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Old 31-08-2015, 05:49 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
Mcdonald menu quite standard,but i dont think they have a fish meal or anything pork tho.
Here's the menu.. Easier to order

By the way, their website can change the default language (Bahasa) to English.
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 31-08-2015, 07:40 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

mac was easy find wif google map. finally back in room.
my first official overnite at batam was 2 or 3 months back when i hook wif a wechat gal n indo rasa one, next few visit was always the indo rasa gal till 2 weeks back, things started get sticky. so as wat i normally do, cut off all contacts wif her n look for new target.
Found new wechat contact but did not try till today, was chatting wif her, for pricing n all tat, n finally book an appointment today.
When she appear, i sian half cos i tot siao liao shemale, almost as tall as me n throat area like have little apple. lucky throughout the hour, had talk n all tat, finally can confirm is 100% gal, but aready no mood. pay up 150k plus tips for 1 hour.
Old 31-08-2015, 08:14 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 31-08-2015, 08:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Bro mic mac thanks for the anah stingray recommendation was fabulous meat was tender n juicy.Wah si peh heng came bought 2 pcs & 4 pcs ayam bakar then all sold out..thanks again bro it was like u stated damnn worth it..stayed at Biz hotel junior suite had to walk in as room was only at its website not available on agoda or other hotel had a total of 3 tvs .1st in living room,2nd in bedroom ,3rd at bedroom toilet facing the jacuzzi yes not bathtub but jacuzzi but damnn let down was the water tat came out was yellow had to drain out 3 types the water damaged was 900,000 per nite stayed 2 notes total damaged was 1,800,000 IDR.another info the room comes with free dvd player usage but must request from front desk.will try marine seafood next...
Old 31-08-2015, 09:44 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by CelestialBeing View Post

I'm not sure about the name, but the way they operate is that, they will bring in a variety of dishes to put on your table, den they will charge u according to what u eat. I'm not that comfortable with that arrangement so i just ate some rice, a plate of eggs and a plate of fried chicken, thankfully my girl was also reluctant to just dig in, she just ate whatever i picked. I guess even she knows that place is a tourist trap. For that i was charged 100k.
Alamak bro..tis called Nasi Padang lah. From Padang Sumatra.

Common everywhere in Indonesia and very popular with locals. You probably been to ' Sederhana' which is an aircon place.

In Jakarta there is a more famous brand name called Sari Bundo.

I eat Padang food all the time. One way is stop at the counter and just tell them to bring you a piece of this and you choose the dish. If you just enter and sit down..sometimes they will ask if you want ' hidang' . This means bring all those small plates.

I personally will tell them not to ' hidang' but instead just bring my favourite dishes..i.e.
Rendang..Fried Chicken..Egg Balado..Bergedil..Dendeng..mutton soup..and lots of Sambal Balado.

I can devour all of that in one sitting. And my bill will be more than 100k.
Old 31-08-2015, 11:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
Did you try the money changers on Jalan Bonjol (the big 2-way trafficked road in front of Nagoya Hill) I wrote about a few times already in the past?
Facing NH, walking left (same side of Indo Rasa, opposite the mosque), skip the first ones, say 1-2 blocks away.
I do not know if i have been there before as there are just too many of them in that area,but i do have an ex. colleague's relative who's family reside in Batam and have a money changer inside Nagoya Hill Mall and another friend who is at BCS in the same trade. Under the same day,same hour,all of them were offering the same rate,when i compare with the Fat Girl money changer opposite Formosa Hotel. Getting the BEST exchange rate for me today is just a few calls away.

In my 18th Batam trip,i am confident that i have the best rate even when bro M who is quite new to Batam (but a frequent visitor to Balai) asked around the few shops nearby,and yes,i still got the best rate. I also learned that when i am not around with the group,the money changers charges the rest of the group at higher price. So my advise to newbies since day one,is to ALWAYS check a few shops for the best rate and/or bargain before committing to any deal. And i do not like to use another person's name to get a good deal.

Example : when i go to Marine Live/Momo or any other eateries or shops,i do not say i know anyone before the bill/s came.


1. I prefer things normal,like how they will see me as just a normal customer rather than giving me any special privileges.

2. I like to make comparison between being with people they know and people they dont. So i get to see the true difference.

3. I can see and hear more things,giving the business owner the element of surprise that are often shown in their expression when they eventually see me with their "regulars".

Another case of money changer incident is when my unreliable taxi driver/s brings me to "their" money changer.Of course i go with him but did not change anything,but later ask him to bring me to the money changer opposite Fomorsa Hotel,and all the time,i am able to surprise him/them with MY rate,hehehe...

Newbie method of money exchange is, ALWAYS compare the rate between at least 2 to 3 shops before deciding on the best given rate. (i need to emphasis this clearly to all reading this thread)

My personal method? I tell the money changer to give me their best rate even if i am changing S$50 (i will still bargain),and they wont regret doing business with me,hehehe..and i use the online Forex exchange rate to benchmark against the given rate and obviously no one could get the exact same rate as those online. It is how far apart between the money changer rate and the online Forex rate that i am more interested to know during the comparison. Instead of running around comparing money changer to money changer,i compare with the online Forex rates at that very few min point of exchange. More efficient and i know who REALLY REALLY give me the BEST rate.

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
When I have USD to change to IDR, I ask rates to all those places, plus I check in NH and also in your favorite place. Invariably, I get the best rate in one of the last ones at left. There is a difference up to 4%-5% in the rate between the worst ones and the best! Quite a bit of money! On 500 USD, it's around 250k-300k IDR...
(Best rate on USD might not mean best rate on SGD, though)
It would be a different comparison changing using USD to IDR and changing SGD to IDR. The rate is definitely higher than for USD to IDR. You have said that about a year before and i have experiment changing SGD to USD and then to IDR. There is not much difference becos in Batam,changing SGD to USD isnt going to give me any good deal. I dare say most people reading this thread are using SGD to exchange for IDR.And i earn SGD. I have also make comparison between changing SGD to IDR versus MYR to IDR too. SGD to IDR appears to give a tiny bit better rate after i compare using SGD to MYR and then to IDR. Taking the experience when some Malaysian bros joined me in my group trip some time ago.

I am almost 100% sure that the rate offered to MOST (base on SGD to IDR) opposite Formosa is different from whats being offered to me. I dont want to believe it,but many testes has proven it in my 17th Batam trip and 18th Batam trip. And for the benefit of all,even Formosa hotel itself sometime offer crazily good rates too.

Lastly,i do put in lots of effort in getting the best rate,to the extend 3 men in 3 different money changers that i know who give the best rate (BCS,Nagoya Hill Mall and opp Formosa) and check the rate at the same timing before i make the comparison. My conclusion, is all provide the same rate no other shops near them could match. I stayed in Formosa,there is no reason for me to go to BCS or Nagoya Hill Mall to change my money.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 31-08-2015, 11:24 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Yes, agree true bcos there is one late afternoon about 5+ pm at goldbird, only left 3 girls sitting at the goldfish tank sofa. I supposed by another 1-2hours later all would have been taken up.
Yes,and it is on even weekdays that nearly 100% of Gold Birds were all taken up. 2nd place where most girls were nearly completely booked off is New Berry,hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
I would be very interested if I am able to book those nice syt cewek with original price tag of 1 - 1.5 juta at half the cost even if I can only pick her up in the evening say 8-9pm. That is really value for money as we are spending quality time with the discounted cewek.
I guess i already replied part of it from the "spoiler button" post earlier :

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Remember I did mention about booking joint girls,the rejects and the CMI? The CMI are usally MILF w/o a good look (worse if their service isnt good either). The rejects i mean here are usually the SYT level at million rupiah level. When the joints closed for business,being young and full of energy ,with the heart to earn some extras cash,where do you think they will head to? "Guai Guai" stay in the joint and be a good girl till next morning?

If your answer is correct,that place/s is where i can pick them up at between 400k to 600k AFTER the joints closed,hehehe....but of course the risk factor is likely no good service,personal belonging missing,drugs factor etc A hit and miss too.But still...tho SYT booking for 400k to 600k is entirely possible. If i am new,i walk to a booking joint,surely no one can tell which are the would-be Rejects (million rupiah girls)or those without good service and OKT is not going to share truthfully about it we are also taking some form of calculated risk there.

After weighing all the risk factor involved,i still prefer to book from joints but HOPEFULLY those who are between SYT and MILF level,below 30,above 24...hehehe...of course,they need to show interest in me too. My experiments are still on-going as i type,hehehe...aiming to create my own masterpiece one day,hehehe...
And now for the 2nd part.

Like always,i read all FRs no less than 3 times every time there is one here.There is always something for me to learn. I learn and modify this technique from Black Page's previous old FRs few trips ago. Try it if you wish.

Like i say in the spoilers,SYTs are afterall very very young,and young people has lots and lots of energy to burnt. And when young people (in our case SYTs),has lots of energy to burnt and have the heart to earn some extra cash,they go to discos/clubs/Pubs in hope to have some fun at the same time hoping to nab some foreign men who are there. And foreigners are usually their MAIN target. No need to look like Auntie

(keep in mind tho,they are mostly leftovers of booking joints,and most SYT leftovers usually can be spoilt brats,choosy and/or have some other "shortcoming")

In this way,i can actually bypass the jointsss AND the OKTsss to get to the girl directly,hehehe...and most of these girls in terms of looks and age (below 18-23) are priced above 1 million rupiah but if i bargain,and i know well i will be able knock that price down to 500k to 600k? (my friend got a 26-27 years old semi-SYT at 400k on a weekday around 2am,hehehe..) But be reminded that it also depends on what time of the evening you are there. The earlier it is,the higher the price (600k to 800k,and usually those quoting 1 mil+ SYTs are not pro WL. Weekdays will most often have some really good catch after around 1am,hehehe...

Side notes : if you read about most runaway girls (which are usually SYTs) in booking joints,where do you think they ran to? Back to joint to sleep? Hehehe...common sense says it all where they will end up at. I pick them up at 1.2 mil in the joints,they likely earn around 400k from the 1.2mil i pay,and when they ran away and catch another customer after midnite at disco/club,they earn another 500k to 800k more? Make sense now? Thats why most girls "being hunted" at disco/club dont ask for tips next morning,hehehe...some dont even quote a booking price when they go to your room and ask you to pay whats right for them,hehehe...i think they are quite sure most guys will at least pay them something.

It has been tested by some of my "hunter friends",warning by them was to be extra careful with personal valuables/belongings and one needs to be streetwise (be careful of drugs/spiked drinks) becos the disco/clubs in Batam 90% time will involve drugs.

Thats one reason i never go for wechat/watsapp girls,hehehe...which are way overly-priced.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Day time go massage, night time bonk cewek, what else can be more enjoyable ?
Newton/Pacific? Tip the waiter if you reach early and ask your questions (if any). If you reach late,like 1am to 2am,just stay around outside and mingle around,hehehe...

Do keep in mind that the later you go,it also means your time left after booking them is shorten as most need to get back to joints or their work place/s by a certain time in the following morning.Most remaining girls then just want a good clean comfortable bed to sleep on and hopefully can earn some extra money if they open their legs since she's being left-ed over on that previous day.

(i am talking mainly about booking joint girls here and i know disco/clubs has other "kinds" of girls too,eg MP girls,shopping mall girls etc)

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
By the way , do the leftover syt at special discount price stay in the joint or will they be transferred elsewhere to be booked?
It really depends,those not under contract can move freely around town after their working hours. Some time some of the SYT may be transferred to KTVs to be book at higher price and/or they go enjoy themselves at some discotheque or clubs. Not forgetting some will try to market themselves via wechat/wattsapp,hehehe...but usually price themselves higher using photo-shopped photos becos they expect you to bargain. They usually have the "take it or leave it" attitude after they give you discounted their price (if you bargain).

For myself,i prefer to work around a situation that best suits me. Like in my 19th Batam trip,i book 2 girls for 600k each for 1st night,but on 2nd night i booked them for 500k each. Last min,w/o a plan, i extended my stay for 1 more night hence i need to pay 600k each for my 3rd night. One of the girl is a 23 year old semi syt. Dont ask me how i do it,cos my answer will be, it is still under experimenting.

Again,i have to bookmark my own post now,hehehe...for my future experimental reference.

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My December 2019 Batam Trip Info

Old 01-09-2015, 12:18 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn View Post
Wah si peh heng came bought 2 pcs & 4 pcs ayam bakar then all sold out..thanks again bro ..
glad u enjoyed it!! u really heng majong ... u "hai di lao yeh" .. go buy Toto... HUAT AAAAAA
Dun be late
I won't wait
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Old 01-09-2015, 12:28 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by nono1973 View Post
I do not know if i have been there before as there are just too many of them in that area,but i do have an ex. colleague's relative who's family reside in Batam and have a money changer inside Nagoya Hill Mall and another friend who is at BCS in the same trade. Under the same day,same hour,all of them were offering the same rate,when i compare with the Fat Girl money changer opposite Formosa Hotel. Getting the BEST exchange rate for me today is just a few calls away.
Newbie method of money exchange is, ALWAYS compare the rate between at least 2 to 3 shops before deciding on the best given rate. (i need to emphasis this clearly to all reading this thread)
It is how far apart between the money changer rate and the online Forex rate that i am more interested to know during the comparison. Instead of running around comparing money changer to money changer,i compare with the online Forex rates at that very few min point of exchange. More efficient and i know who REALLY REALLY give me the BEST rate.
It would be a different comparison changing using USD to IDR and changing SGD to IDR. The rate is definitely higher than for USD to IDR. You have said that about a year before and i have experiment changing SGD to USD and then to IDR. There is not much difference becos in Batam,changing SGD to USD isnt going to give me any good deal.
The money changers in Nagoya Hill and BCS offer very bad rates (the only worse one is the one in Harbour Bay on arrival).
Why I say that? Because I went and asked, or when I am lazy I just look at the screen.
Why is it obvious? Because they are in a large mall, with lots of tourists coming and going. Like a restaurant, they do not need to offer outstanding service to have many customers.

The best advice we can give is "ALWAYS compare the rate between at least 2 to 3 shops before deciding on the best given rate." (I quote you, but it's the same advice I give).
Please note: every time I have 500 USD or more to change, I ask in not less than 6-7 places. The result has been always the same: there is up to 4%-5% difference between the worse (say in Nagoya Hill) and the best (always one of the 2-3 places at the extreme left on the big road facing NH, opposite side, walking left 1-2 blocks).
I am not surprised: if you have a desk which is not in front of NH, and there are 10 shops between you and NH, you have to offer a better rate, or nobody will walk till to reach you.

About your favourite place
I am sure you get a special rate from your favourite place in front of Formosa, because you are a returning customer. When I asked, I've been offered a bad rate comparable to that of Nagoya Hill (I am not a returning customer).
Next time, since you like walking to explore better opportunities, try to walk where I suggested and compare. You might be surprised and thank me.

Why rates can be so different?
For USD, there is a huge difference between changing $100 new bills and $10 old bills. Why? Think about what use will be made of those bills.
The same place which offers best rates for SGD will also offer best rates for USD? Probably, but not necessarily. Why? It depends what they do with the foreign bills they received from you.

How to measure and compare the "performance" of a money changer?
Compare the offered rate to the official interbank rate (the easiest way is to check on XE, there's an easy app for phones, or on Yahoo Finance, or on any financial news web site) and compute the relative "Delta".
Or, almost equivalently, compare the buy vs. sell rate.

Do this exercise in the Forex exchange office of an airport: you'll be scared to notice that they earn 20% or more! (even 40% difference between sell and buy, or +20% compared to XE)
A good bank will offer a delta around 2%-3%. If you use a Maestro debit card, you can lower it to 1.5% (most of the times, Maestro debit cards are the best way to get foreign currency overseas).
In some of money exchanges in Batam, this delta difference upon changing USD $100 new bills to IDR can lower down to nearly ZERO (once I saw even less). Why? Are they losing money? No. Simply, they change money "unofficially" and they give the USD to somebody who needs USD but cannot go to ask banks for changing. (Got the idea?)

The same happens with SGD changed to IDR? I am sure yes, but I cannot give exact numbers, neither I know if it is more convenient to change SGD or USD (I should make a large poll with 1000 SGD and 1000 USD in my hands).

Finally, can I make money changing SGD to USD then to IDR then to SGD? (or any combination of repeated changes). Or can be SGD to USD to IDR better than SGD to IDR?
Of course NO. Every time you change, you lose something (even nearly zero at best). The more you change, the more you lose. If it happens to see something like that be more convenient, you spotted a black hole in the market, some inefficiency, some "error" in the market. It is possible, but unlikely (like buying gold on the New York stock exchange and selling it 1 second later at the Singapore stock exchange finding two different prices and thus earning something)
Old 01-09-2015, 01:45 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Remember I once booked a 20 years old permata indah young cewek from west java (javanese not sundanese) at the cost of 1 juta. She told me she only get 350k = S$35 while the rest of the sum go to the joint. Ask her why she work this line, she said she borrowed large sum of money when she was in her kampong to support her siblings to go school and her jobless parents. She lied to her parents that she works in batam as a sales assistance.

In order to repay her debt, she got no choice but to temporary work in this line until all her outstanding debts are settled. She told me sometimes she was being left on the shelf (tak laku) as tamu did not buy her "off the shelf".

She said on average of 30 days in a month, she was booked about 13-16 days after less off her rest days, her menstrual period (3-7days) lai ang and the days which she wasn't booked.

Therefore her earnings on average per month would be = 350k x 16 = 5 juta 60k = $560.

Out of the $560, she would need to spend some money as daily expenses so end up only repay her debt about 3 juta = $300 per month.
Long long time ago,some KTV girls and Geylang Street walker in Sillypore told me they can heap up a net profit of S$30k+ in a single month,higher than the Sillypore Members of Parliament's part time job salary,hehehe...from that year onward,i no longer look for streetwalker in Sillypore or KTV girls outside Karaoke. I believe Indonesia has the lowest net profit for any working ladies around the region.

I only start to know about Batam since last year February.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Therefore in comparison, the higher/upper class young massage girls in hotels like Kings massage, atalanta spa, delta spa, octopus spa, sand's spa in the hills earn much higher income than the booking cewek.

They can just do one short time alone within 1-2 hours can earn minimum 350k if you are a bargain king and 700-800k if you are a Robert. That does not include the massage commission fee which the massage parlour give and those tips given by generous customers. They are the highest income earner among all the booking cewek, disco cewek, freelance cewek, pub cewek, shophouse massage cewek, ktv cewek, etc.

I remember once few years ago I was quoted by Kings massage cewek for a short time for 700k one shot. I told her the market rate of booking cewek (at that time) was ranging from 500k - 800k per day and told her that her price is ridiculously high.

You know what she told me ? She said:" Kor Kor, booking cewek itu hari hari kena main jadi harga lebih murah. Kita berbeda. kita jarang ada seks ama tamu. Kalo harga terlalu rendah, kita tak mau bikin.

Translate to : "Booking girl is every day being played or rode by customers so their price is cheaper. We are different. we rarely have sex with customers. If the price is too low, we rather not doing it."
The massage girls in Hotels always class themselves 1 or 2 level higher than booking girls or at times even other massage girls. I enjoy looking at Hotel Massage girls doing massage for my booking girls and my other massage girls i hired from massage parlour near Utama since it isnt going to be too expensive. I may be very stingy,but i also do know how i hope to enjoy myself.

Call it a fetish if you wish...its kind of a turn on for me if the hotel massage girls ever offer "special-out-of-the-special service" for the booking girls or the "other massage girls",hehehe...sometime they massage each other in nude too.

(at the same time i also bring a message to the massage girls in Kings that not all booking joint girls are being bonk at daily and booking girls EARNS more than those from Kings,they also need to serve those they didnt look very high up upon too)

It is only in Batam that i can satisfy some of my fetish,hehehe...there are others of course. I know,i know...i sound stupid to most as i am the one paying for it but i am enjoying something different from the norm,hehehe..and there are simply so much rooms to move on to more fetish thereafter which i shall keep them to myself.

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
But as for those so called lower end massage centres with hanky panky like those found on the shophouse ones instead of hotel ones, their income I should say is rather pathetic. Examples like those mp at the DC mall or Utama areas. As the quality of massage cewek working there is lower, mostly the local penduduk/resident will patronise them although occasionally there are rich kor kor will become their "Robert" and sponsor them a bit. But because that vicinity/zone have lots of massage centres so the massage business is very competitive. Once the massage girl see a customer book her, she will feel that she is damn lucky like seeing "gold bar" because supply is really much much more than demand in that area.
With competitions,comes better service,better pricing and more willingness to satisfy if they like you. Remember my favourite 1st liner..."i 1st time go Batam,my friends tell me...."

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Bro nono, may I know what time does permata Indah leftovers cewek sold at discounted price in the later evening ? Just before sunset or after?

Spore sunset is at 7.30pm spore time

Batam sunset is at 6.30pm batam time. (sky start to get dark)

Due to close proximity distance of 13km, the sunset of spore & batam happen at the same time.
I need to be honest here,i have not been to Permata Indah during sunset. But base on friends who were there,like most KTV if you drink something there,you also get to book their girls at a discounted price ,usually about 20% or more off the original price. But counting in the total karaoke bill (hall type) with the girl booking fee,you pay around the same price as for day booking. The discount are mainly base on how well their business were during the evening. I think its the same concept as Dynasty99 in the past before it closes down recently.

The timing where most who would visit Karaoke is around 6.30pm-7.30pm (indo time),i think thats when the sun really sets down. By 930pm-10pm,mami would be very worried if there are still 50% girls left in the joints,hehehe...again,like i say before,they are leftovers. So they may not meet your requirement if you are those fussy kind.

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Old 01-09-2015, 02:21 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by gab23 View Post
kohonly and nono, thank you all for ur reply. suddenly have an urge for mac, is it far? tried searching online, it says at harmoni, i open map find, got 2 harmoni
Batam have 3 harmoni chain hotels.

1) Harmoni Hotel
2) Harmoni Suites
3) Harmoni One (one of my fav hotel in batam)

Originally Posted by DDAMn View Post
stayed at Biz hotel junior suite had to walk in as room was only at its website not available on agoda or other hotel had a total of 3 tvs .1st in living room,2nd in bedroom ,3rd at bedroom toilet facing the jacuzzi yes not bathtub but jacuzzi but damnn let down was the water tat came out was yellow had to drain out 3 types the water damaged was 900,000 per nite stayed 2 notes total damaged was 1,800,000 IDR.
I will have to agree. The junior suite looks good. I also take a look at the room but I was quoted 850k/night. The reason why I rejected is cos I already book deluxe and on a budget. But I don't think i'll be going there anytime soon cos the breakfast spread is pretty disappointing.

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
glad u enjoyed it!! u really heng majong ... u "hai di lao yeh" .. go buy Toto... HUAT AAAAAA
I also have to thank you bro mm888 for the intro of this WONDERFUL place to get excellent yet affordable heavenly food for our empty stomachs. Haha!!
Old 01-09-2015, 03:40 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by HelloWAH View Post
I post because i really felt that this bargain thing affect many solo cheongster.
If what i say is not true, i cut out my balls and throw it into the sea. Only him and his gang will benefit from the bargain.Your bargain stunt only make other solo cheongster to pay higher price for chicken. If this is not call sabo, than this is call what?

. Is something like a PIMP. But as i say earlier on. The actual real winner in fact is the OKT. He just up the price by 200k and the loser think he is the winner.Very happy that he win the battle. And the papi say in his heart. Stupid singkies try to play with your father hahaha,

Ps.Use your brain to judge my post rather than using my negative points to judge my post. Don,t be shy to say out anything you want to say. Again, this is freedom of speech.
For heaven sake. Please don,t treat me as a piece of glass. Treating me as a piece of glass don,t bring you far as a true , reliable, trustworthy and commendable guy in here. From what i wrote here is pointing that from your doing, it really do some disadvantage to solo cheongster here. Maybe i didn,t address you by your nick. So you don,t know i am talking about you, Mr Nono.

I know many cheongster felt that i am a trouble maker here. But as i said before. Please use your brain to judge my post rather than using my negative points to judge my post. If i make anyone here angry, i use my heart to apologize to you all.

My england is not so deep. Don,t tell me most of you all are Dyslexia. ( remember is not all). So what i expect here is very simple. But you are not oblige to reply back. Nevertheless if you think what i wrote is rubbish here. Please reply back. Is easy as ABC. And maybe many people here also like to know what is your respond here.

Although you are not oblige to reply back, but i really like to know what is your say about what i write above here. I also like to let you know that i am not purposely against you and finding problem with you. But i felt what i say is true.As you say before that when you felt that when replying a post will turn ugly and quarrel here. I promise you that 100% will no quarrel here.

Now is up to you. Reply me back also no quarrel . So don, tell me you won,t reply back . But before reply back, think harder enough to reply back. Don,t reply half past six here. Many eyes watching here.

Again is up to you. If you don,t want to reply back and treat me as a piece of glass again also can, no problem. As i will also be out of here after this.Thanks.

PS. If you want me to respond to your thinking. Say and i will be very happy to reply back. ( i really hope i am not a glass again and get no respond.My hope is that you will prove your worth by responding )

And please up my points if anyone of you agree with what i wrote, thanks
Old 01-09-2015, 05:24 AM
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All i can say is ,Formosa was less crowded and peaceful back then.

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For heaven sake. Please don,t treat me as a piece of glass. Treating me as a piece of glass don,t bring you far as a true , reliable, trustworthy and commendable guy in here. From what i wrote here is pointing that from your doing, it really do some disadvantage to solo cheongster here. Maybe i didn,t address you by your nick. So you don,t know i am talking about you, Mr Nono.

I know many cheongster felt that i am a trouble maker here. But as i said before. Please use your brain to judge my post rather than using my negative points to judge my post. If i make anyone here angry, i use my heart to apologize to you all.

My england is not so deep. Don,t tell me most of you all are Dyslexia. ( remember is not all). So what i expect here is very simple. But you are not oblige to reply back. Nevertheless if you think what i wrote is rubbish here. Please reply back. Is easy as ABC. And maybe many people here also like to know what is your respond here.

Although you are not oblige to reply back, but i really like to know what is your say about what i write above here. I also like to let you know that i am not purposely against you and finding problem with you. But i felt what i say is true.As you say before that when you felt that when replying a post will turn ugly and quarrel here. I promise you that 100% will no quarrel here.

Now is up to you. Reply me back also no quarrel . So don, tell me you won,t reply back . But before reply back, think harder enough to reply back. Don,t reply half past six here. Many eyes watching here.

Again is up to you. If you don,t want to reply back and treat me as a piece of glass again also can, no problem. As i will also be out of here after this.Thanks.

PS. If you want me to respond to your thinking. Say and i will be very happy to reply back. ( i really hope i am not a glass again and get no respond.My hope is that you will prove your worth by responding )

And please up my points if anyone of you agree with what i wrote, thanks
Old 01-09-2015, 07:51 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

28 August 2015

A day trip with a fellow sbf bro on his virgin trip to Indonesia. The plan is to visit one massage parlor at the Utama area and ending off with Delta Spa.

We took taxi 40k from harbor bay to Utama hotel. Ate mie ayam at the coffeeshop beside Keyzha, cheap and acceptable taste. We walked into numerous massages like keyzha, hallo kitty, pepys and many more. We looked at their album and we felt similar girl quality, some parlors have package which includes milk bath + massage and others massage only at 1, 1.5 and 2 jam(hours).

Eventually we decided on Good One massages. I took Gisel who is the girl on the first page of the album. We took 60k for 1 hour standard room. 1 hour also available for a room with bathtub at 110k.

Waited less than 5mins and she arrived in tight red white strips dress. She is 22years old and good looking, the dimples of hers really made her look super sweet. Has belly and lil heavy on the bottom. Piano massage as usual, started to engage in conversation like name and stuffs. Started tickling me 15mins into massage I asked what special she offers.

500k fj
400k bbbj
200k hj.

250k for fj
100k for hj.

Lowered fj 400k, told her I only pay 250k max. I suggested for hj with top off, she finally agreed it at 150k. Thank god as I cant enjoy with girls who have bellies.

Stripped down showing her red hot bra, underneath it was heaven's eyes. Those boobs with eyes staring at me are young and fresh from the looks of it. She started to handy me with what looks like cum, a white sticky substance, believe its some sort of moisturizing lubricant, feels cold when applied on and very smooth for handjob, odorless too. She started to hand me while sitting on my right, told her to move to my left for better access to her boobs. She then had her back facing and I caress her from behind. I was ready and told her to smile at me while I exploded my load... It was great satisfaction and the whole handjob experience lasted 25-30mins.

My friend got fj at 350k. I heard the bbbj slurping sound as we were a partition away and he finally broke his virginity in Indonesia, honored to be there for him. While paying I saw a few walked past and asked for their names. Putri - super slim, taller than average lady with a good face, wearing a tight batman tee and black shorts, would be a bang choice next trip. Felicia - short and petite and seemingly tight body, no smile from her though.

Taxi to nagoya hill was 30k and we went Delta Spa immediately and shared our FR in the pool. I decided to try someone new instead of my regular masseuse who I rated gave the best sensual handjob in my whole entire life. We waited no more than 5 mins and was escorted up to our standard rooms.

My girl named Wee Wee, number R26, a 22years old petite and slim girl and is not my type of girl. Well im giving a opportunity for me to find better masseuses and this was unfortunately not the one. Anyway, her massage was mediocre, sensual massage was good and did something which I never expected at all. She told me hush and laid beside and licked my nipples. I took a while and finished my load onto her hands. Went down for quick shower and rushed to Harbourbay taxi 60k and bought bread at nearby bakery for our dinner on last ferry. My friend virgin experience in Delta and he was touching her all over, fully clothed though. She did not reject as he was handsome I guess.

Oh ya, Delta Spa increased their price and is 522k all-in with taxes as compared to previously 472k.

This trip was a good one and sparked my interest in the massages around Utama. Gonna try them out soon.
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Last edited by matong36; 01-09-2015 at 08:00 AM. Reason: Delta price
Old 01-09-2015, 08:39 AM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by localbest View Post

兔子不吃窝边草 - A rabbit doesn't eat the grass by its own burrow.

好马不吃回头草 - An ambitious horse will never return to its old stable

天涯何处无芳草 - There is always plenty of greener pasture elsewhere, why worry?
I am replying you idioms to idioms,hehehe...

1. 狡兔三窟 - A good (clever) rabbit always have more than 3 burrow. (i always have a plan B and at times plan C and plan D when in Batam)

2. 路遥知马力,日久见人心 - The strength of a horse is shown by the distance it has/can travel. The true heart of a man will be able to stand the test of time (thats why i am here writing my summaries (and guides) and earning a reputation base mainly on putting effort to provide solution/s when there is a problem/issue as accord to what i have learned). Action of a man most likely reflects the character of a person too. Focus on finding a solution and not grumbling on a problem.

3. 何必单恋一枝花 - Why stick to only one flower (a single girl/woman) in Batam when there are a whole pasture of them all around? The below is just plainly a joke continued from the 1st half of your Chinese idiom...hehehe...

Originally Posted by localbest View Post
Different people have different sexual fetish, the following is my fetish:

What's yours ?
Your sexual fetish seems...many, sounds more like your requirement for girls than fetish to me. For me,its mainly just OWE (obedient wife element) which actually covers mostly what you had share and perhaps more,hehehe...

My fetish? Hehehe...

1. Getting the Hotel massage girls to massage for my booking joint girls or massage girls from another massage joint? Its a whole new era of imagination when it comes to this fetish from thereon which i am not here to elaborate.

2. A wake up bbbj? Which act like my alarm clock in the morning.

3. Getting a bbbj and playing with a C-cup titties while surfing SBF and typing this message?

4. Bonking/fingering/tits playing my booking girl breast while she is talking to her boyfriend/sugar daddies or customer on the phone.

5. Let my booking girl massage me while she is in nude and vice versa later,follow by...hehehe...

6. "Game of throne" inside the Cinema (very normal)

7. "Game of throne" inside a Clinic with Doctor Gigi and nurse in the treatment room?

8. Etc etc etc,hehehe...

So i have share my fetish,my turn to ask,what are yours? Hehehe....

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