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Old 23-10-2014, 12:25 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Bro, who give you the not so sextifying session yesterday. so sad waste time.

Awaiting your MR on Bei Er and ice cream. All look quite good but review also not bad but got some not so fine comments in between.. Abit scare to chiong...

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Might have visited her these couple of days but pull brakes cos got some questionable comment... coupled with a not so sextisfying session yesterday, thought I should be more "safe" on my choice today...

Therefore booked an appointment with her since she generated abit of hype recently:

Though I thought I read some not so fine comments about her earlier, just chiong lah...

Then tomorrow I having ice cream liao...
Yea agree bro, service not good, how pretty or good is the body also no use. Wanna talk about top up at least must let us wanna top up in the 1st place ma. If no top then service is shit then no point liao ma. Just go FL2 can liao, more choices with lower dmg.

Originally Posted by epiphany01 View Post
Exactly..if service is shit cuz I didn't top up then what's the point really? My view is basic attitude have to be there first, then we talk abt top ups. Not becuz one didn't top up n u give crap
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Last edited by ssurfer987; 23-10-2014 at 05:42 PM.
Old 23-10-2014, 12:30 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Deleted post contents, offended some big boy.

Mango, Tomato

Last edited by derrickboy; 23-10-2014 at 01:22 PM. Reason: being called little boy... lol
Old 23-10-2014, 01:39 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Bro... the bei-er you mean? I think I read that b4 as well... think I remember someone say look much older than pic..... jialat
Yep she is older than her pictures suggest... but still she looks no more than 28yo in person. I think its also her complexion is not so smooth since coming to singapore. But she is still pretty cute... nice cute bright smile and eyes.

Having said that, for me... she is one Of my top regular sensual MLs.... cos she is the only one that does a True boob fuck. Not just slide a bit than use hand. She actually does the jap av thing. She positions between my legs, uses her huge tits to wrap my Dick and sensually pump till i cum. She even has a few boob job variations to heighten the pleasure. Awesome.

I dont really know her massage skills cos i mainly fool around with her. Always cum twice via one genuine boob job and one hj with each visit.

Hope this helps.
Old 23-10-2014, 02:08 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by ssurfer987 View Post
Just go FL2 can liao, more choices with lower dmg.
Do you have any recommendation?
Thank you.
Old 23-10-2014, 03:01 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Come across a FL wechat, advertising massage-bbbj-cim for $70 during her code red period. Interested pls pm. You will need wechat to view her photos. Pls dont ask me other question as i am outta town and have not met her before.

she looks 《23 from her daily wechat newsfeed.

Good or bad, pls share after you try.

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Old 23-10-2014, 04:43 PM
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Thumbs down Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Just check out BeiBei,
picture is real, but only probably 60% alike, probably with no make up she looks different, feel abit milfy for me, definitely not as sweet as the photo portray. Anyway a disappointing sessions.

- Solid Massage
- Good covered bj (advertise as bbbj, but she mention she doesn't do it anymore)

** remove negative remark, decided to give this gal a chance... for those really keen to know PM me **

rtm: 5%

Last edited by mariosuper; 23-10-2014 at 05:21 PM.
Old 23-10-2014, 04:46 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

bei er really no horse run..her bf until now still unforgettable.
Old 23-10-2014, 05:12 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
Just check out BeiBei,
picture is real, but only probably 60% alike, probably with no make up she looks different, feel abit milfy for me, definitely not as sweet as the photo portray. Anyway a disappointing sessions.

- Solid Massage
- Good covered bj (advertise as bbbj, but she mention she doesn't do it anymore)

- keep on answering the phone throughout the sessions, didn't even bother to set to silence, just answer the phone on speaker and speak loudly, very spoil mood, hint to her a few times but still like that. will stop the session and make schedule etc, happen 3-4 times during my short session
- left the room a few time during the session and keep the door WIDE OPEN, fuck no privacy at all! her other room mate just walk pass and pretend never see me. luckily no other client during my session else sure very weird (but because of this get to beo her room mate also, one of them is really sweet looking, will love to check her out)
- no attached shower, 3 room share 1 shower and the room layout will make things very weird. location is discreet yes, but the interior kinda sucks
- didn't bother to make up
- was expecting a syt but she seem like late 20's or early 30's

rtm: 5%

will likely gets zap for this report, hope my lost is your gain
I second your views bro. I was there on her first day of work.

Real person is less than 50% of pics. Very disappointing at first look. Sian half liao.

I have to disagree with you on her massage department. She can't and she admits it too.

Toilet is like a war zone. Interior of the house sucks big time.

Time watcher and I was out in 40 mins and that is considering that I took a long time to come. Btw, 1 HJ only. Fast cummers can expect to be in and out in less than 30 mins.

She offered a topup for FJ which I declined. I was there for a massage plus release and I am better off looking for one in FL2 if FJ is what I am looking for.

RTM a big NO. She is on a total of 3 webs.

My personal views only and no offence to anyone if you disagree.
Old 23-10-2014, 07:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
Just check out BeiBei,
picture is real, but only probably 60% alike, probably with no make up she looks different, feel abit milfy for me, definitely not as sweet as the photo portray. Anyway a disappointing sessions.

- Solid Massage
- Good covered bj (advertise as bbbj, but she mention she doesn't do it anymore)

** remove negative remark, decided to give this gal a chance... for those really keen to know PM me **

rtm: 5%
WHy need to pm? Just be truthful and if the WL wants to improve, she needs to prove herself by bucking up
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Old 23-10-2014, 07:24 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

dunwanna whack her rice bowl la.

anyway in summary, the key things that irritated me is she keep on answering the phone throughout the sessions, didn't even bother to set to silence, just answer the phone on speaker and speak loudly, very spoil mood, hint to her a few times but still like that.

if you guys can accept then ok, cos her massage is got standard one, acupuncture type. just that i didn't enjoy it coz her phone keep ringing.
Old 23-10-2014, 07:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Any heads up for this lady. Really my type... drooling......
Old 23-10-2014, 08:06 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
dunwanna whack her rice bowl la.

anyway in summary, the key things that irritated me is she keep on answering the phone throughout the sessions, didn't even bother to set to silence, just answer the phone on speaker and speak loudly, very spoil mood, hint to her a few times but still like that.

if you guys can accept then ok, cos her massage is got standard one, acupuncture type. just that i didn't enjoy it coz her phone keep ringing.
Life isn't a bed of roses. Therefore, it is absolutely meaningless for individuals like you to shield such ladies.

These PRC ladies have to understand they are here to work and this industry does require a good level of service.

If the are unable to provide what is expected of them, they should return to their country and never come back.

Money does not grow on trees nor does it fall from the sky.

Do not zap Johnbass in the Adult Discussions about Sex and Matters of the Heart sub-forums.

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Old 23-10-2014, 08:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SnowLeopards View Post
Life isn't a bed of roses. Therefore, it is absolutely meaningless for individuals like you to shield such ladies.

These PRC ladies have to understand they are here to work and this industry does require a good level of service.

If the are unable to provide what is expected of them, they should return to their country and never come back.

Money does not grow on trees nor does it fall from the sky.

very true indeed. can tolerate discreet answering of calls to fix future appointment lah. but to turn on speaker is a bit too much lor
Old 23-10-2014, 08:18 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
dunwanna whack her rice bowl la.

anyway in summary, the key things that irritated me is she keep on answering the phone throughout the sessions, didn't even bother to set to silence, just answer the phone on speaker and speak loudly, very spoil mood, hint to her a few times but still like that.

if you guys can accept then ok, cos her massage is got standard one, acupuncture type. just that i didn't enjoy it coz her phone keep ringing.
Please provide link of the ML you are referring. We are not carrot head. We pay and we expect to get what is stated. Period!
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Old 23-10-2014, 08:55 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SnowLeopards View Post
Life isn't a bed of roses. Therefore, it is absolutely meaningless for individuals like you to shield such ladies.

These PRC ladies have to understand they are here to work and this industry does require a good level of service.

If the are unable to provide what is expected of them, they should return to their country and never come back.

Money does not grow on trees nor does it fall from the sky.

Well said.
Majority of the ML from PRC look at Singapore men as if we are carrot heads!

In addition to the bad service, I notice the price is slowly creeping up from $90 to $100 and now, $110.
I believe the $120 benchmark is not far away.
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