Erotic short stories
I've always secretly wanted watch my bf fuck another girl in my presence. Yet I am also afraid I would be jealous
We talked about it a couple of times in bed. He was non chalent about the idea. Always insisting and assuring me I am enough. I know I am... But... It just turns me on so much.. The thought of it... So watch my bf fuck another girl hard.
We even role played. I'm glad my boy played alongside my fantasy and enjoyed himself. Every time we fucked in this role play.. I climax multiple times. The thought of it makes me horny..
I always have such thoughts when I meet a hot girl or colleague. It makes me feel special to see My bf fuck her like a slut.
There was this once i went clubbing with my bf. I saw a few sluts in tight dresses. How I wish I could just get my bf to fuck them on the dance floor. My panties are soaking wet that night...
My dream finally happened last night.... I do jot know what got into me but I never regretted it. I succeeded in turning my bf into a cuckbull... With a little trick of course.... This happened when I went clubbing with my female friends one night.
He was waiting for me to pick me up. My friends and I are high and all yesterday. In the party I danced with them and there is this girl that caught my eye. Gisele. As I got to know her... She is here with her female friends as well. I befriended her and danced with her. We are high and grinding each other sexily.. Quickly becoming the attention of everyone on the dance floor.
We then went to have a drink... I let out my secret fantasy to her... And asked if she was game...
She is....