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Old 02-10-2014, 11:59 PM
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Re: MR for 糖果 (rainie)

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Bro... kena grounded ah?

I went to find innocence yesterday, still as fun and very eventful... too many events to pen down... lol... she may mia for 2 weeks by weekend... anyways, I saw cutie at the lift lobby with her barang... maybe shift into miqi's?
Saw your comment and quickly book cutie, what a disappointment!

I mean disappointment as in her place lol not her. I was hoping she move into MQ place, then it's worthwhile to go for 2 hrs in that apartment. It is still the best place, was hoping someone like cutie's calibre will move in.

this innocence really shouldn't be call xiaodanchun, she's not a bit danchun at all always got some lobang up her sleeves. 鬼灵精还差不多.

... the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable.

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Old 03-10-2014, 02:24 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Just had a session with Sunny from LTD. She's an extremely gentle and demure girl. A bit on the short side though. Her voice is sweet and I love how she whispers.

Long story short,

Looks: 7.5/10
Body: Skin is super smooth. She's on the short side, so if you like petite girls, she'll be your cup of tea.
Boobs: B minus? On the smallish side.
Massage: Damn awesome. She's very good at what she does. She actually made my shoulder aches go away, and that's not an easy feat to accomplish. This one's got strength and technique! Easily one of the best masseuses out there on the market.
1st HJ: 11/10. She was really gentle during the first HJ so it was amazing. Not like some girls who treat your dick like a fucking PlayStation joystick.
juagen: I was surprised when she offered this service. I thought it couldn't possibly be any good. I'm so glad to be wrong. She knows exactly what she's doing. And what she did here led to the second HJ.
2nd HJ: Her hands were oiled magic. With my eyes closed, it really felt like someone was giving me a BBBJ. Because I already came once 30mins ago, I couldn't really stand but she persevered and started to really go at it. She pumped me hard in a 69 position, twisting and moaning on top of me for a good 5 minutes till I finally blew. It was incredible. She then sat back and winced because her arm was sore haha.
GFE: 7/10. If you like the submissive and domesticated servant type!
RTM: I don't see why not.

To conclude, mission success!
Old 03-10-2014, 08:44 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Booked and visited Mint aka Hazel quite last min and had a scare before finally confirmed the session as her handphone forget top up and no more credit.... She had to use her sis hp to confirm booking with me... I waited almost 30min for the reply and almost fall alseep when she replied... Imagine my feeling when I saw the reply... Said yes to it and faster chiong down since I missed her the 1st time round due to timing issue. Now she is back and timing is more flexible which is a good thing.

Pics of Hazel to chase my morning blue away~

Btw her sis is Laura aka Irene who is also quite nice looking when she came over to take back her phone She is quite pretty with slightly bigger boobies and have a more sexy feel. Looking at Bro stiffness's MR on Laura/ Irene make me also wanna try here as well.

Wah this must be one of longest MR I had written to date and I always wrote what I feel during the session so here goes be it good or bad:

Location is discreet but the entry point is not as easy to find as most other location... Room is quite nice and so is the bathroom. (No attached bathroom so sad ) Look is as picture with the usual 20-30% PS effects with more tanned skin tone as she just came back from a cruise trip(Closer to pic on the right). She is chatty and can talk about a lot topics and friendly as well. I not a chatty person but she did managed to make me chatted 80% of the session which is a lot already for me. Her gfe is high as she will also lead me to bathroom before and after the massage session. And we also chit chat abit after the session.

She is petite and had a tight body similar to Yang Yang. A GND and SYT look. (Cute looking, at least to me). Slightly bigger boobies than Yang Yang but also at most B-. (Boobies lover be reminded ) Roaming is allowed but do respect her service limitations.

Her massage is decent and with strength but not at the pain/love level of strength which is ok for me as I can't tahan too much strength.. The main highlight is her JG as she previous known for giving really decent JG. And her HJ techniques have a lot patterns and quite patient in it. She is known to read your mind on the pleasure spots and know how to control her HJ technique to give you the almost cumming then she slow down and keep repeating to give the pleasure feeling of almost coming but nv cum.

Overall I think I will add her to my rtm list. Her gfe is really high (almost at Ruby level but dun have surprise kisses and hugs) and her JG is one of the better I had experience as opposed to others who advertised JG but actually only touch here touch there abit then HJ liao... Her JG is really can feel the ache and relieve of the vein and feel refreshed after the session. Of cos above are all that I experience personally and others might experience differently or even better overall experience. Do try her fast as she will be here for only less than 1 month.... Already thinking of rtm already...

Below are some past MR on her from this tcss thread.
Bro stiffness's MR
Bro DJTrader's MR
Bro macktamer's MR (Look at the 2nd half of his MR for Hazel/Mint's MR)

P.S. Do sms her again in 1 hour time if she did not replied your sms as her phone might not be topped up yet. She is telling me she will top up as soon as she wake up and hopefully before noon.. And she is new to the whole handling timing and sms/call on her own as previously it is handled by others instead of herself. Do be patient with her.

Last edited by ssurfer987; 03-10-2014 at 10:10 AM.
Old 03-10-2014, 08:49 AM
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Re: MR for 糖果 (rainie)

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
Saw your comment and quickly book cutie, what a disappointment!

I mean disappointment as in her place lol not her. I was hoping she move into MQ place, then it's worthwhile to go for 2 hrs in that apartment. It is still the best place, was hoping someone like cutie's calibre will move in.

this innocence really shouldn't be call xiaodanchun, she's not a bit danchun at all always got some lobang up her sleeves. 鬼灵精还差不多.
She brought all her barang there bro... to think she shifted to the other place... now the disappointment maybe mine cos a previous occupant of the other place may not return so soon liao...

As for the xiaodanchun, she had a change of plans yesterday again! So typical of her! To think we discuss/did so much... now maybe she still available these 2 weeks... I dunno her schedule liao...

Mango, Tomato
Old 03-10-2014, 09:46 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Any bro try before? Pic look good and it's my type. But cannot find MR. Have booked her later and wait for my MR.
Old 03-10-2014, 11:04 AM
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commando MR for hazel and peace (1 of 2)

Yesterday late morning received insider info regarding hazel (only knew she is now "mint" from bro's MR above) but I had already booked peace... Adventurous mode "on" so texted hazel and got a slot 2 hours before my booking with peace... with hazel it's really commando by my standards, here it goes:

Reached early and parked my ride near the stipulated location (lotsa public parking around). Walked around to buy something and she texted to ask if I can come up earlier... I was near the MRT station then so I walked in fast pace over - took me about 5 minutes but drenched in sweat. Here was when the cock up started...

miscommunication for about 10 minutes in the sun and some suspicious stares b4 finally finding my way up... received by irene and she brought me to her room... a bit skeptical at this point...

Irene:"You called hazel but she has an appointment, so I "do" for you right?"
Me (with the heat already in me, literally as well):"if that is the case, I'll pass."
Irene:"wait, wait..." blah...blah... turns out irene is holding the phone for hazel and confused me with the other same timeslot customer who went for irene after failing to book hazel...

At this point abit DL liao, and hazel brought me to a common bathroom, she went inside with me but I shower myself. Back in the room, she ask me to lie down on the bed without towels lined... haben buy enough towels yet...

Guess we were both ignorant of how each other functioned---I never tried her previous stable before and I am her first customer since she jumped ship... she even asked me what is the state of undress when other stable's ML does the massage... I just told her to follow what she normally does... foolish/idiot me shd have told her they normally do it in full nude... lol...

Looks wise she is cute type syt with dimples. She said she put on a lot of weight during her break but I think she looks just nice...

Massage was so-so and she acknowledged that... she is new in that... Throughout the session she kept finding out from me how things work outside of her prev stable and I was more than willing to fill her in. Spoke alot about her prev stable, raids, other stables, sbf etc...Sensual tickling/catbath normal stuff...She then asked me wanna jg, accepted since I haven't tried b4 from her prev stable. So have to use back the towel I used to dry myself. At this point asked for my hp cos her phone with irene, so she has to keep time using my phone... shd have reset the timing to my advantage... hehe....

Anyway, the jg was the most painful I ever tried, can even feel the aftereffects now... it is like her doing foot reflexology on your scrotum... just hope she knows what she is doing... lol... I do like how she thoroughly polishes the shaft though... sibei got feeling and got finished off in the same front facing top jg position... Haven't buy tissue yet, so she has to go out to bring in some toilet paper...

During clean up she says I am a good guy leh, didn't roam her during the session... I am not sure if I shd have done that during the sensual part cos the jg+hj part she was not assessible leh... anyway, I told her I'd come back for that since we both blur blur now...

Come back? Maybe when she is more prepared and accustomed to the ML world outside of her prev stable. I am very sure it will be much more enjoyable then... but as of now you bros can see, I really commando-ed in many aspects and took one for the team...

Off to my next session with peace...

Mango, Tomato

Last edited by derrickboy; 03-10-2014 at 11:31 AM.
Old 03-10-2014, 11:33 AM
baotohk baotohk is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by visser View Post
Just had a session with Sunny from LTD. She's an extremely gentle and demure girl. A bit on the short side though. Her voice is sweet and I love how she whispers.

Long story short,

Looks: 7.5/10
Body: Skin is super smooth. She's on the short side, so if you like petite girls, she'll be your cup of tea.
Boobs: B minus? On the smallish side.
Massage: Damn awesome. She's very good at what she does. She actually made my shoulder aches go away, and that's not an easy feat to accomplish. This one's got strength and technique! Easily one of the best masseuses out there on the market.
1st HJ: 11/10. She was really gentle during the first HJ so it was amazing. Not like some girls who treat your dick like a fucking PlayStation joystick.
juagen: I was surprised when she offered this service. I thought it couldn't possibly be any good. I'm so glad to be wrong. She knows exactly what she's doing. And what she did here led to the second HJ.
2nd HJ: Her hands were oiled magic. With my eyes closed, it really felt like someone was giving me a BBBJ. Because I already came once 30mins ago, I couldn't really stand but she persevered and started to really go at it. She pumped me hard in a 69 position, twisting and moaning on top of me for a good 5 minutes till I finally blew. It was incredible. She then sat back and winced because her arm was sore haha.
GFE: 7/10. If you like the submissive and domesticated servant type!
RTM: I don't see why not.

To conclude, mission success!
Not sure you are gullible , she is recycled and definitely not worth the money spent and not to mention her ugly breast.
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Old 03-10-2014, 11:45 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by baotohk View Post
Not sure you are gullible , she is recycled and definitely not worth the money spent and not to mention her ugly breast.

Didn't realise I could have gotten her cheaper to be honest but for what I paid, it was definitely quality service and worth every cent. You may not agree with me but fact remains, I enjoyed myself. And that's all that matters.

With me, she tried her best to please, and I think that's the most important thing. I've met so many girls who treat customers like walking ATMs. Press a couple of buttons and hope money pops out. So she felt like a refreshing change.

But yeah, 20 bucks cheaper. That's good to know.
Old 03-10-2014, 11:51 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

sigh, search high and low but could not find bing bing thread.. :/
Old 03-10-2014, 01:21 PM
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Re: commando MR for hazel and peace (1 of 2)

thanks for mrs bro

Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post
Booked and visited Mint aka Hazel quite last min and had a scare before finally confirmed the session as her handphone forget top up and no more credit.... She had to use her sis hp to confirm booking with me... I waited almost 30min for the reply and almost fall alseep when she replied... Imagine my feeling when I saw the reply... Said yes to it and faster chiong down since I missed her the 1st time round due to timing issue. Now she is back and timing is more flexible which is a good thing.

Pics of Hazel to chase my morning blue away~

Btw her sis is Laura aka Irene who is also quite nice looking when she came over to take back her phone She is quite pretty with slightly bigger boobies and have a more sexy feel. Looking at Bro stiffness's MR on Laura/ Irene make me also wanna try here as well.

Wah this must be one of longest MR I had written to date and I always wrote what I feel during the session so here goes be it good or bad:

Location is discreet but the entry point is not as easy to find as most other location... Room is quite nice and so is the bathroom. (No attached bathroom so sad ) Look is as picture with the usual 20-30% PS effects with more tanned skin tone as she just came back from a cruise trip(Closer to pic on the right). She is chatty and can talk about a lot topics and friendly as well. I not a chatty person but she did managed to make me chatted 80% of the session which is a lot already for me. Her gfe is high as she will also lead me to bathroom before and after the massage session. And we also chit chat abit after the session.

She is petite and had a tight body similar to Yang Yang. A GND and SYT look. (Cute looking, at least to me). Slightly bigger boobies than Yang Yang but also at most B-. (Boobies lover be reminded ) Roaming is allowed but do respect her service limitations.

Her massage is decent and with strength but not at the pain/love level of strength which is ok for me as I can't tahan too much strength.. The main highlight is her JG as she previous known for giving really decent JG. And her HJ techniques have a lot patterns and quite patient in it. She is known to read your mind on the pleasure spots and know how to control her HJ technique to give you the almost cumming then she slow down and keep repeating to give the pleasure feeling of almost coming but nv cum.

Overall I think I will add her to my rtm list. Her gfe is really high (almost at Ruby level but dun have surprise kisses and hugs) and her JG is one of the better I had experience as opposed to others who advertised JG but actually only touch here touch there abit then HJ liao... Her JG is really can feel the ache and relieve of the vein and feel refreshed after the session. Of cos above are all that I experience personally and others might experience differently or even better overall experience. Do try her fast as she will be here for only less than 1 month.... Already thinking of rtm already...

Below are some past MR on her from this tcss thread.
Bro stiffness's MR
Bro DJTrader's MR
Bro macktamer's MR (Look at the 2nd half of his MR for Hazel/Mint's MR)

P.S. Do sms her again in 1 hour time if she did not replied your sms as her phone might not be topped up yet. She is telling me she will top up as soon as she wake up and hopefully before noon.. And she is new to the whole handling timing and sms/call on her own as previously it is handled by others instead of herself. Do be patient with her.
Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Yesterday late morning received insider info regarding hazel (only knew she is now "mint" from bro's MR above) but I had already booked peace... Adventurous mode "on" so texted hazel and got a slot 2 hours before my booking with peace... with hazel it's really commando by my standards, here it goes:

Reached early and parked my ride near the stipulated location (lotsa public parking around). Walked around to buy something and she texted to ask if I can come up earlier... I was near the MRT station then so I walked in fast pace over - took me about 5 minutes but drenched in sweat. Here was when the cock up started...

miscommunication for about 10 minutes in the sun and some suspicious stares b4 finally finding my way up... received by irene and she brought me to her room... a bit skeptical at this point...

Irene:"You called hazel but she has an appointment, so I "do" for you right?"
Me (with the heat already in me, literally as well):"if that is the case, I'll pass."
Irene:"wait, wait..." blah...blah... turns out irene is holding the phone for hazel and confused me with the other same timeslot customer who went for irene after failing to book hazel...

At this point abit DL liao, and hazel brought me to a common bathroom, she went inside with me but I shower myself. Back in the room, she ask me to lie down on the bed without towels lined... haben buy enough towels yet...

Guess we were both ignorant of how each other functioned---I never tried her previous stable before and I am her first customer since she jumped ship... she even asked me what is the state of undress when other stable's ML does the massage... I just told her to follow what she normally does... foolish/idiot me shd have told her they normally do it in full nude... lol...

Looks wise she is cute type syt with dimples. She said she put on a lot of weight during her break but I think she looks just nice...

Massage was so-so and she acknowledged that... she is new in that... Throughout the session she kept finding out from me how things work outside of her prev stable and I was more than willing to fill her in. Spoke alot about her prev stable, raids, other stables, sbf etc...Sensual tickling/catbath normal stuff...She then asked me wanna jg, accepted since I haven't tried b4 from her prev stable. So have to use back the towel I used to dry myself. At this point asked for my hp cos her phone with irene, so she has to keep time using my phone... shd have reset the timing to my advantage... hehe....

Anyway, the jg was the most painful I ever tried, can even feel the aftereffects now... it is like her doing foot reflexology on your scrotum... just hope she knows what she is doing... lol... I do like how she thoroughly polishes the shaft though... sibei got feeling and got finished off in the same front facing top jg position... Haven't buy tissue yet, so she has to go out to bring in some toilet paper...

During clean up she says I am a good guy leh, didn't roam her during the session... I am not sure if I shd have done that during the sensual part cos the jg+hj part she was not assessible leh... anyway, I told her I'd come back for that since we both blur blur now...

Come back? Maybe when she is more prepared and accustomed to the ML world outside of her prev stable. I am very sure it will be much more enjoyable then... but as of now you bros can see, I really commando-ed in many aspects and took one for the team...

Off to my next session with peace...
Old 03-10-2014, 01:44 PM
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Re: commando MR for hazel and peace (2 of 2)

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Off to my next session with peace...
Made my way to peace's place 30+ mins before agreed time... texted her and she is available as well... opened the door, first impression she is a pretty girl, not the stunning pretty but the pleasant looking pretty type. I prefer her looks in person more than the photos... maybe it's the way she wore her hair...

She lead me upstairs... there is an irony here-just the day before I was telling innocence how much better her current place is better than the old sucky place I so hated. Now I am back not only in the same place but also the same room... "suay chui" sia... guess this is one of the standard indent from this stable...

Asked me want 1x or 2x; opted the formal. I was in a "non-无赖" mood, a bit tired from the earlier session so the interaction was pretty normal. Don't have the teasing that I so much liked but she seems a nice polite girl (matching her appearance) so pretty cordial mood/conversation.

Message wise she is not bad, able to tell which are my tired areas... constantly asking about the strength... hdly + tickling time she tried but could not get 2IC to "立正" so she though tI didn't like it... and turned over for the hj...

Only light pecks on the lips so understand no kissing. Oiled my overused shaft for the hj and same time I could roam the top, didn't slip my hand in panties cos I reckon cannot so didn’t try (plus I not in 无赖 mood). Just like previous-cherry's signature 剪刀脚 move, she clamped my legs in between her thighs so I could only roam but no chance lick those nice nips... maybe just like some prior incidents I know - got over-abused and eventually off limits... unloaded what I had remaining for the week and washed up... back in the room still got 15 mins so she offered to message my tired back, very nice gesture to end the session. Finally she said my hair abit oily and asked me if I wanna wash my hair there, I assumed maybe she wanted to help me shampoo-anyway declined the kind offer.

Overall, a nice session with a very nice ML.

Mango, Tomato
Old 03-10-2014, 02:01 PM
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Re: commando MR for hazel and peace (1 of 2)

Bro also get the same insider info as me but I only get to book late at nite due to various reasons but still managed to booked her tks to another bro who helped me thou. Tks you for taking one for the team. At least you get first blood on her second stint here ma.

But had to admit the entrance to her place alone took me 5-7min just to find walking down and up finding the correct unit no.... First time kenna so well-hidden entrance... I also get a few unwanted stares even thou it is already late.... And guess what, the auto door refused to open for me and she had to come opened for me...

I abit better than you, at least I had towel on bed but my bathing towel is a bit damp but no choice better than no towel. She also quite ignorant about the working of ML alone as her previous stable seems to provide everything for her and she only need to massage and serves bros only... Now she is learning and had to do alot stuff on her own nw...

If she nv put on weight then will look too skinny liao loh. She look fine as of now imho. Do agree her JG abit painful and I still do feel the after effect same as you.. Maybe she nv cut fingernails therefore not really able to use real strength and skill in both JG and HJ. She said she will cut them today since she thought she will not be allow re-entry but alas she is back. And her hj techniques really good, various speed and pattern and she is hardworking as well.

Once again tks you for your commando effort and so I can get slightly better experience after you educated her. A gem that needed to be polished no doubt haha~
P.S. Can't wait to rtm when her fingernails are cut and trimmed.

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Yesterday late morning received insider info regarding hazel (only knew she is now "mint" from bro's MR above)

miscommunication for about 10 minutes in the sun and some suspicious stares b4 finally finding my way up... received by irene and she brought me to her room... a bit skeptical at this point...

At this point abit DL liao, and hazel brought me to a common bathroom, she went inside with me but I shower myself. Back in the room, she ask me to lie down on the bed without towels lined... haben buy enough towels yet...

Guess we were both ignorant of how each other functioned---I never tried her previous stable before and I am her first customer since she jumped ship... she even asked me what is the state of undress when other stable's ML does the massage... I just told her to follow what she normally does... foolish/idiot me shd have told her they normally do it in full nude...

Massage was so-so and she acknowledged that... she is new in that... Throughout the session she kept finding out from me how things work outside of her prev stable and I was more than willing to fill her in. Spoke alot about her prev stable, raids, other stables, sbf etc...Sensual tickling/catbath normal stuff...She then asked me wanna jg, accepted since I haven't tried b4 from her prev stable. So have to use back the towel I used to dry myself. At this point asked for my hp cos her phone with irene, so she has to keep time using my phone... shd have reset the timing to my advantage... hehe....

Anyway, the jg was the most painful I ever tried, can even feel the aftereffects now... it is like her doing foot reflexology on your scrotum... just hope she knows what she is doing... lol... I do like how she thoroughly polishes the shaft though... sibei got feeling and got finished off in the same front facing top jg position... Haven't buy tissue yet, so she has to go out to bring in some toilet paper...

During clean up she says I am a good guy leh, didn't roam her during the session... I am not sure if I shd have done that during the sensual part cos the jg+hj part she was not assessible leh... anyway, I told her I'd come back for that since we both blur blur now...

Come back? Maybe when she is more prepared and accustomed to the ML world outside of her prev stable. I am very sure it will be much more enjoyable then... but as of now you bros can see, I really commando-ed in many aspects and took one for the team...

Off to my next session with peace...

Last edited by ssurfer987; 03-10-2014 at 03:47 PM.
Old 03-10-2014, 04:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by sonicman369 View Post

Any bro try before? Pic look good and it's my type. But cannot find MR. Have booked her later and wait for my MR.
Face: 8.5/10 (memorizing eyes and beautiful lady. 90% near to photos but photo look 2-3 years younger. Otherwise you would gotten 9 from me)
Body: dunno. Not willing to remove top.
Massage: 8/10 (oil based , relaxing type. Almost fell asleep)
Hj: 6/10 (she allow autoroam but I didn't hence not much excitement. See story below)

Description in the ad is accruate and she is an attractive lady. Except for [Your Happy Ending. She Is Able To Take Off Her Top For Your Roaming Purpose But Pls Be Gentle!] Is not true which should be remove.

Told her 2 Hj and during the 1st hj , request her to remove her top. She said she will not remove but can autoroam. However the dress she is wearing is so tight and she don't lean towards you , how to autroam? Sian liao. 1st hi become non exciting and mechanic. Took a while to release. After the deed is done, told her I'm don't want 2nd hj just massage and I rem it is mentioned she work at high class hotel spa and good rating for massage. Not disappointed with Massage and almost fell asleep.

Overall good experience and she is a nice lady. But will not rtm unless she is willing to remove her top.
Old 03-10-2014, 05:33 PM
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Re: commando MR for hazel and peace (1 of 2)

Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post
Once again tks you for your commando effort...
No worries bro... glad to be able to share while I still can...

Now having a beer after rtm from promise... think need to post MR for her to be fair...

Have a great long weekend bros

Mango, Tomato
Old 03-10-2014, 05:49 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Not the first time to SBF but usually just browsing.
Finally created an account and this is my first MR for Yori.
Visited her when she was at previous location.

Face : 9/10 (young n very beautiful girl)
Body: 9/10 (no extra fat, slim and firm boobs)
Message : 7/10 (strength was ok)
HJ: 9/10 (opted for 2 and all the roaming and kissing with a pretty girl make me bth)
Gfe : 11/10 (very very strong gfe)
Rtm: definitely
I know she has received lots of good MRs but I just wanna share my experience. Really spent a great time with her.
Her new location is not so accessible for ppl who din drive like me.
But will still try to meet her again.

I miss Yuki though..
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