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Old 18-07-2014, 09:23 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

talk cock sing song...

Last edited by conquer; 19-07-2014 at 07:56 AM.
Old 18-07-2014, 11:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Ya lor... Any bro can tell where is Suki now? I haven't tried ler...
Ask Chewyfruit?
Tax payer in the day, wild at night.
Old 19-07-2014, 05:47 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Polar.Bear View Post
How naughty? Hehe.
Lol as usual some kenna kc idiot start flaming.
One mountain always higher than another

Talk cock and fart all come through the same breath. TCSS and be Happy!

Don't talk to me abt love, dreams, i don't need these in my life

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Old 19-07-2014, 06:19 AM
RabbitTeeth RabbitTeeth is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Support MZ girls!!

Last edited by RabbitTeeth; 19-07-2014 at 06:41 AM.
Old 19-07-2014, 07:11 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sidewalkslam View Post
Just sharing something that are not related to the TS's topic

Lately, 2 masseuses (operates at different locations and under different web group) shared with me that they have been harassed by one of fellow samster.
This dude has the audacity and claim that he is the "Son of Sammyboy forum webmaster" and threatened the ladies via various means (I.e. To remove the masseues's online advertisement on sammyboy forum, call the police etc) when he felt that their services were not pleasing him.

When he was refused service by the masseuses, he resorted to violence and attacked them. 1 masseuse was scratched by that dude and left a mark on her arm. Her main access door was damaged by him as well.

I do understand that some masseuses out there are horrible in their services and couldn't perform to the standard we would like but let's try not be barbaric and use that despicable means to scare or even worse attack the ladies.

I have my own share of bad experience as well and been short changed by quite a few masseuses in the past but I do not think it is right to use violence or threat to resolve the issue with the masseuses.
For me, I chose to stop the session half way thru and left the premises quietly (Paid half of the full amount) if I found the service was too poor.

I have the numbers and the photograph of the above-mentioned samster and have already sent out to all the masseuses whom I frequently visit to beware of him.

Anyway, sorry to post such an unrelated stuff on this thread. Have a great weekends ahead. Cheers
Bro, kindly PM me his handsome face photo and number. I don't want my loving ML/FL kanna defaced neither... Thanks.
Old 19-07-2014, 10:26 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
Bro, kindly PM me his handsome face photo and number. I don't want my loving ML/FL kanna defaced neither... Thanks.
Who is this person sia? SG too many siao lang nowadays.
Old 19-07-2014, 10:28 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

SYT Youthful Student♥妃儿 Fei Er♥21yo♥Oil Massage♥GFE BM♥BBBJ/CIM♥HJ♥$90

I booked her the day after I had YangYang.

Location: East.
When I reach the given location, found that it was all fence up and I needed an access card to enter the premises. So I call her and she told me to wait beside the gate for someone to enter/exit. Awkward moment! I have to wait beside the gate on my way out too. 2nd call direct me to a playground (So she can view me), 3rd call direct me to the exact block and floor, The final call finally direct me to her unit.

There are 2 rooms shared by 3 girls. Saw the 上海大学生 Sophia. Tall, lanky girl. But I won't return to this place.

Back to Fei-Er, first look turn me off a bit. She was in a denim short that reaches to her knees and a simple T shirt. She has a dark complexion(for a china girl) and a weirdo hair style. She remind me of those kampong girl from Tg Balai who can barely afford to dress up/make up. The lust factor almost drop to zero.

No attached bathroom. When I return back to the room, she did put on some makeup. Someone needed to teach her how to do it properly.

Her strong point is in the area of GFE. Once back in the room after shower, she was all over me. Helping me to wipe myself dry. Many times trying to push her lips on mine. She did put in a lot of effort to trying to click with me, but sadly damage already done on first impression.

I lie down on the bed and ask her to massage me. She turn off the light leaving only a red bedside lamp on, this setup is totally eerie! Straightaway she strip off her top and started to massage me sensually. 10min into it, she ask me to flip over. Roaming is worldwide! You can squeeze, pinch, suck, paint, dig wherever you want. But the catbath, boobs massage, HDLY is nothing to shout about. She is only a cup A. When she finally started to jerk me off, I ask "aren't you gonna blow me?" She ask for tips up front, so we agree on a amount.

There is a bit of teeth in her BBBJ, not enough slurping, tongue twirling or deep suction. I have to guide her a lot before I cum. It was a small explosion but it choked her and she spill it all out on the bed and over my groin.

After my washup, she was again very eagerly helping me to dry up and dress up. Lotsa kisses and clinging onto me like old lover. Paid her and quickly left the place, and it started to rain.

For the first time in my chiong days, I felt creepy! Maybe it was that red lamp.

On my way home, called Sabrina for an appointment on the next day.
I don't feel sextisfy!

*Smoke in the toilet*

... the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable.

非淡泊无以明志, 非宁静无以致远

Last edited by macktamer; 20-07-2014 at 10:39 AM.
Old 19-07-2014, 12:25 PM
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Unhappy Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sidewalkslam View Post
Just sharing something that are not related to the TS's topic

Lately, 2 masseuses (operates at different locations and under different web group) shared with me that they have been harassed by one of fellow samster.
This dude has the audacity and claim that he is the "Son of Sammyboy forum webmaster" and threatened the ladies via various means (I.e. To remove the masseues's online advertisement on sammyboy forum, call the police etc) when he felt that their services were not pleasing him.

When he was refused service by the masseuses, he resorted to violence and attacked them. 1 masseuse was scratched by that dude and left a mark on her arm. Her main access door was damaged by him as well.

I do understand that some masseuses out there are horrible in their services and couldn't perform to the standard we would like but let's try not be barbaric and use that despicable means to scare or even worse attack the ladies.

I have my own share of bad experience as well and been short changed by quite a few masseuses in the past but I do not think it is right to use violence or threat to resolve the issue with the masseuses.
For me, I chose to stop the session half way thru and left the premises quietly (Paid half of the full amount) if I found the service was too poor.

I have the numbers and the photograph of the above-mentioned samster and have already sent out to all the masseuses whom I frequently visit to beware of him.

Anyway, sorry to post such an unrelated stuff on this thread. Have a great weekends ahead. Cheers

Because this Mad guy now those masseuses refuse to accept new customer and unfamiliar phone numbers. And the worst thing is he scare away My dear Suki. Suki not more...
Old 19-07-2014, 12:43 PM
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Talking Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
For the first time in my chiong times, I felt creepy! Maybe it was that red lamp.
I know what you mean bro. It is super creepy making out with a long hair lady under that dim red light, especially month of seventh is about to come...
Old 19-07-2014, 02:10 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Talking about service and attitude, I just came back from zi xuan and she is a good example of both - ever so eager to please once you meet her in person, though the entry to the location is quite sucky...

Was quite skeptical at first cos this is only the second time I tried a ml from this stable; the first was rather bad some months back - this young ah lian that uses talcum powder to massage and I showered 3x in one session.

Zi xuan's communication up to the point of reaching her place was a bit doubtful as well but when the session started.. she made me wanna believe I shared a special moment with her (well at least that's what I felt )
Yes, she is highly recommended! Me Got something special from her...
Old 19-07-2014, 03:05 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ChiongKing View Post
Yes, she is highly recommended! Me Got something special from her...
She just wechat me say she going back tomorrow. I dunno if she is coming back.
Old 19-07-2014, 04:15 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Managed to catch hold of this F cupper (only can catch one side with both my hands).

Looks: Picture is always a beautiful lie. (6/10)
Body: O.O with head lights as big as hers, her body is actually very perfect.
Massage: caught her at a bad time, never eat no strength
BF: OMG, I want to keep doing!!!
RTM: yes, becoz I really want to slide between her peaks!!!

Great for peak lovers, not so for massage go-ers.
Old 19-07-2014, 05:04 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post

SYT Youthful Student♥妃儿 Fei Er♥21yo♥Oil Massage♥GFE BM♥BBBJ/CIM♥HJ♥$90

I booked her the day after I had YangYang.

Location: East.
When I reach the given location, found that it was all fence up and I needed an access card to enter the premises. So I call her and she told me to wait beside the gate for someone to enter/exit. Award moment! I have to wait beside the gate on my way out too. 2nd call direct me to a playground (So she can view me), 3rd call direct me to the exact block and floor, The final call finally direct me to her unit.

There are 2 rooms shared by 3 girls. Saw the 上海大学生 Sophia. Tall, lanky girl. But I won't return to this place.

Back to Fei-Er, first look turn me off a bit. She was in a denim short that reaches to her knees and a simple T shirt. She has a dark complexion(for a china girl) and a weirdo hair style. She remind me of those kampong girl from Tg Balai who can barely afford to dress up/make up. The lust factor almost drop to zero.

No attached bathroom. When I return back to the room, she did put on some makeup. Someone need to teach her how to do it properly.

Her strong point is in the area of GFE. Once back in the room after shower, she was all over me. Helping me to wipe myself dry. Many times trying to push her lips on mine. She did put in a lot of effort to trying to click with me, but sadly damage already done on first impression.

I lie down on the bed and ask her to massage me. She turn off the light leaving only a red bedside lamp on, this setup is totally eerie! Straightaway she strip off her top and started to massage me sensually. 10min into it, she ask me to flip over. Roaming is worldwide! You can squeeze, pinch, suck, paint, dig wherever you want. But the catbath, boobs massage, HDLY is nothing to shout about. She is only a cup A. When she finally started to jerk me off, I ask "aren't you gonna blow me?" She ask for tips up front, so we agree on a amount.

There is a bit of teeth in her BBBJ, not enough slurping, tongue twirling or deep suction. I have to guide her a lot before I cum. It was a small explosion but it choked her and she spill it all out on the bed and over my groin.

After my washup, she was again very eagerly helping me to dry up and dress up. Lotsa kisses and clinging onto me like old lover. Paid her and quickly left the place, and it started to rain.

For the first time in my chiong times, I felt creepy! Maybe it was that red lamp.

On my way home, called Sabrina for an appointment on the next day.
I don't feel sextisfy!

*Smoke in the toilet*

Hi bro. Which Sabrina are you talking about? If its the one that I'm asking about, I'll be waiting for your MR eagerly!
Old 20-07-2014, 12:41 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

My MR for Pain 痛痛

Best message I've ever had.
For bros who like hard massages and can feel the sore disappear from places unreachable by other masseuses, I would recommend you give this lass a try. For the first time in months I managed to sleep soundly at night like a pig without waking up (I have insomnia often). Plan to visit her again soon as she said she's only around for a month.

And also I finally understood what the reflection thing was about but she caught me looking at her and I laughed
Old 20-07-2014, 12:41 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Tried another fine catch from Little Tiger, Man Man. She was so good that calls for this field report. Below is a summary of her stats:

Body: 9/10
Boobs: 8/10 (A big D)
Massage: 9/10 (Not piano type, got all the accu points correct and soothe my aches and pains)
HJ: 9/10 (Slow and steady, not a time watcher)

Value for money!

RTM: Definitely.
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