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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 03-09-2005, 07:38 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by ypres
I wonder why AV likes to pick on HC instead of TN.......
HC got far many girls then TN. When they raid TN, probably they could only catch one or two girls, because TN is usually very small.
But HC is different, they can be 10 WLs and 10 customers in the midst of their "business" during the raid.
Old 03-09-2005, 11:39 PM
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Talking Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by imaginative
HC got far many girls then TN. When they raid TN, probably they could only catch one or two girls, because TN is usually very small...But HC is different, they can be 10 WLs and 10 customers in the midst of their "business" during the raid.
Hmmm... maybe Hole-tel 81 and Faygrunts budget hotel chains were dead quiet during the Chit-guet Festival and decided to complain anonymously to the AV unit big-time to boost their biz?!!?!?!?!
Due to overwhelming demand (2 months!), exchange for now is restricted to minimum 7 points. Cheers!
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Old 04-09-2005, 04:37 PM
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Smile Re: Legends 3

Drop by legend today, really quiet, i see most of the rooms empty. Understand from the WL that since the raid, most of WL went back and those who are around got not many customers.

Knew from her that actually the AV looking for 2 other girls but happen to be off and end up take another two. AV claim there is customers complaints and hence took action. The 2 bros are told to go off, think they are not affected, may be the 2 bros could share more if they are in this forum.

The WL also mention actually recognise 2 of the AV used to visit legend too .... they are humans/man afterall. :-)

Wind is still strong ... business definitely affected. May be legend boss should hv someone "watch water" ... should hv enough time to react if that is done.

Also dunno who complaint, probably could not get the angpais, then complain.

Old 04-09-2005, 07:25 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Bros., Suggest we leave the boss to sort out the matters and allow him the space and time to do so. Both he and the gals had been thru' a nerve-wrecking experience and I'm sure we don't want to add further to their woes by more speculation. It will not help the situation. Allow the law of the Land to take its natural course and it's for the boss to sort this out with the authorithies. Just let the place settle and move on.
Old 04-09-2005, 08:48 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Bros., Suggest we leave the boss to sort out the matters and allow him the space and time to do so. Both he and the gals had been thru' a nerve-wrecking experience and I'm sure we don't want to add further to their woes by more speculation. It will not help the situation. Allow the law of the Land to take its natural course and it's for the boss to sort this out with the authorithies. Just let the place settle and move on.
Bros, Sorry. Please allow me to rephase this message:
Av visits are part and parcel of the HC business. It's their jobs to do so. The boss and the gals had just been thru' a nerve-wrecking experience and I'm sure we do not want to compound their woes further by more speculations. Neither is it the time to score points. It will not help the situation. The laws of the Land will take their natural course and its for the boss to sort out this matter with the relevant authorithies. Suggest we allow the boss the space and time to do so. He needs to calm the jarring nerves of his staff and diffuse the tension . We can help by not adding anymore to the tension and allow the place to finds her feet again. Let the place settle and cool off, and hopefull L3 will be back to business as usual quickly.
Old 04-09-2005, 10:43 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Just went to legend HC,everything seem fine.
Figure:great ard 170cm tall and ard 52 kg
Nipple: pinkish!!!
Massage:7/10 not bad,slow and steady!!
BJ:7/10 really know how to please me
FJ:8/10 responsive and got abit sluttish,my cup of tea.
Total damage:138

Overall everthing seem back to normal,i think wat bro zack said is true,let nature take it course,anyway raids by AV are expected by all HC operators.That part and pacel of this trade,unless they forbidden special in their premise.
Old 05-09-2005, 12:44 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by mega2hard
IMHO, sad to say, i don't think she's there yet. The ONLY thing that's good about her is her AR. Nice, wet, & ticklish... just the way I like it. Other than that, I can't say anything else good. As always, this is a self opinionated observation, the usual disclaimer applies! You have to be your own judge! Have fun brother!

Any opinion is a good opinion. Thanx Bro.....
Old 05-09-2005, 01:21 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Cococock
i must be damn lucky!! i actually was there after the raid about 7:30 and was battling with stephanie using my shaoling move... mayb after the raid she take revvenge on me...never in my life so difficult to fuck a HC girl.....
I rest my case...
Old 05-09-2005, 01:22 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by DARKSARCASM
Any opinion is a good opinion. Thanx Bro.....
anytime brother... wonder how's the situation right now. Guess the jitters are still there.
Old 06-09-2005, 10:46 PM
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Cool my fighting routine...

Walk pass yesterday, told to behave myself, but unfortunately my brother took over and turn in to check it out...

Reporting yesterday FR

Another FR, fighting routine in legend this time with coco! Yes! Me cococock tarzan verses coco the beast…! Men, she is wild and a men eater…got recommended by counter again…her face got leopard spot…without that mayb her look can go up to 7/10…her leg abit big for me… the moment I lie face down she rubba rubba me with oil and give me a hard massage…couldn’t remember anything except her arse sitiing on mine and then slide down to my leg while clawing my she turn around and squat in front of my head..without wasting time I start to attack her base camp…and can one! Her panty already wet!...she also cannot tahan so turn back and clean the oil from my back and start to play with my didi….i lift up my arse for her to grab…while screwing my didi with her hand, she kiss both my moon, my back and attack my neck and grab me….i turn around and men she already strip down to her undie!!..did she wear anything when she came in??? we grab each other and attack from neck to mouth and yes her nie-nie!! Abit soft and hanging like loose papaya swinging under strong wind...who care already so hot loew…her hand and leg are crawling all over my body…I also attack her with my hand and leg.…interlocking and rolling left and right….both of us look like tarzan fighting a beast…quickly she mount my didi with CD and it disappear into her mouth…not even david copperfield can do it…I cried 69!! and cheong to attack her base camp…bo-pan-chan loew..i can feel something eating my didi, its beyond shiok…and her hand start to craw my back and buttock like a wild cat!! Wah lan really hard one..almost tear my skin off…me tarzan canno loose turn around..she grad me and french until I almost canoot breath…I then attack her neck and nie-nie and she was wriggling…cannot tahan decide to tame her…grab her nie-nie and plunge my didi inside her base camp…and she howl like an animal…tazan must teach her a lesson and I pump and pump until I release my a piece of my brother mind to her…OEEEOOO!! she let go a final howl and grab me tightly…………………..oei!..... Finis loew!...then she slowly let go..and keep kissing me all over..while cleaning my brother she play with it and give 2 hard peck…it went hard again…she really refuse to admit lose…we grab each other again and pretend to fuck….go to bath, saw the tissue she use to clean my didi…dried up on my didi head…look like little osama….ke ke ke ke… later, i didn't mention about the raid...just ask about business is it good?...she say fine like nothing happen....mmmm?

Result: yes she is a good performer, a real beast onli tarzan like to challenge…will return for another fight….
Mine last fight almost loose out to Stephanie from E-mei shan…

…on the way home I boght eat chicken essence at 7-11….
Old 07-09-2005, 12:12 PM
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Re: my fighting routine...

Originally Posted by Cococock
Walk pass yesterday, told to behave myself, but unfortunately my brother took over and turn in to check it out...

Reporting yesterday FR

Another FR, fighting routine in legend this time with coco! Yes! Me cococock tarzan verses coco the beast…! Men, she is wild and a men eater…….
Great FR bro!!

Now that is Coco for sure.

Old 07-09-2005, 05:17 PM
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Re: my fighting routine...

Originally Posted by Cococock
Reporting yesterday FR

Another FR, fighting routine in legend this time with coco! Yes! Me cococock tarzan verses coco the beast…! Men, she is wild and a men eater……while screwing my didi with her hand, she kiss both my moon, my back and attack my neck and grab me….interlocking and rolling left and right….both of us look like tarzan fighting a beast……grab her nie-nie and plunge my didi inside her base camp… I pump and pump until I release my a piece of my brother mind to her…OEEEOOO!! she let go a final howl and grab me tightly…………………..oei!.....

we grab each other again and pretend to fuck…. didn't mention about the raid...just ask about business is it good?...she say fine like nothing happen....mmmm?
Another GREAT FR as usual bro.... but I curious about the above comment u made (highlighed in ORANGE) either you fuck or you dun...rite?? got pretend one meh ??

Coco veteran liao.... seen 2 many raids liao... at L2 to L3. Still pei-fu you for going to GROUND ZERO again to steal-eat after the raid recently.......

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lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-09-2005, 06:59 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Actually the period right after a raid is the safest coz AV won't go back to the same place so soon again right?
Old 07-09-2005, 09:02 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Dats what the former management of Dickson Spa thought too about 2 yrs ago.... but AV paid them a visit twice within the same week. 2nd time the whole HC was forced to close down for ignoring AV's warning. Lots of cheongster and WLs caught in mid-action...

If you are single... then no biggie. If you are married...then... prepare the Durian Husk liao !!

Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-09-2005, 09:15 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Doenitz79
Actually the period right after a raid is the safest coz AV won't go back to the same place so soon again right?
Thay's what most people think. Big mistake. AV is serious this time. Dun't play play.
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