered too much by the normal yanda's. However this time all the KTV's and similar establishments are closed until further notice. Also after contacting several girls I know well, none of them are willing to come to my hotel, they are really afraid! In fact some are in actual hiding, not going out, staying in their apartments, etc.

So at least for me, this is really a dry period. But I can say that it will be a relatively inexpensive business trip. Where I would normally spend 3 to 4 thousand USD on play time while I am here, this trip will be less than 1 thousand and probably even less than that. Multiply that by the number of businessmen visiting from around the globe and you have got a huge impact! mrclen
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