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0 SALB Chow Kheng Bingfa (Chow Kheng Art of War)
This’s the Chow Kheng Bingfa aka 27th Chow Kheng Secret Art of War contributed/ written by all ex & present Officer/ WO/ Sgt/ Men/ Women from the 0th Sickapore Army Logistic Battalion (0 SALB) from the Army Logistic Formation consisting of Store-Man (Control Item/ Ordinance/ GE), Clerk, Driver, Technician/MEO/MTO (Ammo/ Arms/ Electronic/ A/ B/ C Veh) & Medic/ MO for their future comrades.
1) Pes A, B & BP are ok; Pes C pretending to be sick; Pes E real sick, Pes F ready for scrap. 2) For NSF Pes A, B, & BP to be posted to stay-out unit (eg. 0 SALB); get officially married before enlistment. 3) For NSF Pes C & E; high chance to be posted to stay-out unit. 4) Exempted from military service without Pes F; migrate/ seek refugee; declare not willing to serve NSF pay S$10k fine go jail 3 years; Be a/ have links/ friends to Subversive Subject from Extremist Group. 5) Pes C1 (upper limb; but IPPT eligibly with no monetary incentive), C2 (lower limb) & C9 (back) are usually for operated non-permanent disable injury; L1/2 can deploy field, L3 excuses field & arms (usually 302). 6) Pes E is for permanent disable injury. 7) Pes F on remaining days of illness is likely to die & serious insane is never likely to recover. 8) Have sex change operation done & gender amended on IC before enlistment/ after ORD. Declaring 302 are to undergo counselling till ORD (same time MR ROD). Reservist declaring 302 are to be back-up by gov/private hospital psychiatrist meno. 9) Informing serious insanity Pes F is to be done before enlistment/ after ORD. Reservists are to be back-up by gov/private hospital psychiatrist meno. 10) Active serious insanity Pes F will be handed to the rumor Alexandra Hospital SAF PMC Ward for psychology assessment, tied-up, light been flash 24/7 & been torture beaten up. On wk 2, they must convince to psychiatrist they are crazy by playing with other crazy people (eg. drink urine/ eat shit). 11) No one from a civil company can ever dig out a person’s military history. Take note, when applying job from a Mindef sub-con; getting security cleared by Mindef will be a problem. 12) To be exempted for IPPT, make sure that there’s 6 months of light duty MC without a single day break for that window. 13) For active NSF Reg in non-combat unit, just tell MO & he can issue light duty 61 days straight (except in BMT). For NSmen & before enlistment svc men, just get light duty MC from GP. 14) For active NSF Reg in combat unit, light duty MC all depends on unit CSM, OC, RSM & CO. Unless very sick. Unit needs to maintain 50% man ready. Combat Reg with more than 3mths light duty/ 14 days MC will be subjected to medical board review & get re-vocation by CPC. 15) At times, MOs were at cross junction on deciding what to write. MOs are NSF that need to follow instruction from higher up & need to fear their MBBS been revoked for mistreatment because Martial Law will never overrule Constitution Law in peace time. Once MBBS revoke, can’t practice medicine in civil life. 16) If need to see gov hospital specialist, just tell MO to arrange or ownself arrange If need to see private specialist, svc men is to arrange himself. For NSmen & before enlistment svc men need to see gov or private specialist, svc men is to arrange himself. 17) When seeing specialist, please request the specialist to write a Meno calling the camp MO to apply for medical board review for a downgrade or upgrade for the svc men. Then wait for good news. 18) (Rumor) to buy private specialist letter, please check with ex & present men & women from Army Logistic Formation for contacts. Decades ago was S$100. Now, probably S$1000 or 10000. Or go third world country buy cheap specialist letter. If medical board requires evidences, lab technician can adjust the machine until it shows a problem. 19) Take note, that all specialist & GP from gov or private & including camp MO or specialist from medical board; all have worldwide recognize MBBS. Unlikely, Meno & MC will be turned down for life threatening situation. 20) Appointment holders in NS unit often have unexpected call-up/ course/ meeting that troubles civil life. 21) In the event of immediate call up for deployment, SAF can use truck & helicopter to fetch NS men. During traffic jam, truck can travel on road shoulder of expressway or pathway. If don’t wish to be deploy, please ensure to have a valid light duty MCs till MR ROD. Or. Remain overseas forever (must well migrate). Citizens who never return for 10years or more will get citizenship revoke. 22) During ICT, if don’t want to go outfield, just get light duty MC from camp MO & sleep in bunk. Take note, those on-the-ball combat NS unit may out-pro the svc men or write high-key clock as low-key for not going to field. Using low-key method, svc men need 20 low-key to MR ROD. 23) Or. 1 day before outfield, drink stout, wine or liquor. At outfield, drink mildly will catch flu/fever. At night, request go 24hr medical ctr get status & go back bunk sleep. Unlikely out-pro if drop at field. 24) When NS unit get recon 2A or better ops grading, unit can request to waive 3 high ICT. 25) An NS unit can only have 1/3 not going to field. If too many, entire unit will out-pro. Therefore, think. 26) Bring civilian clothing for war. When lose, change to civil. Take all military supply/ ordinance & whatever valuable to escape; your chance to strike rich has come. 27) We, Members of the Sickapore Armed Forces, do solemnly and sincerely pledge that: We will always bear true faith and allegiance to the President and the Republic of Sickapore; we will always support and defend the Constitution; we will preserve and protect the honor and independence of our country with our lives; We are the unfortunate; Lead by the unqualified; To do the unnecessary; For the unfaithful; Sgt/ Sir. A story on pretending to be subversive: https://sbf.directory/showthread.php?t=545269
Milestone of Kim Jio Kah: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=427518 H57 Far Kor Sun Monkey God Temple 花果山福廣宫: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=427313 My ex significant other H7R4L2 WL: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=17758 & http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=409402 |
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