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17-07-2015, 01:43 PM
Wasn't that you
You Evil Clowns are truly amazing in being able to twist everything to suit your own nefarious agenda.

Unfortunately, the facts are here for all to see and to make their own mind up on.

17-07-2015, 02:45 PM
Now he trying to make less posting as possible, to avoid being say that he is paedophile. Otherwise you will see his nick everywhere. :eek::D

He thought by laying low for a few days then the heat on him will be off his back. Sneaky bastard similar to that crook stealth agent indianmagicoil aka ChiefPilot.

Unfortunately, the facts are here for all to see and to make their own mind up on.

Unfortunately, the facts are here for all to see and to make their own mind up on that you are an underage girl pimp stealthing for business via PMs.

Wasn't that you who have nefarious agenda, starting the anti stealth campaign but failed badly?

Accusing others without any evidences.

And by the way the facts are here all for them to see how crook are you idiot!

See so many against you, not only in this section but in other section as well, not to forget even Sam got irritated by your postings idiot. So what are you trying to prove here?:rolleyes:

Indeed a classic post by boss Sam. If Sam is really pissed off by SEAJ's opinionated verbal diarrhea that means there must be some truth!

Please allow me to quote boss Sam's epic comments again for those who missed out.


Give me a fucking break. No wonder the whole forum is pissed off with your nonsense as your opinionated verbal diarrhea seems to have no limits.

Perhaps I should hand the site over to you for some spring cleaning since you're mister know all in just about every department.

SEAJ's skin is even thicker than an elephant's. He does not know the meaning of shame!

Carry on!

17-07-2015, 04:26 PM
He thought by laying low for a few days then the heat on him will be off his back. Sneaky bastard similar to that crook stealth agent indianmagicoil aka ChiefPilot.
Woo Hooo!!!!

You crooks starting your turf wars huh?!!

Getting out the popcorn to see the fireworks!

Woo Hooo!!


17-07-2015, 05:30 PM
Now he trying to make less posting as possible, to avoid being say that he is paedophile. Otherwise you will see his nick everywhere. :eek::D

haha and that idiot will of course pretend not caring of what people say on him ... SURE


17-07-2015, 05:34 PM
SEAJ's skin is even thicker than an elephant's. He does not know the meaning of shame!

If only his intellect could be as thick as his skin :rolleyes:

17-07-2015, 08:52 PM
If only his intellect could be as thick as his skin :rolleyes:

If only his cock can be half as thick as his intellect, which itself is half as thick as his skin!

19-07-2015, 01:30 PM
Readers may be wondering why all this bile here.
Please allow me to summarize how and why these crooks/cyber hooligans have it so bad against me/why they are so persistent.

-I started out on SBF just wanting to share whatever I know and since I am most familiar with Chang Ping GD, PRC that is what I had usually contributed about.
-Problem started when I posted up suggestions on how not to get carrot-headed at KTV’s, which of course crimps the takings of a crook stealth agent gang – these crooks here who pretends to just be a regular Samster to befriend their prey and scam them by getting huge kick-backs from KTV’s saunas etc.
-This gang of crooks never let off in their bile trying to shut me up, mass zapped me time and again and kept hounding me.
-When Chang Ping got “shut down” last year, I started trying to find another mongering destination which was when I discovered that similar crook stealth agent gangs are thick on other International threads.
-I then took it upon myself to inform unsuspecting Samsters about how these crooks operate and how to avoid getting scammed by them by starting the thread –
HIDDEN DANGERS! Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas. https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851
Please check this thread out for details, which BTW is a second one as these crooks managed to totally deface the first one.
-As you can see, my “enemies” are many different gangs and they use multiple clones/nicks to harass and try to discredit me. And their persistence reflects the fact that they are protecting their crooked rice bowl. Those on here are only the latest crop of clones and for sure will be replaced/supplanted with new ones.
- To complicate matters, there are also the cyber hooligans and feeble-minds who get manipulated and spurred by these crooks to further harass me.
-I always say right is right and these crooks’ scamming is the worst kind of wrong/ethnic scam against unsuspecting Singaporeans. And I just will not let up from doing the right thing.


19-07-2015, 05:23 PM
To all readers who wonder who is SEAJ :

Here is what boss Sam think of him

"Give me a fucking break. No wonder the whole forum is pissed off with your nonsense as your opinionated verbal diarrhea seems to have no limits.

Perhaps I should hand the site over to you for some spring cleaning since you're mister know all in just about every department."

Facts :

1) That mad dog of SEAJ accusing people he dislikes of beeing stealth agent, clone etc without proof. And no one, not even boss sam, ask him to do such disgusting task (delation).

2) That mad dog of SEAJ keep spreading his bullshit and nonsense all over the board : He is reponsible of the shut down of the first CP thread and as you can see that's why Boss created this thread where he can spread his shit and not polluate other threads.

3) That mad dog of SEAJ like twisting words of others and acting like a victim as you can read above.

4) 1, 2 & 3 are truth that's why no one support him as you can see here.

So may I suggest bro here to just ignore his post, and like us, sitting back, enjoying his delirium while eating pop corn.


19-07-2015, 06:17 PM
These crooks have really stepped way out of line, not caring an iota about the future/viability of SBF with their continued posting about paedophilia which further puts OUR forum in jeopardy. A problem all of their creation as up to now there really has not been anything about this disgusting perversion apart from what they themselves have been posting.

Yes I have always responded/advised in the past that it best that nobody else gets involved in my sole battle against them as they are just too many and they too evil; that there is no winning against crooks who are preserving their crooked rice bowl. But I am now worried that these crooks WILL destroy SBF.

And so to those who’ve PM’d me previously, go right ahead if you want to do your part in trying to rid SBF from these parasites; but I still advise that you do NOT do so publicly and instead just “Report Post” by clicking on the exclamation sign on the right top corner of their posts.

And especially to you paying advertisers, I apologize that I had advised you previously not to get involved and yet have NOT been able to effectively do “My Job.” I especially feel bad that these crooks’ activities had affected your honest business all these years. So yes, it IS high time that you and everybody else who cares about SBF to go ahead and act. Let Boss and the Mods understand that you are also disgusted that these crooks have been given so much free reign over SBF.

Please refer to my signature line on who your present targets should be – knowing full well that they are using/will use other clones/nicks too.

Thanks and I wish all of us good luck in our endeavour.


19-07-2015, 06:42 PM
What did I tell ya bro? As you can read above, actin' like a victim, twisting reality ... so typical of that mad dog.


19-07-2015, 06:52 PM
What did I tell ya bro? As you can read above, actin' like a victim, twisting reality ... so typical of that mad dog.

Right - this idiot is just a racist angmo sitting is some basement in Detroit or the Appalachians, spouting off his usual bile.

19-07-2015, 09:43 PM
WELL TYPED. Too bad cant up your points anymore. :D:D:D

Still your usual blah blah blah and more bullcrap!
When are you going to reply to the following?
Or are you gonna, like usual, just lie and say that you’ve already replied before?
If you really did reply, simple to just link us to it; but of course impossible as such does NOT exit!

OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.

1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?

2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?

3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?


19-07-2015, 09:48 PM
I don't see any racist remarks in his posts. Well you just love to say whatever is untrue. Not the first time. :eek::rolleyes:
Not I who has established that he is a Bigot angmoh!

.......PS - I just received word that Snacky is actually the same low self-esteem angmoh who's been attacking Singaporeans and other Asians using all sorts of other nicks on SBF. No wonder/makes sense now.

19-07-2015, 11:16 PM
Not I who has established that he is a Bigot angmoh!

My dear retarded son seaj. Its not nice to call others angmoh. Especially when you were conceived in a test tube, mixing dog sperm with pig embryo.

19-07-2015, 11:35 PM
Right - this idiot is just a racist angmo sitting is some basement in Detroit or the Appalachians, spouting off his usual bile.

See dear bro, what did I tell you? Accusing people without evidence.


19-07-2015, 11:39 PM
But I didn't see anyone saying Snacky is a farang. :rolleyes:

He said that coz my dick is bigger than his HAHAHA


19-07-2015, 11:41 PM
Again repeating your stupid questions. Like I said my posts isn't as many as yours why can't you use the button search. Need for me to link it for you? I thought you good at this?

And why should I answer it again, and why should I comply to you idiot, when you always skipped my questions and just answer when you can?
as predicted!

YES, I need for you to link it to me!!
Let's see how you're gonna twist and turn out of doing so!!!

19-07-2015, 11:43 PM
And why should I answer it again, and why should I comply to you idiot, when you always skipped my questions and just answer when you can? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

In case that mad dog doesn't understand what you mean, here is a picture to show how much you care of that mad dog posts :D

http://s17.postimg.org/b2awccq0b/3157797_bae65d23060d907c34b033fe95577c52.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/b2awccq0b/)

19-07-2015, 11:45 PM
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Just like I established that you is a pimp for underaged girls and big crook in here. Total there's 3 samsters saying this. :eek:

Still with this total lie about under-aged girls, NOT giving a damn that you're putting SBF in further jeopardy with the Press/authorities.

3 Samsters! Yeah right - it's only you crooks repeating the same lie again and again just to turn it into perceived truth.
Give it up already!! LMFAO


19-07-2015, 11:47 PM
He said that coz my dick is bigger than his HAHAHA

Yes you ARE a big Dick!


19-07-2015, 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Snacky View Post
He said that coz my dick is bigger than his HAHAHA

Yes you ARE a big Dick!


Like I said before, the mad dog likes twisting other's words ...

thanks for providing evidence fool


19-07-2015, 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Snacky View Post
He said that coz my dick is bigger than his HAHAHA
Like I said before, the mad dog likes twisting other's words ...
Weak..... as usual
Donald Trump must be your idol.


20-07-2015, 12:05 AM
Weak..... as usual
Donald Trump must be your idol.


http://s1.postimg.org/lruducawb/i_could_eat_a_bowl_of_alphabet_soup_cat_cats_kit.j pg (http://postimg.org/image/lruducawb/)


20-07-2015, 12:06 AM
... ..Me crook? Where's the evidences? Like to I'm waiting for months for you to produce the evidences. Instead you keep on your garbage thesis about mongering. Give up? Not until you fuck off from this forum.

The Evidence and the proof is in your own words as in bold below:
OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.

1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?

2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?

3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?


20-07-2015, 12:09 AM
http://s1.postimg.org/lruducawb/i_could_eat_a_bowl_of_alphabet_soup_cat_cats_kit.j pg (http://postimg.org/image/lruducawb/)

Yes all that comes out of you IS Shit!
Just stick with your racist rants!


20-07-2015, 12:10 AM
You called this evidences? You must be mad! Seriously mad. Time to see a shrink soon SISSY SEAJ. :eek:YUP - Evidence!
In your own words!

Let's see how you're now gonna refute your own words.

20-07-2015, 12:28 AM
You just displayed another stupidity of yours here. You called them evidence when I reasoning out with you. So another word there no way one can reason with you. What an unreasonable scumbag. :rolleyes:
Blah Blah Blah.
I don't just "call" them evidence - they ARE evidence and in YOUR OWN WORDS.

LMFAO - what... you ran out of all the bile words you usually use?

Soooo.... CROOK! What more you got?
Oh, I know.. go cry-cry baby to your other crook "brothers" for reinforcement!


20-07-2015, 12:32 AM
Right, your evidences are so obvious that they don't convince anyone, especially boss Sam.


20-07-2015, 12:39 AM
Right, your evidences are so obvious that they don't convince anyone, especially boss Sam.
What???!!! You so mad you cain't even make any sense now?

Just go back to your racist rantings, hillbilly!


20-07-2015, 12:40 AM
And you sound so pity that nobody backing you up. Pity lil SISSY SEAJ.

Yup, sometimes I feel pity for that dog, when I see no one support him .. I almost feel like to create another account to up him



20-07-2015, 12:42 AM

It's very hard to debate with unreasonable crook. Well I still lose to you when you got nothing to say your answer will be

"So what" "LMFAO" and worse you C+P and re edit the sentence and insert back the nick that you going to address.

You called that evidence, but not for me. Beside that you got no more right. What a pathetic evidence you have there and got the cheek to call me crook. :rolleyes:

I doesn't need to call. They will auto come and give you. See you got cheek to use big words when you even can't understand simple word like "TEAM" Sam said TEAM 88088 vs TEAM SEAJ. So what's wrong others coming in?

And you sound so pity that nobody backing you up. Pity lil SISSY SEAJ.

You Too??

So mad now that you also cain't put two words together to make sense?
You poor poor baby!


20-07-2015, 12:46 AM
yup, sometimes i feel pity for that dog, when i see no one support him .. I almost feel like to create another account to up him

Feel? FEEL??!!! You???!!!
The only time you feel anything is when you're insulting others or ranting racist epithets

Stupid Hillbilly!


20-07-2015, 12:48 AM
My sentiment exactly. :D

He is in his world la. In HCM thread, samsters talk about food in there he go and compare food in HK. :eek: What a busybody moron. :eek::rolleyes:
Wahhh.... You're REALLY fixating on me huh?

What.... you're some closet gay?
On top of being a CROOK!!!!

Or are you that poofter who took compromising pictures with a closet gay Samster and blackmailed him?


20-07-2015, 12:59 AM
Mad? Ain't as mad as you when samsters labelled you as a pimp for underaged girls and when you confidently stated that you doesn't care a dime what samsters going to think of you, and you start your thesis about it just like when many zapped you years ago. :eek:

Poor lil SISSY SEAJ. :DStill can't beat you. When you kissing h88's ass every now and then and now Isaigon turn. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
WTF are you saying?

Spit it out man!!
Spit it out, you poofter crook!
Good God! Your postings are getting more and more disjointed as you lose your temper and your marbles


20-07-2015, 01:06 AM
I hit your raw nerve?
Raw nerve?
WHAAAATTT.... are you talking about?

You've really lost all your marbles haven't you?!!

Your own words proving that you are a crook! I guess that will do it for you!!
Your poor poor baby.
A Crook, a poofter and now a loony!


20-07-2015, 01:13 AM

Another stupidity of yours is being display here again.
OH.... MY...... GAWD!!

Make sense will ya!!
A Crook, a poofter, a loony and now spouting off gibberish.


20-07-2015, 01:34 AM

Talking about make sense, you think your postings all make sense? Accusing me without any solid proof.
Sheesh.... back to this!
The Evidence and the proof is in your own words as in bold below:

OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.

1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?

2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?

3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?


20-07-2015, 01:36 AM
Still with this total lie about under-aged girls, NOT giving a damn that you're putting SBF in further jeopardy with the Press/authorities.

Hoot! Hoot!

The truth hurts right SEAJ the underage girl pimp! You are the one that is putting SBF in further jeopardy with the Press/authorities.

There are at least 3 samsters that have stepped forward to whistle blow you are an underage girl pimp!

Right, your evidences are so obvious that they don't convince anyone, especially boss Sam.

Boss Sam stopped replying to him liao as will vomit blood.

I doesn't need to call. They will auto come and give you. See you got cheek to use big words when you even can't understand simple word like "TEAM" Sam said TEAM 88088 vs TEAM SEAJ. So what's wrong others coming in?

And you sound so pity that nobody backing you up. Pity lil SISSY SEAJ.

Yup, sometimes I feel pity for that dog, when I see no one support him .. I almost feel like to create another account to up him

Team SEAJ + 0. All his previous supporters are either his clones or humji liao seeing the amount of people that he has pissed off!

Or are you that poofter who took compromising pictures with a closet gay Samster and blackmailed him?

You bloody bastard only you can do such blackmail stuff. Not only you pimp underage girls but take video of your customers in action without them knowing!

Just disgusted!

20-07-2015, 01:42 AM
Hoot! Hoot!

The truth hurts right SEAJ the underage girl pimp! You are the one that is putting SBF in further jeopardy with the Press/authorities....

You bloody bastard only you can do such blackmail stuff. Not only you pimp underage girls but take video of your customers in action without them knowing!

Ahhh..... sure.... as predicted.... another crook here to bolster his fellow crook!
And still spouting off about under-aged girls to put SBF in further jeopardy.

So..... that's what you do huh? Taking videos and blackmailing your prey. Typical!

Try again fool!

20-07-2015, 01:43 AM
Oh my GAWD!

Make sense will ya! Those isn't evidence. You dummy. :rolleyes:
So .... you're refuting your own words?
HILARIOUS..... and so stupido!

20-07-2015, 01:54 AM
Dear Readers:

This is how disgusting AND dangerous these crooks are.

Remember - do NOT ever meet strangers from SBF and best not to even be in PM contact, as these crooks are so skillful in their scamming that they'll soon convince you to meet them.


20-07-2015, 01:56 AM
Nope I didn't. Dummy of course having hard time to comprehend simply words. :eek:
LMFAO - so you're confirming that you stand by your words that you are a crook!!


20-07-2015, 02:42 AM
Dear Readers:

This is how disgusting AND dangerous these crooks are.

Remember - do NOT ever meet strangers from SBF and best not to even be in PM contact, as these crooks are so skillful in their scamming that they'll soon convince you to meet them.


So how does it feel to talk to yourself and see no one is buying your bullshit??


20-07-2015, 02:45 AM
So how does it feel to talk to yourself and see no one is buying your bullshit??

And here you are!!

What, you stop your racist rantings now, hillbilly?

20-07-2015, 02:56 AM
What, you stop your racist rantings now, hillbilly?

Me racist, said the one who called me "angmo"


Pls keep ridicule yourself, I'm enjoyin' it :D

20-07-2015, 03:01 AM
Me racist, said the one who called me "angmo"


Pls keep ridicule yourself, I'm enjoyin' it :D
Ahhh.... sooo...GOOD!!

Now you know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of bigotry!
So, you still gonna continue with your racist rantings?

Yeah yeah yeah - USA, USA, USA!!
Big deal, hillbilly!


20-07-2015, 04:11 AM
Ahhh.... sooo...GOOD!!

Now you know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of bigotry!
So, you still gonna continue with your racist rantings?

Yeah yeah yeah - USA, USA, USA!!
Big deal, hillbilly!


And I am supposed to get affected by your bullshit on me?

Naive fool ! :D


20-07-2015, 12:28 PM
Wow! Where is the team SEAJ?
Wheres your gang with immoral earnings?

Everyday same nick same words. Boring! *yawn*

Can his "supporters" give him some pathetic support?
With some new ideas/concept.

Idiots like me, also got bored of his same words, repeated everyday.
Total waste of bandwidth.

20-07-2015, 02:35 PM
Hey boss SEAJ, don't let your enemies insult you by saying you have no supporters. I am your die hard fan. Just remember to take care of me on your next pedofile adventure ok?

20-07-2015, 05:38 PM
Wow! Where is the team SEAJ?
Wheres your gang with immoral earnings?

Everyday same nick same words. Boring! *yawn*

Can his "supporters" give him some pathetic support?
With some new ideas/concept.

Idiots like me, also got bored of his same words, repeated everyday.
Total waste of bandwidth.

Team SEAJ is one person and his clones that he himself cannot keep up with logging on and logging off.

His accusations of others cloning themselves to go after him has been proven untrue coz there are just so many after his sorry ass. There have been too many this idiot offended while trying to rule Sammyboy. The day someone offers his identify and address or contact online , he is never going to live another quiet day. But seeing the way he conducts himself , we can see he is some kind of keyboard warrior ; friendless and not respected so he has try to be someone in cyber world.

He and his imaginary 'supporters' and so-called friends can kiss my ass!

20-07-2015, 08:20 PM
Team SEAJ is one person and his clones that he himself cannot keep up with logging on and logging off.

(...) But seeing the way he conducts himself , we can see he is some kind of keyboard warrior ; friendless and not respected so he has try to be someone in cyber world.

He and his imaginary 'supporters' and so-called friends can kiss my ass!

I couldn't have said any better than that bro. :)

22-07-2015, 12:44 AM
Hoot! Hoot!

So many chak SEAJ the underage girl pimp until he humji so quiet.


22-07-2015, 06:34 AM
So many chak SEAJ the underage girl pimp until he humji so quiet.


Impossible for that asshole to keep his chee bye mouth quiet.

22-07-2015, 11:28 AM
He only no guts to take on you guys head on,

Going under the skirts of the moderators and
Pretend to be good dictator in ALL other threads.

Tho i have never read about "good dictator" in history.

22-07-2015, 01:05 PM
Sad to admit. This son of mine Seaj, is indeed mo lan yong.

22-07-2015, 04:18 PM
He only no guts to take on you guys head on,

Going under the skirts of the moderators and
Pretend to be good dictator in ALL other threads.

Tho i have never read about "good dictator" in history.

Yes, as I said many times before, one of his stupid tactic is to act like a victim when his others stupid tactics failed miserably (IE telling lies, acting as if he doesn't care, talk to his imaginary friends to make us think lot of bro support him ...etc). But even mods and boss ignored him LOL

It becomes more and more obvious to all bros here that no one give a damn shit about what he has to say and his stupid crusade. :D

All he can do now is gesticulating and spitting shit from his mouth alone in his own thread whenever his asshole feel itchy.

Although he pisses off everybody on this board, including boss Sam, still deny reality ... that mad dog must be really friendless in his real life.


22-07-2015, 08:18 PM
Although he pisses off everybody on this board, including boss Sam, still deny reality ... that mad dog must be really friendless in his real life.

Pariah individuals may partake in sickening acts such as pedophilia.


Comorbidity and personality traits
Studies of pedophilia in child sex offenders often report that it co-occurs with other psychopathologies, such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and personality problems.

SEAJ the underage girl pimp displays a lot of the above symptoms!

SO WHERES THE SISSY SEAJ? Beside cock caught his mouth, his balls also suddenly shrink? :eek:

Either he is busy with his pimping business or keeping low profile from Hong Kong SAR, China or Singapore Police.

SEAJ I advise you better not use the Hong Kong/Shenzhen, China border crossing too much as you may get red flagged by authorities.


23-07-2015, 03:31 PM
Wooo Hoooo!!!
You crooks still on this tired old strategy!

Boss don’t care as all your unfounded accusations flying all over the forum are just that - totally unfounded/outright lies which do not besmirch SBF. And so I equally couldn’t/shouldn’t care less!

I’ve stated in the past that whatever you crooks accuse me of does not matter an iota as my participation on SBF has absolutely nothing to do with my real life; instead, all it does is to bolster my main mission on here to warn Samsters to be aware of you thieves and scammers rife on SBF – especially for overseas threads as us cheongsters become “captive sitting ducks” when overseas.

So I say go right ahead with all the lies and disgusting accusations suckers – because it just reinforces the message that you crooks are truly evil, and puts on full display your foul methods.


23-07-2015, 05:42 PM
Ah seaj! You are back to suck cock again!

23-07-2015, 06:02 PM
And of course, that mad dog will pretend he doesn't care of what people think of him.


Let him keep ridiculing himself post after post and let's enjoy the show :D


23-07-2015, 11:21 PM
I being to suspect are you also HK agent? If not why you keep asking samsters to spend more in HK, as far as concern you are well known for being an El cheapo. :rolleyes:

Hoot! Hoot!

I think so too! No wonder he always ask people to buy Macau Sauna Package at Hong Kong Ferry Terminals. Surely must have commission for referrals.

This old underage girl pimp bastard SEAJ is truly sneaky like that mo lan yong indianmagicoil!


23-07-2015, 11:36 PM
And of course, that mad dog will pretend he doesn't care of what people think of him.


And what are you a, stupid hillbilly redneck, gonna do about it?
And hey - nice, real nice! You also use another clone huh?


And you too, you dummy crook.
Still going on and on ….. and putting on full display your evil methods.

Keep it up.

I think so too! No wonder he always ask people to buy Macau Sauna Package at Hong Kong Ferry Terminals. Surely must have commission for referrals.

And .... ahhhh... sure.... as your lies get more and more ridiculous.
Try again crook!

23-07-2015, 11:49 PM
And .... ahhhh... sure.... as your lies get more and more ridiculous.
Try again crook!

Whatsamatter? No underage girl to pimp? Today so free?


23-07-2015, 11:50 PM

And what are you a, stupid hillbilly redneck, gonna do about it?

And you too, you dummy crook.
Still going on and on ….. and putting on full display your evil methods.

Keep it up.

And .... ahhhh... sure.... as your lies get more and more ridiculous.
Try again crook!

Oei, u go suck cock la

23-07-2015, 11:53 PM
if any accusation that dun fit means dun wear the hat lor...it means if hat dun fit dun wear it.....

In case you totally forget about this quote. It was from your beloved h88. :D

SEAJ if your cock is not so big then do not wear XXL size condom to fit your small cock! :p


23-07-2015, 11:56 PM
Highlighting how you dummies are truly just flailing impotently.
Only can come up with useless tirade.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating; and for others to now just judge for themselves.

Team Monty Python and their merry band of idiots will of course continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade.


When are you idiots gonna smarten up a bit???!!!

So dummies - next time .......just ask how high!
When I tell you to jump
You total crooked fools!!
Muahahaha!!!!:) :)

24-07-2015, 12:49 AM
Mad dog gets humiliated, once again, as usual whenever he opens his stinky mouth :D

Lesson of the day : when you are stupid, just shut the fuck up and stay low profil


24-07-2015, 09:26 AM
Mad dog gets humiliated, once again, as usual whenever he opens his stinky mouth :D

Lesson of the day : when you are stupid, just shut the fuck up and stay low profil


but seaj works this way : when you are fucked up, just act stupid and stay stupid.

24-07-2015, 09:29 AM
once again. for those who don't know why seaj is considered an asshole by one and sundry. read here : http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=10851119&postcount=1412

24-07-2015, 01:23 PM
Hey stupid!
The battle is over and you crooked lot have lost......Badly! :p

No use continuing with your bilious personal attacks, lies/totally false accusations as it don’t affect me one bit!! :D

No matter what you do, how much “thou doth protesteth,” I’ll just continue on my merry way to expose you crooks! TOOOOO BAD!!!

Nyah… Nyah Nyah Nyaaaaah!!! :p :D



24-07-2015, 02:42 PM
Looks like the retard seaj is slowly losing his mind! Haha. Tiu nay lo moh seaj!

24-07-2015, 03:13 PM
Looks like the retard seaj is slowly losing his mind! Haha. Tiu nay lo moh seaj!

That mad dog is just embittered now he realized he has zero support and that no one gave a shit of what he has to say from the beginning. :cool:

As you can see, instead of shut the fuck up he'd rather keep ridiculing himself post after post with his stupid nonsense talking tactics (when he is not crying like a victim), soooo predictable !! :D


24-07-2015, 03:14 PM
That mad dog is just ....Looks like the retard seaj is slowly losing his mind! Haha. Tiu nay lo moh seaj!
Truly Case in Point!

And Cantonese swear words.... in English?
Woo Hooo!!

What next?
Putonghua ones in Pinyin??!!


24-07-2015, 03:30 PM
Looks like the retard seaj is slowly losing his mind! Haha. Tiu nay lo moh seaj!

That mad dog is just embittered now he realized he has zero support and that no one gave a shit of what he has to say from the beginning. :cool:

As you can see, instead of shut the fuck up he'd rather keep ridiculing himself post after post with his stupid nonsense talking tactics (when he is not crying like a victim), soooo predictable !! :D

Someone please call Castle Peak Hospital (青山醫院) the oldest psychiatric hospital in Hong Kong to help SEAJ the underage girl pimp!

Castle Peak Hospital
Address: 15 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
Tel No: 2456 7111

So Sad

24-07-2015, 04:00 PM
Someone please call Castle Peak ....

Can you be firm on your words? One moment :
And so......????
Your stupid point being....???

Or is it that you just cain't help it but to ridicule yourselves more?


24-07-2015, 04:39 PM
Soooo you just can't honor your words, so better don't say. Crook always can't honor their words.

What wasn't that you who all along ridicule yourself. :rolleyes:

Besides being a crook, you also cain't read?
Amazing how totally dumb you are..... or worse, pretending to be dumb and blind!!

No use continuing with your bilious personal attacks, lies/totally false accusations as it don’t affect me one bit!! :D

24-07-2015, 06:08 PM
Mad dog said before it was not a question of win or lose, so why saying "we" lost battle? And I thought mad dog didn't care? :D

Beeing coherent is obviously not the skill of that mad dog :p

And there is no battle, it's just about a piece of shit getting his mouth raped post after post by some bros that he offended.

Funny part is his stupidity also contributes to ridicule himself. :D


sex crusader
24-07-2015, 06:27 PM
Truly Case in Point!

And Cantonese swear words.... in English?
Woo Hooo!!

What next?
Putonghua ones in Pinyin??!!


Why not ? 你老妈被狗操!问你老妈爽不?:D

25-07-2015, 12:32 AM
judging from the retard seaj's recent posts, it certainly looks like the syphilis he got from his mother is working its way into his wee brain!

25-07-2015, 01:12 PM
Why I bother to write?
To pimp you crooks and idiots to retorting with more of your bile and lies .... And .... To let readers understand just how evil you thieves are/let you yourself display more of your disgusting tactics.

Ok - here's another great "opening" for y'all with "pimp!!" Let 'er rip you vermin!
Too funny!!

25-07-2015, 04:42 PM
Ha! definitely syphilis got to your brain!

25-07-2015, 08:46 PM
haha funny to see that old senile dog never waste the opportunity to serve us his usual bullshit. :p

Somehow it amazes me how he can stoop so low day after day :cool:


25-07-2015, 09:31 PM
I sincerely suggest that you should just fuck off from ….:
Yes, sure, typical of you crooks.
On full display.

After handling a succession of you bandits here for years, I now know that you crooks just do not understand the real meaning of words like sincerely, ethics, conscience, decency, even just humanity. For you low-lives, those words are only others’ weaknesses, your preys' vulnerabilities which you can and will exploit.

Somehow it amazes me how he can stoop so low day after day
YES – you’re so correct!
Engaging you crooks I DO have to stoop low.


25-07-2015, 09:46 PM
Mad dog talking about "sincerity, ethics, conscience, decency, humanity" LOL

He obviously decided to make all bros laughing today :D


25-07-2015, 10:13 PM
He obviously decided to make all bros laughing todayMake laughing? LMFAO
Is this the product of your fine Youuu Assss of Aye educashiun?
At your trailer park?
So you called your crusade a succession one? ......Now you admitted you have to stoop low. :
A succession one?

Yeah, you're right, I really oughta stop!
You lo-lifes are truly too..... low life!
And wayyyyy too dumb!


25-07-2015, 10:51 PM
Still can't beat you! .
Paiseh paiseh!
You really think you can EVER beat me?!
Dream on!! :p
So dummy - next time .......just ask how high!
When I tell you to jump
The proof of the pudding is in the eating; and for others to now just judge for themselves.

Team Monty Python and their merry band of idiots will of course continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade.

When are y'all gonna smarten up a bit???!!! :eek:
You FOOLS... totally crooked FOOLS!!!
Muahahaha!!!!:) :)

25-07-2015, 11:53 PM
Yeah how to beat you? You is a crook! A big one. A pimp! Pimping underaged girls! An agent too! An agent for HK! So that's no way for me to beat you in terms of your immoral acts. :D
In other words....
You're declaring for everyone to read...

That you ARE engaged in immoral acts!!
Not enough that you are a pimp, you gotta scam unsuspecting Samsters doing your pimping!!


25-07-2015, 11:57 PM
Besides being ravaged by syphilis one wonders what other disease is eating at the brain of this retard SEAJ... rabies picked up from his daughter?

26-07-2015, 12:02 AM
Paiseh paiseh!
You really think you can EVER beat me?!
Dream on!!
So dummy - next time .......just ask how high!
When I tell you to jump

When are y'all gonna smarten up a bit???!!! :eek:
You FOOLS... totally crooked FOOLS!!!


Just in case that mad dog still didn't understand

26-07-2015, 12:09 AM
Besides being ravaged by syphilis one wonders what other disease is eating at the brain of this retard SEAJ... rabies picked up from his daughter?Blah Blah Blah.... as usual!

Please look at your compatriot evil clone Snacky's reply


And hey redneck hillbilly - apparently YOU DO!
Even taking all the trouble to post the above!

Talk about being stupido!
You and your trailer-park educashun sure got it in spades!


26-07-2015, 12:16 AM
Mad dog gets


He should deal with it :D


26-07-2015, 12:19 AM
Yeah how to beat you? You is a crook! A big one. A pimp! Pimping underaged girls! An agent too! An agent for HK! So that's no way for me to beat you in terms of your immoral acts.

Ouch ... it hurts :D :p

88088 : 1 / SEAJ : 0


26-07-2015, 12:46 AM
Mad dog gets
He should deal with it
Ouch ... it hurts :D :p
88088 : 1 / SEAJ : 0
Wahhhh.... all that caring from you!
Your hill-billy pea-brain just cain't deal with the fact that I point out just how ridiculous your stupid posts are huh?!


26-07-2015, 01:04 AM
Wahhhh.... all that caring from you!
Your hill-billy pea-brain just cain't deal with the fact that I point out just how ridiculous your stupid posts are huh?!

Butthurt because you finally realize your posts are more stupid than mine?:p

Poor little old mad dog

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/ca/ca85947905282ba3c2a082277a2f0548fdc3d115f8433672e2 29da0062ae1738.jpg


26-07-2015, 01:23 AM
Butthurt because you finally realize your posts are more stupid than mine?:p
Poor little old mad dogThree pictures and still counting!!
Wooo Hoo!!

Go on.... go ahead and choose some more pictures, take the effort to doctor it up, and regale us all with more of your tributes to SEAJ!!

Pea Brain!
You're better off reverting to your usual racist rantings!
And yes, it IS as you state - your postings ARE stupid.

26-07-2015, 01:34 AM
Listening to seaj brain-dead comments... hmm definitely syphilis.

26-07-2015, 01:35 AM
Listening to seaj brain-dead comments... hmm definitely syphilis.

Reading that mad dog comments also help us to fight against insomnia :D


26-07-2015, 01:37 AM
oh my goodness boss SEAJ, don't hell me you have syphilis.. after you sucked my cock last nite, I new scared !

26-07-2015, 01:39 AM
Listening to seaj brain-dead comments... hmm definitely syphilis.Reading that mad dog comments also help us to fight against insomnia oh my goodness boss SEAJ, don't hell me you have syphilis.. after you sucked my cock last nite, I new scared !Truly three peas in a pod.

Only know how to come up with stupid, bileous BUT TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE TROLLS!
What.... no more pictures and tributes to MOI?

So... when are you gonna launch your other clones?

26-07-2015, 01:40 AM
by the way boss SEAJ how come you comments getting shorter and shorter... hmm your mother told me its like your cock lor, shorter and shorter... bwahahahah!

26-07-2015, 01:41 AM
Go on.... go ahead and choose some more pictures

Well, if you insist ... :cool:

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/bc/bcb5e4c4f6635639f261766ca44fa0f8cb8665bae369296356 204a45b70e9eb0.jpg

Best advice you'll ever get!


26-07-2015, 01:46 AM
by the way boss SEAJ how come you comments getting shorter and shorter... hmm your mother told me its like your cock lor, shorter and shorter... bwahahahah!Well, if you insist ...
That the best that you idiots can come up with?
Pea brain!


26-07-2015, 01:46 AM
by the way boss SEAJ how come you comments getting shorter and shorter... hmm your mother told me its like your cock lor, shorter and shorter... bwahahahah!

THAT is why the pedophile SEAJ has to go after small young girls.
Poor retard.

26-07-2015, 01:52 AM
by the way boss SEAJ how come you comments getting shorter and shorter... hmm your mother told me its like your cock lor, shorter and shorter... bwahahahah!

Here is SEAJ's condom :



26-07-2015, 01:52 AM
THAT is why the pedophile SEAJ has to go after small young girls.
Poor retard.

Back to this again huh?
Come to think of it - do you idiots actually have ANY brains?


26-07-2015, 01:54 AM
Here is SEAJ's condom :
Looks to me more like your brain!
Wellll.... at least I guess you do have brains - all single cell that it is!

26-07-2015, 02:16 AM
The day SEAJ was born :



26-07-2015, 02:19 AM
He only no guts to take on you guys head on,

Going under the skirts of the moderators and
Pretend to be good dictator in ALL other threads.

Tho i have never read about "good dictator" in history.
Deeds of dictator
Create many clones, askin questions and answerin them himself, pretendin to be Mr know all
Lurin unsuspectin newbies to use his services

Destroyin brotherhood in all thread, so that
Newbies dare not join season samsters.
Hey dumb turd!
You got ANYTHING besides just whining?

Brotherhood? With YOU? Not only pathetic, stupid but for sure delusional!
What makes you think whatever you whine about is worth anything?

Go back in to Woodbridge!
Your last stay hasn't cured you!


26-07-2015, 02:21 AM
The day SEAJ was born :
Great Picture of yourself.
TURD! That's what you are!
Now we all know!
Woo Hoo!


26-07-2015, 02:27 AM
Hey dumb turd!
You got ANYTHING besides just whining?

Brotherhood? With YOU? Not only pathetic, stupid but for sure delusional!
What makes you think whatever you whine about is worth anything?

Go back in to Woodbridge!



Only truth hurts huh ? :D


26-07-2015, 02:33 AM

SEAJ thinks I am Ang mo because he thinks my profil picture is me LMAO
Your racist rantings, that's the sure-fire proof of your redneck trailer-park origins.

The only thing I don't know is if you're now still sitting in your trailer in the Appalachians or some windowless cheap-ass basement in Alabama.


26-07-2015, 02:43 AM
SEAJ's mouth when he didn't spit out shit for a while :



26-07-2015, 02:46 AM
Your racist rantings, that's the sure-fire proof of your redneck trailer-park origins.

The only thing I don't know is if you're now still sitting in your trailer in the Appalachians or some windowless cheap-ass basement in Alabama.


Yeah yeah *yawwnn*



26-07-2015, 02:49 AM
SEAJ's mouth when he didn't spit out shit for a whileYeah yeah *yawwnn*

You REALLY cain't help yourself can you?
Continuing to pay tribute to SEAJ!
Paiseh, paiseh!


26-07-2015, 02:57 AM

You REALLY cain't help yourself can you?
Continuing to pay tribute to SEAJ!
Paiseh, paiseh!


Seeing an old senile dog gesticulating desperatly is priceless !:D

Keep entertaining us old fool :cool:


26-07-2015, 01:45 PM
Seeing an old senile dog gesticulating desperatly is priceless
And watching you taking so much time, so much effort just flaying with weird and ineffective pictures is better still! :DYou been avoiding this! Are you also an agent for HK? YES OR NO?? If no why you keep asking fellow samsters to spend more in HK? I did some searched, you claimed last time you did run a small tour company right? Errr…. Yes, WAS, Past Tense, no secret... if investing a decade or so ago in a 100+ employee REGULAR tour and travel agency is a “small” tour company!! And yes, that’s when I learned that there’s no money in running travel agencies; but of course you crooks rely on scamming Samsters to make your filthy lucre. :mad:
As to the Hong Kong thread, great you’re bringing attention to Hong Kong - https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13351361&postcount=5291
Snacky he pissed off with you …. actually he just wanna to save his data plan. ….. Pissed off? Err…. No…. just relishing pissing you crooks off more and more ….whilst you yourselves keep up exposing your dirty evil tactics!
And UNLimited data plan is the norm in Hong Kong and very cheap dummy! Because you need SBF to survive. Need to remind everyone that going to HK to spend more there right. :rolleyes:Yes, I want SBF to not only survive, but to prosper. And…. Yes…. Unlike you crooks, I AM interested in benefiting my own community in any way I can. You crooks? All you do is to exploit others in the worst kind of Ethnic scam. And not giving a damn about SBF’s well-being. :mad:


26-07-2015, 02:06 PM
Nope, all I did was just to use "search" button. So simple, which you dummy can't even do it right.
I did? So now you're saying you're also snacky??!!

And all I can.... and will do ....... is........ LMFAO!!!

26-07-2015, 02:11 PM
Cock got your tongue again!
That's all you can rebuke?
Rebuke? REBUKE??!!
Here.... here's a link you'll find useful

And "Cock got your tongue???"
Here, another site you really need: http://www.idiomsite.com/

LMFAO....I'm getting a tummy ache from laughing so much!


26-07-2015, 02:29 PM
When a crook lose in a debate he will try to find something to deviate to other things.
Which is what you are doing!
What you time and again do!

So SISSY SEAJ, are you an agent for HK? If so why didn't you pay advertising fees to Sam?
Woo hoo.... talking about paying ad fees!! Perfect time for me to post again these questions - based on your own words and assertions - and which you never replied to! And for obvious reasons!
OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.

1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?

2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?

3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?


Still holding on to my tummy as I LMFAO!!!!


26-07-2015, 03:40 PM
Sigh..... Too tiring.... laughing... and even if I AM just toying with you idiots and letting you to be more and more foolish....whilst yourselves confirming your evil intent on here.

So .... for the moment ... I'll just let you go on doing so yourselves!
The proof of the pudding is in the eating; and for others to now just judge for themselves.

Team Monty Python and their merry band of idiots will of course continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade.


26-07-2015, 03:47 PM
oh really? Talk is cheap! C+P THEM HERE LA.

Wasn't that you? Whenever cock got your tongue, you will reply LMFAO, SO WHAT and many others stupid replies from you. :rolleyes:

Hoot! Hoot!

SEAJ the underage girl pimp kena gang raped with water pipes again. Forgive his cock replies lah!



26-07-2015, 06:25 PM
..SEAJ the underage girl pimp kena gang raped with water pipes again. Forgive his cock replies lah!Is this all you can manage, stupido?
Come on!!!
You can do better!
Total lack of imagination!

Says a lot.... that even your detractor would be disappointed in you!

26-07-2015, 07:35 PM
Is this all you can manage, stupido?
Come on!!!
You can do better!
Total lack of imagination!

Says a lot.... that even your detractor would be disappointed in you!

still better idiots who cut and paste, go back to bump your own thread , if not it will disappear into oblivion! hahaha if not for your own refreshing , the last post was in may!

some idiots really don't know their place ...........

26-07-2015, 07:49 PM
still better idiots who cut and paste, go back to bump your own thread , if not it will disappear into oblivion! hahaha if not for your own refreshing , the last post was in may!

some idiots really don't know their place ...........

Haha, right if he doesnt bump his own thread no one will do since no one give a shit.
funny to see all his dirty tactics failed miserably. :)


26-07-2015, 09:02 PM
...some idiots really don't know their place ...........YUP - especially you!! The pathetic loser leading pathetic zero real life.:p
Always scratching around for relevance on SBF to make up for your inconsequential real life. Pathetic caricature of a total nobody. :rolleyes:
Haha, right if he doesnt bump his own thread no one will do since no one give a shit...
Hey... no worries!
I've always got you dumb crooks who cain't help but post to keep it bumped! Posts I'd then just delete at my convenience! :D


26-07-2015, 09:53 PM
YUP - especially you!! The pathetic loser leading pathetic zero real life.:p
Always scratching around for relevance on SBF to make up for your inconsequential real life. Pathetic caricature of a total nobody. :rolleyes:


you dumbass I have already admitted that I am one to your many cut and paste accusations.

Cant you come up with anything new since you say others are repeating themselves.

26-07-2015, 10:48 PM
you dumbass I have already admitted that I am one to your many cut and paste accusations.

Cant you come up with anything new since you say others are repeating themselves.
Great! :D

Now that you're at last admitting to scratching around for relevance on SBF to make up for your inconsequential real life, how about you stop doing so by targeting me?

Specifically by this SBF version of celebrity stalking with you making unprovoked attacks on me. You want to pretend/act like a big shot any way any place, no problems - just stop attacking me. :)

I have previously stated time and again (below is just one of the many pleas I’ve made to you) that I do NOT want it on my conscience if your apparent “confused mental state” snaps as a result of my response to your continual provocations.

Errrr.... Take it easy guy - it's just an Internet forum.

Somehow you're reminding me of another guy here who'd totally lost it.
With him - and with you, I totally mean it that I wish you well and that I will not engage you from here onwards as I certainly do not want to have it on my conscience/do not want to be responsible if something untowards does happen to you.

Good luck to you, and please do consider talking to someone you trust/will help or a professional who will be able to help you.


26-07-2015, 10:50 PM
Nope, all I did was just to use "search" button. So simple, which you dummy can't even do it right.

BANG in that fucktard's head LOL

So easy to shut the mouth up of that fucktard :cool:

88088 : 2 / SEAJ : 0


26-07-2015, 10:58 PM
BANG in that fucktard's head LOL
So easy to shut the mouth up of that fucktard :cool:
88088 : 2 / SEAJ : 0
OK - you idiots just keep on telling yourselves that!

And put on full display how you crooks can make ANY lie into perceived truths by repeating them enough times.
And that you crooks would do this, even for something as inconsequential as this.

Incredible how thick-skinned you crooks are.... and hilarious that you can be so blatant.

26-07-2015, 11:04 PM
OK - you idiots just keep on telling yourselves that!


The idiot is the one who spent most of his time to reply to people he obviously doesn't like and doesn't know and of course talking to himself on his own thread ! :p

LMAO , fucktard :D


26-07-2015, 11:18 PM
Great! :D

Now that you're at last admitting to scratching around for relevance on SBF to make up for your inconsequential real life, how about you stop doing so by targeting me?

Specifically by this SBF version of celebrity stalking with you making unprovoked attacks on me. You want to pretend/act like a big shot any way any place, no problems - just stop attacking me. :)

I have previously stated time and again (below is just one of the many pleas I’ve made to you) that I do NOT want it on my conscience if your apparent “confused mental state” snaps as a result of my response to your continual provocations.


you fucking idiot , you started it by accusing me and many others and when we tried to talk nicely to you , you started attacking us

Fucktard is a good name for you. Now you are friendless , you are running for cover and you want me to stop? Little boy , don't start anything you cant finish..............

You want me to stop? OK but I want a fully paid page of apology from you to me and everyone you offended on sammyboy.

I am mental ................ I kill..............

26-07-2015, 11:22 PM
The idiot is the one who spent most of his time to reply to people he obviously doesn't like and doesn't know and of course talking to himself on his own thread ! :p

LMAO , fucktard :D


hmm... talking to himself? definitely syphilis got to his tiny brain!

26-07-2015, 11:51 PM
you fucking idiot , you started it by accusing me and many others and when we tried to talk nicely to you , you started attacking us

Fucktard is a good name for you. Now you are friendless , you are running for cover and you want me to stop? Little boy , don't start anything you cant finish..............

You want me to stop? OK but I want a fully paid page of apology from you to me and everyone you offended on sammyboy.

I am mental ................ I kill..............
No problems! Let 'er rip!
Said my piece and if you do go total nuts, my conscience is clear.
And for sure it ain't gonna take much for you to go total psycho

"I kill".... yeah...sure...in your totally imaginary world!!
Go on, keep on imagining it - coz that's all you're capable of you delusional li'l twerp.

Nyah ...Nyah nyah Nya....aaah!


27-07-2015, 01:12 AM
No problems! Let 'er rip!
Nyah ...Nyah nyah Nya....aaah!


OO..ooo..ooo boss SEAJ, did not know you can sing nyah nyah nyah... or is that the sound of you licking your mother's pussy? btw how is her business in changping?

27-07-2015, 05:31 AM
that admin should have cut off seaj's little cock, for stirring shit in his forum

27-07-2015, 06:35 AM
"SEAJ, you came on to this forum with guns blazing ... 3 years ago on X'mas day (or Boxing day) you belittled the mods in this forum with your usual verbal diarrhea ..."

Taken from other forum where he is being banned.

haha Why am I not surprised at all? :p

Poor them they have to bear that mad dog for years :cool:


27-07-2015, 09:00 AM
SEAJ! Born a piece of shit. Always will be shit. Everywhere he goes.

27-07-2015, 02:19 PM
🐶 改不了!吃屎。

This is too nice to describe it! Sigh!

27-07-2015, 02:24 PM
Whine whine whine .... !
Another day, still the same-o-same-o nonsense.


The proof of the pudding is in the eating; and for others to now just judge for themselves.

Team Monty Python and their merry band of idiots will of course continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade.



27-07-2015, 02:31 PM
🐶 改不了!吃屎。

This is too nice to describe it! Sigh!
Pathetic remark.... from an equally pathetic idiot!
Check yourself back into Woodbridge why don't you!!


27-07-2015, 02:48 PM
Woodbridge is history la idiot! Only idiot called IMH Woodbridge.

You WOULD KNOW wouldn't you!!

Visit there often?


27-07-2015, 05:30 PM
Wow! Gathered enough guts to head on?

Too bad, other than pot calling the kettle black,
Nothing else you are capable of.

Why not show us you are capable of anything else than repeating
Same for years! We are all bored!

Whats the use of cutting and pasting what is already known to all?

Bored!! *bored*. "BORED"

27-07-2015, 05:58 PM
Taken from other forum where he is being banned.:eek:

Oh, I almost forgot :p :

88088 : 3 / SEAJ : 0


27-07-2015, 06:02 PM
Wow! ....Whats the use of cutting and pasting what is already known to all?

Bored!! *bored*. "BORED"
That's because you're dumb dumb dumb AND totally nuts to top it all off!

And it's to keep on exposing crooks as they have no choice but to pollute SBF as scamming samsters is the only thing they're capable of doing.

And to constantly warn unsuspecting samsters who are usually NOT on the international section against crooks on here.

And if in your madness you get manipulated by these crooks to do their bidding - yes, you ARE that dim-witted - then too bad!!


27-07-2015, 06:07 PM
And this fugly attended me. ]
Lmfao - what, we're supposed to be impressed that you know how to lift pictures?

But of course!!!!
You ARE a thief after all!!
Y'all gonna give me another tummy ache from laughing so hard again today.


27-07-2015, 06:37 PM
Is that so? I bet you must be curse and swearing! Looking back all the Mei Mei(s) that you had bonked, I almost vomit my lunch just now. Didn't know you have such a bad bad bad taste. :eek:

haha poor guy no other place to go coz he's banned , meimeis look more like his manly mother than any PYT ................ no wonder he so free to refresh and cut then paste

27-07-2015, 07:06 PM
haha poor guy no other place to go coz he's banned , meimeis look more like his manly mother than any PYT ................ no wonder he so free to refresh and cut then paste

How would you know what a looker is?
You only know the dirty legs from the sub-sois in Pattaya!
And that's only when you can afford it AND get it up!

Yeah...right...a connoisseur of fine nooky - NOT!!


27-07-2015, 11:27 PM
Woodbridge is history la idiot! Only idiot called IMH Woodbridge.


Yah lor. His-royal-retard Seaj struts his stupidity. Again.

27-07-2015, 11:32 PM
There's one more sex forum he is in, but he wouldn't dare to stir shit, as he got warning from the mods there.:eek:

And he paid only 130RMB, for the BBS girls. What can one expect with the look. It's about 29sgd.:D

OMG boss SEAJ. I did not know you were so cheap. $29 for a fuck? You got no enough dough, Better let me pay for you, next time!

28-07-2015, 11:36 AM
SEAJ thinks I am Ang mo because he thinks my profil picture is me LMAOLMAO :D:D

Told u he is a fucking retard!

28-07-2015, 12:13 PM
Truly amazing!!

Take a tiny grain of truth, add in a HUGE dollop of nonsense, get acolytes/clones to push the agenda, the loonies to jump in on the bandwagon….. and Voila! Another wholesale putsch against SEAJ to bury the central topic – that you are crooks and loonies at work.

And the truly stupid – but hilarious - part of this all is that I couldn’t care less however, whatever it is that you idiots are trying to portray me as being!

But what’s truly comical though is how the idiots/loonies then bought this all lock-stock-and barrel! Yeah, that’s you ahtecklim and sgmjplayer! Stupido loonies!
Supposed facts that are totally inconsequential AND has nothing to do with anything!!

UN-hairy gals in China? Really?
RMB 130 gals in Chang Ping? When? A decade or two ago? Or is that all that you know from reading about ancient CP days and the now long gone “night-market?”
I only belong to one other forum and I got a “warning” from the Mods?

Amazing how you could conjure up total nonsense, make something out of this total fluff and your loony acolytes would actually buy in. Talk about retards! LMFAO


28-07-2015, 12:49 PM
Truths? Lol! "Lmfao" *lmfao* 'lmfao'

Read on! Lol

28-07-2015, 01:08 PM
Truths? Lol! "Lmfao" *lmfao* 'lmfao'
Read on! LolWeird how the mentally unstable like you react. Weird! :confused:

I seen well trimmed PRC pussies. Seen? SEEN??!!!

Yup - expert you are!
Expert Idiot!
Woo Hoo!!
How about I C+P your FR that you wrote?
And your stupidity is infinite. Decade is 10 year old.
Actually C+P'ing my at least Decade ago report about the night market!
Too mad to think straight huh??:pAnd you rate that 4/5? OHMIGAWD! Your taste is so so so bad!Nice editing to my original report! Expert editor!
hoookkkaaayyyyy...... howzabout you post up pictures of the girls you and vbkk try to sucker Samsters into for THB 6,000 ST? :cool:

Again I'm starting to get a tummy ache from laughing so hard!!


PS - and this all matters how? LMFAO!

28-07-2015, 01:16 PM
For a cheapo, thats 5/5, he is pretending to lure unsuspecting
Newbies to use his services and rip them off.
Newbie mentality 4/5 is great, 5/5 is fake... Lol!

Ofcourse for the rest of us, she pay us, also we dont want!

Btw, I still awaiting his proofs of me being a crook. I have so
many bad records in this forum. Why no cut and paste??

28-07-2015, 01:22 PM
This is the original report!


THIS….. is what you can get for RMB 130!!

First off – please note that I did this Night market, Chang Ping gal a while back AND I did post the same report on another forum – and that this IS an edited C+P of my report from there.

But I thought it worthwhile to re-post on here to give those guys here, who’ve basically restricted themselves to punting in Hong Kong/NOT done too much in China an idea as to what’s available.

Name: Xiao Yu
Where: Night Market, Chang Ping, Dongguan, GD.
Face: 4/5
Body: 4.5/5 – Extra points for being hairy ONLY down there!
Age: Barely 18
Skill: 2/5 – but rose to a full 5/5 coz I skilled her!!
Service: Of course 5/5 – but again coz I was bound and determined to get a 5/5 service!!
Price: RMB 30 to Mommie, + RMB 100 to her, Plus a nice fat tip at my discretion!!

Right after my veggie date with the hotel receptionist (Sing “ I think I love her” to the tune of “The Impossible Dream” – ahhhh the quest for freebies!!), I jumped at my buddy Ollie’s instructions to meet the boys at the Night market – RIGHT NOW!.

Couldn’t catch a cab and took a RMB 3 tricycle there where I was greeted by a pack of rowdy and hungry mongers with their peckers practically hanging out of their pants. BAD sign I say – too damn many of ‘em and too few gals!! And here were the gals, all huddled around these ubiquitous charcoal heaters, trying not to freeze their asses off!

Saw one, got pipped, saw another one – and got pipped again by one of Sammy boys’ horde!! Damn! Until I saw a tall ‘un who was averting every one of our stares and wouldn’t even look up to allow us a good look! BAD sign sez Ollie – she’s gonna be a lousy newbie who wouldn’t do nuthin!. Ahhh yes, but she’s too good looking - even without all the make-up which the other gals plastered themselves with; and even under all the layers of clothing – must be a hot body! Momma says – “Yeah 130, but she won’t blow you” – which put a further damper on my enthusiasm to do this gal. But hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained – and it is with this frame of mind that I set out on my task! A challenge!!

Got her back to the hotel room and sure enuff, she told me that this is only her second day as a xiaojie; the usual story about having a boyfriend who brought her down to work “together’ with his friend the momma, and beating her up when she at first refused….. the usual thing. very sad, but …….. All taken with a large grain of salt – and besides which, I’m now here to take away all your sadness!! Muahahah!!

All shy and wanted to go into the bathroom to take her clothing off! OK – no probs – go ahead – and I then just drew up the blinds to the glass wall covering the bathroom! And hotdiggitydo but what did I see?? Hair hair and more hair forming an impressive triangle topped by dark, practically black, huge nipples on a large mound of alabaster skin. Holy Cow!! Saw the play “Hair” eons back and ……… Reminded me of Thai/Filipino gals in the old days before all dem shavin’ and pluckin’ pubes! So much for my hunt for the elusive White Tiger of China – I’ve got myself a Monkey!! Exceptin’ that whilst she had this impressive jungle around her pubes, the rest of her body was smooth, white and practically hairless. IMPRESSIVE!!

OK, the usual hide under the sheets, hands covering all target parts, no kissing, no nuthin’ – which made the task at hand all the more challenging!! OK, so I figure I gotta grease this gal up a bit first and thus turned her on face whilst I started to minister on the nape of her neck, behind her neck, on her shoulder blades, at the start of the curve of her ass, at the top of her ass, behind her knees, on her thighs – any and all areas that gals are usually sensitive at – and duly noted which areas she reacts to. React to… you ask?? Well, goosebumbs are good indicators, and so are soft moaning and body writhing. What - you say? These gals are good at acting and will do all that just to get the action moving along fast? Yeah – OK , but so what – I also know that these gals, even if acting, do many times get caught up in the moment and actually DO get turned on. So there! And yes, methinks that she did get turned on.

Intermittently checked her pussy to determine her “progress” and when I figured that she was wet enough, produced “la piece de resistance” – Le bullet vibrator - and teased and toyed her clits with it. And man – she took off like a rocket – I mean a real rocket with all that bucking and moaning and screamin’ Bingo I figured and shoved one into her whilst taking another one to still tickle her clit – and man, the pleading, the hugging, the gasps of exasperation when I either removed or stopped them li’l devils!!

Gotcha! Really gotcha I surmised when she was bucking up and down, grabbing my li’l one and actually beggin’ me to stick it in – even when I was still uncovered! Damn – this is gonna be a helluva ride I thought – and sure enough….. a GREAT ride!

Did her in just about all the position I can remember before settling on what I figure would be the best way to finish off this buckin’ bronco – her lying on her back with both of her feet over my side-way turned torso which allowed my pecker perfect alignment to freely pound her pussy; And all the while using the bullet vibrator to tease her clit. To lightly touch it, and then using it on her now really pointy nipples, and then linger just close to her clit again….before she grabbed it and just grounded that little sucker directly onto her hairy…very hairy …. mound of Venus. She came so many times this way that she told me later that she actually lost count how many times – just that she’s never come that many times in her life.

Love to look at a gal’s face when she’s coming, how she moans and grunts and gasp, and tighten up and grasp at sheets, at bodies at … anything – and here I had a real-life full length movie of all this going! (Porno movie??!!). Damn, thinking about it whilst writing this is getting me all stirred up. Wish my little cheap ass camera would have allowed me to take movies longer than 30 seconds at a clip – but….

OK guys –enough??!! Enough details?? Enough juicy details??

Wot??? You say too much?? Didn’t need to know?? Didn’t want to know?? Just skip the details?? Oh well, Too bad – all I know is that I enjoyed myself, I thoroughly enjoyed myself….. and I didn’t even get a blow job from her!!

And worse, she ain’t got no hand phone yet – and all I could do was to give her MY phone number on a piece of paper with instructions for her to phone me as soon as she gets one. Best RMB130 night market gal I’ve had yet (and don’t ask me how much xiao fei I gave her – none of your business!!)


DaBestHK 10-6-2010 07:29 Karma +5 great report. and great pics!
hunter 9-6-2010 14:09 Karma +5 thx
twiceAweek 9-6-2010 13:36 Karma +8 Thanks for sharing and all the pics !
sexpert 9-6-2010 09:04 Acceptance +10 I would have pubes like that if I didnt
sexpert 9-6-2010 09:04 Karma +10 I would have pubes like that if I didnt
kenli 9-6-2010 00:08 Acceptance +3 good value
atomic3d 8-6-2010 17:24 Acceptance +3 130 bargain!!
atomic3d 8-6-2010 17:24 Karma +1 130 bargain!!
waikeekee 8-6-2010 14:12 Acceptance +1 Gotta love that all Natural Feeling!
waikeekee 8-6-2010 14:12 Karma +1 Gotta love that all Natural Feeling!

28-07-2015, 01:25 PM
Btw, I still awaiting his proofs of me being a crook. I have so many bad records in this forum. Why no cut and paste??
Call you a crook?
What you are is a total mental basket case!
And an insignificant twerp on top.

Go check back in to Woodbridge!!
BTW - how many times exactly have you been in there?

28-07-2015, 01:29 PM
Name: Xiao Yu
Where: Night Market, Chang Ping, Dongguan, GD.
Face: 4/5
Body: 4.5/5 – Extra points for being hairy ONLY down there!
Age: Barely 18
Skill: 2/5 – but rose to a full 5/5 coz I skilled her!!
Service: Of course 5/5 – but again coz I was bound and determined to get a 5/5 service!!
Price: RMB 30 to Mommie, + RMB 100 to her, Plus a nice fat tip at my discretion!!

Hoot! Hoot!

SEAJ the underage girl pimp likes hairy pussy!

He is so cheapskate that he gave a fat tip? Must be his marketing ploy.

For a cheapo, thats 5/5, he is pretending to lure unsuspecting
Newbies to use his services and rip them off.
Newbie mentality 4/5 is great, 5/5 is fake... Lol!

SEAJ is using his FRs to pimp underage girls.


28-07-2015, 01:34 PM
And hoookaaaayyyy El cheapo doesn't know what's Bkk market rate? And pretend to know? And since when I try to suck 6000฿? Stop wasting our time will ya!
Just put up pictures of your THB 6,000 "beauties" (Yuck!) with at least SOME proof that they are indeed in your stable instead of some more pictures you steal from the net - something you're also expert in!


28-07-2015, 01:39 PM
He is so cheapskate that he gave a fat tip? Must be his marketing ploy.
SEAJ is using his FRs to pimp underage girls.
Ah.... sure ..... Cheech to Chong... some more crook stealth agent to take up battle position!
FR's from last decade to pimp? Typical of what you do.

Tip as a marketing ploy?
You enjoy grasping at straws huh?!
That's why. He still dare to post the fugly pic for mongers to view.
This is one of his dirty trick to con newbies. Cheap but product lousy. He promised the looked will be 4/5. But that's only applies to his eye.
Hey dummy - it's YOU who post up the pictures.
Pictures whose COPYRIGHT are owned by the other site - but of course crooks like you don't care.

So.... where's the pictures of your THB 6,000 ST girls?

28-07-2015, 02:02 PM
Unlike you. Dirty old man. Took all the fugly naked girl pictures while having sex with you. Eeeeee! Disgusting! You must be sick!

SEAJ the underage girl pimp also secretly take videos of his customers in action with the girls he pimped!

Bloody bastard!

Just Disgusted!

28-07-2015, 02:17 PM
Great you just admitted that those photos were yours. Actually someone mailed it to me. I didn't ripe it off from other sites. Does NOT matter one iota how you got them, the fact of the matter is that YOU are the one who post copyrighted material on here.
And I see you've now got "team-mates" also trying to infiltrate other web sites huh?

And what's the big deal with "admitting" that those photos ARE mine? I got nothing to hide unlike you crooks!

And yeah, back to just posting bile and inconsequential flames again huh? Typical!
The proof of the pudding is in the eating; and for others to now just judge for themselves.

Team Monty Python and their merry band of idiots will of course continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade.


28-07-2015, 02:26 PM
SEAJ the underage girl pimp also secretly take videos of his customers in action with the girls he pimped!

Bloody bastard!

Just Disgusted!

This is precisely the kind of things these crooks do!
Not only just scamming you by getting over-sized kick-backs from KTV's/G-Clubs/Saunas/MP's etc but actual extortion/blackmail and even armed robberies.

Again suggest you never meet strangers from the internet and especially from SBF where these crooks engage in the lowest form of ethnic scams by targeting good-natured fellow Singaporeans.


28-07-2015, 03:04 PM
Told u he is a fucking retard!

Yeah, and now I also know he is a cheapass fucktard that no one can bear since he is banned everywhere he opens his dirty mouth.

No wonder he has zero friends. :p


28-07-2015, 03:11 PM
Should shaft water pipe to his asshole! :mad:

I bet that mad dog likes it !


28-07-2015, 03:13 PM
You are most welcomed, Mr Know all/Dictator/underaged gals pimp.

Lol! Now should add unscrupulous. 4/5! *vomit* "vomit" 'vomit'

Newbies, please read below and beware!

28-07-2015, 03:49 PM
No wonder he has zero friends.And herein lies the reason why you crooks persistently post.
To befriend unsuspecting Samsters and then scam them.

I bet that mad dog likes it !
Still going on and on with your useless, totally ineffective diatribe

You are most welcomed, Mr Know all/Dictator/underaged gals pimp.
Lol! Now should add unscrupulous. 4/5! *vomit* "vomit" 'vomit'
Newbies, please read below and beware!
Read what? Who's the "Dictator" wannabe? Who's the one who goes around all over the forum with your totally nutso postings as befitting how truly mental you are?

Just look at all your strange and weird postings!
You're a total basket case!


28-07-2015, 04:20 PM
...And talking about well trip pussies or shaved one! It seems you don't have any hygiene don't you. Yours is like spider web! Eeeeeee! ...
And you claimed to be an ang moh? An Ang moh with yellow skin huh?
Readers pls judge an Ang moh got black pubic hair and yellow skin?

How many times have I said/asked you this?

What does it matter who or what I am?
You enjoy reminding everybody that y'all just flailing impotently with useless tirade/totally irrelevant supposed facts? You really that dumb?

Now even trying to make "something" about the state of somebody else's pubes?
You're that much of a pervert huh?!
Or maybe a closet gay? Since you would even obsess about guy's pubes.
Gaaawwd.... the thought that you're probably right now wanking off to the picture!

All you gotta worry about is the fact that I will keep on exposing your crooks!!!


28-07-2015, 04:53 PM
And yet you wrote a thesis about yourself trying to explain to the rest that you are not a pimp for underaged girls.YES - as SBF is under the Press and the authority's microscope whilst you crooks kept going on and on about it (your compatriots still stupidly doing it). I now revert back to not caring as I've been assured that since they are all just accusations/outright lies, there's nothing for SBF to worry about. So... go right on ahead suckers! :p
And you claimed yourself to be an Ang mo, which is another lie is being exposed here today, together with evidence. As I've repeatedly said, does it matter who or what I am?
PLUS - when have I said ANYTHING about who or what I am except in jest? Care to point it out? Since you're obsessed/would take so much trouble to do errr.... errrmmmm... "research" on moi?!
And yes expose my crook ways? Which I don't see anything yet? Oh Yeah?
Perfect time for me to AGAIN repost my questions based upon your own words and which you've never replied to!
OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.

1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?

2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?

3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?

What a dummy! No wonder you neither can go back to Singapore nor even make a living scamming Samsters whilst other crook stealth agents looks to be prospering at it!
Truly Pathetic!:D:D


28-07-2015, 05:04 PM
That's not somebody else! It's yours.Yes dummy! It's not yours so it's somebody else's to you!! Gawd what a dummy! :eek:
Pervert? How can I compare to you when you keep on taking photos while you having sex with fugly girls just to boost up your points in virtual world by sharing them with mongers. Sadly, the spirit of good naturedly sharing pictures/information on SBF has been supplanted and totally destroyed by you crooks' constant need to dominate threads. :mad:
As far as points are concerned on that forum, once you go over 300 it really makes no difference and I had thousands!
And wanking those picture? Those are fugly! You're wanking off to GUY'S pubes for Crissakes!!! :o
Today I got another set of mail which contain fugly pictures which you used to bonk them. Almost vomit my morning coffee out! Gross to the maximum I should say! Great - post 'em up! Anything would be way better than you crooks' constant whining!! :D


28-07-2015, 05:12 PM
So what if you can write 1000 words essay, but complaining to
A nutso, following an idiot.

I only have my siggies, few lines to warn newbies in SBF.

28-07-2015, 05:21 PM
So what if you can write 1000 words essay, but complaining to
A nutso, following an idiot.

I only have my siggies, few lines to warn newbies in SBF.
Ohhh.... you poor poor baby.... only your siggies!! :o

But good, at least you're posting your totally weird and irrelevant posts on the right thread instead of continually making a pest of yourself on information threads!

Like I said, go take your meds, bang your head against the wall, check back in to IMH/Woodbridge, do whatever it takes for you to get right!
Just stop making a pest of yourself and causing chaos on other threads!:mad:


28-07-2015, 05:38 PM
Now trying to act ethical shit! You remember you used samsters pic as your DP?


And you claimed to be an ang moh? An Ang moh with yellow skin huh?

Readers pls judge an Ang moh got black pubic hair and yellow skin?

LOL Bang!Bang! Two shots in the head of that fucktard :D

88088 : 4 / SEAJ : 0


28-07-2015, 05:55 PM
LOL Bang!Bang! Two shots in the head of that fucktard :D

88088 : 4 / SEAJ : 0

Hey you bigoted jerk.

All your stupid score posts supposed to mean something!
No more bile from you?

Just use your other clone and go back to your racist rantings!

28-07-2015, 06:22 PM
Dream on! Even you get your immoral earning gangs to kick me out,
I will warn all newbies at every thread. I am a nutso followed by an idiot.

Like I said, go take your meds, bang your head against the wall, check back in to IMH/Woodbridge, do whatever it takes for you to get right!
Just stop making a pest of yourself and causing chaos on other threads!:mad:


Read below!

28-07-2015, 07:03 PM
Ohmigawd!! Why didn't you say this to Sam? :eek:

Because although that fucktard has no balls, he is a master about licking mods and boss's balls.
But thanks god, he cannot fool boss Sam hahaha !!

Anyway some reliable sources said he's just a fuckin' old senile retired HKer. No wonder he has so many free time to spit his shit everywhere on web. :)


28-07-2015, 07:26 PM
Crook twisting words. This is crook trick when got nothing to say. Say what??!
How does my explaining to you about your errr… "less than perfect understanding of the English language" become twisting ANYTHING?
Yeah! Wasn't that my first few replies to you? And yes it was you who destroying SBF! Going around dictating samsters on how to mongers, falsely accused them of being a crook. And so forth, hence it stopping from newbies to share.YUP!!
And I’ll continue warning newbies about you crooks. TOO BAD!!!
But nowadays I seldom see you doing this. Why? Got warning from Sam ar? Or something else we don't know. Share share la since you can share your fugly girls photos all over the forums. LMFAO – always running under Sam’s legs!
Cain’t stand it that he’s always ignoring you?Ohmigawd! Are you bisexual? Why you can have the thought? Yucks! Disgusting old pimp mofo! Hey! YOU’RE the closet gay who gets all excited at the sight of a GUY’S pubes!!
Ohmigawd!! Why didn't you say this to Sam? :eek: AGAIN!! Running under Sam’s legs…. AGAIN!!!
Absolutely agree! He afraid his account got ban! So he dare not offend mods and Sam himself! :DAfraid?
Wooohhhhh…. So scared!
Errr…. What’s wrong with just adopting what you crooks always do – use another nick/clone anytime you burn one off!

Sheesh, my tummy hurts from LMFAO!

28-07-2015, 07:27 PM
Dream on! Even you get your immoral earning gangs to kick me out, I will warn all newbies at every thread. I am a nutso followed by an idiot.
Read below!Thereby you again re-confirming that you ARE totally nuts!
And what is an “immoral earnings gang?”
You mean your heroes, the crooks like 88088, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong etc?

Because although that fucktard has no balls, he is a master about licking mods and boss's balls.
But thanks god, he cannot fool boss Sam hahaha !!
Anyway some reliable sources said he's just a fuckin' old senile retired HKer. No wonder he has so many free time to spit his shit everywhere on web. Another idiot running under Boss’s legs!
And “some reliable source?” Yeah?
And whether true or not – SO WHAT whatever I am and how I spend my time?!

But yeah, of course!! Racist rantings even about Hong Kong-ers whilst continuing to flail impotently with useless tirade!


28-07-2015, 07:33 PM
And “some reliable source?” Yeah?
And whether true or not – SO WHAT whatever I am and how I spend my time?!

So what fucktard ?? lol

Just expose (once again) your stupidity, knowing you are an old crap shit who was laughing and mocking the appearence of some bros here ... It's the pot calling the kettle black ! :D


28-07-2015, 08:23 PM
Wait wasn't that you? Who always goes around and carry mods balls?

Oh yeah! So now you associate me with gay? Must be running out of ideas!
Sam ignore me since when?

Again wasn't that you!

That fucktard obviously ran out of arguments ( did he ever have valid argument? lol ).

he should learn that accusing people without proof doesn't make him smart or righteous but just make him a fucktard ... but well, what to expect from an old fucktard living in his imaginary world? :D

Before I forgot :

88088 : 5 / SEAJ : 0


28-07-2015, 08:42 PM
So what fucktard ?? lol
Just expose (once again) your stupidity, knowing you are an old crap shit who was laughing and mocking the appearence of some bros here ... It's the pot calling the kettle black !

The guardian angel for pathetic looking old geezers.... must be you yourself totally lack in the looks department.
Birds of the same feather flocking together and all that!
No wonder!!
Poor you.
That fucktard obviously ran out of arguments ...
he should learn that accusing people without proof ....
What's there to accuse or argue about?
You lot ARE what you are and its all here for everybody to see and make their own determination.
Before I forgot :
88088 : 5 / SEAJ : 0
LOL - how idiotic!
And to still continue with such idiocy as if it means anything!

28-07-2015, 08:58 PM
Oh yeah! So now you associate me with gay? BINGO!!

Must be running out of ideas!
Sam ignore me since when?
Not even the least bit required as witless as you are; you provide all the fodder I need each time you post!

And ohhhh.... so concerned about Sam and his approval; Sheesh, it's only an internet board - but I guess your crooked rice bowl does depend on you being allowed on SBF.
No wonder you cain't never get ahead in life and cain't even go back to Singapore.
You think I'm like you got 150+ of clones! "With one mass zap" can put me into negative!
Nahhhh.... I don't need clones and even the only one I got - SEAJ2 - I've only used a dozen times in over 3 years!
So.... how many clones you got?
How many clones you're using right now on the Thai threads to try to trap unsuspecting Samsters?


28-07-2015, 09:09 PM
Like all bros can read here, fucktard is mad because we expose his stupidity, all he can do is talking non sense.

But he should be mad at himself first, because his posts expose his stupidity more than our posts do haha !


Tips :
Wanna keep busy a fucktard? Just drop few lines here, just sit down and enjoy looking at the fucktard barking behind his screen LOL !

28-07-2015, 09:12 PM
Like all bros can read here, fucktard is mad because we expose his stupidity, all he can do is talking non sense.
But he should be mad at himself first, because his posts expose his stupidity more than our posts do haha !
Mad? Huh?
In your dreams!

I been laughing at you clowns the whole day!!


28-07-2015, 10:10 PM
Yeah, no choice so many hates you. They provides me materials.
And talking about well trip pussies or shaved one! It seems you don't have any hygiene don't you. Yours is like spider web! Eeeeeee!


Hoot! Hoot!

Expose more of this old pimp!

Yucksss I almost puke out my dinner! Simply gross to the max! No wonder they say people with small cock has big ego.

Anyway some reliable sources said he's just a fuckin' old senile retired HKer. No wonder he has so many free time to spit his shit everywhere on web.

Do not be mistaken. SEAJ is Indonesian Chinese. Pimping in Hong Kong/China.

And what is an “immoral earnings gang?”
You mean your heroes, the crooks like 88088, vbkk, SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong etc?

So where is your lackey cum runner oolouis now nitwit?


28-07-2015, 10:13 PM
Do not be mistaken. SEAJ is Indonesian Chinese. Pimping in Hong Kong/China.

... and pretending beeing a white guy in the other forum LOL !



28-07-2015, 10:37 PM
…Expose more of this old pimp!Sure, here’s the crook who takes up my Nick from another forum I belong to for years and fashion his signature to resemble mine. Lame! :eek:
Yucksss I almost puke out my dinner! Simply gross to the max! No wonder they say people with small cock has big ego.Ahhhh…. Another one who obsess about male genitalia – even peering, enlarging, reducing etc. the picture to imagine how the cock probably looks like!!
Thrill you huh? Got you all horny huh! Gonna get wet dreams tonight?
Sheesh …. another closet gay. :rolleyes:
Do not be mistaken. SEAJ is Indonesian Chinese. Pimping in Hong Kong/China. And so???
What has what I am or what I am not got anything to do with anything?
What a moron. It don’t matter to me whatever lies you post, whatever you accuse me of being! Coz all it does is make Samsters all the more realize that sick crooks like you are all over the International Section. :p
So where is your lackey cum runner oolouis now nitwit? How would I know?
Unlike you crooks, I don’t have gangs, no lackey and always act by myself.

So you – yeah you! How many other clones are you at present using all over SBF setting up traps for the unsuspecting Samsters?:mad:


28-07-2015, 10:45 PM
Wait umpteen time I told you to FUCK OFF FROM THIS BOARD!
Muahaha - you wish! You really wish dontcha??
Don't worry - I'll be here to hound you AND all the rest of you crooks and clones for a while.... a long while!
Hoot Hoot!!!
Then how about the statement "with one mass zap, you can put me into negative" how can Whose statement?
As usual, you're repeating total lies over and over again to make it into perceived truth.
Please link this supposed statement you slimy crook!
Again Hoot and Hoot and LMFAO


28-07-2015, 10:51 PM
... and pretending beeing a white guy in the other forum LOL !


Or just messing around/joking by putting behind my nick the description
(***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)
After somebody chided me for mistakenly signing myself off as SEAN instead of my usual SEAJ.

And besides which - again - SO WHAT?!
You truly are a redneck racist.


28-07-2015, 10:57 PM
bla bla bla ... bla bla bla ...

See bros, I told ya :D



28-07-2015, 11:37 PM

Here's the link!
I've upsize this for you! In case you need to put on your glasses.

How does:

"....And as for a measly 158 or whatever points – heck ONE mass zapping campaign would be more than that – and I’ve had to endure several mass zappings! ...."

translate into my SUPPOSEDLY stating:

"with one mass zap, I can put you into negative"

Disgusting liar! :mad:


28-07-2015, 11:45 PM
SISSY HAIRY COCK SEAJ is very good at twisting his words!

Yucksss! Now almost puke out my supper leh!

Truly Disgusted at Hairy Cocker SEAJ!

28-07-2015, 11:50 PM
SISSY HAIRY COCK SEAJ is very good at twisting his words!

Pretty obvious for a twisted mind fucktard :cool:


29-07-2015, 12:02 AM
my dear retarded son seaj,


that is your mother!
why are you paying to fuck your own mother?

29-07-2015, 12:04 AM
SISSY HAIRY COCK SEAJ is very good at twisting his words!

Idiot I'm just using my own words! But wasn't that the meaning. "one mass zapping campaign would be more than that". Indirectly you are saying with one mass zapping campaign you can put me into negative! So simple yet you try to make it so hard to understand!

You think by using flowery English can make people confused! Who are you trying to smoke huh! what a dumbass!

“…I'm just using my own words!..” - YES you certainly ARE using your own words to twist mine and to come out with your blatant lie!

“..But wasn't that the meaning…” – No, that certainly is NOT the meaning, and you know very well that that is not the meaning. Just another example of how you twist words to come out with blatant lies. But, but, but, my arse!

“ .. Indirectly you are saying..” – How do I “indirectly” say anything even close to what you’re trying to twist my words into? Most will probably not bother, but those who are interested should read my whole post to very easily see that there could not even be any way I could mean anything but what I wrote. :rolleyes:

Flowery English? Or, like usual, just total blatant lies from you?

Disgusting crook! :mad:

And can you please stop obsessing about my cock and pubes?
Disgusting closet gay! :mad:


29-07-2015, 12:08 AM
Yucksss! Now almost puke out my supper leh!

Truly Disgusted at Hairy Cocker SEAJ!
You too - please stop obsessing/perving/looking at my cock and pubes. :mad:

Another closet gay.
Disgusting! :mad:
Pretty obvious for a twisted mind fucktard
What.... no more stupid "score" posts?
What a hillbilly :o


29-07-2015, 12:10 AM
my dear retarded son seaj,

that is your mother!
why are you paying to fuck your own mother?

This jerk will even fuck a doughnut if its free. anything with a hole is game!

29-07-2015, 12:15 AM
my dear retarded son seaj,
that is your mother!
why are you paying to fuck your own mother?This jerk will even fuck a doughnut if its free. anything with a hole is game!
Sure, deploying some more clones once caught out.
To bury your embarrassment at AGAIN being exposed and how disgusting you crooks really are.

Is that all the clones you're willing to declare for now big man?

29-07-2015, 12:34 AM
What.... no more stupid "score" posts?
What a hillbilly :o


If you insist :

88088 : 7 / SEAJ : 0

Got owned by so many people, you like it fucktard? :D

Keep gesticulatin' !


29-07-2015, 12:36 AM
Sure, deploying some more clones once caught out.
To bury your embarrassment at AGAIN being exposed and how disgusting you crooks really are.

Is that all the clones you're willing to declare for now big man?

One of numerous miserable tactics of fucktard : accusing people of beeing clone when he got owned and/or runs out of arguments.

So typical, so predictable :p

Fucktard, try to find something else next time, we're starting to get bored :D


(getting more pop corn now)

29-07-2015, 12:44 AM
If you insist :
88088 : 7 / SEAJ : 0
Got owned by so many people, you like it fucktard? :D
Keep gesticulatin' !
Good boy!

Proving once again that you crooks' favorite tactic is just to come out with a lie and then repeating it again and again to make it into perceived truths.

Show me just ONE instance since you started this stupid "scoring" when I, in your words "got owned!"

Next time, do remember to ask "how high?" when I tell you to jump!

You idiots are really giving me a tummy ache making me laugh so much.


29-07-2015, 12:50 AM
Proving once again that you crooks' favorite tactic is just to come out with a lie and then repeating it again and again to make it into perceived truths.

Said the fucktard who is shitting lies from his mouth in all forum.

All samsters know it's you who are disgusting, sorry to break your dream ... old fucktard lol


29-07-2015, 12:56 AM
Said the fucktard who is shitting lies from his mouth in all forum.

All samsters know it's you who are disgusting, sorry to break your dream ... old fucktard lolSez the clone of a hillbilly redneck whose SOLE/SINGULAR DUTY/ALL POSTS TO DATE had been just attack attack attack!

Yeah, right!

29-07-2015, 01:02 AM
Sez the clone of a hillbilly redneck whose SOLE/SINGULAR DUTY/ALL POSTS TO DATE had been just attack attack attack!

Yeah, right!

Yeah truth always hurts, especially when in ur case the truth about you is ugly. But just deal with it. LOL

How to explain so many bros are against you, not only in this board but also on the other boards? And how to explain you get banned many times?

Oh yes, because they are all clones... because they are bad guys against the good saint fucktard SEAJ LOL

Stop beeing cranky fucktard!


29-07-2015, 01:13 AM
How to explain so many bros are against you, not only in this board but also on the other boards? And how to explain you get banned many times?..
Is that why at that other forum even to today I still hold the record for having the most participated and longest thread there?

Over 4,500 great, informative and friendly posts participated by just about every one who are active there.


29-07-2015, 01:16 AM
to set the record straight, herewith a C+P of a previous post on my being "banned" at that other forum. Thanks

........And as to my supposedly being ostracized on other forums - Really?

OK, here’s what happened on XXX141 during the complicated and oft-times heated negotiations by PM/e-mail/on the phone and even in person over the course of at least two months! Negotiations which I’m sure some (most?) of the Mods there were not even privy to.

The owners of that forum had at the time decided to change the direction of his forum to more actively and directly serve the needs of his advertisers - the girls listed on it. They were asking me to “toe the line,” but since the ONLY reason I post is as above, I thought to myself – why in the world would I even consider to accede to their wishes. On top of that, I then realized how much I had actually posted there (besides generally contributing on the forum, I also had the longest and most read thread going on there!); and there ARE actual laws in Hong Kong against “Living of the proceeds of prostitution.” How easy would it be for the law enforcement agencies there to make a case against such a prolific poster on a forum – which happens to have the specific aim of promoting the advertising/paying prostitutes listed on it? And IN FACT, raids DID occur against this web site last year. Worrying that I MAY be subject to “Kill Chicken to Scare Monkey 杀鸡儆猴”by being such a prolific poster there, I had then requested that all my posts be deleted - which they claim they were not able to do (Really?!) So as an alternative, we agreed that an acceptable face-saving compromise for them was for me to just force them to ban me. Which is of course what now appears under my old handle there.

And just to put the record straight, I still do occasionally post on XXG – ......

29-07-2015, 01:29 AM
Is that why at that other forum even to today I still hold the record for having the most participated and longest thread there?

So what?

Fact is you pissed / are pissing and will piss off lot of people with your "Verbal Diarrhea". (That explains you have zero support)

But keep thinking all people against you are clones and ridicule yourself as usual.


29-07-2015, 01:51 AM
So what?
Fact is you pissed / are pissing and will piss off lot of people with your Verbal Diarrhea. (That explains you have zero support)
But keep thinking all people against you are clones and ridicule yourself as usual.
Yup..... still just a brainless attack dog!
Attack attack attack is all you know how to do!

Brainless, Useless!!

29-07-2015, 02:15 AM
bla bla bla bla

Keep repeating your lies, maybe a million of times after it will become true, fucktard! :D

Your ego is surely inversely proportional to the size of your cock, that would explain why you are so embittered, fucktard senile lol

As usual trying to act as if you were victim attacked by bad clone, nice try, but too bad for you, no one is buying your bullshit here. haha!


29-07-2015, 08:41 AM
Dear my son. If you banned from other forum must be got reason. Why did u keep lying and give all kind excuse. Lying is a sin.

29-07-2015, 12:24 PM
Nope. It's you who the one who trying to twist your words to make it sounds that you got no clones. Yeah I'm using my own words. But wasn't the meaning is the same? Idiot!
See you finally you admitted that you twisting your words. Twisting your words again. Who are you trying to kid huh?
Yup! Flowery English to cover your lies. Wasn't that so? Obsessing your cock? You got small dick. There's nothing to great about it.
Gay? You an idiot really! I posted your cock picture just to humiliate you. :D
Don't be mad ok SISSY SEAJ!
Say WHAT???!!!

Yup, even I am aghast at this latest example of just how ridiculously devious and skilled at twisting words you crooks are. Incredible!

Don't know whether to sigh or LMFAO again!!


29-07-2015, 05:00 PM
He is the mighty great dictator, Mr Know all in all international threads.

Anything he says is true and correct. But all newbies please
Beware as below.

29-07-2015, 05:08 PM
He is the mighty great dictator,

Yup! He is the great dick-eater.

29-07-2015, 05:31 PM
Wait wasn't you the one who loves to twist your words? Can't honor your words?

Told to Sam that you decide not to engage battle at this thread, but see? :rolleyes:


That fucktard also suffers from "selective" amnesia :D

88088 : 9 / SEAJ : 0


(getting some pop corn before that dog performs is usual pitiful show)

29-07-2015, 07:32 PM
Love it!!:D

Watching you idiots go all in a tiffy…. getting your panties all in a knot!

Especially love how our loony sgmjplayer snaps to attention!!
Yup – woohoo! Relevance at last… acceptance at last.... at last!!
What crooks?! WHAT are you talking about?! They're bunch of great guys!
Wooo Hooo!! :rolleyes:

Hmmmm…. Wonder where the rest of the IMH-certifiables are??!

All this same-o-same-o …. Yet again….!
It’s supposed to get me upset?
OK! :p

Evil Team Monty Python and their merry band of crooks continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade, putting on full display just how malicious and devious they truly are!!



29-07-2015, 08:18 PM
.Well crook are like that. Can't blame him, ....
YUP - YOU would know what crooks are!

You ARE the expert! :D

29-07-2015, 08:52 PM

Dedicate 'Welcome To The Jungle (http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/QXmrTCLIaIM/)' to hairy cocker SEAJ the underage girl pimp cuz he likes it bushy below.


29-07-2015, 08:56 PM

LOL that fucktard was humiliated so much whenever he opens his stinky mouth that he doesn't know what to do, beside gesticulating :p

Let him do the monkey dancing and entertain us, i got a big stock of pop corn haha!


30-07-2015, 12:26 AM
Hey boss SEAJ, how come until now, not a single supporter has come to your rescue? Can it be cos since your were uncovered as a pedophile, all your pig-friends decided to stay far away from you? Ooo Ooo Ooo...

Your die hard supporter

30-07-2015, 10:20 AM
Hey boss SEAJ, how come until now, not a single supporter has come to your rescue? Can it be cos since your were uncovered as a pedophile, all your pig-friends decided to stay far away from you? Ooo Ooo Ooo...

Your die hard supporter

hahaha no one will stand up for him coz he's simply an idiot

who wants to be associated with or support idiots

30-07-2015, 12:11 PM
hahaha no one will stand up for him coz he's simply an idiot

who wants to be associated with or support idiots

Yup! Just too predictable!

Another certifiable loony so happy to bask in "relevance" like fly in turd! Relishing being "accepted" .... Amongst crooks! Woo hoo!

Respond? There's something to respond to juvenile, off-target name calling? Lmfao!

Keep flailing turds!


30-07-2015, 02:51 PM
Hey boss SEAJ, how come until now, not a single supporter has come to your rescue? Can it be cos since your were uncovered as a pedophile, all your pig-friends decided to stay far away from you? Ooo Ooo Ooo...

Your die hard supporter

Who in his right mind would want to associate with the retard seaj? Gosh i bet he is so filthy we might catch some fucking disease just sharing this forum with him!

30-07-2015, 02:59 PM
Who in his right mind would want to associate with the retard seaj? Gosh i bet he is so filthy we might catch some fucking disease just sharing this forum with him!

YOU for one, trying to "protect" your crooked turf!

Whilst displaying again just how ridiculous the nonsense you crooks use to try to pull the wool over others.

Try again dummy!!
Y'all Getting more and more stupid daily!


30-07-2015, 03:53 PM
Talking about yourself idiot? After being exposed as a pimp for underaged girls, an agent for HK, an idiot in forum, a dictator and liar, you still when around and round called samsters dummy?

You making me laugh actually. When you got nothing to say, but ego too high, always want to have last say! Making a fool out of yourself.

HAHA that fucktard is just looking for his daily dose of humiliation, and he get what he asked for :cool:


30-07-2015, 04:09 PM

Yup, the last word, to point out to readers AND to throw in you bandits' faces:

Evil Team Monty Python and their merry band of crooks continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade, putting on full display just how malicious and devious they truly are!!


Just too funny! :D

30-07-2015, 04:44 PM
who wants to be associated with or support idiots

His imaginary friends?


ps : just found out a new thread has been added here (thailand) ... LOL He really mess up all threads where he participate.

30-07-2015, 05:38 PM
ps : just found out a new thread has been added here (thailand) ... LOL He really mess up all threads where he participate.

Many Thai bros are waiting for SEAJ with their water pipes to lubricate his ass if he dares to step over there.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL As usual C+P replied from SISSY SEAJ. :rolleyes:

Nothing new from SEAJ the underage girl pimp! You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.


30-07-2015, 05:52 PM
Many Thai bros are waiting for SEAJ with their water pipes to lubricate his ass if he dares to step over there.
For sure!

Putting on full display not only their scams, but their easy and natural resorting to violence.

Dear Readers:
Watch out!
Be very careful who you meet up/associate with overseas.


30-07-2015, 06:28 PM
How too? You
So hey - did you manage to sneak back to Singapore?
And hide out in Desker Road doing that pimping business with hongkongdoggy?

How's business?
Or you still can't manage to sneak back in to town?


30-07-2015, 09:20 PM
Or you still can't manage to sneak back in to town?

Wassamatter??? Your Hong Kong PR revoked due to your underage girl pimping?

Trying to sneak back into Indonesia eh?


30-07-2015, 10:47 PM
Why should I sneak back to SG, when I did no commit any crimes!
Oh yeah, sorry, you did NOT mention that it's legal problems; that it was loan sharks and mistakes you made which destroyed your reputation and thus making it impossible for you to work at anything in Singapore.
So when you going back to Indonesia? I supposed you made quite a fortune ...
Huh, why you so concerned with where, how, when I go anywhere? And come on young man, you got many years to make something of yourself and its bad you keep on obsessing what others have; it'll just frustrate you.
Well only idiot have the thought that desker road has pimps. Or you also into milf? I notice some girls you bonked were milfs. So you want to spread your business to desker road. Remember to call me. I can treat you coffee in case you can't afford one.Think about it - instead of wasting whatever precious little brain you have on making a crooked living, you should use it to go straight to probably achieve equal or even better results. Results achieved without having to compromise your own conscience and dignity as what you are now doing.

Think about it properly.
Yeah, dealing with you all these months has softened me and make me sorta pity you instead.


30-07-2015, 11:16 PM
How too? You too afraid to meet samsters? One time water pipe lands on your head, next few hrs lying down inside the coffin. Too old and too fragile. :D

how old is this retard seaj? time for him to step into his coffin loh!

30-07-2015, 11:57 PM
Pity? Should pity yourself. Can't go back to Indonesia. At old age still has to pimp underaged girls just to survive. Participate in various sex forums just to lure those intend to come to HK to your den and asked them to spend more.

At this age you should make yourself nearer to the god instead of going around in sex forum and boast that you bonked a girl for 130RMB! So who sounds more pity now. :rolleyes:

Hoot! Hoot!

Well said! SEAJ the underage girl pimp conveniently siam my post when I mentioned about his Hong Kong PR status being revoked and Indonesian Chinese background. This shows he is scared to let authorities know more about his nefarious activities. Track down his lackey runner oolouis in Hong Kong and you shall be able to find this bastard SEAJ.

Wassamatter SEAJ thought you always want to have the last say?

When I say jump high, HOW HIGH?


31-07-2015, 12:03 AM
Pity? Should pity yourself. Can't go back to Indonesia. At old age still has to pimp underaged girls just to survive. Participate in various sex forums just to lure those intend to come to HK to your den and asked them to spend more.

At this age you should make yourself nearer to the god instead of going around in sex forum and boast that you bonked a girl for 130RMB! So who sounds more pity now.

Baaang !! LOL That's a perfect KO

88088 : 12 / SEAJ : 0

I won't add anything, you've humiliated him too much today ;)


31-07-2015, 12:39 AM
At this age you should make yourself nearer to the god instead of going around in sex forum and boast that you bonked a girl for 130RMB!

Even the gods want to have nothing to do with this retard seaj. And he bonked a 130RMB gutter whore - now syphilis got to his old brain.

31-07-2015, 12:45 AM
Think about it properly.
Yeah, dealing with you all these months has softened me and make me sorta pity you instead.


The retard seaj is foaming at the mouth again. Sure sign the syphilis is getting to his brain.

31-07-2015, 11:31 AM
Foaming around the mouth??!!
Or tears streaming down my face..... from LMFAO?! :p

As you crooks' flailing about goes from grasping at straws, to being totally off-base and now to just being bizzare, period!! :D

So, you desperate li'l dears - y'all go on doing what your precious li'l heart AND your very precious-little brains tells you to do!

Chances are that you're gonna end up killing your own goose that's been laying your crooked scamming eggs! Not caring when you DO destroy SBF. :mad:

Sheesh.... besides my tummy hurting from continually laughing at you crooks flailing about, you idiots have made me run out of tissues from having to wipe away my tears of laughter!! Hey.... here's another li'l random fact you can use to "display" how much of a cheap-ass I supposedly am!! Woo hooo - Go for it!!

Toodles ........ dummies!

31-07-2015, 12:42 PM
WASSTHEMATTER SISSY SEAJ! Running out of ideas? This is what you usually replied when you running out of ideas what to say.:DErrrr..... no ideas..... not even second thoughts are needed when engaging you dummies!

So easy, too easy!


31-07-2015, 02:13 PM
Is it? The how you explain those lengthy replies? :rolleyes:
And if that so why there's a need of twisting your words? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Obvious that simple minds like you would be puzzled, even by such easy concepts!

Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.


31-07-2015, 02:55 PM
Simple as in exposed.

No more unknowing samsters to cheat on.

Can come here and repeatedly cut n paste essays.

31-07-2015, 03:10 PM
Simple as in exposed.
No more unknowing samsters to cheat on.
Can come here and repeatedly cut n paste essays.
Too hilarious - IMH-certifiable loony just cannot help himself!
Got to bask in the attention he at last gets to validate his otherwise pathetic real life. Attention from crooks !
Can't help it!
Basking and wallowing in shit!
Yeah. Only crooks will understand you better. :D Thus that's explain why nobody supported you. Only you and yourself. :eek:Yup!
The combined sum total of you pea brains cain't even handle one single li'l ole me.
Too funny!

31-07-2015, 03:34 PM
Due to samster knowing that they are ripped off by him.
Business have dropped drastically. He only can be keyboard hero.

Agreed? The Great Pretender? Lol!

31-07-2015, 03:36 PM
How is that so? When I got "LMFAO" (S) AND C+P (S) replies? When Sam created this thread you realized you're doomed, and decided to throw white flag. But recently business so slow, cause it's low season. And you decide to spend your time punching the keyboard while waiting for customers to take your underaged girls?
Not to forget, this week. Your fguly BBS girls photos were uploaded. Best of all, pic while you having sex. Exposed your hairy cock. Truly disgusting. And you must be sick to take photo while you having sex with whores. Best of all. You decided to share around the sex forums just to gain points, and yes that boost up your ego right?
Very funny.
Repeat repeat repeat of the same old diatribe over and over again!

No imagination, no imagination at all!

Carry on!

31-07-2015, 03:38 PM
Due to samster knowing that they are ripped off by him.
Business have dropped drastically. He only can be keyboard hero.
Agreed? The Great Pretender? Lol!

The cuckoo-bird in full flight!

What a sight to behold!!


31-07-2015, 03:58 PM
Ahhhh…. YES!!
It IS the same bunch of crooks and loonies I write about! :p

And since this section does seem to have many eyeballs fixed on it, you Samsters who are doing research on SBF for your overseas mongering trip, please go to: ;)

Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.

Then when you do go on your trip, you can avoid these vermin!:mad:


31-07-2015, 04:30 PM
Ahhhh…. YES!!
It IS the same bunch of crooks and loonies I write about! :p


Yes. And the retard seaj strikes again, or tries to, with his usual shit!

31-07-2015, 04:55 PM
Nothing to say
Yes. And the r!
Awwww... Pissy-Hiss-fits!!

How cute!

31-07-2015, 04:55 PM

You dummies keep on flailing impotently with your totally useless diatribe and I’ll just use your wasted effort to re-direct Samsters!! Woo Hoo! :D

If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by these crooks!

Please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.

These vermin are IRL even much worse than how they are on this thread.
Totally Disgusting! :mad:


31-07-2015, 05:00 PM
haha another dear readers post

look at me look at me I am seaj you don't look I will cry

please look at me I am seaj

31-07-2015, 05:03 PM
haha another dear readers post
Wahhhh.... a second Cuckoo-bird in full flight!!

Truly a sight to behold as their minders at their IMH home scream and shout!


31-07-2015, 05:56 PM
Is this how you handle people when you losing for words? LMFAO! :rolleyes:

Pretending laughing, pretending beeing a saint, pretending not caring of what other ppl think of him...thats fucktard SEAJ.

At least he doesnt need to pretend beeing stupid haha :)